
I've Won | Make Use Of - Win a 9.7" iPad Pro!

Lucky I found this beauty of an email sitting in my junk folder for the last 2 days. :)
Congratulations, you won the iPad Pro 9.7" giveaway!

Well OMG!!!!!!!! What be the odds of that ... 1/3463. lol Just what I need to help enter in more competitions. :)

Thank you MakeUseOF

25 May 16 4:40 AM


Great win!!

Send some luck my way, not won a thing in 7 weeks lol

25 May 16 7:57 AM

@Annaar hehe. Check the junk emails :) Lucky I did a good clean up for my emails last weekend deleting over 2500 emails. Now around 8,900 unread ones in the inbox. Might have to go dumpster diving as I did mass delete a lot of makeusof ones. Might be some more wins in the deleted folder.

First you need to enter in a good number of competitions. I reckon the magic number for random draws be around 200-300 competitions per win assuming average 1/500 per competition. About how many I've done this month. :)

Yeh I'm pushing my luck with that win. 1/3000 that's worth about 6 months of luck entering competitions.

Lot of good cash international comps with fairly good odds. Few keeping fairly quiet. Don't want all the Aussie compers pouncing on them. I've noticed recently how competitions propagate once certain compers get the news with hundreds of friends for tagging comps etc.

25 May 16 8:28 AM

@Lemond spam folder gets a clean out prior to reading inbox... Taking out the trash is important lol

Have done at least a dozen surveys & still no iPad lol

My biggest wins have been tix to movies & fee food events.

Sometimes it's all in the name ... number of comps only give prizes to people with Anglo names ...

Wouldn't mind winning a movie tix, DVD or anything to get me excited in comping again :-)

25 May 16 8:45 AM

WOW! You've had some great wins lately. Congrats!
We need to start rubbing your belly like Buddha for some luck!

25 May 16 9:10 AM

Woohoo - awesome prize - well done

25 May 16 9:19 AM

@CeCee14 Lol. Reminds me my Lemond Fitness bike is sitting in the corner.

25 May 16 10:48 AM

Ooooh very jealous, congrats on that win! Gives me hope when I see others winning though, so I'll soldier on. Enjoy the iPad, Lemond!

25 May 16 1:25 PM

Wow what an awesome prize - congrats - wish there something like that in my junk folder lol

25 May 16 1:40 PM

Woot. Woot! Congratulations, Lemond.

25 May 16 2:15 PM

@Lemond 500 in one month? I've only done that in the last 5 hehe

25 May 16 3:00 PM


25 May 16 4:24 PM

Congratulations, great win!

25 May 16 5:13 PM

Big thanks everyone. :)
Coincidentally the odds match the first 3 digits of last weeks guessing game number which was so close.

25 May 16 5:27 PM

you ripper :) congrats

25 May 16 9:20 PM