

Thanks, @admin & @Zedmin for the Guessing Game points correction applied today to my account, and I'm gathering, to similarly affected account holders too. I'm hopeful the system has checks and balances in it to catch the error should it arise again. Anyway, thank you. :)

23 Nov 16 11:25 AM

@Admin and @Zedmin, thank you!

23 Nov 16 2:15 PM

@Anna2077 @toxicgherkin @rianlana :) Glad your guessing game points finally got adjusted.

@toxicgherkin It has it checks, the mass of guinea pigs (members) to stumble across the minefield of bugs. It's how MS etc operate lol.

Looks like done the quick fix again. Wonder if it's an automated process or manual to check and adjust which members were affected. If they store the daily time-stamps for the guessing game for the whole month, would be able to calculate the number of days entered. Good chance only do that for each weeks guessing game.

X fingers either have made some changes to check and fix this bug or in the to do list before XMAS. :)

23 Nov 16 5:59 PM