
General Chatter

Happy Birthday @spyglass

Good Luck with the Leader board for this month. :)

23 Nov 16 6:11 PM

Thanks and I need a lot of luck as I've had a bad month on the daily points :(

24 Nov 16 12:02 PM

Happy birthday!!

24 Nov 16 12:42 PM

@Spyglass Happy Birthday!

24 Nov 16 1:24 PM

@spyglass Think an early congratulations for 2nd or 3rd at worse. 194 should about scrap you into the top 3.

30 Nov 16 9:12 AM

@Lemond thanks :) I'll take 2nd place anytime! Having a birthday helped though and those points were necessary as I didn't have a great run through the middle of the month. Sadly though, that's my biggest comp win so far!

01 Dec 16 12:27 PM

Just like the monopoly game, "You win second prize in a beauty contest"!

Congrats. Just the start of a big week of competition results. Wins seem to come in runs so hang in there.

In still waiting on my "welcome" gift to this site.

If it's your birthday month just needed a few points above the average, depending how many birthday members in the month. You just scrapped in above 165 + bonus. Was looking that you would be close.

For 30 days winner will be about 200 points +- about 5, and 3rd is about 192ish. 31 days about 205, 200 and 195 ish would be roughly expected. That gives me a good idea how I'm going regardless of what the leader board looks like at the time.
Knowing all that, I knew about 10 days ago that I would be short by around 10 points. Getting 1 two days in a row midway didn't help :(

For winning.
The people that win regularly especially on Facebook competitions.
Some enter anything and everything playing the numbers game.
Others do well at the creative ones WOL etc. They seem are a good option if got some flare or passionate about the prize/promoter.
Then you got the "networking" skill for the tagging competitions and referrals etc. Personally, on Facebook they should bin/ban tagging competitions for numerous reasons.

I tend to concentrate on bringing home the gold back to Australia with the international competitions. More recently working on the referrals trying to find the more obscure competitions which are appreciated and hopefully in turn pick up a few referrals.

It comes down improving the odds, so potentially less waiting between wins. Even in Monopoly there are strategies for improving your odds (ie. the set before/after free parking). I've research the odds for everything. lol

Overall had a bit of luck this year. Couple very nice wins an SDD, iPad Pro and some Power Tools which gave to a good tradie friend. Desperately need a new PC, Washing machine or cash is always king.

Good Luck :)

01 Dec 16 2:44 PM

@Lemond thanks ...I do tend to stay away from the FB comps which is a worry as they are getting more prevalent. I just don't want to clog up my feed (which is bad enough as I am in a lot of groups in case something comes up for my day job), but I may have to give in and create a comp only FB identity at some stage.

02 Dec 16 8:01 AM

@spyglass Yeh there's a mountain of facebook ones, especially at the moment all the 12 days of XMAS ones. I'm going to glad when the 12 days is over.

I should ask one of my contacts how they handle that with clogging up the feed etc. If it's important for work you should set the See First in the News Feed options for that FB page.

You might have issues with FB or the promoter if you win and it's a "FAKE" or competition only account. Hope mine isn't judged as "competition" only by a promoter. I noticed one FB competition in the post would disqualify any "competition" only accounts.

02 Dec 16 9:50 AM