
Tips & Tricks

Hi All,

Here are a few productivity tips to help you enter more competitions:



14 Sep 16 4:25 PM

The key I find is to organise my bookmarks each month into categories. All competitions are placed in the appropriate folder and labelled with the end dates.

I do batches especially for daily bonus entries for gleam run competitions. As a lot of them are international competitions I use bookmarks that organize them into time zones. That way can do in them small batches. Can do them all consecutive at once in a day. If time it right only have to do them once every day and a half.

I find the biggest issue is checking back for Facebook competitions.

14 Sep 16 6:55 PM

I find my biggest distractions is when I get text messages from Domino's Pizza offering discounts.
I only like notifications for comps. No other notifications not even for PIZZA!!!
Pizzaman out!

14 Sep 16 7:23 PM

Rage on the weekends is great to motivate with music in the background. :)

15 Sep 16 12:09 AM

Thanks @LuckyNicky love the idea of batching different types of competitions so more will to fit into my comping time. I'ts something I'll definitely be taking up. :)

15 Sep 16 3:20 PM