

Thank you Admin for the prize for coming first on the leaderboard. I've been dreaming to make it to the top 3 for a couple of years and I've finally done it woohoo, that will pay for a vacuum I desperately need. Happy Comping everybody.

01 Jun 16 9:26 AM

@bop18 Big congratulations. :)

LMAO. Gee rolling in it today :) You just need some champas to go with the wins :) So that's how long it's going to take me to win on the leaderboard. hehe. Still waiting for my welcoming gift.

01 Jun 16 9:42 AM

Good work! I was 1st, 2nd & 3rd all month then dropped to 4th yesterday!

01 Jun 16 10:53 AM

@CeCee14 Had a good run, pipped at the post.

@Annaar how did you end up? Did you stay in the top 20?

01 Jun 16 11:46 AM

Congrats @bops18 You get to hear from the elusive @admin. Can you confirm that they're alive?

01 Jun 16 12:03 PM

Congrats! Hope to be in your position one day too!

01 Jun 16 1:35 PM


01 Jun 16 3:07 PM

@Lemond think about #16... How did you go?

01 Jun 16 3:08 PM

@Annaar Not sure I had an early night :). Probably 10ish, knew was safe. Way off the leaders thou lol. Just thought you would be cutting it very close. You were probably saved by none of the people with birthdays doing all the guessing games etc.

Looks like your off to a great start for June :). Good Luck for tomorrow and rest of the month.

01 Jun 16 4:01 PM

@Lemond thanks, you too!!

Seems that some who have not been around for a few days were dropped, so I moved up.

Checked my stAts & I've not won s thing in almost 2 months...

Really late night... Out to dinner & then couldn't sleep as I had 2 appointments today

01 Jun 16 4:23 PM

@Lemond ha ha yes they are alive however I thought I'd be getting double guesses this month and I am still on single guesses, but just read that 4th-20th get double guesses the following month, so at least I know I'm not going nuts.

02 Jun 16 8:55 AM

@bops18 Damn that's nuts. No double guesses. Pfttt!! I must of overlooked that in the terms and conditions.

02 Jun 16 3:03 PM