
I've Won

Yeah won again from my overseas sponsors Lottoland UK 2 pounds. :)

I better mark that bookmark off as checked and WON before I forget. lol Lucky was awake at the time on FB and saw the notification. They didn't tag, however they did reply to my post that had won. A good idea is to put a comment in a post, even if it's not required. Then you get a notification when someone replies to your post. :)

Also got my Ipad Pro and Smart Keyboard in the post today. Thank you to my other sponsors It looks like it was posted from just up the road from South Yarra, which explains why I got it so quick as it was only posted out on the weekend. Going to do the installation process at a friends later in the week over dinner. :)

08 Jun 16 12:29 AM

Big Congratulations mate :)

10 Jun 16 9:37 AM