
I've Won | Nerdalicious - Win Defiance Season Two Giveaway!

woooo... first win of the year! (not bad considering I only really got back into it Mid-October!)

Totally missed the notification that I won as it was filtered through to Junk Mail! Check your junk mail guys!! Had to recover deleted items to find the email as I saw in my junk today a follow up email requesting details by TONIGHT!

For your interest it was a Question / Answer comp - not 25WOL

Q. If a closely humanoid alien race did arrive on Earth, after the destruction of their home world, with the promise of all sorts of amazing new technologies, but also the possibility of utterly changing the Earth we know, would you welcome them, or defy them? If so, why?

A. I always like to give people � species � the benefit of the doubt. I could be classed as overly trusting which would make me a prime target to be made an example of by the invading � fleeing � alien race.
But until that happens, no extra terrestrial race has ever given me reason to doubt their motives for leaving their own planet to inhabit ours.

21 Nov 16 1:48 PM

Well done

21 Nov 16 5:44 PM

Same experience, @shtooff. I saw the reminder prize notification from tonight. Totally missed Friday's email - was still drugged up from surgical anaesthetic of Thursday evening.. :(
I've sent my details to Olga! Yay.

21 Nov 16 6:37 PM

@shtoff @toxicgherkin Congratulations.
That question sounds very familiar with another competitions seen in the past. True cricket umpire in your answer "give them the benefit of the doubt" :)

Annoying that the emails your looking forward to end up the junk folder and spam is in the inbox. I had the same issue when I won my iPad. The luck is not winning but finding the winning emails when they arrive.

In the subject in your winning notification or email contents, any key words to help develop my rules to find wins. Eg congratulations etc. Getting used to searching all my emails by keywords in hope of finding wins in the haystack of emails.

21 Nov 16 7:49 PM

@toxicgherkin how are you feeling? Congrats!!

21 Nov 16 9:26 PM

@Anna2077, cheers. Sore but nothing mild pain relief medication can't handle. Doctors prescribed the 'heavy stuff' also but I want to avoid that if I can. It's way too strong!

21 Nov 16 9:44 PM

@toxicgherkin stronger stuff might let you sleep through the night ... but I'm same. Trying not to take anything if I can

21 Nov 16 10:05 PM

@Anna2077, hoping all is well with you and yours.

22 Nov 16 7:56 AM

@shtooff @toxicgherkin, congratulations!
@toxicgherkin @Anna2077 take it easy and get better.

22 Nov 16 9:22 AM

@toxicgherkin thank you! Marching on :-)

22 Nov 16 10:19 AM

Awesome :)

25 Nov 16 3:03 PM

@toxicgherkin did you get yours yet?

03 Dec 16 3:33 PM

@shtooff, no, not yet. Awaiting another DVD/Blu-ray(?) series as well, and a safe!, really, a safe!

03 Dec 16 8:37 PM

lol a safe? How random! But awesome! :D

04 Dec 16 10:06 PM


05 Dec 16 9:03 AM

@toxicgherkin N1 was trying to post a pic of safe converted into a wine safe/cellar :)

I might need a wine cellar by the end of the week :) Couple of wins last two days XMAS hamper to pick up and package with wines and candles. My first candle win lol.

07 Dec 16 12:13 AM

@shtooff, DVDs haven't turned up as yet, and no response to my enquiry from the prize supplier. Hmmm. @Lemond, congratulations. Break out the bubbly!

07 Dec 16 7:44 AM

@toxicgherkin great place to hide chocolate from the kids :-)

07 Dec 16 9:09 AM

@Anna2077 hehe, though still no word from the company, even after emailing them. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon.

07 Dec 16 7:47 PM

@shtooff I emailed the comp organiser again today, receiving the response that the winners' list was emailed to the promoter on the 23rd November. Organiser said that the list was sent out then, after having chased up 'the stragglers' (non-responding winners). Organiser is good that way, also saying that '..don't handle the postage, the promoters send them out....If it hasn't turned up in another week or so let me know.' I'll keep tabs on it, and let you know if there's any updates. Hope that helps. I emailed the other mob, where I won another series season, with comp closing on 6th November. Fingers crossed they'll respond. As for the safe...still awaiting a response to my enquiry...

07 Dec 16 8:00 PM

@toxicgherkin hope it shows up soon!! Unless they are keeping their secret chocolate & wine stash in there till after the holidays LOL

07 Dec 16 11:03 PM

thanks @toxicgherkin for doing all the following up. I've been so flat out I already forgot about it! lol woops

08 Dec 16 11:25 PM

@shtooff, after nil response to my sole email to actual supplier (sent 4 days ago) , I rang the supplier today. The promotion company - Nerdalicious - has been fantastic al lthe way through. Their editor, Olga, had kindly passed on the supplier's contact detail. It was the supplier that had the 'supply issues'. Winners were meant to be emailed about it (from Supplier) apparently though I never received said email. Prizes were apparently sent (from SYD) yesterday. No tracking numbers. So, no one had received their prize before today, at least. My contact person at the supplier told me to call again if not received within one week - allowing for snail mail and public holiday. Fingers crossed you receive your prize soon. Hope this helps.

24 Jan 17 3:47 PM

Thanks @toxicgherkin. I agree, Olga has been fantastic. I was actually going to email her again this week but I won't bother her again now. Thanks so much for following up! Who is the supplier?

25 Jan 17 8:55 AM

@shtooff, the Blu-ray arrived yesterday. SEASON 1!!!! The actual prize was Season 2, hey? lol. Let me know when you get yours, and what you receive.

The backstory was - one of the staff members at the supplier (Hidden Characters) left the company. It was only after Olga's follow up on winners' behalf that Hidden Characters' staff realised the list was probably in that former staff member's in-tray (or email inbox). It was. They had not ordered the discs so had to do that, await their supply then the despatch to winners, being on Tuesday ex Sydney. They apologised when I indicated I had not received their explanatory email sent 'recently'. Did you get any correspondence to that effect?

I haven't seen S1 anyway so it suits me though I do wonder (tongue in cheek) if I 'complained' about yet another disappointment, that they might give me/us Season 2 as well, for our troubles? long as it's not a cost to Nerdalicious. I'd hate to do that to Olga.

26 Jan 17 9:54 AM

oh wow @toxicgherkin! What a stuff up!
I would be happy for season 1. I only have half, so I wouldn't mind watching from the beginning. But yes, season 2 is the actual prize.
I haven't received mine yet, but I'm SA so might take an extra day to get to me. Hopefully tomorrow!
But yes, if I do get season 1, I might complain and ask for season 2 as that was the listed prize and what I was expecting. I don't see that it would be a cost to Olga or Nerdalicious as it is the supplier who has made the error and not them.
Oh well... fingers crossed :)

26 Jan 17 11:37 PM

@toxicgherkin... it came today... Yup... Season 1!

27 Jan 17 2:01 PM

@shtooff, Season 2 arrived now!

02 Feb 17 7:58 AM

Yup... I got mine yesterday :)

02 Feb 17 1:07 PM