
General Chatter

As Im new to comping, Im wondering what the likelihood of winning is. I have started entering on a daily basis ( about 200 comps so far). Could i be hoping for a win in the coming weeks, months or ever. Im spending about an hour a day and am wondering if its worth it.

17 Jul 16 8:46 AM

It's a numbers game @brendai As the saying goes "The harder I try, the luckier I get". As long as you enter at least one comp per day, everyday consistently, you will win something.

17 Jul 16 9:14 AM

Thanks gaseja. Will keep at it

17 Jul 16 12:51 PM

Like everything in life...its competitive as most things are.
In the end its a matter of choice and if its worth it for you.

17 Jul 16 2:44 PM

I'm out of work and mostly only enter comps for the things that I need and some little luxuries that I want.

Sometimes if I need a gift, but since I mostly don't win, I end up buying the gift lol

17 Jul 16 6:47 PM

keep going this is the first year I have documented my wins and i'm blown away by the amount of prizes and the value

31 Jul 16 7:35 AM