
General Chatter

Can I please have some thoughts on this.

Where 25 words or less comps have thousands of entries (e.g. travel prizes) do you think that they actually read and judge all the entries and choose the best entry (in their opinion) or do they save time and just draw an entry at random and if the answer is half reasonable give that the prize? Or even another method?

If they actually go through and read thousands or even tens of thousands of entries, that is an awful lot of unproductive time for a worker who I'm sure has better things to do.

17 Jun 16 3:07 PM

My understanding is that most people avoid WOL comps, so they don't get tens of thousands of entries... if I'm wrong then @lemond and @toxicgherkin will correct me.

I won one comp where they called me and told me they liked my answer...

On fb I've noticed that random entries win. guessing they have a search engine look for a particular word.

Some comps only select people with names like Smith, Charles, Brown. Citizen etc.

Perfume, candles, accessories get a LOT of entries on fb.

17 Jun 16 4:50 PM

I've entered a few FB competitions where they have very basic information regarding the entry terms, just a simple "tell us in 25 words or less..." and then when they choose a winner they come out with "congrats John Smith you were randomly selected out of all entries..." which is super frustrating.

I have won a few 25 WOL that I put 0% thought or effort into, and I've also lost heaps of 25 WOL despite being 100% confident.

And then I avoid the ones with 1,000s of entries for a small candle because it is a waste of time in my opinion.

Hot tip: get started on the LG Red Balloon giveaway on FB. Hundreds of entries, but they do go through them and choose creative winners (they like every one, assuming they do that to keep track of entries). Plus you may enter once a day with a unique entry, improves chances of being seen.

Good luck

17 Jun 16 6:04 PM

On Facebook it can be confusing when there isn't clear terms and conditions, if it's a skills or random draw.

JBHI had one recently with 500ish responses for a WOL on FB. It took them a few extra days to sort through before announcing the winners. Looked like they went for the sob stories on that one. KISS principle for WOL and something that stands out. Depends on who the judges are etc.

Occasional have seen some badly run WOL competitions with plagiarism and going over the word limit. Well they won initially before they promoter got set upon by comping forums.

I think WOL are popular as they don't require a permit in the majority of the cases. I wouldn't expect to see thousands of entries. Generally wouldn't see more then about 500 if it's a popular retailer.

18 Jun 16 2:02 AM

If you read through The terms and conditions generally it will say judged on creativity etc or random draw, saying that though, I'm sure some as random, and usually the answer doesn't even answer the question asked

18 Jun 16 8:53 AM

I won a trip to Canada a few years ago with 25 WOL, entered on the last day and have no idea how they picked my entry, but there was nearly 1000 entries I found out later.
The Uluru trip recently won was also WOL, but still at a loss for a winning formula, maybe original (I never use anything from the net, or formula), I always go for humour and think of something a bit out there. It all depends on what tickles the judges.

18 Jun 16 9:13 AM

@bj74 I entered an fb comp recently. They wanted to know favorite scene from the movie and why... the guy who won only mentioned the movie and how much he loves it and how often he watches it..

Wasn't a bad win for him... hotel accommodation and tix to something or rather...

Have noticed as well that some sob stories win, even though all the advice I've read that no one likes sob stories.

18 Jun 16 1:17 PM

@Annaar Being a SMITH, if this was true (and I don't believe it is) I'd be winning them all and I'm not.
It is just luck for some competitions and for others, the judges do take their competitions seriously and do the right thing and go on originality.
Sure I get a bit antsy when I see a "winning" answer and say to myself WTF but that is just luck of the draw. You can't win them all. It is just a numbers game. The more you enter, the more chances in life you have.

18 Jun 16 5:02 PM

@gaseja You cannot win them all!!!

I know it's a numbers game, but I'm still selective as there is no point in me entering a comp and may be winning something I don't want nor have use for.
Most people I know don't deserve expensive presents LOL

Have a look at the winners names from time to time....

I've thought same when I looked at some of the winners answers, then again may be the judge would have answered same.

As soon as I'm back at work and put some money away, I'll get the mixer I want and stop entering the comps... been trying to win it for a few years and still no luck... time to buy it me thinks.

18 Jun 16 5:20 PM

Do most WOL competitions (and I'm not talking FB ones but larger ones for holidays) publish the winners answers? I've hardly ever seen what the winners have written, but then again I haven't looked too hard.

18 Jun 16 5:30 PM

@gaseja On that note. I've got 50 international gleam comps I've found and planning to do today. lol. They are mainly for electronics and cash. On Facebook I get swamped with competitions for woman products. That constantly passing them on.

You've been helpful bringing up how compers keep organized. It has got me to tweak how I manage my competitions. :) Mainly I do with with bookmarks and end date.

The issue I'm having doing international competitions is managing different time zones. Got a lot of deadlines for the daily bonus entries. Tonight I've decided to add the time zone to prioritize which competitions to do first each day. I might start putting each one in separate folders. Got india, UK, USA are the main ones and yeh Australia.

Another idea for managing your Facebook ones is to do a pvt share and put date as reminders. Exploring using unique tags to help manage them also for sharing. I haven't got around to posting up competitions in the forum for a couple of months. I usually just share them to my FB list of compers. Looking at using tags for sharing.

19 Jun 16 3:58 AM

Generally no you don't see the winning answers, sometimes fb ones and I did see a virgin australia one which the winner didn't even answer the question ( said judged, I say random lol)

21 Jun 16 7:33 AM

I think it depends on the company - i have won 2 x big 25 or less comps this year one with hatchette Australia and the other was banana boat - i'm not sure there was 1000's of entries but the prizes were fabulous and worth me taking the time to do it well. other times i see over 25 words and entries not well thought out winning (those ones i think are random) though I've also seen some pretty nasty fallout from the serious compers.

31 Jul 16 7:53 AM