
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers!


See you in the comments,



16 Aug 16 2:50 PM

Thanks again @LuckyNicky, great advice. I don't give up and always try to keep a positive attitude and determination. Like to try all types of comps but I prioritise what to enter first to the ones I like the best. More effective time wise and I think there's a better chance of winning for me that way because I like creativity.

I love entering 25 WOLs but it's really disappointing seeing someone copying your answer further down a FB page for example. Three times I've shared a multiple prize comp on FB with someone who's copied my unique answer that's only had a couple of words changed, in one case a direct copy and paste.

I never go into sob stories,and if I see them find them really sad so I can imagine how the judges feel after reading 100s of them! Mother's Day comps are full of them (shudder) and I'm sure not all Mum's are housewives who've experienced hard times raising 10 children. (Ok..I know there are real cases though). What about Mums who've had great careers or Mums who have done some really positive things! I try to keep the answers unique and a little upbeat. If you have a chance I'd like to see an article or some advice on how to get the best out of comping time. Some days I only have a couple of hours if that...any hints would be appreciated. :)

17 Aug 16 8:06 PM

I agree I hate sob stories, it really bothers me. I would also like to know how much time other people spend on comping.
I spend maybe an hour a day, I have two kids under 4 and work full time so I don't get a lot of free time, but I'd love to know what the average time is for people to spend on this hobby.

18 Aug 16 9:39 PM

12 hours a day

19 Aug 16 12:37 AM

The Park Roayl comp.. few said their favorite place is the Park Royal.. will be tough call for them to select the winner LOL

Way to many said Darling Harbor. Surely there is more to Sydney then Darling Harbor!

19 Aug 16 12:26 PM

@Alittlebitoffun, power to you! I spend a couple of hours a day, sometimes a bit more depending on how much time and e-mail etc I have. Sometimes I mull over an answer for a bit.

@pizzaman111 - that's impressive!

19 Aug 16 12:38 PM

Yep! Love the Northern Beaches myself.

19 Aug 16 12:44 PM

@fourleaf Darling Harbour when it first opened was good.. now it's too commercialized, way to concrete for me...

Not entering the comp, few hours ago they had 425 entries...too many people and chance of different answering being copied is high.. then it will all fall under 'name and profile' I guess and let's just say my name is not Smith ;-)

19 Aug 16 2:22 PM

i spent 12 hours writing my answer for that - i better win

19 Aug 16 9:19 PM

I've been spending so much time comping these days - all I eat is pizza no time to cook . I have won 15,000 dollars worth of prizes this month. I won a tv, a sony xperia x, 1000 dollar gift card, and the new zealand eddie the eagle comp from today. I'm not sure if I'm going to too busy comping. comp comp comp

19 Aug 16 9:22 PM

@pizzaman111 took you 12 hours to write an answer to stay at park royal darling harbor?

20 Aug 16 1:37 PM


20 Aug 16 4:18 PM

@pizzaman111 does that ever work?

20 Aug 16 4:31 PM

Yes I have won 15,000 dollars worth of prizes this month

20 Aug 16 4:36 PM

I'm thinking about having a comping party - just bring a laptop - we all comp together at the library and eat pizza.

20 Aug 16 4:37 PM

@pizzaman111 that's even more impressive! congrats! I've spent a long time on answers sometimes. Depending on the comp - it does pay off. Love pizza, count me in on the comping party lol!

20 Aug 16 5:11 PM

Cool @fourleaf we better not go the library we can't talk don't worry I got lots of wi-fi at my place.
What flavour you want.

20 Aug 16 5:17 PM

@pizzaman111 very impressive!! I've not won a thing in ages. Do put a lot of effort into it, but first thing that comes to mind i find is usually the best. :-)

20 Aug 16 8:20 PM

@fourleaf Enter the comp!! I scanned through most of the 500 entries and lost count of I love Darling Harbor, few too many mention the rocks and the zoo.

So much to Sydney and they all harp on about Darling Harbor. Small percentage did he I love the park royal ..

20 Aug 16 8:22 PM

@pizzaman111 This looks good!

21 Aug 16 3:59 PM

@Anna2077 Looks like it's closed, nevermind next time...
Lived in Sydney for ages, so many great (and hidden) places.

21 Aug 16 4:04 PM

@fourleaf i know!! Darling Harbor used to be great when it opened. Now it's too touristy, expensive and meah

21 Aug 16 5:06 PM

Parking is the worse
Leichardt is my favourite place now.

21 Aug 16 10:23 PM

@pizzaman111 there is nothing there... so many good shops have shut down.

21 Aug 16 10:44 PM

Best pizza and pasta there! Best restaurants!

22 Aug 16 12:22 AM

@pizzaman111 Newtown/Enmore for the inner west :-)

22 Aug 16 9:35 AM

Never been there.
Any suggestions of good places?

22 Aug 16 3:41 PM

@pizzaman111 Really? Osteria di Russo & Russo; Black Star Pastry and a million other places. Coffee, bars, burgers, fine dining, casual dining...

22 Aug 16 7:08 PM