
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers,

Here's How to stay safe in a digital world on the Blog:

Be careful where you give your personal details!!



28 Aug 16 2:41 PM

Good blog especially regarding date of birth.

If Optus is reading, if the alledged Optus sales call regarding changing plans or whatever they wanted, when they asked for DOB early in the conversation, that's' the reason I cut them off abruptly! Even if was genuine call, they asked way to early that question. Wasn't sure what they wanted etc. If want to change plans , I may contact you. Then will ask straight up your personal details to confirm identity. Also should check first I'm not passing on my details to an oversea call centre, with unknown privacy laws.
They could of explained options for plans without asking for personal details.

@admin Hmmm how does the blog advice sit with the "Birthday" leaderboard competition? Is it ok long as the birthday given the same actual month? Or OK to pick any date long as stick to one date? And may I select August 31 if not already taken. Thou not many birthdays from memory in my month. I'll have think about it. Damn points are frozen at the South Pole this month.

I wonder if the stats for Dec 31 or Jan 1 are abnormally high!

29 Aug 16 12:18 AM

@Lemond The biggest problem is that all telco's have their call centers off shore.. usually Malaysia

29 Aug 16 1:16 PM


The joys of Facebook and comping. Got my first direct scam tonight. Need to add how to spot an obvious fake FB profile. Google any profile pics/images is a good start and cross reference any details you can find. :)

Why also good to keep a record of what competitions you have entered. Eg using bookmarks etc so can cross reference your own records for the "competition". Be highly suspicious to win when you didn't even enter. :)

09 Sep 16 9:31 PM

Great advice Lemond!

14 Sep 16 4:23 PM