
I've Won


Hi All!

I used to be the sort of person that thought, "Why bother entering, you NEVER Win".

I decided to try though, and now 2 years and 500 Wins later I'm CELEBRATING with
my 500th Win today being;


Which only goes to show how Lucky you can be, and no, I didn't sell my Soul to do it.
There is no picture of me hanging hidden in some locked attic somewhere that ages
that bit more every time I Win. I won't deny though, I DO like Black Cats, you could
say that I'm 'familiar' with them . . .

So go to it, this site's FULL of entry forms and Comps.

Try your Luck!

I'm living proof, you never know your Luck!

Sending ULTRA Lucky Vibes to all! : )


29 Jul 16 7:26 PM

Congratulations @Inwithachance, good to see you back. Was it a WOL?

30 Jul 16 6:32 AM

Congrats. @inwithachance. @Slouise I think I remember doing that one and yes it was a WOL one.

30 Jul 16 9:39 AM

@Slouise @Slouise Thanks, yes WOL.

30 Jul 16 12:41 PM

@gemini69 Thanks.

30 Jul 16 12:42 PM

@Inwithachance congratulations! and enjoy the holiday.

30 Jul 16 6:18 PM

hahah awesome, thinking where you been ? then i jumped on here . Have fun in Greece ! how did you win it ?25 words or less?

30 Jul 16 8:06 PM

Congrats, fantastic fin!!

31 Jul 16 11:13 AM

@fourleaf Thanks : )

31 Jul 16 12:51 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. Yes 25 WOL.

31 Jul 16 12:51 PM

@Anna2077 Thanks.

31 Jul 16 12:52 PM

Wow massive congrats @Inwithachance! Your success is really encouraging to show it can be done!

How do you do it? What is your secret?

I've been comping for 2 years also. But in a huge contrast to your mind-blowing 500 wins, i've only won 10 prizes in 2 years! Mostly DVDs/books and nothing over $100 value. I enter an average of 250 comps per month. I enter both WOL and simple entry but not the 'get the highest votes' type comps. Do you have any tips you'd be willing to share?

Congratulations again!

31 Jul 16 2:30 PM

lol i knew it , your like the king of 25 words or less. Good on ya

31 Jul 16 5:46 PM

@bbjsr Thanks. Luck is Luck. I'm still pinching myself over all my Wins. Random draws I Win. WOL I Win. No matter how good your entry is, another judge/s on another day may have picked someone else OR if that one more person had entered they might have chosen them instead. Good to hear you find it encouraging. The whole point of my mentioning it IS just that, to encourage. I am the first to admit, ULTIMATELY it is ALL Luck. I mean it's not as if I'm a Warlock or anything. . . Good Luck to YOU! : )

01 Aug 16 12:03 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. The King? Meh, just a Lucky Duck!

01 Aug 16 12:03 PM

@Inwithachance nah , your king ! ive read your 25 words of less before , your pretty awesome at it. Enjoy your trip ! have you won any other holidays before?

01 Aug 16 3:08 PM

@Inwithachance Winning a comp almost every day makes you the king of comping.
Have fun in Greece!

01 Aug 16 6:27 PM

good work inwithachance

01 Aug 16 10:52 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. I Won a Cruise last December. Good Luck.

02 Aug 16 12:16 AM

@Anna2077 Thanks. Best of Luck.

02 Aug 16 12:16 AM

@Goldmember @Goldmember Thanks!

02 Aug 16 12:17 AM