General Chatter
I get an email telling me there is a new survey for me.
I click on the email to open up the survey.
I get to the website to immediately be told I don't qualify - without having to answer any questions!
1. Why do I get sent an email to tell me I have a survey when there really isn't one?
2. How can a person be screened out before going anywhere?
There is something screwy here if you ask me.
11 Jun 18 10:57 AM
Hi @Donald4564,
If you're screened out right away it could be a number of things including the quota for the survey being full. Surveys need X participants and if they are met they will close the survey off. It's important to attempt the surveys as they are sent when possible.
They must close them before they send out the email asking you to participate! That's all I can say.