
General Chatter

Hey everyone

So I've been gone from the comping scene for about 18 months since my second daughter was born. Life has been... well... life! Flat out!

But here I am, ready to get back on the comping bandwagon.

What have I missed in the last 18 months?

11 Oct 16 11:21 AM

@shtooff, surely not..? 18 months? How quickly did that pass? Seems like weeks, not 18 months. Congrats on the family addition if I hadn't said earlier. Another one counted in Census! Yay!...I worked it. Hard job!

11 Oct 16 6:46 PM

Welcome back @shtooff!!

12 Oct 16 7:34 AM

it surely has been 18 months @toxicgherkin! I can't believe it either! That means my eldest is now 3 and a half!!

Thanks @Trevsta

I discovered yesterday how much I missed comping. I've come in too late this month to fight for the leaderboard (especially with 9 daily points yesterday and only 3 today! lol) but I'm going to try to keep up anyway.

12 Oct 16 8:54 AM

Welcome back

13 Oct 16 8:05 AM

Welcome back:D

13 Oct 16 7:19 PM

Welcome back .... gee that time has flown (scary how quick time flies these days). Good Luck and congrats on extending the family :)

16 Oct 16 10:51 AM