

Sigh 16 daily points from 4 days. How the hell still in top 20. Lol. Hmmm ok what's up with the random daily points. Been crook so haven't been keeping a rough eye on it has it changed to max 10 daily points.?

04 Jul 16 11:57 PM

And 20 from 5 days. Ok haven't had a good look what's happening yet thou having a birthday is hitting the jackpot!

05 Jul 16 12:03 AM

Hope you are feeling better!! I'm crook today... must be going around LOL

Daily Max is now 10 not 50

05 Jul 16 9:01 AM

@Annaar ok just noticed the change in the terms etc. hmmm and 50 points for your birthday. God should of converted by mate to comping and join it's their birthday today. Well that's going to kill the leaderboard competition. I will have to wait till next April :( Least it's still got a friendly forum.

05 Jul 16 2:13 PM

@Lemond Leader board will definitely get interesting. I've noticed that a lot of people don't play the guessing game..... wonder why

05 Jul 16 5:25 PM

For the first time (possibly the last time) worked at the Federal Election. Absolutely bug#3red! Started at 6 am Saturday morning, hobbling into bed at 4:30 am Sunday morning. 2IC at my local polling station. Needless to say, I've been off my comping game. On an LOL front, that doco I was in for the St Kilda film festival ended up showing at the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival, and was (apparently) crowd favourite. Umm...Have doubled the security detail, and worked out alternate routes to evade the paparazzi! ;)

05 Jul 16 8:47 PM

@toxicgherkin Do we have a clear 'winner' yet?

05 Jul 16 8:55 PM

@toxicgherkin Big hug. @Annaar Sounds like @toxicgherkin doesn't give a damn who won that voting competition. Just hand him a bottle of whiskey.

Looks like the only suggestion made to this site was your quip regarding not winning in your birthday month. See you back in December to claim it. :).

Hmmm were the terms updated in the last day to max of 10 for the daily random points? I suspect it could of been unintentional and was only noticed after a few days so have stuck with it. I.e. The first of Feb it was temporarily had set limits until fixed late that night. The could of made an announcement of the change leading up to the start of the month and got feedback etc. For approx 92% of members each month the leaderboard comp has become irrelevant if it's 50 bonus points for a birthday. Maybe a "fairer" bonus give an extra daily guess for the month for the guessing game.

05 Jul 16 10:36 PM

@toxicgherkin congrats on the short doco is there a YouTube video we can have a look?

05 Jul 16 10:38 PM

@toxicgherkin is there any clips?

05 Jul 16 10:46 PM

@Lemond, no clips. That's one saving grace. Everyone will have to save their rotten tomatoes for another day...oh, they're rotten...ummm.

06 Jul 16 10:17 PM

They also have changed the double guesses for winners 4-50th instead of 4-20th place.

07 Jul 16 11:30 AM

@bops18 I'm only getting one guess and I finished somewhere in the mid 20's last month

07 Jul 16 12:02 PM

@Mandi_22 the rules have changed... the highest score now is 10 not 50

07 Jul 16 3:38 PM

@Mandi_22 First of the month... Don't thank me. Thank @spyglass, he brought it to my attention.

10 Jul 16 12:41 PM