
General Chatter

Just a quick note: We had to cancel the auction part of the Scout fundraiser. Unfortunately we had a house fire and everything is smoke affected. We will assess the condition of the items and offer anything that is still in reasonable condition at a later date.

10 Jun 16 7:03 PM

How are you holding up?

10 Jun 16 8:36 PM

Hope all works out for u all :)

11 Jun 16 7:50 AM

Di_D, so sorry to read this. Take care.

11 Jun 16 10:59 AM

Oh Di_D, that's awful! Hope everything turns around for you.

11 Jun 16 1:22 PM

Hope things turn around quickly for you @Di_D

11 Jun 16 2:37 PM

My daughter's room and the bathroom were gutted and the two other bedrooms are charred and soggy. The rest is black with soot with anything stored up near the ceiling melted into interesting shapes.
Main thing is everyone is fine and our two cats also ... lost one little fish.

11 Jun 16 8:41 PM

Oh no! That's really horrible. So glad you are all safe though, except little fishy dude :(

11 Jun 16 10:41 PM

@Di_D Big hug. Happy you're ok. Do you have a list of things you urgently need? There might be a few compers with spare items that could send/post over to you.

12 Jun 16 4:59 AM


12 Jun 16 7:17 AM