
General Chatter


Messaged you re points for Competitions Viewed in the Leaderboard Game.


29 Sep 16 11:43 AM

anything to do with sometimes losing points? if not, does anyone know why that sometimes happens? It's only rarely but sometimes I see I'm on 1 total and then the next refresh I'm on 1 less point. Does anyone else get that happening to them?

30 Sep 16 8:47 AM

@spyglass The only way I've seen loosing points in the past is clicking on an expired competitions that were posted in the same month. For the reason I avoid clicking on expired competitions. In that case it seemed to reset the counter for that competition viewed. Possibly have fixed it. I haven't been game to test it since.

The only other case for points not registering, on the rare occasion I've come across points not counted but showing as viewed. Possible caused by clicking too quickly on competitions at once. There is a way to reset that back to "Enter". It's a tedious process to find a competition that has slipped through, if don't notice it early. I would recommend double check. Have fun find it.

Most likely they missed a competition this last week as one was posted "irregularly". Looks like most found it. Seen that happen a few times in the past trying to sneak comps past me. :)

30 Sep 16 12:08 PM