
General Chatter

Hi guys, I am very new to comping and started last week (though have already applied for over 600 competitions!). How long did it take you to win your first prize?

15 Oct 16 12:23 AM

its pure luck, someone you can win on a a regular basis, then its dry up for a long time, then you start again. Good Luck, just keep entering

15 Oct 16 9:58 AM

I find its getting harder and harder to win. More people doing it i guess. The F.B ones, once upon a time I used to win all the time, now never. They used to say most people would win at least 1 comp out of 100 that they enter, though I think perhaps its 1,000 now?!

15 Oct 16 10:18 AM

I used to win on a regular basis - especially fb comps but with all the "liking and sharing" the people do now, people that have a zillion friends get a zillion entries so it makes it much harder to win now. I love the random draws as each of us have a fair chance. I've been comping for years and love it (having a physical disability making it hard to get out, comping gives me a lot of fun and entertainment) Everytime I am lucky enough to win a prize I take a photo and each year I look back at the prizes I've been so fortunate to win. You may have some good fortune with local comps around your area as a lot less enter , maybe you have a local newspaper that has online comps. Good Luck to you and Happy Comping.

16 Oct 16 10:49 AM