
General Chatter

Hmmmm... Im not getting any daily entry points today. Whats going on?

01 Jul 16 11:05 AM

view one comp and the points will show

01 Jul 16 12:40 PM

Cheers for that... I was avoiding looking at competitions all day as I thought the points wouldn't be attributed. After all that waiting got rewarded with 1 bonus random point, haha, devastating.

02 Jul 16 12:53 PM

The new system of 10 daily points being the maximum is ok as it rewards those more who view all the competitions and participate daily in the guessing game, but it now disproportionately rewards those who have a birthday during the month as they still get 50 points.

02 Jul 16 3:30 PM

I got 3 points on day one ... of t a brilliant start ;-)

02 Jul 16 4:35 PM

Oh no way... I didn't notice the maximum had changed! Guess I'd better hold out until my birthday in November.

02 Jul 16 6:42 PM

oh wow... I didn't notice the daily points system had changed, now they just need to get rid of birthday points to make it fair. I didn't mind the other way, it was random and I'm wondering how it will work now, if a lot of ppl will share the winning money.

04 Jul 16 7:26 PM

Argh turn my back for a few days. Will have to check the spreadsheet and what effect birthdays would have etc. Rough guess massive! Think the effect could be classified as "unfair", if the birthday bonus points remained at 50 points. Will double check later on exact effect, intuition is saying don't bother. Lol

05 Jul 16 12:14 AM

@bops18 It would be great/professional if the @admin notified and updated the terms and conditions for the daily random points to reflect this. Either a reoccurring abnormality in the daily random point system or it's a failure to notify and update the terms and conditions. Hmmm now for a "competitions" forum site they may of crossed the event horizon some time back towards the black hole of 'unprofessionalism'. As no light can escape a black hole this can not be confirmed! @Admin will need to break all known laws of science to escape intact if they have indeed slipped past the point of no return.

05 Jul 16 12:52 AM

@spyglass agreed ! From the top of my head would guess at the end of the month the spread of random points be around +_ 30 points from the average total daily points. Statistically 'guaranteeing' all those with birthdays to end up in the top positions. Assuming don't miss too many viewed competitions and bithday bonus remains at 50 points etc.
Now if indeed the daily random points has been permanently altered to (1-10) for every missed competition, for everyone else this probably results in a drop of one spot on the leaderboard at the end of the month. Miss around 25 competitions would expect unlikely to make the top 20. Will check later on my spreadsheet what the expected results would be statiscally.

05 Jul 16 1:07 AM