
I've Won

So this showed up today! No note, no nothing! It says Big Balloon on the box but I can't find the comp in the drop down list. I do remember vaguely entering a comp for this teletubbie toy, but cannot for the life of me remember what kind of comp it was.
Does anyone remember?
Very exciting though! Great timing for Christmas :)

24 Nov 16 11:55 AM

mystery winning
😃 well done!

24 Nov 16 12:08 PM

Congratulations :)

24 Nov 16 12:33 PM

Thanks guys!
I just googled! They're worth $40! SCORE!! :D
My little Bear and Bee will both be very excited :)

24 Nov 16 12:53 PM


24 Nov 16 1:12 PM

Cool, great win

24 Nov 16 1:32 PM

Good on ya!

24 Nov 16 3:08 PM

Great win and I don't recall it either .. just google i.. Mouth of Mums comp closed on the 17th

24 Nov 16 3:15 PM

Bit early for Santa maybe the little green men dropped by. UFO?

24 Nov 16 5:16 PM

I had something like that happen to me last week. Out of the blue an Eau Thermale Avene Xeracalm cream & spray oil turned up in a post pack with no note, only a return address.

25 Nov 16 9:35 AM

Strange I posted a comment and it vanished... @shtooff , think it was one from Mouth of Mums, unless someone else ran it as well

25 Nov 16 10:12 AM

Congratulations :)

25 Nov 16 10:35 AM

Thanks everyone! I had a memory last night actually! Can't remember who ran it, but I remember the Q&A.
Q: Why does your little one love Telletubbies (or what do they love about Telletubbies) (Something like that!)
A: Miss 3 loves the Sun! She loves that it looks like her baby sister.

Something like that anyway :)

25 Nov 16 12:04 PM

Nice win Shtooff !

25 Nov 16 3:02 PM

Found it! Family Capers!!
Not in the drop down list! Perhaps it wasn't listed on this site but I found the comp from entering the other comps they had listed!

25 Nov 16 5:03 PM

@shtooff Handy hint search your internet history. Sometimes I check it if I have forgotten to bookmark a competition entered, to avoid accidentally double entry. By bookmarking can check what I've entered to help check back who won. :)

Congratulations again. :)

25 Nov 16 11:18 PM

good idea @Lemond. Will have to check my history when I'm back at work. I think I entered this one on my lunch break! However, I have a feeling my browsing history will be gone! Good for the future though :)

27 Nov 16 12:49 PM

@shtooff When entering competitions I only use Chrome. I.e. all entered using the same browser and history is displayed for each device. Good luck. I do with a good clear out of my bookmarks after a year of comping. lol

27 Nov 16 4:40 PM

@shtooff When entering competitions I only use Chrome. I.e. all entered using the same browser and history is displayed for each device. Good luck. I do with a good clear out of my bookmarks after a year of comping. lol

27 Nov 16 4:40 PM