
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers!

Read here to find out HOW TO WIN A 25 WORD OR LESS COMPETITION:



23 May 16 2:33 PM

Cheers Nicole,
Always good to remind myself of the dos and don'ts with these competitions.

23 May 16 4:04 PM

@LuckyNicky Great blog. It's a good reminder of the dos and don'ts for WOL. Falling into the trap and getting emotional/personal and doing a sob story etc is a good point. Best to treat it can it be used for marketing their brand/product.

If the promoter fails to do a simple check other compers are bound to do their own check as I've experienced. It's a complex topic and a small twist on the original work can be sometimes acceptable. From a legal point a plagiarized answer might not be able to used for marketing purposes.

4. Tie in the product/s, brand and/or the promoter some way. Be creative but don't forget who created the competition.

For this I would add RESEARCH the promoter/brand/product to help for inspiration.
Usually I list the main features of the product to help with the brainstorming/creativity.

If possible if they have held previous WOL competitions look at what style of answer wins.
If know who is judging the competition a quick research on them. Occasional you know who is judging the competitions.

9. Don't over think it
Another good point. "KISS" principle see point 4.

For small value prizes thou I tend to avoid these as not worth spending too much time on it.

24 May 16 6:44 AM

Some worthy tips Nicole.

24 May 16 11:30 AM


24 May 16 3:55 PM

Some great comments, however I feel it depends on the judges for the comps. Often a company lets Junior staff pick a winner and this can result in sob stories/emotional entries, whereas someone who is a little more mature looks out for the creative entries. There seem to be a lot more 25 wol comps around now, so good luck everyone, happy comping.

25 May 16 9:27 AM

@bops18 Agree thou the advice would get you past a couple of cut-offs hopefully into the mix the judges are genuinely considering. I've seen some badly ran WOL competitions with promoters with egg splattered everywhere. EG the initial winner plagiarized and went way over 30 words, compers kick up a storm, rejudge the competition the person who came 2nd stays 2nd and new winner.

Yeh occasional sob stories win or even plagiarized ones. Warning thou if you plagiarize, especially on Facebook competitions you better put the running shoes on. lol.

It's very subjective thou can avoid basic errors. I like Facebook WOL competitions as can see other responses and can learn what works and doesn't.

Promoters need a "Dummy's guide how to run a competition", they get caught out with WOL thinking its easier to run. I.e. no permit required etc . This can quickly turn sour when compers point out obvious oversights.

Just remember it's all about the promoter. :)

25 May 16 11:01 AM

@bops18 If it's small value I generally don't bother. Can be good for fun/practice. Another thing to add PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. The more you do you get a feel what works or just give up on creative WOL competitions. lol I only do a few each month as need to be in the right mood.

One good thing about them the WOL/creative hurdle it tends to scare off a lot, unless it's for electronics/PC gear.

Reminds me there are a few good creative competitions I would like to do in the next few days. I need break from the endless random draws.

25 May 16 11:17 AM

@Lemond yep I often don't bother if it's too small, I like to enter comps that I actually want to win the prize for me or family not just cos it's a comp.

I am grateful that I have won a few 25 wol comps and my Dad is good at them too, you're right that it does scare off a lot of ppl, unless it's electronics = everyone and their dog comes out of the woodwork for lol.

You're also right about companies not sticking to their rules, I have been comping for years and so many (big name companies) just don't follow their own rules and that drives me nuts as I'm sure you'd agree that if we went over the limit also we might have written the winning answer.

25 May 16 5:31 PM