
I've Won

Some nice pickups during last week...

$50 VISA pre-loaded debit card, courtesy of Soleurs (annual readership survey) - 1 of 3 nationally.

Hydrofoil MINIDRONE by Parrot + Allegiant DVD, thanks to FOXTEL, though when that will arrive is any one's guess? Perhaps via 'air-mail'? Lol

Surprise win from Lenovo - global winner! The consignment has landed in Melbourne. Excited! The package was a few kg but might just reflect excessive packaging? If it's a laptop, that would be my third for the year! One (ASUS) went to my son. The other (another ASUS) went to my partner. My laptop (previously on long-term loan from my partner) is karking it, so a replacement would be much valued, though I shan't get my hopes up!

Hoping everyone else is enjoying their comping. Keep plugging away, all. You have to be in it, to win it! :)

01 Sep 16 9:43 AM


winnings are slim, few movie tix here and there.

Entered hotel stay comp and won consolation prize, entry into event. lol Weekend in a hotel with dinners paid would have been lovely

01 Sep 16 12:47 PM

Congratulations :)

01 Sep 16 8:31 PM

Lots of congratulations!

02 Sep 16 10:18 AM

how is it that you win some many things weekly???

13 Sep 16 4:43 PM

@yesyes The post was a bit of a catchup though over a shorter period. Actually it's been a bit of a dry spell. I've been working more (casually), with less time for comping. Swings and roundabouts though it's been great feeling well enough to work, in recent times. Medical condition, and all that, makes things quite miserable...

13 Sep 16 8:45 PM

@yesyes Might be as we keep him happy feeding comps :)

15 Sep 16 9:10 PM