
General Chatter

Congratulations Trevsta winning the Guessing Game.....again, 3rd time lucky!!! :)

13 Nov 16 7:41 AM

Lucky Trev!!!

13 Nov 16 7:44 AM

Great win, Trevsta. I was one off - on 446...oh well, another Sunday perhaps... lol

13 Nov 16 8:39 AM

Congratulations Trevsta!

13 Nov 16 9:15 AM

Congratulation Trevista!!

13 Nov 16 11:08 AM

Great Stuff @Trevsta, What a strike rate!!!

13 Nov 16 11:46 AM

I love Sunday Surprises!!! Thanx all!!:)

13 Nov 16 2:29 PM

Congratulations Trevsta!

13 Nov 16 4:49 PM

@Trevsta Any advice for this money tree? Random picking or favorite lucky numbers What's the secret? lol

03 Dec 16 8:16 AM

@Lemond ,I have been using the same numbers for over three yrs,although a little tweaking here and there,but yeh,this site has been kind to me.Now for the top 3!! I really want to see the gherkin win the top prize cause hes a good bloke and never short of a good word! Good luck mate, I enjoy your input also,your like the umpire(with a computer/maths degree) of this site ! Go the Gherkin!! Merry Christmas

03 Dec 16 11:42 PM

@Trevsta Same love to see @toxicgherkin win. I'll vouch for him he's nice after a few drinks :)

Looks like going to be his month and end with a big bang on his birthday.

Been close a few times especially in April about 4 weeks in row 1 point off. When was handpicking the numbers. Since then been mixing it up with my favorite site

Play hard, fair and patience, bound to win eventually!

Merry Chistmas and good luck

04 Dec 16 7:28 AM

@Trevsta @Lemond, aww shucks fellas. We've apparently (nicely) slipped into the season of goodwill to all. In that spirit, best of luck everyone!

04 Dec 16 10:02 AM