
Tips & Tricks

I am needing advice on how to track the winners of Facebook competitions. 99% of the companies don't tag the winner or private message you, so you have to scroll through your whole feed to see "if" you have won. What do you do?

07 Jun 16 9:05 AM

You can set notifications for the page. Recommend don't do the post. I get my notifications emailed. Which helps.

Also bookmark the FB competition to check back on later.
Working on how can use a spreadsheet to automate it with my bookmarks. :)

07 Jun 16 4:21 PM

i write every facebook comp down in a book then go back and actually check the comp once finished! I missed a few where the company didn't tag me...

07 Jun 16 6:50 PM

Bane of my life (arguable - lol) but I diarise in my smartphone's calendar to check back after closing date - FB announcements publicly or privately via direct messaging / newspaper classifieds - some of which you might be lucky to find online...There are at least two competition winner notification feeds to which you can subscribe - one free (on FB), one paid (web-based). I just wish that Promoters/companies contacted the winner/s - they have enough of your personal details anyway!

07 Jun 16 9:16 PM

2016 June Facebook
---> 2016 June Email
---> 2016 June Instagram
etc etc etc

2) Create a bookmark on the entry form/Post
When about to enter a competition I bookmark the entry form before submitting. This serves as I reminder if I attempt to enter again and avoid double entry months later etc also for checking back later on the winner.

3) Label the bookmark with the END DATE at the beginning.
When creating a bookmark I label it with the end date at the beginning of the label, using a consistently date format. Having a consistent method makes it easier to sort later. For my bookmarks I usually do this manually, thou in Chrome you can sort your bookmarks automatically, at your own risk.

EG June 07, 2016 : Competition Details

Note the addition of the "0" to keep the day as two digits. Makes it easier when looking at your bookmarks and also avoids any complications when sorting bookmarks. Also makes it easy if use to import into a spreadsheet etc and extract the date information from the bookmark.

4) Bookmark labeling - Use a consistent separator
If you wish to record additional information within the bookmark description use a consistent separator/s. You can choose your own protocol for a separator as long as it's consistent and unique i.e. unlikely to be used in a description Eg " : " etc etc

You can add what ever information you like eg Checked Winner, Prize , Promoter etc long as helps you remember what the bookmark is for. :)

I've decided to use XXX as checked for winner

So my bookmarks look like the following:

June 07, 2016 : Bucket of Fish & Chips : Barnacle Bills

After checking back on the bookmark
June 07, 2016 : XXX: Bucket of Fish & Chips : Barnacle Bills

5) Sort your bookmarks can do this manually or automatically
See Bookmark manager ---> Organize, and at the bottom are options to sort your bookmarks. Note once done you loose the order you entered the bookmarks in. You make want to export/save them first. I manually sort them from time to time.

6) Exporting bookmarks into HTML file.
This allows to backup your bookmarks or take them with you to import easily to another browser or PC etc etc.

To export/save bookmarks into a HTML file using Chrome. See Bookmark manager ---> Organize, and at the bottom are options to export your bookmarks.

Note: To find the relevant current month of competition bookmarks easily I've placed the "2016 June" folder as the first bookmark on the Bookmark Bar. This is so in the HTML file it appears right at the top of the page and allows for quick viewing and/or coping into a spreadsheet. I've got a hell of a lot of old bookmarks so saves time searching for the current month :).

To open the page just select the Bookmark HTML file you created and open it with the same browser you create your bookmarks for comping.

I find viewing the bookmarks in HTML format i.e. a webpage a lot easier as can increase the size etc. I view from distance from the couch when comping :). The Bookmark HTML file will display a webpage with all your bookmarks with their descriptions as links, which can click on and will open to the competition link.

You can use this list as a way to check back. If a winner has been announced etc you can update/edit your bookmark with say XXX field. Or delete the bookmark etc.

June 07, 2016 : XXX: Bucket of Fish & Chips : Barnacle Bills

You can then later export the bookmarks again to see the updated results.

07 Jun 16 10:33 PM

Damn there must be a word limit . I hate 25 WOL hehe. Lost the first part of the post.

07 Jun 16 10:35 PM

First part was about organise each month's bookmarks into folders and sub folders :)

07 Jun 16 10:35 PM

The use of a spreadsheet is optional. I find the HTML bookmark file can visual see what competitions are closed if sorted.

The advantage of the spreadsheet I can sort, filter the bookmarks without risking effecting the saved bookmarks. I.e. It's just a VIEW of the links to the competitions and bookmarks, if using the same browser. Note helps having the default browser set to the same one you use for comping.

Having a consistent date format and separators comes in handy when you want to process this file say in a spreadsheet etc automatically. Using TEXT functions to extract the information for End Date, and or Draw Date, Checked etc.

Then can sort and filter to see what competitions are closing or drawn for a particular date and checked if a winner has been announced. Then update the bookmark to show that you have checked it or delete it.

Using a book. hmmm you still have to go back to the site etc to check. If created a bookmark can click its link. Just helps if you label it with the end date and or draw date.

07 Jun 16 10:39 PM

@toxicgherkin Yeh there are a couple of groups. Pity most of the competition wins posted on the free forum are for women products and candles.

07 Jun 16 10:46 PM

The simplest method get some FB comper contacts, which will watch your back for you. Or join one of the FB groups that announce winners. They may tag you if someone has posted the win up. Not guaranteed. It's also not fool proof if friends haven't entered etc. Also if doing under the radar competitions you might not want every man/women and their dog knowing about it. I generally only sharing those only to my friend list. :)

07 Jun 16 11:42 PM

@toxicgherkin You had no luck of the irish this week with the lotto hehe. Wonder if JBHI have announced yet.

Woohoo looks like I won something with the Lotto just now :)
Update June 2016 FB bookmark :)
June 07, 2016 : XXXWON : 2 Pounds : Lottoland UK :)

07 Jun 16 11:43 PM

@Lemond @toxicgherkin Thank you for your valuable feedback. You talk about FB groups that announce winners via subscription, can you name some of them please

08 Jun 16 8:06 AM

@gaseja, hi. The FB group is called 'Competition Winners Australia'. You'll see the 'Join' button when you navigate to that FB page. The other mob is - you can register as a free or subscribing member though the latter incurs a subscription fee. I believe the members post a monthly winners list though I'm not sure if that content is available to 'guest' accounts. There's also handy search features such as looking up T&C via hyperlinks (useful for past comps that you want to find again for winner notification means etc). Again, you'd have to see what is available to you as a Guest account, otherwise, if you're willing to sign up, there's a whole slather of stuff! Good luck.

08 Jun 16 11:28 AM

@toxicgherkin I though that Lotto only allowed costly subscriptions, will double check

08 Jun 16 7:41 PM

After reading all this I think I will stick to my current method - just hope I get tagged, otherwise, miss out. There's not too many comps that are worth that bother.

08 Jun 16 8:06 PM

@Jrob71 lol Yes I explained in detailed what I do. You can pick and choose what might help. I've been adjusting how I bookmark my competitions the last couple of months, more out of necessity. You would be surprise how many good competitions are out there. Facebook competitions are only one part of it. Same applies checking back for other social media. Gee reminds me maybe I should add a Twitter Folder. I haven't tapped into those. :)

Main thing I would do is add the END DATE in a consistent manner to the description. Helps for sorting the bookmarks and checking back.

From there up to you if want to add any additional information. Maybe like checked. Or just delete the bookmark when done.

If you plan using the bookmark description for any automated use you need to design a protocol for consistent labeling to help extract the information out easily for processing. You could do that regardless if it helps you. EG WOL, CREATIVE, RANDOM classifications. Thou I generally do that by putting into separate bookmark folders each month. Any ones still going at the end of the month I move across into the new month.

For exporting bookmarks into HTML file I find easy for viewing as can enlarge the page and click away on the links. Handy for all those daily multiple entry gleam comps.
Also you may need to do this if using multiple browsers or devices to transfer your bookmarks across or share them all to friends. I think you can also save them in google or be other extensions to back them up online if so desired to use on other devices.

FB Notifications.
God I need to clean those up. My Facebook notifications sometimes sound like a pokies or pinball machine going wild. I more likely to pick up a notification in the quiet hours.

Facebook Shares
Also could share the competition posts to yourself/friend etc and use that as a bookmark list. I label my shares as well with End Dates etc :) That can be a good option as can add comments etc to your own shares. :) Thou don't can sort then according to End Date automatically. That would be handy.

Simplest method is a few eyes looking out for each other on FB. If organised could split the ones up check back later on.

09 Jun 16 12:28 AM

@Jrob71 @gaseja
Bookmarks, End Date and sort!

Good Luck :)

09 Jun 16 12:46 AM

@toxicgherkin 'Competition Winners Australia' what a Great site.
Have been accepted into the Group. I was very interested to see how many competitions are out there. I am just literally just scratching the surface and feel like a real amateur since browsing through this fb page. Thank you again!

09 Jun 16 2:51 PM

@gaseja, you're welcome!

09 Jun 16 7:54 PM

@gaseja Welcome to the winners cult. hehe. :)

If you're lucky they will tag you if you win. One of my FB contacts religiously posts a lot of winners there. I think some days that would be depressing.

Also check out FB winner profiles or other compers in that forum for competitions. Quick way to discover FB competitions. Sometimes I pick an random FB competition entry to go competition treking.

Sounds like you're beginning to understand why you need some sort of efficient method of organization competitions entered.

I finding it very handy to bookmark the post as stated above. Usually the popular ones will be posted in that forum and posted to my feed. Then click on it cross off my bookmark or removed it etc.

Just wait until you discover Instagram competitions as well!

Good Luck

09 Jun 16 10:48 PM