

Re: Daily guessing game on the 12/11/16. With some members not receiving 50 points.

For those effected and with reservations, please comment below in petition.

I sent this message to these three 'competitions' staff emails on the 16/11/16 with no response.;;

My 50 points weren't awarded to my overall monthly points tally for the daily guessing game on the 12/11/16, along with a few others as well, due to site technical error.
I contacted you guys on the 12/11/16 but haven't received a response :( There are also a couple of forum posts related to the issue as well.
I had the same issue, along with others, two months ago, which was eventually fixed, with add-on points to the 'points breakdown' table, with a heading of 'missed/added guessing game points' to the value of 50 points.
Can you kindly reimburse the 50 points for the daily guessing game for myself aka rianlana, toxicgherkin, anna2077 and whoever else was effected?

18 Nov 16 10:47 AM

@admin @Zedmin please overview Forum comments relating to the errant Guessing Game daily points allocation. There have been several messages sent via several modes to several parties. I would hope this would be a quick fix and, given this has happened more than once relatively recently, that you might have implemented a check system to ensure daily guessing game activity on the part of the member is concomitant with an increase in tallied points. Of course this applies to competitions viewed by member similarly. We await your prompt response. Thank you.

18 Nov 16 8:22 PM

@toxicgherkin One question for those effected. Are the guesses you made on that day displayed in your list of guesses?

I'm surprised @admin can't quickly recalculate how many days members have registered guesses for a month. It appears guesses are stored and time-stamped for the guessing game to function each week.

It would be a matter of designing the appropriate update query for a month which converts the time-stamp into a date eg 1/1/2016 etc and tally up the number of unique days entered. Issues could be that the time-stamps for guesses aren't stored longer then a week.

Then for each person store the number of days currently entered for a month and calculate and update the bonus for display. If it's done that way could also easily adjust how much the guessing bonus is worth without much fuss. If not already done that way. :)

It appears got some data integrity issues arising from some compromises in database design to help with the performance of displaying the results on the webpage.

Could run that a daily maintenance check at same time as the birthday bonus is done to maintain data integrity.

Some ideas. If making any changes carefully plan first :)

19 Nov 16 6:33 PM

Hi I was affected last week.. left a message in the forum

19 Nov 16 7:50 PM

@Lemond, yes, my guess for the day is displaying.

19 Nov 16 11:43 PM

@toxicgherkin one more glitch for me today... I'm a competition behind .. @Trevsta is in same club :-(

20 Nov 16 4:48 PM

Me too!!!

20 Nov 16 7:50 PM

@toxicgherkin Thanks what I gathered they were displayed, however the points were not added. Imagining how they might store the guessing game data and calculate the current bonus points.

Depending how it's stored etc it might be possible to regenerate the guessing game bonus points for a month. I don't get that impression. The quick fix of adding the 50 points hints at that.

@Admin surprised haven't adjusted the scores yet.

Similar sounding issues with other data inconsistencies. Something hasn't been allowed for which disrupts the completion of the whole "transaction". eg competitions being displayed as viewed and not registered to the score and the guessing game.

Why it seems to occur so intimidatingly? Networking error issue? OS or browser script errors? Server/database overload?

For the competitions viewed seems like query for checking is required before displaying each page. Toggling the options seems to update and refresh for competitions viewed. That must be doing some sort of check and update. Possible could incorporate that process before displaying the list of competitions for each page. Or provided a menu option to check all running competitions viewed, excluding expired, at least for the current month. Wouldn't recommend a big red button on the page. Saves having to manually toggle the options for each competition.

For the guessing game bonus points. All depends on how it's stored. I don't any impressions for checking and/or regeneration it's bonus points easily. Would require the daily time-stamps for the guessing game for the whole month, to calculate the number of days entered. Appears each day just add 50 to the current bonus total after storing the guess. For the ones having issues only half the transaction is being completed.

Could also provide an menu option to check and update the guessing game score if required. All depends on what is stored for easy recalculation.

Providing the menu options to check/update any inconsistency would cut down on server processing as only appears to occur on the "rare" occasions. Instead of doing it for each time the leader board stats are displayed.

21 Nov 16 5:24 AM