
General Chatter

I started documenting my wins this year and I'm amazed how much i have actually won! before it was kinda random and i had no idea.
WoW some incredible prizes and cash. i'm wondering if anyone else documents their wins and how? I write win # 1 2 3 etc then value and which company and total for the year in my diary, is there a more efficient way I'm not into apps or spreadsheets???

31 Jul 16 8:01 AM

Not really. I just keep all the winning congratulations letters. I have draws full over the years. I have culled the minor prize letters though and kept the bigger prize letters. Or e-mails in a folder to keep. :)

31 Jul 16 8:59 AM

I run a spread sheet that covers all my entries, if it's a win then I move the prize to a different column ... sadly I've hit the dry spell. Prior to that I've won a few movie tix, entries to festivals and managed one DVD lol

31 Jul 16 11:15 AM

@Anna2077 That's impressive - I haven't started documenting each entry i put in yet - perhaps i should so i can look out for the results, and i suppose the response too (so i remember what i say and perhaps reword it for other entries could save lots of time)

31 Jul 16 1:09 PM

@gemini69 wow a draw full of winning letters - be a good pick me up when hit a dry spell!!!To reread them :)

31 Jul 16 1:10 PM

I have a spreadsheet for comp entries which has a page for wins (plus WOL entry if applicable). I save win emails in a label/folder in my email and posted letters in a draw. Only 10 wins in 2 years so it is not too taxing to keep track of them :)

31 Jul 16 2:54 PM

@Andieharrie I log each entry after I enter... it's a simple spread sheet, should work on it to make it a bit more comprehensive.... will leave it for xmas time :-)

31 Jul 16 4:21 PM

I added up mine earlier this year. I agree it is surprising when you look at the list and helps me to stay motivated when I haven't won anything for a few weeks.

31 Jul 16 6:06 PM

@Andiharrie that has been over a 10 year if not more period of comping . So not that many wins really.

31 Jul 16 8:53 PM

@gaseja few weeks?? I've not won a thing in 3 months!

31 Jul 16 10:14 PM

@Anna2077 Pain & Persistence lessens Resistance is my motto. Hang in there. Your day will come soon. You're probably just building yourself up for a HUGE win.

01 Aug 16 9:14 AM

I've got a book in which I write down the prize and sometimes where it came from, if i know. I don't keep track of entered comps tho. I'm lazy so I try and keep it simple.

01 Aug 16 1:14 PM

@gaseja Nice to win something from time to time. A book, movie ticket, CD, DVD, dinner ... it's a gift even if you put some work into getting it :-) A win is a win... hoping to win Nutribullet for birthday, iPad or a mixer for Easter...

Nice to win a few luxurious items that buying is not a priority but you eventually buy if you need it.... right now Nurtirbullet would have come in handy as I have both writs inflamed and using a blender is out of the question ...

01 Aug 16 1:34 PM

I have a word document where I keep all my WOL answers, and a couple of excel spreadsheets showing comps I've entered and their end dates, and which comps I won.

02 Aug 16 2:18 PM

thank you I think I'll have to do a spread sheet

03 Aug 16 5:09 PM