
General Chatter

My guessing number is 632 but I didn't get prize ? Why? Please explain this . Thank you.

29 Aug 16 11:25 AM

Thank you.

29 Aug 16 12:21 PM

Even though you had the winning number, this weeks winner would of entered it before you, as there's only 1 winner a week, keep trying though, good luck

29 Aug 16 1:32 PM

Hi, it's the first person to guess it.

29 Aug 16 3:14 PM

@bj74 So what would be your strategy to maximise your chances for the guessing game?

29 Aug 16 10:32 PM

@Lemond have no idea, I've won it once but it all comes down to luck

30 Aug 16 11:46 AM

@bj74 lol not giving away your secrets. :). Hint was in your reply to shuching. The early bird gets the worm, unless it's the first day of the month and the leader board bugs come out to bite! Thou the new system of 10 daily points chances are your better off till its corrected. Lol
X fingers killed that bug for good.

The question was hinting how to improve your chances to help avoid shuching scenario?

Imagine first day xxx number of people guessing repeated each day. Wonder on average how many days it take for someone to guess correctly. Given the average amount of participants each week be mathematical way to estimate it. Most times it's guessed correctly. Then you could compare a random approach verses picking favourite numbers. Probably a random approach is slightly better. There might be numbers which aren't guessed as often, if chosen from favourite numbers. For lotto stats prove like birthday dates etc used often. So if win and use those more likely be split a multiple ways. This reduces the favourable outcome. Applicable definitely for big draws of Lotto and wishing to buy every combination etc. lol

Luck always helps, thou depending on the competition some strategies help improve your chances.

31 Aug 16 9:52 AM