General Chatter

@spyglass, happy birthday!

23 Nov 16 11:20 AM

thanks toxicgherkin :)

24 Nov 16 12:03 PM
General Chatter

I received this email by a member who will not be named. Take this as a warning - If anyone decides to threaten us again, your account will be immediately banned and I will personally make sure you will not be able to access this site.

We are under no legal obligation to provide this service to you and was provided solely for your benefit.


Legal action will be taken if, what is written below, is not actioned.

My 50 points weren't awarded to my overall monthly points tally for the daily guessing game on the 12/11/16, along with a few others as well, due to site technical error.
I contacted you guys on the 12/11/16 but haven't received a response :( There are also a couple of forum posts related to the issue as well.
I had the same issue, along with others, two months ago, which was eventually fixed, with add-on points to the 'points breakdown' table, with a heading of 'missed/added guessing game points' to the value of 50 points.
Can you kindly reimburse the 50 points for the daily guessing game for myself aka ***, toxicgherkin, anna2077 and whoever else was effected?

23 Nov 16 9:56 AM

Welcome to the forum. Wish it was under better circumstances.

It sounds like they were frustrated with the delayed feedback to some of the various issues with the site. I feel members would like some feedback if there are any issues as soon as possible. A sticky post at the top of the forum would be great. Even just a quick hello and it's being looked into. :)

Agree no one likes being threatened whether it's staff or members and won't be tolerated! The post could of been reworded in a more positive manner, reminding it's a friendly place.

Any ideas what causes the guessing game points issues?
As appears intermittent most likely could the client side with say JavaScirpt or their connection failing for whatever reason. I would like to avoid this issue if possible so any advice for members how to avoid it would be appreciated.

Thanks for the hard work for the site.

Merry Christmas

03 Dec 16 8:13 AM
General Chatter

There is something seriously wrong

Win 2 Tickets to The Ascot Soiree (Food/Drinks), Hair Salon, Eyelashes, Spray Tan, Makeup, Mani/Pedi from The Ascot Soiree
The Ascot Soiree (posted 3hrs ago but expired in February 2016)

Plus all the other issue a lot of us have been having over the last 2 weeks ...

22 Nov 16 3:36 PM

Beat me too it.
@admin It's just been given the wrong expiration date ends next year.

I submitted the error. The wrong year was put for the expiration date. The year is fast coming to a end. :(

22 Nov 16 4:56 PM

And the play and go competition is only open to SA not all states

22 Nov 16 6:31 PM

@bj74 Submit the issue on the Report Competition option. Found by clicking on the competition icon on the left. This might highlight the issue quicker.

22 Nov 16 7:03 PM
I've Won | Nerdalicious - Win Defiance Season Two Giveaway!

woooo... first win of the year! (not bad considering I only really got back into it Mid-October!)

Totally missed the notification that I won as it was filtered through to Junk Mail! Check your junk mail guys!! Had to recover deleted items to find the email as I saw in my junk today a follow up email requesting details by TONIGHT!

For your interest it was a Question / Answer comp - not 25WOL

Q. If a closely humanoid alien race did arrive on Earth, after the destruction of their home world, with the promise of all sorts of amazing new technologies, but also the possibility of utterly changing the Earth we know, would you welcome them, or defy them? If so, why?

A. I always like to give people � species � the benefit of the doubt. I could be classed as overly trusting which would make me a prime target to be made an example of by the invading � fleeing � alien race.
But until that happens, no extra terrestrial race has ever given me reason to doubt their motives for leaving their own planet to inhabit ours.

21 Nov 16 1:48 PM

Well done

21 Nov 16 5:44 PM

Same experience, @shtooff. I saw the reminder prize notification from tonight. Totally missed Friday's email - was still drugged up from surgical anaesthetic of Thursday evening.. :(
I've sent my details to Olga! Yay.

21 Nov 16 6:37 PM

@shtoff @toxicgherkin Congratulations.
That question sounds very familiar with another competitions seen in the past. True cricket umpire in your answer "give them the benefit of the doubt" :)

Annoying that the emails your looking forward to end up the junk folder and spam is in the inbox. I had the same issue when I won my iPad. The luck is not winning but finding the winning emails when they arrive.

In the subject in your winning notification or email contents, any key words to help develop my rules to find wins. Eg congratulations etc. Getting used to searching all my emails by keywords in hope of finding wins in the haystack of emails.

21 Nov 16 7:49 PM

@toxicgherkin how are you feeling? Congrats!!

21 Nov 16 9:26 PM

@Anna2077, cheers. Sore but nothing mild pain relief medication can't handle. Doctors prescribed the 'heavy stuff' also but I want to avoid that if I can. It's way too strong!

21 Nov 16 9:44 PM

@toxicgherkin stronger stuff might let you sleep through the night ... but I'm same. Trying not to take anything if I can

21 Nov 16 10:05 PM

@Anna2077, hoping all is well with you and yours.

22 Nov 16 7:56 AM

@shtooff @toxicgherkin, congratulations!
@toxicgherkin @Anna2077 take it easy and get better.

22 Nov 16 9:22 AM

@toxicgherkin thank you! Marching on :-)

22 Nov 16 10:19 AM

Awesome :)

25 Nov 16 3:03 PM

@toxicgherkin did you get yours yet?

03 Dec 16 3:33 PM

@shtooff, no, not yet. Awaiting another DVD/Blu-ray(?) series as well, and a safe!, really, a safe!

03 Dec 16 8:37 PM

lol a safe? How random! But awesome! :D

04 Dec 16 10:06 PM


05 Dec 16 9:03 AM

@toxicgherkin N1 was trying to post a pic of safe converted into a wine safe/cellar :)

I might need a wine cellar by the end of the week :) Couple of wins last two days XMAS hamper to pick up and package with wines and candles. My first candle win lol.

07 Dec 16 12:13 AM

@shtooff, DVDs haven't turned up as yet, and no response to my enquiry from the prize supplier. Hmmm. @Lemond, congratulations. Break out the bubbly!

07 Dec 16 7:44 AM

@toxicgherkin great place to hide chocolate from the kids :-)

07 Dec 16 9:09 AM

@Anna2077 hehe, though still no word from the company, even after emailing them. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon.

07 Dec 16 7:47 PM

@shtooff I emailed the comp organiser again today, receiving the response that the winners' list was emailed to the promoter on the 23rd November. Organiser said that the list was sent out then, after having chased up 'the stragglers' (non-responding winners). Organiser is good that way, also saying that '..don't handle the postage, the promoters send them out....If it hasn't turned up in another week or so let me know.' I'll keep tabs on it, and let you know if there's any updates. Hope that helps. I emailed the other mob, where I won another series season, with comp closing on 6th November. Fingers crossed they'll respond. As for the safe...still awaiting a response to my enquiry...

07 Dec 16 8:00 PM

@toxicgherkin hope it shows up soon!! Unless they are keeping their secret chocolate & wine stash in there till after the holidays LOL

07 Dec 16 11:03 PM

thanks @toxicgherkin for doing all the following up. I've been so flat out I already forgot about it! lol woops

08 Dec 16 11:25 PM

@shtooff, after nil response to my sole email to actual supplier (sent 4 days ago) , I rang the supplier today. The promotion company - Nerdalicious - has been fantastic al lthe way through. Their editor, Olga, had kindly passed on the supplier's contact detail. It was the supplier that had the 'supply issues'. Winners were meant to be emailed about it (from Supplier) apparently though I never received said email. Prizes were apparently sent (from SYD) yesterday. No tracking numbers. So, no one had received their prize before today, at least. My contact person at the supplier told me to call again if not received within one week - allowing for snail mail and public holiday. Fingers crossed you receive your prize soon. Hope this helps.

24 Jan 17 3:47 PM

Thanks @toxicgherkin. I agree, Olga has been fantastic. I was actually going to email her again this week but I won't bother her again now. Thanks so much for following up! Who is the supplier?

25 Jan 17 8:55 AM

@shtooff, the Blu-ray arrived yesterday. SEASON 1!!!! The actual prize was Season 2, hey? lol. Let me know when you get yours, and what you receive.

The backstory was - one of the staff members at the supplier (Hidden Characters) left the company. It was only after Olga's follow up on winners' behalf that Hidden Characters' staff realised the list was probably in that former staff member's in-tray (or email inbox). It was. They had not ordered the discs so had to do that, await their supply then the despatch to winners, being on Tuesday ex Sydney. They apologised when I indicated I had not received their explanatory email sent 'recently'. Did you get any correspondence to that effect?

I haven't seen S1 anyway so it suits me though I do wonder (tongue in cheek) if I 'complained' about yet another disappointment, that they might give me/us Season 2 as well, for our troubles? long as it's not a cost to Nerdalicious. I'd hate to do that to Olga.

26 Jan 17 9:54 AM

oh wow @toxicgherkin! What a stuff up!
I would be happy for season 1. I only have half, so I wouldn't mind watching from the beginning. But yes, season 2 is the actual prize.
I haven't received mine yet, but I'm SA so might take an extra day to get to me. Hopefully tomorrow!
But yes, if I do get season 1, I might complain and ask for season 2 as that was the listed prize and what I was expecting. I don't see that it would be a cost to Olga or Nerdalicious as it is the supplier who has made the error and not them.
Oh well... fingers crossed :)

26 Jan 17 11:37 PM

@toxicgherkin... it came today... Yup... Season 1!

27 Jan 17 2:01 PM

@shtooff, Season 2 arrived now!

02 Feb 17 7:58 AM

Yup... I got mine yesterday :)

02 Feb 17 1:07 PM
General Chatter

Lesson 101 How to detect a FAKE Facebook page? : Verification
For major companies and brands they should have a verified page tick next to their name

Eg Compare the two Facebook pages

Now what do you notice missing?
You guessed it the verification tick next to the companies name in the second link.

Lesson 102 Facebook picking a fake competition
Trend seems target a popular brand.
Run a competition for a very short period i.e 24 Hours.
Sucker them in with a big prize.

If unsure check the trend in the number of likes and history of posts.

Keep Safe and Good Luck!

18 Nov 16 7:42 PM

Great tip! I usually look at the ABOUT tab. If this is empty, I don't enter.

19 Nov 16 9:30 AM

Here is some well written advice from Hoax Slayer which explains why people set up these pages and how to identify a scam. A good read.

19 Nov 16 4:42 PM

@fourleaf Yeh I know about farming. I haven't read the link yet motivation for these types of pages is achieving a Facebook with thousands of likes to sell off.

Thanks for the link good article from a quick browse. The "competition" link posted was going around yesterday. Was a bit surprised one of my contacts was sharing it as usually there're very diligent regarding fake pages and scams.

The post had 1600 likes and comments. It's amazing how many fall for this!

19 Nov 16 5:33 PM

@Lemond, yes, I always look for the blue tick on large national company sites and how many posts are on the page. Saw one for Apple Singapore giving away i-phones. Somehow I think Apple would have more than three posts on their page. lol
Hope everyone gets to read the article.

20 Nov 16 2:11 PM

@fourleaf Saw another suspicious site. Thou "appear" genuine the tell tale signs of large multiple giveaways and no clear terms and conditions. Yeh right they are going to ship large furniture around the world.

20 Nov 16 8:36 PM

Re: Daily guessing game on the 12/11/16. With some members not receiving 50 points.

For those effected and with reservations, please comment below in petition.

I sent this message to these three 'competitions' staff emails on the 16/11/16 with no response.;;

My 50 points weren't awarded to my overall monthly points tally for the daily guessing game on the 12/11/16, along with a few others as well, due to site technical error.
I contacted you guys on the 12/11/16 but haven't received a response :( There are also a couple of forum posts related to the issue as well.
I had the same issue, along with others, two months ago, which was eventually fixed, with add-on points to the 'points breakdown' table, with a heading of 'missed/added guessing game points' to the value of 50 points.
Can you kindly reimburse the 50 points for the daily guessing game for myself aka rianlana, toxicgherkin, anna2077 and whoever else was effected?

18 Nov 16 10:47 AM

@admin @Zedmin please overview Forum comments relating to the errant Guessing Game daily points allocation. There have been several messages sent via several modes to several parties. I would hope this would be a quick fix and, given this has happened more than once relatively recently, that you might have implemented a check system to ensure daily guessing game activity on the part of the member is concomitant with an increase in tallied points. Of course this applies to competitions viewed by member similarly. We await your prompt response. Thank you.

18 Nov 16 8:22 PM

@toxicgherkin One question for those effected. Are the guesses you made on that day displayed in your list of guesses?

I'm surprised @admin can't quickly recalculate how many days members have registered guesses for a month. It appears guesses are stored and time-stamped for the guessing game to function each week.

It would be a matter of designing the appropriate update query for a month which converts the time-stamp into a date eg 1/1/2016 etc and tally up the number of unique days entered. Issues could be that the time-stamps for guesses aren't stored longer then a week.

Then for each person store the number of days currently entered for a month and calculate and update the bonus for display. If it's done that way could also easily adjust how much the guessing bonus is worth without much fuss. If not already done that way. :)

It appears got some data integrity issues arising from some compromises in database design to help with the performance of displaying the results on the webpage.

Could run that a daily maintenance check at same time as the birthday bonus is done to maintain data integrity.

Some ideas. If making any changes carefully plan first :)

19 Nov 16 6:33 PM

Hi I was affected last week.. left a message in the forum

19 Nov 16 7:50 PM

@Lemond, yes, my guess for the day is displaying.

19 Nov 16 11:43 PM

@toxicgherkin one more glitch for me today... I'm a competition behind .. @Trevsta is in same club :-(

20 Nov 16 4:48 PM

Me too!!!

20 Nov 16 7:50 PM

@toxicgherkin Thanks what I gathered they were displayed, however the points were not added. Imagining how they might store the guessing game data and calculate the current bonus points.

Depending how it's stored etc it might be possible to regenerate the guessing game bonus points for a month. I don't get that impression. The quick fix of adding the 50 points hints at that.

@Admin surprised haven't adjusted the scores yet.

Similar sounding issues with other data inconsistencies. Something hasn't been allowed for which disrupts the completion of the whole "transaction". eg competitions being displayed as viewed and not registered to the score and the guessing game.

Why it seems to occur so intimidatingly? Networking error issue? OS or browser script errors? Server/database overload?

For the competitions viewed seems like query for checking is required before displaying each page. Toggling the options seems to update and refresh for competitions viewed. That must be doing some sort of check and update. Possible could incorporate that process before displaying the list of competitions for each page. Or provided a menu option to check all running competitions viewed, excluding expired, at least for the current month. Wouldn't recommend a big red button on the page. Saves having to manually toggle the options for each competition.

For the guessing game bonus points. All depends on how it's stored. I don't any impressions for checking and/or regeneration it's bonus points easily. Would require the daily time-stamps for the guessing game for the whole month, to calculate the number of days entered. Appears each day just add 50 to the current bonus total after storing the guess. For the ones having issues only half the transaction is being completed.

Could also provide an menu option to check and update the guessing game score if required. All depends on what is stored for easy recalculation.

Providing the menu options to check/update any inconsistency would cut down on server processing as only appears to occur on the "rare" occasions. Instead of doing it for each time the leader board stats are displayed.

21 Nov 16 5:24 AM

Another cancelled Scout Auction item ...
Tshirt signed by Mark Winterbottom and Cameron Waters.
It does smell of smoke from our house fire but I don't see any marks on it.
I have listed it on eBay to make it easier to manage this time

17 Nov 16 7:40 AM
General Chatter

How's everyone enjoying the Facebook notifications for comments on posts even thou they aren't set? Now I'm wishing I didn't go on a Facebook comping binge the last few days. lmao.

16 Nov 16 2:00 PM

Arghhh it's so annoying! I get several notifications a second and it's driving me nuts.

16 Nov 16 5:46 PM

How do you get rid of it???

16 Nov 16 8:39 PM

@MissB Yeh I get them all 4 times. To the Chrome browser, Facebook, iPad and emails. lmao.

Seems only for new posts I've done today.

I disabled FB notifications on the iPad which is my notification central for everything. What I'm trying first I like the promoter's page and disable all notifications for them before doing the comment, however that doesn't seem to work.

Argh big mistake earlier was doing the just released MWave comp on FB. Either entries have quietened down for the day or disabling the notifications for that page might of worked.

16 Nov 16 9:24 PM

@Npas I'm not sure 100%. I have looked about in the settings. Definitely haven't accidentally set the notifications for the post. The only hint which might be working. For my shares on my page can right click and disable notifications for that post. Might be having an effect. X fingers just a FB bug for today which is exterminated ASAP!

16 Nov 16 9:27 PM

So looks like most are having that issue today for posts they have commented on.

16 Nov 16 9:28 PM

@Npas @MissB Also I reported to FB. Bound quite a few would of been motivated enough to notify FB of the issue. Might help report to them about the issue as well. :)

Just noticed when the notifications for the comments appear. There is an option when you select the notification to "Turn off notifications about new comments on Page posts for this page"

There are two options that appear on the right hand side of the notification being selected. A down arrow which brings up the turn off option and the mark as read.

It might also effect when the promoter posts a comment not being shown the notification. I.e. for a winner.

God I hope that helps. X fingers.

16 Nov 16 9:38 PM
General Chatter

Anyone get todays code word for the Today show this morning?

14 Nov 16 11:03 AM

Just had a look on net rewards, it's Australia's, I would say it will end up being a sentence

14 Nov 16 12:11 PM

Tuesday's codeword 'number'

15 Nov 16 8:49 AM

@bj74 Thanks I recorded this morning thou haven't watched it yet :)

15 Nov 16 4:24 PM

Wednesday's codeword 'ONE'

16 Nov 16 1:47 PM

@bj74 Ok any bets for tomorrows code word. lol. I'm getting the impression some self promotion :) Hmm I wake up with Today Australia's number one .... morning show?

16 Nov 16 9:41 PM

LOL that was a given.

17 Nov 16 7:44 AM

Yip, thinking you're totally right, talk about self promotion lol@Lemond

17 Nov 16 8:57 AM

@bj74 lol Yeh was BREAKFAST. I'm managed to wake up today early and catch the code word. :)

17 Nov 16 1:43 PM

'Burrito'. Tricked us lol

18 Nov 16 8:29 AM

@bj74 lol. Got the code word. I must of gone back to sleep listening to the show this morning. My recording failed this morning what happened?

18 Nov 16 3:51 PM

after 3 attempt calls to get someone no 1 answered. on the fourth
call they picked up and won $10,000 after spinning the wheel

18 Nov 16 4:14 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. I don't see any missed calls this morning. lol.

18 Nov 16 8:48 PM

@Lemond so over the today show and sunrise never call melbourne its always SYD and QLD always lucky to even do melb calls.

19 Nov 16 10:49 PM

@MammaPigga84 lol. :) No comment before I start offending where the majority of their viewers may reside.

19 Nov 16 11:22 PM

i just love the comments on these programs fb pages, complaining about where the calls are made etc, it's rigged lol

20 Nov 16 9:12 AM

@Lemond all the massive jackpots hardly ever in vic

26 Nov 16 3:40 PM
General Chatter

Congratulations Trevsta winning the Guessing Game.....again, 3rd time lucky!!! :)

13 Nov 16 7:41 AM

Lucky Trev!!!

13 Nov 16 7:44 AM

Great win, Trevsta. I was one off - on 446...oh well, another Sunday perhaps... lol

13 Nov 16 8:39 AM

Congratulations Trevsta!

13 Nov 16 9:15 AM

Congratulation Trevista!!

13 Nov 16 11:08 AM

Great Stuff @Trevsta, What a strike rate!!!

13 Nov 16 11:46 AM

I love Sunday Surprises!!! Thanx all!!:)

13 Nov 16 2:29 PM

Congratulations Trevsta!

13 Nov 16 4:49 PM

@Trevsta Any advice for this money tree? Random picking or favorite lucky numbers What's the secret? lol

03 Dec 16 8:16 AM

@Lemond ,I have been using the same numbers for over three yrs,although a little tweaking here and there,but yeh,this site has been kind to me.Now for the top 3!! I really want to see the gherkin win the top prize cause hes a good bloke and never short of a good word! Good luck mate, I enjoy your input also,your like the umpire(with a computer/maths degree) of this site ! Go the Gherkin!! Merry Christmas

03 Dec 16 11:42 PM

@Trevsta Same love to see @toxicgherkin win. I'll vouch for him he's nice after a few drinks :)

Looks like going to be his month and end with a big bang on his birthday.

Been close a few times especially in April about 4 weeks in row 1 point off. When was handpicking the numbers. Since then been mixing it up with my favorite site

Play hard, fair and patience, bound to win eventually!

Merry Chistmas and good luck

04 Dec 16 7:28 AM

@Trevsta @Lemond, aww shucks fellas. We've apparently (nicely) slipped into the season of goodwill to all. In that spirit, best of luck everyone!

04 Dec 16 10:02 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

hi! @admin, one of my daily guessing games hasn't been added. .. instead of 600 it reads 550 ...can you please check thank you!

12 Nov 16 12:43 PM

@Anna2007 a few of us (at least) seem to have missed out on the Guessing Game daily entry points. I've emailed and direct messaged Admin's Facebook account. No response as yet. I'm hopeful our respective scores will be restored soon.

12 Nov 16 4:14 PM

@toxicgherkin @Anna2077 Most likely they will get onto ASAP going by last time it occurred in mass. Looked like they added a quick fix option with a 50 point correction for the guessing game.

Unlike @Anna2077 to worry about your leader board points lol.

12 Nov 16 4:52 PM

@toxicgherkin thank you :-)

12 Nov 16 7:56 PM

@Lemond oh you winge and whine and complain non stop ... I pointed out an error for the first time since joining.

12 Nov 16 7:57 PM

@Anna2077 lmao. Was stiring you up as always. :) Never know might give you the motivation to cheer up for a day. How's those daily points going the last few days?

Was waiting to see how long it would take to realize that you didn't get yesterday's guessing game points.

I don't recall every whinging. Must be thinking about someone else... ^
Always constructive helping to exterminating those pesky bugs.

Looks like at least 3 members had the same issue yesterday. Give @admin a few days shouldn't take too long to adjust this time. :) Be nice to know what caused the issue

Good Luck

12 Nov 16 8:20 PM

@Anna2077 agree with you.

12 Nov 16 9:44 PM

@Lemond it's a matter of me having time and wanting to comment ... I noticed the day that I didn't get the points....

12 Nov 16 9:56 PM

@toxicgherkin hi! have @admin been in touch with you?

17 Nov 16 4:13 PM

@Anna2077 There might be a delay for ToxicGherkin getting back to you for a few days.

17 Nov 16 5:36 PM

@Anna2077, no, not as yet. Just checked my Facebook Messenger message, and FB Visitor post re same. Nothing. :(

18 Nov 16 2:52 PM

@toxicgherkin thank you :-)

Feel same way :-(

19 Nov 16 1:21 PM

If members can recall their last 3 days of daily points. Anyone feeling suspicious with them? Seems weird that my daily points displayed doesn't match my daily points displayed that got after midnight. It's displaying 9 again thou I know yesterday was on 67.

10 Nov 16 11:41 PM

Yes, daily points for me this morning did not update - I see now they have - AND did not receive my 50 points for today's Guessing Game entry. Hmmm.

11 Nov 16 2:44 PM

@toxicgherkin @admin Yeh it has seem buggy today. Few things like competitions early on not displaying or maybe they were time stamped earlier then posted up later on. I knew the display couldn't be right as saw my score early this morning. Getting 9 three days in a row would start pushing the odds. lol. Least X fingers the random generator isn't playing up.

11 Nov 16 3:43 PM

I had the same problem yesterday and my 50 points weren't awarded for the daily guessing game either. I had the same issue a few months ago which admin fixed after a week or so. Can admin kindly reimburse the 50 points for the daily guessing game for myself, toxicgherkin and whoever else was affected.

12 Nov 16 8:49 AM

Lodge your ticket with @admin @rianlana, @toxicgherkin . Was wondering how long it would take a few would realize that the guessing game bonus wasn't added yesterday.

It's the second time recently this has occurred. Wonder if occurred to the same members as last time or an underlying cause. Be great if this bug was exterminated!

The good news I think a quick fix was implemented to add the missed guessing game points. :)

12 Nov 16 11:09 AM

@admin Is something up with the leaderboard system since midnight? My daily points for today changed if that's possible. Also appears missing some comps viewed points. Now if got 9 again hmmm it doesn't add up from my daily points total as at yesterday.

10 Nov 16 11:14 PM

Ok those comps seemed to have materialized. Not 100% how. Possibly they weren't added previously and toggling options helped.
I panicked a bit and toggled all the comps for this month. They eventually showed up on the iPad but not the PC. Initially they didn't even show up on the iPad.

I wasn't methodical about it. Hmmm

10 Nov 16 11:30 PM

@admin Attaching a cropped screenshot for what is displayed for today showing "9" daily points for today. Is there an issue with the daily points or the display for the what points your got for today?

I know I was on 67 total daily points yesterday and total daily points showing as 70 for today.

11 Nov 16 12:00 AM

@admin Ok since the last few seconds seemed to have fixed that. Now showing as 3 doh. Thou I'm fairly sure 3 points were displayed for today's random daily points just after midnight.

11 Nov 16 12:07 AM
General Chatter

@etta1966, Happy Birthday! I gather this one might be construed 'significant'? They all are actually! One year older. Definitely one year wiser! Cheers.

09 Nov 16 4:18 PM

Ha love it!!

09 Nov 16 5:48 PM

Big Congrats!

09 Nov 16 8:23 PM

Thanks toxicgerkhin! I rarely visit the forum and it was a big surprise to find your wishes!! A very significant birthday. 50 years old! :-)

20 Nov 16 1:23 PM

You're welcome, @etta1966. :) It was my turn last New Year's Eve....

20 Nov 16 8:37 PM

Oh! Belated happy birthday to you too!!! :-)

20 Nov 16 9:05 PM

@admin Need to correct the Win 2 sets of wovii towels competition. The new competition just posted is displaying as expired!!!

09 Nov 16 1:22 PM

@admin Thanks now fixed a few minutes later. :)

09 Nov 16 1:26 PM
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers,

Did you know this is the most exciting and fruitful time of the year for competitions. Here's why:



I've Won | Pepsi Max - Win 1 of 4 'Ghostbusters Inspired' trips to New York + $500 Woolworths gift cards to be won daily!

Won a $500 Woolworths gift card in the daily prize draw , pretty happy about that.

07 Nov 16 6:10 PM

Woohoo congrats - I bought pepsi especially to enter but threw out the receipt lol so couldn't enter, fabulous prize, well done, you'll enjoy spending that, it's great to win just before Christmas :)

07 Nov 16 11:57 PM

Nice pickup, bj74. Congratulations!

08 Nov 16 8:08 AM

yay! Well done!! I was hoping to receive the same notification but it doesn't seem I am successful!
Well done to you. Awesome prize!

08 Nov 16 8:32 AM

Thanks all, haven't had many wins this year so I'm very happy

08 Nov 16 9:40 AM

Congratulations! Nice win!

08 Nov 16 10:59 AM

Happy Dayz!!

08 Nov 16 11:10 AM


08 Nov 16 1:29 PM

Congratulations :)

08 Nov 16 2:20 PM

Congratulations bj74 :)

08 Nov 16 8:40 PM

Great win for Christmas!! Congratulations :)

09 Nov 16 7:23 AM

Great Win

09 Nov 16 10:23 AM

Nice one..

09 Nov 16 11:13 AM

no idea how u guys win in the guessing game, I guess every day and I see this
Your Points
You have no points unfortunately
50 points - Play the guessing game, every guess will add 50 points to your tally. Click here to play. as I see the rules

sent this msg to "Contact us" no reply
I am in my 3rd week and the 1st week I had points, this week and last, guessing everyday and no points, I'm confused lol

07 Nov 16 1:41 PM

You have to view competitions as well to receive points. Looks like you haven't viewed any this month

07 Nov 16 2:58 PM

thx bj74 :D

07 Nov 16 7:01 PM

@LegendofOz Welcome :)

The points system is activated after the first competition is viewed that was posted in the CURRENT month. I.e. On the first of the month the first thing you do is view a NEW competition posted and refresh the home page to get the daily points.

You can do the guessing game earlier that day thou the points won't be displayed until this is done.

Looks like you got your guessing game points but not the daily points as the points system wasn't "activated" for the first week.

It's an annoying nuance to activate the points system each month.

@admin Need a help link for the leader board to explain this for new members.

08 Nov 16 8:46 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

make competitions 1/100 instead of 1 out of 5

03 Nov 16 9:06 PM


04 Nov 16 12:06 AM

What do you mean kiko23 ?

06 Nov 16 2:54 PM
General Chatter

Congratulations to the winners of the leaderboard last month!

01 Nov 16 11:55 AM

Awesome,thank you,now I can start Christmas shopping :)

01 Nov 16 2:44 PM

Winner winner....chicken dinner!!!

01 Nov 16 3:50 PM

Congratulations all :)

01 Nov 16 3:51 PM

Happy Dayz!!! ;)

01 Nov 16 3:54 PM

Nice battle right to the end for the top two!! Congratulations

01 Nov 16 3:58 PM

Congratulations @JoLee. A well deserved win. All the best.

01 Nov 16 9:22 PM
General Chatter

any good fb pages to be apart of?

30 Oct 16 9:47 PM

Comp crazy Aussies is a good one for comps :)

31 Oct 16 4:15 PM

Eagle Boys Pizza

01 Nov 16 1:06 AM

@JoLee could you past the page link in here so we can find it

03 Nov 16 8:30 AM

It's a closed group but I can invite u if u like

04 Nov 16 2:53 PM
Tips & Tricks

Hi Everyone!

Here's my thoughts on SURVEY COMPETITIONS on the Blog:

Happy Comping,


30 Oct 16 1:31 PM

I always question whether people actually win these. As soon as I do one I get a call the next day without fail wanting to sell something, usually some kind of insurance to me.

31 Oct 16 9:20 AM

@gemini69 I agree, I entered in the past and then all of a sudden heaps of calls to my mobile and when I put in the number to see who is calling 3 times a day heaps of people have complained about the same thing, entering and getting stacks of calls.

08 Nov 16 12:00 AM

Yes they are so annoying and you need to weigh up whether or not the prize/s are worth it?

09 Nov 16 10:29 AM

I wonder if any one really wins them at all. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if these 'call centres' post competitions to gather information to sell stuff to you.

09 Nov 16 5:18 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Some competitions are listed as "Simple Entry". I have found that many now require you to send a link to a friend and have them click on your link before you will be actually entered into the competition. This means that simply filling in your details is not good enough to get you an entry. If your friend does not follow the link sent to them you are NOT in the draw. I think it would be worthwhile creating a new category for describing these type of comps....'Friend response required' or something similar

21 Oct 16 9:29 AM

OR they take you to a survey to ask if you at interested in brands, yes or no answer and then if you click it they ring you up to sell you Pain in the butt and not worth the hassle really.

21 Oct 16 1:19 PM

Perhaps if you want to ensure you get an entry that you get a comping buddy and you do the same for each other. I've got one Di_D from this site.

24 Oct 16 9:34 AM

Ashmore Palms Vouchers
Valued at $200. Accepting offers over $2 ( $2 will be added if I need to post it to you). Top 5 offers by Friday 4pm will win the vouchers.
There are five vouchers in all but only one can be used with any booking.
Vouchers are smokey due to our house fire.
Please make sure you read the Terms and Conditions of the vouchers (photo) as these are pretty specific.
If you do want to offer for more than one voucher please specify how many in your post.
Expires 30 June 2017.
Proceeds to 1st Myrtleford Scout Group.
These are being advertised on multiple sites.

17 Oct 16 4:54 PM
Voting Requests

Hello all
Would you mind, if you have a free second, to go on and like my comment on this post. My entry is under Shannon Lucas - closes tomorrow and have my fingers crossed as it's SA only so not a huge amount of entries (never won a voting Comp)

15 Oct 16 2:34 PM


15 Oct 16 8:01 PM

Done :)

16 Oct 16 8:09 PM

Thank you guys - I actually won - thanks for your help - I've never won a voting Comp before - it helps it was a local Comp and only a few entrants lol
Thank you again

17 Oct 16 7:29 PM

You're very welcome! :)

17 Oct 16 8:54 PM


18 Oct 16 3:00 PM
General Chatter

25 daily points over 5 days!

Gee... I think the comps are mad at me for disappearing for 18 months! lol

15 Oct 16 10:51 AM

The daily points now are between 1 and 10 and 25 points for birthdays :) in case you don't know :)

15 Oct 16 2:21 PM

I've learned my ABC's, and 1, 2, 3's - because that's all I ever seem to

15 Oct 16 10:13 PM

lol yep for last 5 days I got a total of 10 points :( think they should toss the b'day points and just give random daily points to ev1 so it's fair...good luck to you :)

16 Oct 16 10:42 AM

oh wow! ok... that is different. Thanks @Trevsta for the heads up. I was a little confused as to why they were so low! 2 again today! lol
I agree with you @bops18

16 Oct 16 6:00 PM

I think they should toss all points and just keep the guessing game

16 Oct 16 8:09 PM

I don't mind competing for the top of the leaderboard! If they took all the points away, perhaps there should be another way to compete for those monthly prizes

17 Oct 16 9:08 AM

on my birthday month my scores were low before the day, I did take about 10 days off comping and were fairly low after I came back... so even on my birthday I wouldn't have won a thing... not even 3rd place.

Some people win often others not at all. You still have guessing game

17 Oct 16 10:40 AM
General Chatter

Did anyone get the code word for watching Brock on Network 10?

15 Oct 16 10:44 AM


15 Oct 16 2:22 PM

Thank you :)

15 Oct 16 4:33 PM

I can't even find the link lol

16 Oct 16 10:32 PM
General Chatter

Desperate Did anyone get the code word for 6PR channel 7 Melbourne cup competition on Friday night 14-10-16 it was on during today tonight Perth Western Australia

15 Oct 16 10:41 AM
Tips & Tricks

Anyone willing to share the Bachelorette codeword?


15 Oct 16 7:18 AM


15 Oct 16 2:23 PM
General Chatter

Hi guys, I am very new to comping and started last week (though have already applied for over 600 competitions!). How long did it take you to win your first prize?

15 Oct 16 12:23 AM

its pure luck, someone you can win on a a regular basis, then its dry up for a long time, then you start again. Good Luck, just keep entering

15 Oct 16 9:58 AM

I find its getting harder and harder to win. More people doing it i guess. The F.B ones, once upon a time I used to win all the time, now never. They used to say most people would win at least 1 comp out of 100 that they enter, though I think perhaps its 1,000 now?!

15 Oct 16 10:18 AM

I used to win on a regular basis - especially fb comps but with all the "liking and sharing" the people do now, people that have a zillion friends get a zillion entries so it makes it much harder to win now. I love the random draws as each of us have a fair chance. I've been comping for years and love it (having a physical disability making it hard to get out, comping gives me a lot of fun and entertainment) Everytime I am lucky enough to win a prize I take a photo and each year I look back at the prizes I've been so fortunate to win. You may have some good fortune with local comps around your area as a lot less enter , maybe you have a local newspaper that has online comps. Good Luck to you and Happy Comping.

16 Oct 16 10:49 AM
General Chatter

There's a few pages I visit regularly, like this one. I'm thinking of expanding my searches online, instead of just browsing through comp sites.
Ideas? How do you find out about new and unique competitions that aren't plastered all over facebook, etc.

13 Oct 16 11:19 PM

Good Question!!

16 Oct 16 5:36 PM
Voting Requests

Would I be able to ask for a few Facebook Votes for my sister's design? If you could throw a vote to number "1" on the comments section (click through the link) that would be incredibly fantastic! We're about 27 votes off first place!!

13 Oct 16 12:12 PM


13 Oct 16 2:25 PM


13 Oct 16 5:10 PM


14 Oct 16 7:33 AM


14 Oct 16 8:19 AM

Done :)

14 Oct 16 8:57 PM
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers,

Here's everything you need to know about creating a Winning Wish List:



13 Oct 16 12:00 PM

Thankyou :) love the idea.

13 Oct 16 7:18 PM
General Chatter

Hey everyone

So I've been gone from the comping scene for about 18 months since my second daughter was born. Life has been... well... life! Flat out!

But here I am, ready to get back on the comping bandwagon.

What have I missed in the last 18 months?

11 Oct 16 11:21 AM

@shtooff, surely not..? 18 months? How quickly did that pass? Seems like weeks, not 18 months. Congrats on the family addition if I hadn't said earlier. Another one counted in Census! Yay!...I worked it. Hard job!

11 Oct 16 6:46 PM

Welcome back @shtooff!!

12 Oct 16 7:34 AM

it surely has been 18 months @toxicgherkin! I can't believe it either! That means my eldest is now 3 and a half!!

Thanks @Trevsta

I discovered yesterday how much I missed comping. I've come in too late this month to fight for the leaderboard (especially with 9 daily points yesterday and only 3 today! lol) but I'm going to try to keep up anyway.

12 Oct 16 8:54 AM

Welcome back

13 Oct 16 8:05 AM

Welcome back:D

13 Oct 16 7:19 PM

Welcome back .... gee that time has flown (scary how quick time flies these days). Good Luck and congrats on extending the family :)

16 Oct 16 10:51 AM
General Chatter

Does It seem to be getting harder and harder to win competitions or is it getting easier to win for some. Whats your opinion?

10 Oct 16 5:03 PM

I actually won some pizzas this week which was much enjoyable as pizzaman's favourite food is PIZZA!!!

10 Oct 16 7:55 PM

@pizzaman111 hope you're not, nor become gluten intolerant from eating to many pizza's. But then again I guess you can get gluten free pizza base or make the base out of cauliflower.

11 Oct 16 7:41 AM

Yes I think it's getting harder. This month I haven't won anything at all which is very boring!

11 Oct 16 10:31 AM

@gemini69 well funny thing is I won the Dishd pizza competition and they gave me a 35 dollar voucher and all there pizzas were on half price special and so I got more pizza than I bargained for and on top of that THEY WERE GLUTEN FREE.
And then I won last week domino's pizzas which included 6 pizzas, 2 garlic breads, 4 cokes and free delivery but don't buy the prawn pizzas the prawns are so dry and yucky.
@gemini69 you should come have so pizza with me one day.
Or maybe lobster my shout.

11 Oct 16 5:37 PM

@pizzaman111 Haha! I don't eat fish/lobster...But congratulations on your win! Glad you won as I don't eat garlic bread or drink Coke...its poison. LOL Though enjoy :)

11 Oct 16 5:59 PM

@gemini69 I also have on stock 2000 dollars worth of red balloon vouchers and will gladly shout anything you want

11 Oct 16 8:02 PM

That's O.K, I won $5,000 worth of vouchers myself, so I'm all good, thanks :)

12 Oct 16 8:13 AM

wow... thats a lot of Red Balloon vouchers! impressive!! :)

12 Oct 16 8:56 AM

Hi Compers!

Poetic Gangster is a new clothing label just launched and to celebrate they're giving all members 15% off!!

Use COMP16 at check out and get 15% off all Tees, Tanks, Hoodies and more!



General Chatter

Hi All

I have been fairly quiet of late but have had some nice wins over the past couple of months. Don't want to bring down anyone's day but sadly at 9.50am today, my beautiful 18 yr old Furbaby Angel passed away peacefully in her sleep laying on her favourite Dressing Gown on Hubby's chest being cuddled. She brought such joy to us and everyone who knew her and I wonder if the tears will ever stop falling, I just had to share in the hope writing it down might help the floodgates slow. Happy Comping everyone xxx

08 Oct 16 12:49 AM

Sorry to read this, bops. Very saddening. Hoping you and yours are bearing up as best can be.

08 Oct 16 7:43 AM

Sorry to hear bops, I'm sure she is playing in cat heaven. She's so beautiful.

08 Oct 16 9:02 AM

So sorry for your loss, what beautiful way too go though,with her loving family

08 Oct 16 11:41 AM

Big hug. Sorry for your loss @bops18 :( Beautiful picture, you must have lots of great memories.

08 Oct 16 11:49 AM


08 Oct 16 3:51 PM

Sorry to hear :(

08 Oct 16 9:48 PM

Thank you all - I'm sure it will get easier over time but as I can't have children she was like my baby - I have many cherished memories and lots of photos which always brings a smile to my face.....I'm sure she's looking down on us wishing us all well with our comps as she often used to sit on the puter trying to help me enter them all lol.

09 Oct 16 12:50 AM

So sorry for your loss bops18!! She sounds like she lived a really happy long life though, and you can smile knowing that you gave her the best. My darling cat is 16 going on 17 and beginning to show signs of slowing down, it's incredibly heartbreaking to watch, I can't imagine how you must feel right now!

09 Oct 16 8:57 AM

@bops18 :) Here's a couple of funny cat video to cheer you up, trying to help out at the computer.

09 Oct 16 4:19 PM

So sorry for your loss

09 Oct 16 7:36 PM

She was a handsome looking cat ... my thoughts are with you ... hard to lose a loved pet

10 Oct 16 6:58 AM

sorry to hear @bops18. She's beautiful xx

11 Oct 16 11:36 AM
Voting Requests

Thanks for all for your support and checking out K&N Charters. Just fell short.

For anyone in or travelling to Western Australia you might be interested in K&N Charter. K&N Charter Car Hire provides an affordable transport solution for groups up to 7 people.

Good Luck and happy comping :)

07 Oct 16 6:10 PM

Done and good luck xx

08 Oct 16 12:54 AM


08 Oct 16 12:23 PM

Thank you @bj74 and @bops18 :)

08 Oct 16 1:16 PM


08 Oct 16 3:54 PM

Hey Mark... what's happened to your FB account, I get this when I try open your messages:

09 Oct 16 8:52 AM

@charissa Thanks. Not 100% sure what the issue was. Has been rectified. :)

09 Oct 16 12:48 PM

Thanks all for the support. Need just a couple more likes. :)

I think it ends 6pm western Australian time.

09 Oct 16 6:07 PM
General Chatter

Is there a issue with competitions being posted the last two days with the icon not displaying? I think might be broken links . @admin

Either that or I got some PC issues. Will check with the iPad thou think it had the same issue.

Seems to be fine for the last competition just posted up on Oct 3rd. Just the last couple of days icons still not displaying. No major dramas. :)

04 Oct 16 12:55 PM

@admin Thanks. The broken links for the competition posted icons for Oct 1st and 2nd seemed to be fixed. :)

07 Oct 16 6:26 PM
General Chatter

Would the real slim Shady please stand up,please stand up,please stand up!!! Regards your true King!!!

02 Oct 16 12:45 AM

It's the nearest pic I could get to a King so now I feel great blowing my trumpet!! Everybody bow now!!!! Hail the True King!! You may return now pessants!!

02 Oct 16 12:49 AM

"pessants' is spelled 'peasants'...peasant...LOL

02 Oct 16 12:10 PM

Ooh, I've been a good boy. I love pwessents!

02 Oct 16 9:57 PM

Hail the King!!

05 Oct 16 5:02 PM


05 Oct 16 5:12 PM
General Chatter


Messaged you re points for Competitions Viewed in the Leaderboard Game.


29 Sep 16 11:43 AM

anything to do with sometimes losing points? if not, does anyone know why that sometimes happens? It's only rarely but sometimes I see I'm on 1 total and then the next refresh I'm on 1 less point. Does anyone else get that happening to them?

30 Sep 16 8:47 AM

@spyglass The only way I've seen loosing points in the past is clicking on an expired competitions that were posted in the same month. For the reason I avoid clicking on expired competitions. In that case it seemed to reset the counter for that competition viewed. Possibly have fixed it. I haven't been game to test it since.

The only other case for points not registering, on the rare occasion I've come across points not counted but showing as viewed. Possible caused by clicking too quickly on competitions at once. There is a way to reset that back to "Enter". It's a tedious process to find a competition that has slipped through, if don't notice it early. I would recommend double check. Have fun find it.

Most likely they missed a competition this last week as one was posted "irregularly". Looks like most found it. Seen that happen a few times in the past trying to sneak comps past me. :)

30 Sep 16 12:08 PM