
General Chatter

So just joined up, how are we all? Used to love this when I was younger and thought that I'd get back into it.... and here I am.

Also as this is kinda new to me, when you accept T&C and then the huge number of yes/no Q's come up do you need to do them or just scroll to the bottom and select next/submit?

Seems that if I don't actually answer and click through them I still am in the draw?


20 Sep 16 1:39 PM

Hi, joshua. I think scrolling without selecting, is ok for most of those comps though I have come across one or two that will not progress to next screen unless you make your selection/s. Welcome to the community. We're a friendly mob, and don't bite (generally!). Cheers.

20 Sep 16 8:34 PM

@joshua.weekes Welcome :)
There are lot of competitions out there. I tend to avoid those type of ones as usually result in spam calls and/or emails. Not saying avoid them just be aware of the T&C's for those types of competitions.

I usually answer NO NO NO to the questions. Be careful of the trick ones that reverse the question etc.

Most are friendly in here. I'll vouch for @toxicgherkin hehe.
If you're lucky will get a greeting from the allusive @admin. :)

Good Luck

20 Sep 16 10:22 PM

Hi @joshua.weekes nice to have you onboard! Some of the survey type featured competitions have a skip button at the bottom that will still give you an entry. Hope you have many enjoyable wins. :)

21 Sep 16 10:07 AM