
General Chatter

@admin, I've just gone on to do my daily guessing game and it says it's already been recorded when I haven't even guessed today😳

08 Sep 16 6:21 AM

Still saying I've guessed today, please fix it @admin

08 Sep 16 10:32 AM

I'm having the same problem

08 Sep 16 12:35 PM

Maybe it's over a 24 hr period now, I think I guessed about 2.30 pm yesterday, so I'll see if it's changed by then@rianlana

08 Sep 16 1:29 PM

Fingers crossed. I'll also check back later on. Hopefully we'll both be fine.

08 Sep 16 1:43 PM

Nope still the same, @admin!!!!

08 Sep 16 3:36 PM

@bj74 @rianlana

Unusual, it was working alright at midnight.

I think @MammaPigga84 used to have that problem regularly :(.

Try and use another internet browser, check its settings or if possible use another device. eg phone.

Did it register your guesses for today?

Any ideas what might of caused the issue? Like dropping connection at the wrong moment.

Has there been a mass problem with compers today with that? Or any idea roughly what time you logged in. If the issue occurred during a specific time period. It might help @admin to track it down if an reoccurring issue. Any luck they might have the logs for that.

Also probably need to adjust the guessing game bonus points down, as now extra weight on the leader board as previously suggested. It's not causing any bias as everyone gets them. Just if miss a day it may "discourage" being active for the rest of the month. :( Loosing 50 points rules any realistic chance out unless of course it's your birthday. :)

Where are the birthdays hiding out? What are the odds no birthdays showing up on the leader board for 50 or more members for over a month.

@admin Had an issue last week and earlier this week with a competition not registering as viewed. No biggie thou annoying. It reappeared then toggled options then still didn't register the competition point when viewed.

08 Sep 16 3:37 PM

I've always just used my phone so I'm not sure what the problem is, I actually missed 2 weeks last month as I was on holiday so was only able to enter every so often, I have messaged admin on fb but no one ever seems to answer. , hopefully will be fixed by tomorrow, @Lemond

08 Sep 16 3:56 PM

Same thing happened to me.I also logged in to do the guessing game early this morning and it said I have already done it??
I just tried again now at 6.51 but again says my guess was recorded.
So I have only 350 points and should be 400 as I have not missed a day
I contacted admin early this morning and as yet not got a reply

08 Sep 16 6:55 PM

@Winner1 Ouch! Remind me to not to log in early tomorrow. Best start since joining one year and 1 day ago . :)

On the bright side, if the admin can't fix it my odds might of just improved. One sec while I put the running shoes on.

08 Sep 16 6:58 PM

@Winner1 Might need to start an @admin Mexican wave or Conga Line to get their attention. :)

08 Sep 16 7:04 PM

@bj74 Well until this last 6 days I used mobile. Possible dropped out at the wrong moment. I.e. between clicking the sending the guess and them receiving the message. Somewhere in that process. Guess depends how it's all been implemented at the server end.

Probably similar/related to why on the odd occasion don't receive a point for a competition viewed.

I would try a different internet browser as the first option and/or device. Could be like a cookie saves details like have done the guess for the day. God knows what's happened. I've only noticed this issue on the odd occasion for a couple of people.

08 Sep 16 7:09 PM

@bj74 @Winner1 @rianlana

For at least 3 people to have an issue with not receiving their daily guess/points there might be something related. Any ideas how to avoid this issue or possible cause?

If placing bets when the issue might of occurred. Looks around 5-10am, leaning towards 5-7am period. Thou not 100% missed points during those times.

Seems to be an increase of people who missed the points for the guessing game at the bottom quarter of the leader board table listed today.

08 Sep 16 7:29 PM

Definitely not impressed especially that I have messaged them on fb and they have been on there today too, I don't really care about missing a guess just the huge points I'm missing out on, hopefully tomorrow it will be resolved @Lemond

08 Sep 16 8:43 PM

@bj74 Patience.

In a year I've only seem the @admin message on the forum like twice.
It's "disappointing". Can only hope it's resolved before the end of the month. To fix points in an ad hoc manner for individual members might be an issue. Eg Might risk upsetting the system. In the meanwhile I would carry on as usual.

The leader board/daily points is a nice daily pick me up.

@Admin A brief message stating looking into it would be great. :)

08 Sep 16 8:56 PM

@bj74 No issues for me at 12:11 AM :)

09 Sep 16 12:12 AM

All good today, would be nice to have the 50 bonus points that I've , plus others who have missed out on, oh well , guess I'll have to wait until October now!!!!@Lemond

09 Sep 16 6:48 AM

@bj74 It be nice to know what causes that occassional issue. It could be at either end. Needs a way to automatically check/reset that inconsistency.

09 Sep 16 9:54 AM

Same here, I've only ever entered on my phone or iPad and never have had a problem before@Lemond

09 Sep 16 10:08 AM

Yes all good for me today but I want the extra 50 points I missed out on when I tried to do the guessing game and want my guessing numbers included
No reply from me contacting them too!!!

09 Sep 16 10:31 AM

@Winner1 Least today all ok. You all need to join a Conga line and @admin.

If reoccurs too often it won't be a pretty site!

It might be in the too hard basket to fix quickly.

Assuming all info is stored In database, it might be hard to manually fix once the day has passed. Might have to enter in your guesses for that day manually or insert query then regenerate your leader board scores. Time stamping of guesses, might be an issue thou.

X fingers don't end up wiping everyone else's scores for the month in the process, if not careful.

Also a good case for reducing the guessing game bonus points to a handful. 50 points is a massive penalty now.

Whatever system used for the random daily points it effects the weights of other bonus points to the leader board outcome. It's a complex and interesting competition, will give it that. It highlights the more persistent compers. Lol

There are some clear benefits for the (1-10) random points system putting more emphasis on comps viewed. Disadvantages it's exaggerated/highlighted any weaknesses. It's a fine balancing act to keep it interesting for promotional value and its integrity.

Could of kept it at 50 random daily points and adjusted the points for each competition viewed. I've haven't put those in the model as that opportunity is equal for all. I'm not going to recommend a value for that scenario, until had peaked at that option. Good idea for next stage to model each random points system and how the points transpose across. There's mathematically ways see normal distribution and z scores.

09 Sep 16 11:45 AM

Definitely agree @lemond about the conga line! Contacted support at 6.40 am yesterday morning as soon as it happened AND NO RESPONSE AT ALL have I received!!

09 Sep 16 5:41 PM

@Winner1 6:40AM not a nice start to the day. Unless they are on another timezone probably still recovering from a hangover. lol

The joys of the leader board comp must be giving them a few headaches. I hope they are persistent to get all the bugs out and keep it continuing.

@admin the occasional notification or response would be great or even professional. :)

09 Sep 16 7:46 PM

@bj74 RE : Same here, I've only ever entered on my phone or iPad and never have had a problem before

Same for a year haven't had an issue unless put in a previous guessed number. Just noticed one comper having regular issues with it.

Might be a common link.

I try and keep to a particular order, logging into the home page first then do the guessing game. That way I know its logged in correctly etc.

Other suggestions could be your clock/date on the device is out compared to the site. That might cause some issues. It shouldn't! I've occasional come across sites/gleam comps that occurs, where I've lost a days bonus entries as my clock was just slightly out. Was doing a last minute daily bonus entries.

10 Sep 16 1:02 PM

@admin where is your response to my problem ?
I not only have missed out on the 50 points for the guessing game but am now 2 number guesses for tomorrows draw. !!!!

10 Sep 16 7:58 PM

@Winner1 try emailing :)

11 Sep 16 8:23 AM

@lemond thanks but I did contact them through the contact us and will try it again

12 Sep 16 4:07 PM

HI we will investigate and make any necessary adjustments. Thanks

12 Sep 16 5:30 PM

@bj74 @Winner1 @rianlana There you go. Good Luck. :)
Doh! More competition for the leader board this month. I've only noticed the one birthday so far this month. Must be a few coming up soon. :)

12 Sep 16 5:48 PM

@lemond I will just wait and see!!

13 Sep 16 7:11 AM

Thanks @admin

13 Sep 16 7:42 AM

I would say there will be a few more birthdays near the end of the month and beginning of October ( New Years eve babies, lol, I should know , got 2 myself, lol)@Lemond

13 Sep 16 7:45 AM

@bj74 lol. Happy birthday @Laurenl and @arnoud_thoma for this month. :)

13 Sep 16 5:34 PM

@admin, I'm potentially missing points but totes unsure if I missed a day due to busy daily activity or accessed and didn't get points. Would you be able to check that for me.? I've absolutely no idea though possible I missed a game selection.

13 Sep 16 8:42 PM

@toxicgherkin It wasn't the same day. Hmmm I think you missed it a few of days ago. Was sometime around the Friday to Sunday was wondering what happened, you are always missed. We need some new winners this month for a change. :)

Check your number of guesses entered for the last week.

Sigh somehow a couple of competitions got away. Damn trying to flick the options to find them. I know one was early on expired. Somethings not quite right with the way it works. Occasional they don't register the points being view thou display as viewed.

Hmm the pepper pig comp just showed briefly as not entered, when I flicked the saved/non interested options then clicked and didn't add. Was about 11:50 PM just before expiring. Had the same of issue the other competition in the first week. Also last month something similar.

Wonder if all related. If switching devices too quickly etc is an issue. Will have to be more carefully ticking off the comps.

13 Sep 16 10:58 PM

@admin @Zedmin, how much of a headsup on competitions for posting do you get? Last week there was a spate of comps with extremely short lifespan, and I missed out on several due to various reasons. If you do get an appreciable amount of time, I would respectfully ask you don't 'bank them' then flood the daily roster with short-dated comps. On that score, I do think you should allow daily points within the month for clicking on expired content, even if it means not actually entering. Thoughts?

14 Sep 16 7:09 AM

@toxicgherkin Hmm for expired comps. It's the "skill" part of the leader board competition. I dare not touch those in case the old bug of loosing points reoccurs.

It's annoying for creative comps and ones with bonus daily entries which are routinely posted up late. I couple of reoccurring comps come to mind.

14 Sep 16 12:43 PM

@toxicgherkin In the past noticed some late comps post are re-post /double posts possible to bring to compers attention etc. You might have a point for the expire points will have to thing on that one.

Any luck working out how you missed a days guessing game points? Think it might of been around Friday to Sunday.

14 Sep 16 1:05 PM

@admin I am still awaiting a reply about looking into this problem.I have contacted you twice about this problem that occurred last Thursday and reimbursing the 50 points that I could not do the guessing game

14 Sep 16 4:23 PM

@Winner1 See a few posts above the admin have posted a response. Be interesting what caused it.

14 Sep 16 6:23 PM

@lemond Thanks I did see that admin will look into it and make any adjustments but nothing has yet been done! I also have had no individual response from contacting them

17 Sep 16 7:58 AM

Hi, I've got guessing game adjustment points now @Winner1

18 Sep 16 8:08 AM

Thanks @admin

18 Sep 16 8:08 AM

@bj74 :). Just noticed. Looks they created a separate field in the database for that. Hopefully hasnt snuck any new bugs in.

Is there also one year membership bonus?

18 Sep 16 10:21 AM

@bj74 yah!! I have just noticed I have got the 50 points adjustment too.
Thanks @admin

18 Sep 16 10:48 AM