
General Chatter

SPRING you subscribe to this seasonal event?...and if you do, would you consider cleaning at mine..? ;)

01 Sep 16 7:26 PM

lol have being doing my in mine slowly during my comping downtime the last couple of months. Found a toaster I didn't know I had. Might of been the cause of bug problem.
Aim to do finish it tonight. Bit of self displine no comping until it's done. 2 months later. :(

Been on a crusade debugging. We've come to a truce they get to stay on my neighbours side. Might of actually won that war. Famous last words.

01 Sep 16 7:44 PM

I enjoy spring cleaning - as long as someone is looking after my kids - spring cleaning with a 2 year old and 4 year old is like brushing your teeth with Oreos lol

01 Sep 16 8:57 PM

@Alittlebitoffun does toothpaste now in Oreo flavour? Where can I get it please? Lol

What was the point. cleaning. Sigh time to shove any mess into a hiding place to discover at Xmas time.

02 Sep 16 8:04 AM

Aah..leave that one to you toxic!

02 Sep 16 10:20 AM

@toxicgherkin I do subscribe and in the middle of mine now.. includes home/puter/photos/bookmarks

bookmarks will take the longest

02 Sep 16 11:56 AM

@toxicgherkin Get a shovel and couple of stakes ,or even steaks and put the dogs to work to dig a hole. Bury the things you don't use often. Label the stake with the year. There you go got a time capsule and done the cleaning at the same time. :)

Or in St Kilda, you just put it on the nature stip and it majically disappears. Just dont put any suitcases out accidently with valuables in it and turn your back.

02 Sep 16 4:07 PM

My point was - brushing your teeth with Oreos and cleaning with kids are two pointless time wasting exercises. While your cleaning one room they are in the one you just finished trashing it. 8 hours later and it looks no different than it did before I started lol

02 Sep 16 5:24 PM

@Alittlebitoffun I cleaned the house when other half was out (an ex) .... 15 minutes after he came home,went into the bathroom then kitchen the place was a mess.... how the hell he did it never understood. ... bathroom to wash hands/ kitchen to get a cuppa.

Dirtier then before I started cleaning.

02 Sep 16 5:47 PM

@Alittlebitoffun lol. Only other solution designate a room to hide the trash and kids in together. Just write off as a lost cause.

02 Sep 16 8:54 PM also

has the codes the next day :)

07 Sep 16 10:36 AM

@JoLee How will they help with the Spring cleaning? lol.

07 Sep 16 1:35 PM

Oops,wrong forum

07 Sep 16 6:54 PM

If spring cleaning means digging out the peas, adding manure and planting tomatoes then 'Yes' I do spring cleaning.

11 Sep 16 8:01 PM

@jrob71 - not sure that counts but what are your professional rates? you in now....It's like Australian Survivor in my backyard! Jungle aka weeds

12 Sep 16 9:25 AM

@toxicgherkin Any hidden idols/prizes in that jungle?
Will have to search about for some whipper snipper comps for you. :)

12 Sep 16 5:58 PM

@Lemond If there was a market for dog manure, I might just be rich by now! lol

13 Sep 16 9:24 AM

@toxicgherkin Argh stepped right into that one. Hehe

Maybe find comp for one of those jet hoses instead of the whipper snipper.

13 Sep 16 11:01 AM

@Lemond maybe I'll send the minidrone (yes, finally arrived) out on a backyard reconnaisance mission ... lol

13 Sep 16 11:22 AM

@toxicgherkin Great. Congrats. Just in time for someones birthday. :)

I sent you a comp early for a delux model, if it doesn't cut it. :)
I love the idea of the drone with grappling hook . Think of how much fun you could have with that. hehe

13 Sep 16 5:31 PM

@Lemond Is anyone else thinking 'Barrel of Monkeys'...? ;) Just makes it oh so much harder..I'm up for that! Drones rule. Resistance is futile!

13 Sep 16 8:39 PM

@toxicgherkin I was thinking pooper scooper. That idea in the video needs work. Should use a strong magnet. Could have a magnetic cloth to pick up and drop off. :)

13 Sep 16 11:06 PM