
General Chatter

25 daily points over 5 days!

Gee... I think the comps are mad at me for disappearing for 18 months! lol

15 Oct 16 10:51 AM

The daily points now are between 1 and 10 and 25 points for birthdays :) in case you don't know :)

15 Oct 16 2:21 PM

I've learned my ABC's, and 1, 2, 3's - because that's all I ever seem to

15 Oct 16 10:13 PM

lol yep for last 5 days I got a total of 10 points :( think they should toss the b'day points and just give random daily points to ev1 so it's fair...good luck to you :)

16 Oct 16 10:42 AM

oh wow! ok... that is different. Thanks @Trevsta for the heads up. I was a little confused as to why they were so low! 2 again today! lol
I agree with you @bops18

16 Oct 16 6:00 PM

I think they should toss all points and just keep the guessing game

16 Oct 16 8:09 PM

I don't mind competing for the top of the leaderboard! If they took all the points away, perhaps there should be another way to compete for those monthly prizes

17 Oct 16 9:08 AM

on my birthday month my scores were low before the day, I did take about 10 days off comping and were fairly low after I came back... so even on my birthday I wouldn't have won a thing... not even 3rd place.

Some people win often others not at all. You still have guessing game

17 Oct 16 10:40 AM