
Feedback / Suggestions

Some competitions are listed as "Simple Entry". I have found that many now require you to send a link to a friend and have them click on your link before you will be actually entered into the competition. This means that simply filling in your details is not good enough to get you an entry. If your friend does not follow the link sent to them you are NOT in the draw. I think it would be worthwhile creating a new category for describing these type of comps....'Friend response required' or something similar

21 Oct 16 9:29 AM

OR they take you to a survey to ask if you at interested in brands, yes or no answer and then if you click it they ring you up to sell you Pain in the butt and not worth the hassle really.

21 Oct 16 1:19 PM

Perhaps if you want to ensure you get an entry that you get a comping buddy and you do the same for each other. I've got one Di_D from this site.

24 Oct 16 9:34 AM