
General Chatter

Lesson 101 How to detect a FAKE Facebook page? : Verification
For major companies and brands they should have a verified page tick next to their name

Eg Compare the two Facebook pages

Now what do you notice missing?
You guessed it the verification tick next to the companies name in the second link.

Lesson 102 Facebook picking a fake competition
Trend seems target a popular brand.
Run a competition for a very short period i.e 24 Hours.
Sucker them in with a big prize.

If unsure check the trend in the number of likes and history of posts.

Keep Safe and Good Luck!

18 Nov 16 7:42 PM

Great tip! I usually look at the ABOUT tab. If this is empty, I don't enter.

19 Nov 16 9:30 AM

Here is some well written advice from Hoax Slayer which explains why people set up these pages and how to identify a scam. A good read.

19 Nov 16 4:42 PM

@fourleaf Yeh I know about farming. I haven't read the link yet motivation for these types of pages is achieving a Facebook with thousands of likes to sell off.

Thanks for the link good article from a quick browse. The "competition" link posted was going around yesterday. Was a bit surprised one of my contacts was sharing it as usually there're very diligent regarding fake pages and scams.

The post had 1600 likes and comments. It's amazing how many fall for this!

19 Nov 16 5:33 PM

@Lemond, yes, I always look for the blue tick on large national company sites and how many posts are on the page. Saw one for Apple Singapore giving away i-phones. Somehow I think Apple would have more than three posts on their page. lol
Hope everyone gets to read the article.

20 Nov 16 2:11 PM

@fourleaf Saw another suspicious site. Thou "appear" genuine the tell tale signs of large multiple giveaways and no clear terms and conditions. Yeh right they are going to ship large furniture around the world.

20 Nov 16 8:36 PM