General Chatter

Hi Everyone!

Here's the latest from the Blog: What will Competitions be like in 100 years? - yes, you read right!

I've got everything from Virtual Reality to the movie The Fifth Element. Hope you enjoy:



General Chatter

My dad made it to the top 10 finalists to win a bike, love if you could give him a vote (MAURICE)

Voting you also go in the draw for a $599 pram :)

Thank you

28 Aug 17 2:32 PM

Voted, great photo :)

28 Aug 17 10:31 PM

Thank you :) @fourleaf

29 Aug 17 5:21 AM

@Smalot11 Do you have a referral link? I don't really want to win a pram. It would be just my luck to win while attempting to help out.

29 Aug 17 6:09 AM


29 Aug 17 7:18 AM Referral link thanks @Lemond

29 Aug 17 7:40 AM

Thanks :)@Di_D

29 Aug 17 7:40 AM

Voted. Success!!

29 Aug 17 12:48 PM

@etta1966 Great success! Thank you ;)

29 Aug 17 2:14 PM

@Smalot11 Done good luck :) How's that 1000 comps going?

29 Aug 17 4:41 PM

@Lemond Thank you, will write an update now :)

29 Aug 17 5:27 PM


29 Aug 17 8:34 PM

Thank you @Npas

29 Aug 17 9:12 PM
General Chatter

Anyone get the codeword for Survivor today

27 Aug 17 9:08 PM

Trailblazer comp? I think the codeword is still JOURNEY as the comp was meant to end on the 27th but now extended. Good luck :)

28 Aug 17 9:16 AM

Argh that might explain why I didn't catch the code word the other night.

29 Aug 17 6:09 AM
General Chatter

Did anyone get the codeword from the Project for the Falls Creek holiday?

... pretty please
... pretty please with sugar on top
hang on ... please please with something totally healthy and good for you on top
ah, who am I kidding ... pretty please with chocolate, sprinkles, those tiny marshmallows ....

26 Aug 17 8:30 AM

No sorry but I will take some tiny marshmellows :)

28 Aug 17 9:17 AM

The codeword is MOUNTAIN

28 Aug 17 7:24 PM

Thank you!

29 Aug 17 7:18 AM
I've Won

Got an email from Milo to say i'm 1 of 3 winners to go to SPAIN for a Barcelona FC match with my son!! He's 8 years old and is stoked as can be. It was a 50 words or less. worth $8,900.

25 Aug 17 4:51 PM

What a great trip to share with your boy!! Congrats mate.

25 Aug 17 4:59 PM

That is just a brilliant win! will just be an amazing holiday for both of you,( boys stuff and all that!) and the stuff that dreams are made of.
Huge congratulations! :)

25 Aug 17 5:50 PM


25 Aug 17 5:54 PM

What an excellent win! Congratulations

26 Aug 17 8:48 AM

Wow just wow!!!

26 Aug 17 9:14 AM

@surferboy83, I'm available for adoption.... ;) Congratulations!!

26 Aug 17 9:26 AM

Massive Congrats, sure you will have a wonderful time.

26 Aug 17 10:17 AM

Awesome win, congrats!

26 Aug 17 2:20 PM

Beautiful win mate, without a doubt!!

26 Aug 17 3:17 PM

Thanks @smalot11 @fourleaf @lemond @ascompet @FARMERTYSON. @toxicgherkin @Try2win @Anna2077 @ Trevsta your kind encouraging words and congratulations means so much to me and my boy! We are extending the flights for free so we can see a little more of Europe. Cheers

27 Aug 17 7:14 AM

@surferboy83 that's gold, may I ask how many holidays you have won, I reckon at least four or five, man your good!!

27 Aug 17 12:49 PM

@JoLee eight. Cheers!

27 Aug 17 2:47 PM

@surferboy83 thanks for sharing, that has to be some sort of record for sure!!! Well Done :)

27 Aug 17 8:07 PM
General Chatter

Here's to a winning week everyone, may we all win a holiday or a car this week :)

Codeword EXPLORE (21/8/17 only, till new codeword tonight)

Not a referral link, good luck all.

21 Aug 17 9:15 AM

New code word - JOURNEY

22 Aug 17 6:37 AM

@Smalot11, many thanks for code words

22 Aug 17 8:31 AM

@Ascompet :)

22 Aug 17 12:49 PM
General Chatter

Anyone get the code word from The Living Room Friday night?

19 Aug 17 5:40 PM

:) CREPE :)

19 Aug 17 6:54 PM

@Trevsta Thanks :)

20 Aug 17 9:21 AM

Thanks reminds me to enter. I did record the codeword :)

20 Aug 17 10:42 AM

Many thanks

20 Aug 17 9:58 PM
I've Won

I've won Pauls Milk, "win an extraordinary breakfast" - a major prize winner. An extraordinary breakfast for 6 family members and 4wd adventure at Rainbow Beach, includes all airfares, transfers and accommodation for three days (up to three rooms) although I wouldn't mind seeing if I can extend another couple of days Valued at $8000.
MOET included as part of breakfast I hope! :D

18 Aug 17 2:55 PM

Awesome win there!!! Fourleaf you better buy some wine to celebrate you big win! Congrats and well done! Love hearing about people's big wins

18 Aug 17 3:53 PM

That's a nice win!!! Well done, Rainbow Beach is a beautiful part of the world

18 Aug 17 4:20 PM

@surferboy83 , thanks! Your wins are an inspiration and I can't wait to hear about the next one! :D

18 Aug 17 7:27 PM

@Smalot11, thanks! I remember going there as a child and can't wait to go back. One of the best things is getting the family together for one of our rare do's. I think we're going to have a ball! :D

18 Aug 17 7:30 PM

What a beautiful prize. Congratulations

18 Aug 17 8:00 PM

Awesome, welcome to the free holiday club:)

18 Aug 17 10:42 PM

Great prize, well done!! For those of us who haven't been further than the local supermarket for nearly 20 years, we are envious

18 Aug 17 11:22 PM

Fabulous prize!

19 Aug 17 8:19 AM

@fourleaf give us a wave as you go past the Sunshine Coast :) Have a blast!!!

19 Aug 17 11:02 AM

Thanks everyone! Will be an awesome trip!

19 Aug 17 4:00 PM

Nice nice win :)

19 Aug 17 5:36 PM

Wow Congrats. I know you've been wishing really hard for a nice holiday.

20 Aug 17 10:44 AM

Thank you @JoLee, @Lemon :D

20 Aug 17 3:04 PM

@fourleaf, congratulations!

20 Aug 17 9:41 PM

Thanks @Toxicgherkin! :D very happy!

21 Aug 17 1:18 PM

Awesome prize, congratulations

22 Aug 17 12:13 AM

@Try2win thanks, can't wait!

22 Aug 17 8:11 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

I have been stuck in surveys because I won $100 E Gift Card from Outsiders survey in January but they don't want to give to me . I sent many emails but they kept telling me - you will receive your prize in two days . All emails time we're replying at 3 Am in Australia time. Just be aware it.

17 Aug 17 2:51 PM

Thanks for sharing, hope it works out for you :)

17 Aug 17 9:42 PM
I've Won

Hey all just got back from a competition i won to go to China on instagram with Tsingdao beer company. 5 star accommodation flights ect.. even made the newspaper over there. Crazy fun!

16 Aug 17 10:32 AM

You never cease to amaze me mate, happy Dayz!!!

16 Aug 17 11:36 AM

5 star, very nice!!! Great job.

16 Aug 17 4:34 PM

Trevsta cheers mate i surprise myself too haha. Smalot11 5 star was so good!! Thanks for your kind words.

17 Aug 17 6:34 AM

Bonanza!! Yet another nice holiday, incentive higher now, congratulations !

17 Aug 17 7:45 AM

@surferboy83, way to go!

17 Aug 17 10:38 AM

Congratulations mate

17 Aug 17 3:04 PM

Wonderful experience and congratulations

17 Aug 17 3:12 PM

Cheers all

17 Aug 17 3:44 PM

Wow! That's fantastic @surferboy83, looks like you had a fantastic time congratulations!

17 Aug 17 6:00 PM

Cheers fourleaf

17 Aug 17 10:48 PM

Congrats, very nice!

18 Aug 17 12:07 AM

Awesome, congrats

22 Aug 17 12:22 AM
General Chatter

How many competitions do you think you enter a day or week?

15 Aug 17 6:38 PM

Well ... it varies. Some months it has been around 1000+ comps at XMAS,. Add to that daily bonus entries I've had around 100+ simulateously running. On average its probably been around at least 250-350 per month over the last couple of years. My old montly comping bookmarks would give a rough total.

It doesn't take much to enter to a couple hundred over a month without realising. Just for this site you've got at least 5 members only comps per month. (Leaderboard + 4 guessing games). So that's around 100 + 23 I've entered /700 daily entries just for this site over almost 2 years.

I've done couple of comping binges where might of entered like 100 in a hour. lmao Not something I'd try on my PC it would die of shock.

Currently would be below average the number of comps entering until I've "reorganised" how I manage competitions entered. That's a ongoing project I started around January after the XMAS comping tsunami.

Entering the easy part. It's managing entries that's the challenge! I love to know the ways compers keep it with it all for checking back etc.

Good Luck :)

15 Aug 17 9:04 PM

Yes, the more I comp the deeper I go down the rabbit hole. Hahaha
Thanks for the reply. Found an interesting video on YouTube where the guy enters 1000 comps in 50 days so got me thinking.
Looking forward to the Christmas rush as I only started getting serious around Jan/feb of this year but definitely need a plan of attach before then.

Good luck to you too :)

16 Aug 17 6:24 AM

@Smalot11 lmao. I might of seen that 1000 comps in 50 days. A UK guy from memory? From what I recall he wasn't very effective in his methods.

Argh last XMAS was my first year doing the XMAS advent ones. I probably did around 1200++ enteris for XMAS period.

My advice for the comping XMAS rush, run , just run, while you still got time. lmao

That and turn off your social media notifications during the XMAS period, espically if you got a few comping contacts on FB. I could detect lots of XMAS cheer from other compers just "loving" their notifications. I would wait until the quiet hours so could actually use FB. It was almost unusable during the day.

I don't have that many comping contacts and prefer keeping it to small friendly bunch. :) I hate to imagine the notifications for those with 100's of comping contacts.

One method that I found handy for the advent comps is create a clickable list of links for each day. I used FB to create a private list and added as neccessary. I had around 30-50 to do each day for a month. There was probably at least double the popular ones going around. So thats around 500+ comps in 12 days

I also noted down the ending dates and grouped together ones running the same period eg 1-12th etc to avoid clicking on them once expired, as they don't all start/end at the same time. Apart from entering for the following days was also handy for checking back. I still that filed away it might come in handy for next XMAS. Good chance a lot of those promoters might run advent comps again.

Planning helps I would recommend start at least a week or two before Dec 1st and have a method where can quickly click on a link for each day. I started a bit late on the advent ones and was still finding new advent ones like on day 11.

Like most comps best to get in early before the masses join in.

16 Aug 17 8:33 AM

@Smalot1 For this XMAS hopefully by then will have a more automated system up and running. At least a working prototype. Once you start doing like 200+ comps each month you get issues with keeping up to check back using various methods eg bookmarks etc.

There are few ways can utilize various comping sites to help manage entries. For this site

I've noticed a few compers tend to a good majority of comps from only one site to help centralize the managiment of comps entered. Thou that has it's various limititions and disadvantes. I.e. Once you start using a multitude of comping sites or do a lot of adhoc FN/social media comps. Plus once it's listed on a popular comping site you've got at least 300+ others entering it.

What I'm working on It's a lot more complex then a FB page of clickable links or bookmarks. Involves a few databases collecting, organising and managing the comps. I will have to think how to organise the advent ones for the XMAS rush. What I've done a few months back to handle the daily bonus entries should help manage those. An advent classification might come handy to split them up.

For international comps was managing like 10 timezones for and 100+ simulateous comps at times. It can get "challenging" for priorising when to do them during the day. When was in full comping mode was staggering bonus entries during the day according to what time they where due. That was with the help of a database to keep track of the rolling daily bonus expiry times with the ability to just click on the links to open up a browser.

One thing you'll need to be careful during the XMAS rush is not getting "sinned binned" on the various social media for high activity in a short period. I.e. too many tags, comments etc in a period. I'm not sure what the exact limits are for each. Occassionally I see compers whinging that have been sinned binned mainly from over tagging.

Good Luck for the XMAS ones you'll need it. The chances are you'll win a few dozen wines which will come handy around day 12. lmao

16 Aug 17 9:19 AM

@Smalot11 ha me too! used to keep track but finally given up.. will only keep track of the wins (when they come)

16 Aug 17 11:18 AM

Yes you are right. A young UK guy who who a prize pack when he was little decided to enter 1000 comps to see how many he would win, he ended up with 4 wins and decided it was all to hard.
My mission at the momnet to to track 1000 comp that I enter as I would love to know if I can do better than 4 wins :)
As for FB I also keep it quite low key :)

Love to hear more of your programs when you get them figured out.

16 Aug 17 4:41 PM

@Smalot11 Good luck sounds like an experient in probabilty.

For random draws if say the average odss for each comp entered are 1/500 be somewhere around 350 required for a 50% chance of winning at least once.You could work out the distribution for winning one or more times.

A simplifed version and starting point would be something revolving around the ODDS of winning = 1- (499/500) ^350 = approx 50%
. i.e. 1 - (average prob of losing) to the power of number of comps entered.

The real overall odds are 1- ((prob of losing comp1)*(prob of losing comp 2) *(et cetc i.e.prob of lossing of each indvidual comp as they vary) ) Then could a distribution of winning once, twice, ... 1000 times. Argh to win them all would astronomical.

if say the average odds of wining are 1/350 and 1000 comps entered
Odds to win at least once = 1- (349/350) ^1000 gives approximately 94% chance of wining one or more times.

The forumulas provided just a starting point. There some online calculators I could dig up to provide a rough distribution of probabilities for likelyhood of winning one or more times, once, twice, etc etc given the average odds and number of comps entered.

So 4 wins from 1000 comps entered sounds about reasonable for random draws. It's all a numbers game, more you enter and the lower the odds the more likely to win. If manage to find a lot of draws with good odds will be the biggest factor. That may take some time to go off the main comping trails. Eg from in person local shopping centre comps etc etc.

The point of providing the rough probalities you know roughly what realistically to expect. As the example is random draws of course will be variablity in the actual results. The distribution from numerous "experienments" you will find you get a distribution that most might win say between (1-7) comps each. The range is just an example would need to do the distribution probabilities.

Yeah it may be hard work for little reward. Without a strategies to help reduce the odds, or priorise time on comps that appeal to your fortes could "waste" a lot of time. I'll also add there's the time also to check back to manage comps entered. A reoccuring theme is compers prioritising their time to maximise their ROI.

From observation the compers that appear to win reguraly have a creative forte for the WOL photography/video etc etc to supplement their droughts between random draw wins. Over the XMAs period I noticed a couple of compers winning reqularily with a forte. For one case a comper's rap videos seemed to appeal to a number of judges. They would of won like $10,000 -$20,000 in prizes over a month or two. Well when got a forte and it works why not flog it for all it's worth. :)

Even for random draws there may be strategies to maximise the odds of winning depending on the T&C's. Eg for the guessing game I enter ASAP as the odds only reduce the later in the day you enter your guess. I.e. probability of someone guessing the same number or near before you increases. A guesstimate there could be around 200-300 members guessing each day.

There are lot of other ways can improve the odds eg having lots of FB contacts for tagging comps or referrals etc. They can be more of a "marketing" excerise then random draw at times. Especially for international comps I've notice some international compers are highly organised for those.

A series of small tweaks can help inprove finding ways to cut down the time to find/enter and manage comps. Some of the blogs give general adice to improve creative entires.

Hmm personally bookmarks are the easiest thou can get a mess and ineffective once starting doing a mass of comps. They only really are effective if put the ending date at the start of the bookmark label in a consistent manner. That takes time etc.

Apart from keeping a record they can come in handy to remind you if already entered and come across the same comp from another source and attempt to enter twice, which may invalidate your entry.
Also the bookmarks appear across all my devices. I've used them at times to create lists for the daily bonus entry comps. I gets complex when you got comps that expire months away etc etc. Another advantage you can import them into say a spreadsheets/database etc. Overall I'm moving away from bookmarks thou will be handy could automatically manage them from the database. Require a method where I can still access the database across multiple devices/patforms.

Hope you keep your santity tracking 1000 comps. The biggest factor might be the effect on your motivation. How are you proposing to keep track of them all?

Good Luck :)

17 Aug 17 12:24 AM

About 100 p/w mate, take my time, quality beats quantity :)

17 Aug 17 7:39 AM

@Trevsta Totally agree only enter comps that I am interested in winning :)

17 Aug 17 9:42 AM

@Lemond I am keeping notes on all 1000 that I enter with the most important element recorded been the draw date.

Interesting point you make about the guessing game. I will have to make sure I get my guess in early.

The thing that most excites me even with winning 4-7 comps out of 1000 is that you never know if one of those comps will be a brand new car or something else awesome. You may have seen the older gentlemen who's a lifelong comper and he goes on to the the story one year he won a box of chocolates fort he whole year the next year he won a yacht.

As the saying goes you have to be in it to win it :)

17 Aug 17 9:47 AM

@Trevsta 100 per week is still impressive. Currently wouldn't be doing that. For starters you need to on the ball with checking back.
I've heard compers doing hundreds a day. I'm not sure how you could physically do hundreds hmm 1 min per comp that's a couple hours non stop assuming you got the comps on tap and not spending any time locating them. It sometimes takes my pc a min just to load a page. :(

Thou when I've had the interface running for the daily bonus entires I could quickly rattle them off. Most of those would be gleam comps. To save time loading the page I would record the direct gleam link instead of the site link.

I've learnt need to carefully with doing too many at once that require tweets etc. I've come accross twitter complaining once. That was annoying as that required SMS to reset passwords etc and took hours to finally sort it out.

OK for my XMAS list I had them prepared by about day 3-4. It was a lot easier after that quickly doing the 50+ reoccuring ones was interested in. During the XMAS rush you don't get much time to think just enter, enter enter.

17 Aug 17 11:01 AM

@Smalot11 For the guessing game as long as you wait till I've done mine I'm fine with that. lol
I've noticed there are some regulars doing the midnight shift. :)

17 Aug 17 11:03 AM

A probability distribution for 1000 trials (comps entered), average probability of a win 1/350

Successes    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
Probability    5.7%   16.4%   23.5%   22.4%   16.0%   9.1%   4.3%   1.8%   0.6%
Cummulative Probability   5.7%   22.1%   45.6%   67.9%   83.9%   93.0%   97.3%   99.1%   99.7%

That was just using the BINOM.DIST Excel function to give the probability for 0, 1, 2 etc wins
So the cummulative probability of 50% is around 2-3 wins for 1000 comps entered.

And for the average probability for a win 1/500 for 1000 comps entered
Successes    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
Probability    13.5%    27.1%   27.1%   18.1%   9.0%   3.6%   1.2%   0.3%   0.1%
Cummulative Probability   13.5%   40.6%   67.7%   85.7%   94.8%   98.4%   99.6%   99.9%   100.0%

So that video seems plausible with 4 wins from 1000 comps entered.

Those figures would give you a ball park expectations depending on the average odds for the comps entered. Note the forumula is a bit simplied due to the fact the all each comp in reality has different probabilities.

I think you be pushing it to expectto win 6-7 out of 1000 random draws, unless coming across decent odds for a lot of comps. You will occassional come across off the radar comps. Usually when a first time a promoter does a comp before they get noticed.

The leader board odds have beem pretty good for the last couple of years. It's probably one of best odds consistently going around. :)

Yeah you never know your luck. I won a nice Ipad pro with keyboard last year and the odds for winning that were something like 1/3500. It's annoying when you can't win a 1/20 odds comp. lol

Argh even for that win was lucky to find the email amonst the junk. I still reckon the luck isn't in winning, if you enter enough . It's finding that those winning emails/notifications in the haystack.

17 Aug 17 11:36 AM

argh the formmating for the tables for now can't be bothered fixing up. Hopefully get the rough idea.

17 Aug 17 11:54 AM

@Smalot11 The only issue with the draw date which isn't always given for starters, is that the winners announcements may lag. Some promoters are really prompt and will do at a set time. Others arghhhhhhhh could be weeks. That's where you need to be on the ball or good memory for checking back. Overall it's a bit pointless entering masses without some organisation.

There are some groups that announce winners that help to a degree. Also if got a few comping friends looking out for each other helps. Nothing be worse then winning and missing the notification and finding out too late.

17 Aug 17 12:13 PM

Good advices

17 Aug 17 3:13 PM

@Lemond Thanks for taking the time to calculate. i understand it all :)

As for the guessing game isn't first in best dressed.hahaha In saying that I'm not up at midnight most days :)

Yes no exact science to what I doing. To be honest I'm surprised there are so many comps out there. But agree I dont understand how some are saying they enter 100's per day unless they are at the computer 8 hours straight.

Wish me good luck in winning more than 4 and I will let you know how I do in a few months.

17 Aug 17 4:30 PM

@Smalot11 possibly came in a bit late on this conversation...but I would probably describe myself as more a niche comper only entering for things I really want. Time for me is limited so I prioritise the important ones for me first then others that I wouldn't mind winning, probably about 50 comps a week max. No issues with keeping track as sometimes 1 entry will take me two hours - I remember them! and just use the online calender for simple notes if I need to. Suprisingly I've done Ok doing things like this, this year still getting regular wins. I don't enter anything less than $100 and avoid the candle comps :) An English comper once wrote if you don't get out and do interesting things with your life, how can write about interesting things! - Wise words! For me balance is important as well.

17 Aug 17 6:25 PM

@fourleaf Wise words indeed. I like the saying life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
I'm normally the same around 50 max a week. Going on a crazy 1000 comp journey at the moment. 107 comps entered in 4 days so far. I'm surprised too because I've manage to enter that number and stay away from the 'candle' comps.
Wish me luck and a few months from now you might see a newspaper saying man enters 1000 comps and wins them all hahahaha :)
Thanks for your comment and here's to a winning week!!!

17 Aug 17 8:57 PM

@fourleaf I agree that prioristing your time becomes an important factor. The online calender sounds interesting is that the one connected with outlook? I might of tied it at one point, however found it didn't quite suit keeping things manageable. It got a bit complex how to use it for reoccuring daily comps etc.

@Smalot11 The absolute number of comps entering isn't that important. Like your finding you can easily find lots of good quality comps. There's a whole world of them. There's isn't a rabbit hole big enough to stuff them all in.

Be interesting what you learn about what methods for finding and managing you find efficient.
You may find it's a challenge for finding comps from multiple comp sites, various social media feeds, emails and FB notiifications, twtter notifcations, instagram notifications, youtube etc etc to check for winning annoucements. You may also consider checking out your local comps which might be off the main comping radar.

IMO a lot of compers end up concerntrating on the FB and less so the instagram comps or end up limiting to a couple of comping sites to keep it manageable.

You may get away with minimal recording etc of the comps entered. Thou when your dealing with doing something 1000+ times you start evaluating how you can simplify and reduce the effort required. A minute saved/wasted per comp adds up. Time you could doing somthing more fun or entering more comps. I wish could say there's one simple method. More what you find simpliest and effecitive Enter and forget would be great.

Lots of small decisions where to concernate your time and effort and bound to be a few lessons along the way. Your challenge is how to have fun with them. :)

And as @surferboy83 has shown entering comps can be an adventure. Not just from the trips won also the competition itself can be an adventure whether you win or lose. If motivates you to push your bounarys to be a bit of a "git" and have a bit of fun along the way then go for it. :)

@suferboy83 If haven't already done so when's the "fun with comps" youtube being posted?

18 Aug 17 2:45 AM

@lemond sounds like a great idea. China was great fun. Came home to another win too. I'll post it up soon as well. Cheers

18 Aug 17 2:26 PM
General Chatter

Competition to win a 99 dollar piece of jewellery

09 Aug 17 6:08 PM

Cheers :)

10 Aug 17 12:15 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Hi @admin

The surveys don't load for me. I've only tried two as they fall off my screen when I come back to the page and I don't want to miss the points.

I get a "Sorry this page didn't load but it is out problem not yours" type of message.

09 Aug 17 7:42 AM

I got that as well for one after spending way to much time for a long one. Just after doing the final question. :(

Tried again then got a message wasn't accepting any more responses.

t's a bit annoying that the page redirects from the site instead of opening a new tab. I wonder if it matters instead of clicking on the button to right click and do the survey? Or does that risk not being credited with the compbux? Hmm will have to try a few things out.

10 Aug 17 6:03 AM

I will have to investigate guys. We just introduced a new survey panel so not sure what it could be. If i can't find anything i will reward some points manually. Will do it, so it opens in a new window.

10 Aug 17 2:26 PM

@admin I have the suspicion for the Computer Security survey I did around 5ish am it wasn't logged as I right clicked on the button to open it up in a new window, instead of clicking on it. Why it was still was avaiable to try again when I refreshed the competitions home page. Thinking about it that's the same behaviour for triggering the competitions as viewed and been awarded the leader board point for it.

Was a bit strange that it let me almost complete/sumbit the survey before getting "It's our problem not yours" message. Then a few minutes later when tried again this time clicking on the button I got the full quota type message.
All the other surveys I've attempted were done via directly clicking the button. I was getting slightly annoyed with it redirecting from the site page and tried right clicking to open in a new tab. That way I could see what my compbux total was before attempting the survey to see if was awarded etc.

10 Aug 17 6:37 PM

@admin For @Di_D my only question would be what type of device/Operating System/browser was using incase the issue is related to the browser etc. I haven't tried doing the surveys via my Ipad. I've only been doing them via the PC/windows 10 Chrome. Most likely the admin whould know that from any logs. :)

10 Aug 17 6:41 PM

They worked for me yesterday - should have said (sorry).

11 Aug 17 7:19 AM

I tried to do this same survey with another company but I had the same problem. I think the researchers are looking for a particular bank with a particular demographic.

13 Aug 17 6:18 PM
General Chatter

'interesting surveys' .. first 2 are no go since I don't have kids.. 3rd one because I don't have much money ... hmm

08 Aug 17 7:19 PM

I got the same results. :( . Would be nice to have a log of the compbux so can confirm at least got the 5 compbux for them. I'm trying to inch towards a decent cash out level. It might take till 2050 thou unless can pick a few compbux from the leader board. Hmm for this month might be wishful thinking.

At least this method seems more reliable then via emails That method I didn't get a option to even attempt the survey.

08 Aug 17 7:46 PM

@Lemond first one let me attempt and when I said no kids the message was ' sorry', same with the 3rd one with savings.. second one didn't even let me attempt .. oh well

08 Aug 17 8:24 PM

@Anna2077 There's a new one finally got my first 75 compbuxs for TV streaming. I checked how much compbux I ha first and appears was added immediately. Maybe if they keep pumping them out might reach the $50 level lot sooner then expected. :) Will have to see if they keep up listing them. At least being connected with the site you don't have to go hunting for emails etc.

08 Aug 17 9:28 PM

@Lemond do miss them sometimes if I give myself a day or two away from email

08 Aug 17 10:44 PM

A lot of these surveys have quotas and limits and expire within 3 days. You're best to do them as soon as you see it or you will be screened out.

10 Aug 17 2:28 PM

@admin hi! I know, it's not always possible to be online all day and check for surveys and comps as soon as they are published

10 Aug 17 6:49 PM
General Chatter

Has there been an update with Surveys notifications now appearing for members?
@admin I like the idea that can easily see if got surverys uncompleted instead of going to the emails. It would be great to have a log of compbux earned from surverys or combux awaiting to be awarded if it takes time to receive them.

08 Aug 17 6:33 PM

Thanks for the feedback. CompBux log is coming soon. You will soon be able to earn points entering competitions :) Points will always be instantly awarded as long as the survey redirects back to the competitions site.

10 Aug 17 2:31 PM
General Chatter

Congratulations, @Lemond on the Guessing Game win. Woot! Woot!

06 Aug 17 9:43 AM

Well done indeed!! I wasn't even close! Ha! Ha!

06 Aug 17 11:39 AM

Thanks. It only took that one guess early on the 1st.. Doh :) It wouldn't of made a difference for those that missed their extra guess.

06 Aug 17 12:14 PM

Enjoy!! :-)

06 Aug 17 1:13 PM

@toxicgherkin It must be finally your turn this week for the guessing game. Good luck :)

06 Aug 17 1:48 PM


06 Aug 17 2:49 PM

@Lemond Congrats on the guessing game win even without all your guesses. They never did make it up for us but it would not have mattered anyway!

06 Aug 17 4:29 PM

Good one mate, got the elusive quinnella now :)

06 Aug 17 5:34 PM

Congrats @Lemond

06 Aug 17 8:22 PM

Congratulations! :)

07 Aug 17 5:41 PM

Noice !!

07 Aug 17 6:23 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Suggestion for a blog post: The Art of losing gracefully

IT Unleashed announced on Facebook that they were cancelling their August giveaway due to the actions of a person who did not win one of the giveaways. I have seen this happen for other businesses who become disillusioned after being the subject of attack and it seems to be getting more frequent.

Businesses don't have to give anything away. They do it to raise their profile and, frankly, there are other ways to do this with fewer headaches.

Perhaps there should be an new etiquette - one where we remember to thank the business, particularly on facebook, for the opportunity even if we don't win. Where we congratulate the winner. Perhaps a "like" on the announcement post.

I know everyone here is likely to be someone that already do these sorts of things and understand that the relationship with these businesses needs to remain positive, so everyone enjoys it, but perhaps we need to lead by example.

04 Aug 17 7:41 AM

The Art of Thinking First :)

04 Aug 17 9:21 AM

I'm in for that. I do like to say congrats to the winner but will start adding a thanks to the business as well.

04 Aug 17 1:40 PM

Ive heard about this recently. Its poor sportsmanship really. If you dont win then thats the luck of the draw and you move on. I agree with you Di_D. Companys dont have to have giveaways and who they choose to win is entirely their choice

04 Aug 17 11:13 PM

Yes, Di_D, that was quite a rant from the sound of it. Shame on that individual, whose post has now been removed. I did send my words of support to the promoter. I'm not sure naming the individual was that helpful. A private message to them reminding them of social (media) etiquette may have fallen on deaf ears but was probably more prudent than tagging the individual. It's regretful that an August promotion is not running but hopefully they'll be back bigger, stronger and more resilient in September. They're a good mob, and as they've explained, they do this gratis, all whilst lifting their online profile and increasing their search engine ranking too. It's a 'I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine." Works for me. Hey, I'm itchy!

05 Aug 17 11:26 AM

My wins are few and far between, but I ALWAYS ring the promoter and thank them very much for the prize, and follow up with an email after the prize is taken to tell them how it all went, it is more personal making that connection and I really do appreciate the win. It has never occurred to to me to abuse the poor promoter (even if the answer chosen was very similar). ps hate FB comps for that reason

06 Aug 17 6:32 PM

I have fallen victim to this person. She is nasty and has bullied me several times. She seems to think all the comps belong to her and if she doesn't win she tends to write negative stuff about the business. She did this on a competition on 'Oliver Brown Instagram Page' and since then Oliver Brown hasn't run another competition. She has a tight knit group of friends / compers who stick by her though so she is a 'protected species'.

07 Aug 17 12:09 AM

@Comp_chick Sounds like a Game of Thrones or Survivor episode. @toxicGherkin when's that next movie coming out . :)

The best solution if they're causing you persistent issues is just block them and their minions while at it. Sadly that "vibe" I've come across and the best resolution was to just block. It's not worth the headache.

The first rule of comping that most forget it's all about the promoter. Occassional will come across a poorly run competition, regardless it's always best to treat things dipolatically, take a step back and tthink first. Most times obvious issues are rectified ASAP.

07 Aug 17 10:22 AM

If you block her she will just use fake accounts to harass you. Who wouldn't be afraid of this.

07 Aug 17 12:04 PM

I am not a fan of facebook competitions, they are too public. I always email a thanks and if I get a phone call almost cry with thanks and appreciation :)

08 Aug 17 10:02 AM

@KittyKat65 I agree with Facebook competitons are too public with one issue when you win may get"fan" messages. I recall my first Facebook win too well. Something that should be a celebration can get distressing when participants get nasty they didn't win. That was for a random draw. It's increasingly hard to limit yourself to non social media competitons as promoters tend to push various social media to increase exposer.

Overall thou if trying to avoid the limelight once you win most times your anonymity is gone. I recall one facebook post for a comp which had the winners name on a big check. Hmm I noticed the name didn't match their Facebook profile. When you win enough and put yourself out there its hard to remain anonymous even with "fake" profiles etc.

The competition wasn't run on Facebook it was a in person type comp however they published the winner on Facebook.

08 Aug 17 5:48 PM

@Comp_chick Still think if it's a big enough issue to warrent blocking do that. Will save all the dramas. Also avoids any temptation getting drawn into it. If they are that persistent enough to create fake profiles to continue harassment the best advice is not respond back and just meticalliously log all correspondence. Then if left with no option there are legal options.

It's not something you really want and to resort to. Trust me it can be quite stressful.

For those thinking that a fake profile will make them anoymous thereare various methods for unmasking the individual. Yeah you try hiding your IP and chuck it through a onion router (TOR) etc however with some clever staticial analysis of Facebook may uncover the indivual. The best advice "own" your comments on social media and think first.

08 Aug 17 6:14 PM
I've Won

Well looks like I'm on to NZ next year, any recommendations on things to do in Auckland?

03 Aug 17 6:06 PM


04 Aug 17 6:44 AM

Good win!

04 Aug 17 7:27 AM


04 Aug 17 7:28 AM

Congratulations! That will be a fantastic trip!

04 Aug 17 8:53 AM

Thanks all. Very lucky :)

04 Aug 17 1:37 PM

Congrats smalot11. Go up the skytower for dinner. 360 degree views of the city!

04 Aug 17 2:56 PM

Sounds like a great idea, thank you@surferboy83

04 Aug 17 4:10 PM

Congrats, awesome win there :)

04 Aug 17 10:03 PM

Congrats. Enjoy your holiday, Ive heard NZ is a beautiful place!

04 Aug 17 11:15 PM

Congratulations, smalot11. Woot! Woot!

05 Aug 17 11:22 AM

Great win Enjoy!!

05 Aug 17 4:14 PM

Wow just wow

06 Aug 17 12:07 AM

Thanks all. Not till March 2018 but good to have something to look forward too :)

06 Aug 17 6:19 AM

Great prize to win congrats! I find if I just Google "things to do Auckland" lots of tours and suggestions pop up and you can pre book a lot of tours before you arrive.

06 Aug 17 9:17 AM

Thanks @Travlmad Good tip to book prior :)

06 Aug 17 8:23 PM

Wow! Congratulations,what a great prize,(:

06 Aug 17 9:47 PM


07 Aug 17 6:22 PM

Thank you :)

07 Aug 17 7:01 PM


08 Aug 17 10:02 AM

Well that's a win and some:)

08 Aug 17 11:11 AM

Thank you all :)

09 Aug 17 10:57 AM

Mate, welcome t the "free holiday club", that's an awesome win and great location, not to mention the show, Newmarket( Auckland) has the maddest prestige car yards, the best of everything down to Hummer dealerships, have a blast mate, Congratulations :)

10 Aug 17 12:26 PM

Love the free holiday club! @Trevsta

10 Aug 17 10:33 PM

Hey everyone, I was just wondering where to find the newsletter on this site? cheers :)

03 Aug 17 5:15 PM

I don't think there is a newsletter on site. Do get regular email news though.

Email it comes from is

Perhaps you can subscribe that way.

Good luck

03 Aug 17 6:45 PM

Thanks for your reply :) I was just wondering because I read where it says to earn more points sometimes there is a link through the newsletter. And Im thinking what newsletter? I do get emails though with updates on new comps

03 Aug 17 10:42 PM

I don't get newsletters either or information of new competitions. I don't recall ever getting anything from this site regarding updates etc.

04 Aug 17 8:14 AM

I get an email every few day. No bonus points last month (unless I missed that email) but the month prior there was a bonus 30 points in one of the emails.

As mentioned above perhaps write to the email and asked to be added if your not getting emails :)

Hope this helps

04 Aug 17 1:38 PM

Thanks :)

04 Aug 17 11:07 PM
I've Won

Micador AquaPaint Pens

My daughter is a talented artist and she will love these.

03 Aug 17 7:41 AM

Congratulations @Di_D! Great prize to win

03 Aug 17 9:29 AM


03 Aug 17 1:41 PM

Big congratulations @DI_D :)

03 Aug 17 2:44 PM

Congrats :)

03 Aug 17 6:01 PM


04 Aug 17 7:29 AM

Nice one!!

04 Aug 17 2:57 PM

Congrats :)

04 Aug 17 10:04 PM

Nice,congratulations (:

06 Aug 17 9:48 PM

Congratulations :)

10 Aug 17 12:27 PM
General Chatter

Did anyone else only get 1 guess in the guessing game when should have been 2

01 Aug 17 6:06 PM

was about to post and and ask same

01 Aug 17 6:09 PM

@Anna2077 I have contacted them and will wait for a response

01 Aug 17 7:21 PM

@Winner1 thank you... please let me know what they say

01 Aug 17 8:12 PM

@Anna2077 Will do

01 Aug 17 8:53 PM

I also had only one guess today instead of two

01 Aug 17 9:54 PM

Yes, won't get that guess back without a doubt!!

01 Aug 17 9:57 PM

Oh bugger I forgot was due for two guesses being a new month. Well I probably didn't help myself doing my one guess like right on midnight and would of been caught between shifts.

Lesson is never log in early on the first day of the month.

01 Aug 17 11:09 PM

Sigh for the 2nd Aug still one guess @admin

02 Aug 17 12:19 AM

Still only one guess today for me too

02 Aug 17 11:42 AM

@Lemond I didn't log in to late in the day yesterday but still only 1 guess for yesterday and today

02 Aug 17 11:44 AM

@Winner1 I gathered that might of been the case. Hmm there hasn't been a change in the T&C's? I haven't checked lately. Sigh each month the same issues seem to pop up. I guess they are running short on duct tape.

02 Aug 17 12:00 PM

@Anna2077 Had a reply message back to say they are fixing the issue today

02 Aug 17 1:32 PM

@Lemond Got a reply back just now to say they are fixing this issue today

02 Aug 17 1:33 PM

I got two guess entries today :)

02 Aug 17 4:33 PM

@Winner1 Thanks. Sounds like a new roll of duct tape has arrived. :) I might hold off a bit tomorrow if not showing up early tomorrow.

02 Aug 17 6:59 PM
General Chatter

Hi Compers!




31 Jul 17 2:01 PM

Great blog @LuckyNIcky

I don't think loosing is the biggest issue, that'a birthright like you mentioned, Motivation is definately a factor but not due to loosing.
First of all must throw away the concept of "problems" and treat them as isssues that may need to be resolved.

IMO one of the biggest issues is keeping ontop of all the various contact methods for when the win occurs from phone calls, emails and all the various social media notifications. If you're entering enough competitions it will finally happen @Anna2077 you need to be persistent/determined/motivated enough.

If only you could enter and forget and promoters would go out there way to contact you. Also give more then 24/48 hours to find those elusive winning emails/notiications comping would be so much more fun.

02 Aug 17 12:18 PM

@Lemond how did I manage to get a mention?

Not won a thing in 8 months, even something. that I claimed as a subscriber never arrived even though confirmation was sent.

02 Aug 17 5:34 PM

@Anna2077 lmao. Did you read NIcky's motivational blog :)

Thou I reckon the luck isn't winning or losing that comes naturally if enter enough competitions. The luck is spotting those elusive winning emails and notifications when they finally arrive.

02 Aug 17 6:49 PM

@Lemond been there, done that, but with all the ads for the comps more people are playing and not as many comps around as there were 2 years ago ... would be nice to win something little..

What are my chances if something that I claimed and was advices when en rout 4 weeks ago, still not arrived LOL

02 Aug 17 7:29 PM

@Anna2077 Yes the next big issue after winning waiting on delivery for a prize Frankly entering and loosing is the easy part.

02 Aug 17 11:48 PM

@Lemond heard from them today.. apparently claiming monthly thingy has problems with delivery .. they don't like PO Boxes.. need to supply them with home address .. now why didn't they get back to me after it became an issue 4 weeks ago?

03 Aug 17 5:21 PM
General Chatter

Congratulations to @julieellenv, WINNER of the $100 Reply and Win Competition. :) Stay tuned for more reply and win competitions!

31 Jul 17 11:09 AM

Congrats Julie

31 Jul 17 1:11 PM

Congratulations :)

31 Jul 17 4:31 PM

Congratulations, Julie.

01 Aug 17 10:54 AM
Tips & Tricks

Happy Friday everyone!

Feeling like you don't have balance? Well, I have the post for you: ACHIEVING BALANCE IN A WORLD OF COMPETITIONS



Voting Requests

Hi everyone,
Hope it's ok to post here but just wondering if anyone has a spare moment and wouldn't mind please voting for a photo entry in a competition, would be very much appreciated thank-you... It's on the Hisense Australia Facebook page, search in the competition gallery for 'Jennifer Swift'.

The entries with the most votes get to the finals, then a judge picks the winner. (Don't usually enter voting competitions - hate asking for votes!). Thank-you :)

20 Jul 17 12:13 AM

:) Good Luck!

20 Jul 17 7:46 AM

Done. 8 Votes now. Good luck :)

20 Jul 17 11:48 AM

Done ;)

20 Jul 17 3:56 PM

I clicked on it but it doesn't seem to be registering ... I'll try from another device later

21 Jul 17 7:43 AM
General Chatter

Anybody have any wins this week? I won a Diary Of The Wimpy Kid prize pack. Love to hear of any of your wins.

Here's to a winning week!!!

09 Jul 17 2:00 PM

I won two tickets to Churchill movie

09 Jul 17 2:52 PM

Awesome!! Hope it's a great watch @wolverine :)

09 Jul 17 3:43 PM

zip zilch nada in 8 months...

09 Jul 17 5:13 PM

Sending you positive winning thoughts for a win this week @Anna2077

09 Jul 17 6:45 PM

$20 big w gift card on the shop a docket app

10 Jul 17 7:25 AM

@bj74 very nice!! Ive been trying for a Woolworths card on there

10 Jul 17 9:53 AM

I am finding the contest opportunities very scarce wins :-(

10 Jul 17 1:54 PM

@KittyKat65 What would you like to win?

10 Jul 17 4:07 PM

@Smalot11 that you, and to you too :-)

10 Jul 17 4:36 PM

@KittyKat65 I agree! not many comps to enter..

10 Jul 17 4:36 PM

I am quite partial to movie tickets, for any movie. My biggest win to date which was amazing, was Melbourne cup cruise last year! So big tick of bucket list, going to the race that stops the nation! Thanks Carnival cruises.

11 Jul 17 9:31 AM

I have been winning a few books and book vouchers, not sure what the universe is telling me...

11 Jul 17 12:08 PM

@KittyKat65 agree! Good way to see movies, good and bad

11 Jul 17 3:26 PM

Well done, maybe you need to start a library:) @jennye

11 Jul 17 5:26 PM

I love movie tickets. Movies are quite expensive these days especially taking a whole family. It's a real treat and blessing to get tickets @KittyKat65

11 Jul 17 5:28 PM

A $100 gift card in the Ego Pharmaceuticals 'Aqium - Win the War on Germs' promotion (I think!) - pending their (non-)response!!!! tickets to k.d. lang's Melbourne concert this coming Tuesday - and I've not a thing to wear! Thankful, always.

16 Jul 17 7:45 PM

Great wins, glad to hear your winning streak continues :) @toxicgherkin

16 Jul 17 8:11 PM

Ooh, and a 30 cm non-stick french skillet. It's red!

17 Jul 17 9:16 AM

@toxicgherkin congrats! didn't you win a suit last year?

17 Jul 17 5:10 PM

I never win anything

17 Jul 17 10:06 PM

I won an advanced copy of a book today. My first win in about 2 months.

17 Jul 17 11:21 PM

@Anna2077 yes, I did. I donated the win to a mate. He got a spiffy customised suit and handmade leather shoes out of it. I was shouted a beer. Lol

18 Jul 17 10:29 AM

Congrats, hope it's a good read @RebeccaElizabethD

18 Jul 17 10:30 AM

@toxicgherkin oh you are a good kind man and you were taken for a ride :-(

Now I know why we never saw the photo :-)

18 Jul 17 11:30 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

@admin Here's an idea for the guessing game to "encouraging/entince" the vast number of "missing in action"/non active members.
Pinch a few compbux from the guessing game and spread it to 2nd, 3rd etc (ie. bump them up so can cash out more easily). That way those members might get the hint. :)

Then again the competition for the leader board might become a touch tougher.

09 Jul 17 4:12 AM
I've Won | Canstar Blue - Win $500 Cash

Won the $500!

06 Jul 17 1:30 PM

$500 to your power bill. What a prize!! Well done.

06 Jul 17 1:37 PM

Exciting win!!!

06 Jul 17 4:14 PM


06 Jul 17 10:11 PM

Congratulations on your win!!!

07 Jul 17 12:58 AM

Nice prize right there!!!:)

07 Jul 17 7:44 AM

Great prize!

07 Jul 17 9:04 AM

Very Nice Congratulations! :)

07 Jul 17 9:55 AM

Congratulations, cbentry.

07 Jul 17 10:11 AM

Cold Hard Cash TALKS!! Nice Win!!!!

07 Jul 17 7:59 PM

Congratulations.Great win

08 Jul 17 8:07 PM

So happy for you

09 Jul 17 11:20 PM

Great win!congratulations.

10 Jul 17 10:44 PM
General Chatter

wow!! I knew I'd been away for a while, but WOW! It all looks so different!!!!!!

05 Jul 17 8:17 AM

Welcome back friend, yes a lot has changed, no birthday bonus anymore, compbux is the new leaderboard prize, 1st to 10th are rewarded with compbux now too, good luck shtooff

05 Jul 17 11:39 AM

Welcome Back Cotter! lol :)

07 Jul 17 8:01 PM

typical ...this month is my birthday :-)

10 Jul 17 1:56 PM

thanks... not sure I'm properly back though! lol I keep forgetting to come back. Life has just gotten far too busy to do the daily comping. Hopefully I can find some time and get back into it.

12 Jul 17 3:03 PM
General Chatter

I hate when pages choose their winner and then delete their post.
On Everyday Gourmet Facebook page I went to check who won and post disapeared
It was for a Tefal Cook 4 Me
(I don't think they even chose a winner)

General Chatter

I had about 6 competitions saved, they weren't expiring for a while, today only one remains.. what happened to them? can they please be restored as I'm yet to enter them.

03 Jul 17 5:11 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Bring back the comments link below the competitions lists. It was a quck way of highlighting an issue for a comp listed for members. Or does no one pay attention to those?

I think saw a comp listed today that the promoters link was showing as already ended.

03 Jul 17 4:07 PM

I liked them, if I found something in T&C's I thought important I'd always leave a little comment

04 Jul 17 6:09 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

Please .... it is "announced" ... not "annouced"
(on guessing game page)

02 Jul 17 8:14 AM

Thank you

04 Jul 17 7:16 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

The ad on the left has got to go.. it's too long and I'm not interested in overseas implants, dating women or anything else it's flogging.

30 Jun 17 10:55 PM

I only got one chance in guess game, came 12th, should be two chances ;(

01 Jul 17 8:16 AM

Not sure where I came (how can I find that out?) in the ranking, but I am certain I would have been in the range to get that extra guess each day. I too have only received one guess today. If it's a glitch then I suppose I have missed out today then.

01 Jul 17 8:22 AM

Last nite at 10 ;30 I was 10th and no 100 compbux :( but did get two guesses :)

01 Jul 17 9:19 AM

Same only one guess this morning and just before midnight I was 17th, well within the 50 for double guesses

01 Jul 17 10:18 AM

Yes:( only one guess too and well within top 50!! My whole month has been devastated lol

01 Jul 17 10:40 AM

Me too, how am I going to get through this!!

01 Jul 17 10:45 AM

I've missed out on the second guess too this morning.

01 Jul 17 11:13 AM

I also have missed out on the second guess this morning. Hope a glitch will be fixed soon.

01 Jul 17 12:18 PM

Missed out on a second guess as well

01 Jul 17 3:33 PM

me 2

01 Jul 17 9:40 PM


01 Jul 17 10:34 PM

A lof of names above I recognise from the midnight crew/early birds. :)

The only time I've seen that occur in the past is when registering a guess close to midnight on the first day. There appears to be a small time frame where the maintence hasn't completed calculation for which members entitiled to double guesses for the new month, which I've previous brought up. That seems to be for at least a few minutes after midnight. I'd give 10 minutes to be sure. I''ve been caught out once before. :(

What happens from experience anyone doing a guess before the maintence has worked out the new months guess entitlement you get the regualr guess.

It's also possible some new bugs or the T&C's have been changed to extend to the top 10 for single guess and not updated.
Argh note on the first day of the month it's not wise to jump in head first. Wait for some poor suckers to test if it's safe, unless got nothing to lose. lmao

02 Jul 17 1:15 AM

@JoLee I'm not exactly 100% certain if ended up 10th you were floating around 10th. I was curious what score 10th would end up. The modelling is around 176* - 170 for 10th for 30 days. That's just an average expected score also need to take account how many scores end up grouped, missed comps and any other bonuses. Looking around requiring 1/2 dozen points above the average i.e. 165. Which I think was about your score.

It's possible either members ticked off the link bonus late, competitions viewed or there was movement in scores above you spreading out the rankings and just pushing you out. Hmm thou I suspect you might of ended up 10th.

It be great if they displayed the leader board winners for the top 10.

02 Jul 17 1:41 AM

For those that only got the one guess for the first day how did go for today?

02 Jul 17 1:42 AM

Still only one guess

02 Jul 17 7:34 AM

Still only one guess today for me too!

02 Jul 17 8:24 AM

Same, just 1 guess!

02 Jul 17 9:47 AM

Only one guess

02 Jul 17 10:48 AM

Same here. Only one guess!

02 Jul 17 10:48 AM

So, who were the top 10 in June? Have they been published somewhere? I think last time I checked on the 30th I was around 11th place, but before midnight it could have changed.

02 Jul 17 10:57 AM

Get this, my last number I was gonna guess this week was 240 Seriously, one guess short cost me a win but that's life on the farm for u, good with the bad.....All Good

02 Jul 17 11:46 AM

2 guesses today

03 Jul 17 10:01 AM

@Try2win double guesses today......still the same :)

03 Jul 17 10:45 AM

I got double guesses today but maybe everyone did?

03 Jul 17 11:08 AM

I also got two guesses today but maybe all members did ..... (Because you are awesome, today everyone gets double entries.)

03 Jul 17 1:48 PM

@Ascompet Yeh I'm fairly sure today was double guess day as I got 2 guesses as well.
If "entitled" to the bonus guess then you "should" of got 4 guesses.
Is anyone getting the bonus guesses? i.e. today 4 guesses.

It could be they've scrapped the bonus guess for everyone and forgotten to update the rules or haven't finished implementting all the new rule changes.

In the meanwhile welcome to my hell of regular guesses. The bonus there's less to do each day.

X fingers the @admin either updates the rules or fixes it up ASAP. :)

03 Jul 17 3:53 PM

@Lemond 4? I only had 2

03 Jul 17 5:12 PM

@Lemond I totally agree with your comment. Hopefully a glitch will be fixed soon.

03 Jul 17 8:38 PM

@Anna2077 Regarding 4th-50th Prize: Will gain an extra guess everyday when playing the guessing game for the following month.

If it is double guess day which I'm presuming as I got 2 guesses today, you get double what your "entitled" guesses are. i.e. if on regular guess you get two guesses, if on the extra guess you get 4 guesses today.

If that isn't the case you might need to get the attention of the @admin. It appears you've got a "few" fellow members to join you . :)

03 Jul 17 10:40 PM

@Anna2077 Argh!!! Yeah I see how that big advert on the left covers your daily points. Hmm I'm probably wishing right now that I didn't just set the adblocker to remove it.

04 Jul 17 12:07 AM

What a beautiful way to start the comping day. It seems that a guessing game glitch has been fixed as I got two entries today. How many guesses did other members have?

04 Jul 17 7:07 AM

@Lemond haha yesterday my daily score was 1 & today it's 2... do wonder why I bother.. in 2.5 years never made it to top 10... guess now never will

04 Jul 17 10:19 AM

The guessing game seems to have been fixed, I got 2 guesses this morning, it said that I get a bonus guess each day, so had my 2, thanks @admin

04 Jul 17 10:25 AM

The guessing game seems to have been fixed, I got 2 guesses this morning, it said that I get a bonus guess each day, so had my 2, thanks @admin

04 Jul 17 10:25 AM

The guessing game seems to have been fixed, I got 2 guesses this morning, it said that I get a bonus guess each day, so had my 2, thanks @admin

04 Jul 17 10:25 AM

Yes! I got 2 guesses too this morning! :-)

04 Jul 17 10:51 AM

Trying to understand how my comment regarding advertising managed to get taken over by the guessing game comments ... someone help.. ta :-)

04 Jul 17 1:30 PM


04 Jul 17 1:51 PM

Mmmm, I have a big ad down the left side of the comps page, but mine is for 'win Aussie made prizes', I don't mind seeing that one :)

06 Jul 17 10:05 AM

@Try2win that's all I see now as well. The ad is hiding daily points pus other details. .. it's all about formatting images when it comes to websites .. hopefully next update will fix it.

06 Jul 17 11:10 AM

@Anna2077 Hmm it appears someone's been busy trying to thwart adblockers. Time to upgrade the arsenal with a nuke for them. That's better! God if only the ads didn't make the site so unusable. Thou on the bright side now found a better option for those in your face ads.. :)

11 Jul 17 1:48 AM

@Lemond how are you enjoying frames? might try viewing on a different browser tomorrow...

11 Jul 17 12:04 PM

@Anna2077 I think are referring to the concept of "frames verses the deprecated HTML Frame.

Yeah on different OS/browsers will display differently.

On the pc I haven't noticed too much change apart from a lot of white space and wasted space at the top 1/3 of the page. The could try condense that by 1/2 so can see some actual content!

I think on the ipad is displaying "frames" which looks/interacts horrid with the ads and stop usig the site on the Ipad. I haven't got around to exploring content blockers etc on the ipad. Noticably on the Ipad the ads on the site have become graffiti upsetting the layout and interaction with the site. When visiting the home page all I see on the Ipad is a page full of ads.

Last night got a banner regarding disable your adblocker on the guessing game page when using the PC. I had just a stock standard adblocker. There are methods they can be detected etc. I.e. someones added in a new script in the last day or so. Well gave me the motivation to find a better alternative. :)

Ps The ad blocking is not about not supporting the site etc but making it enjoyable and useable to actually read what little content is remaining.

11 Jul 17 7:28 PM

@Lemond cannot be bothered with ad blockers .. will just keep on getting annoyed :-)

12 Jul 17 5:00 PM

@Anna2077 That's the spirit if it keeps you motivated. lmao

Usually I don't bother too much with them myself. Thou can do more then just block unwanted Ads they can block malicious sites/scripts as well reducing potient threats.

I find ads also can slow down loading of pages dramicitally. Gor one site's competitions it involves searching 1000's of pages. Every "few" seconds saved per page viewed make a difference. It also means I can have more pages open at the same time until the PC grinds to a halt or starts playing up due to low memory. When you're having pages take 10 seconds to load your patience might start getting a bit thin. Even if it's automatically set up to the browsing.

When I site "attempts" to block/hide a page from displaying until you disable the adblocker that get's my goat. I simple message would of sufficed.

It can fruitless trying to stop all adblockers, thou some are pretty simple to detect. The recent changes have highlighted you need to strike a balance with the ads displayed and still maintain reasonable functionality and enjoyment of a site.

In the end what is displayed is determined at the user end. There's only so much you can do. It's the browser/app used that determines how and what is displayed. A customised browser/app you could reformat a page however you choose.

Eg last night I thought was a good idea to try out the facebook app on the MS store. Sigh disappointing that it doesn't have an option to show top comments. It's the first thing I check for posted results on FaceBook. Using the browser by defualt get that option. Also with other browser add ins you can add extra functionality to the FB webpage. Eg more detailed display of posted times etc. etc.. Thou I think the biggest drawback of using the app I don't think there's an option to add the page to my bookmarks for helping check back on results. So that Facebook app has been quickly binned.

Now if only there was an browser addon/app that could reformat any site and reformat and change the functionality how you choose. :)

13 Jul 17 1:07 AM

@Anna2077 I'm suprised you're getting overseas implants, dating women the can/should tailor the types of google adds dsiplayed related to the site. It probably reflects your browsing/search history. lmao. The ones I used to see were basically the same as some of the "featured" comps/ads.

13 Jul 17 1:31 AM

@Lemond hate to disappoint your twisted little mind, but no. Had ads followed my browsing history it would only be employment ads

13 Jul 17 11:00 AM

@Lemond this site is not mobile friendly

13 Jul 17 11:02 AM

@Anna2077 lmao. I wouldn't expect thouse offensives adds to appear on this site. That's the root of my point regarding offensive/inappropriate ads and another reason to block them.

I think there are options the site may provide to Google to tailour the type of ads dished out according to interest groups. From from memory the ads themselves have options not to display again and provide a reason why which taliour the ads dished out to you. If ony were options for the google ads display only for a selection of interests or don't display at all.

Looks like Facebook mobil app is going to added ads. Just what we all need to consume mobile data allowances.

Regarding ads if you hate them so much can check out and least keep our Goveernment broadcasters free of unwanted ads. :)

14 Jul 17 1:47 AM

@Anna2077 Your "browsing" history can determine what ads are displayed. Possibly been redirected by a site visted to an unwanted link at some point why the "browsing" is in quotes.

It could be a number of factors what ads are dished out. eg From googles perspective could who pays the most apart from your interests. :)

One forum just quickly google. which gives some users examples regarding ads dished out. Argh I might be getting ads for adblockers if hadn't disabled them.

14 Jul 17 2:46 AM

@Lemond I am fully aware of that.. then again the only things I do on this browser is comps..

14 Jul 17 1:59 PM

Congrats @moreofachance and happy birthday month :)

30 Jun 17 1:20 AM

Cheers bud, down to the death mate, think we got the same numbers n the last 3 days,Happy Birthday for last month too mate!!!

30 Jun 17 7:23 AM

@moreofachance Cheers. Yeah been very close the last week thou not quite the same scores the last three days.
The last day days, 1, 3, 9, 8 farily sure you had 1, 8 ,8, 8 ( I was up two points 4 days to go how I can work it out. lmao Be pushing the odds if we both had the same scores the last three days (1/1000) . The "odds" thou of all three of us ending up on the same score today were 7/1000. The admin might of been sweating a bt. The days not over yet. I knew had to close 199 to win. That's the average expected score for June. lmao

Now don't go all spending it all at once and keep your receipts as you know what comp is back? EFTPOS win win! Now the odds with 450 prizes up for grabs are too good to pass up. Good luck :)

30 Jun 17 9:11 AM

Happy Birthday month!!

Was just about to post about EFTPOS myself. What a comp!

I notice this time there is a limit of 3 $100 prizes don't know if that was in last time around. Here's hoping $100 all round :)

30 Jun 17 10:41 AM

@Smalot11 Thanks hadn't got around checking the T and Cs fairly sure that wasn't the case as some won last time at least 4 times. Most likely those individuals will be ingenious enough to side step that. Maybe they should of also considered per household if going to put limits on it.

30 Jun 17 12:16 PM

Was the forum font changed last couple of days? Or I'm just getting used to it. It appears might of been improved. lmao.

01 Jul 17 5:18 AM

@Lemond looking to same to me but I think I used to it now so may have been a subtle change

01 Jul 17 12:39 PM

@Smalot11 Yeh it could of just been too early for me or had the browser set to a larger then 100% zoom.

01 Jul 17 6:46 PM
General Chatter

Can someone help please.
The last three days when someone replies to me comments on Facebook I don't any notification.
I checked my settings and there's nothing changed.
But if someone tags me or likes a post of mine then I get notified.
I really need the replies so I can see if I won something or not.
Apparently others have this problem too. But some don't. I have reported the problem with facebook but nothing has happened.

28 Jun 17 8:27 PM

Happens to me too, seems to be a glitch with Facebook I think. I found sometimes it helps to turn on individual notifications for the actual post. You can do this be the drop down arrow. Hope this helps and good luck :)

28 Jun 17 9:04 PM

But why me and not to anyone else's account. It seems to have suddenly happen as well. I facebook searched Notifications not working and there are a few others with this problem. Is there anyway to get it back working again. If I turn on post notifcations I get notified for every persons comment on a post. It's annoying

28 Jun 17 9:42 PM

Sorry, I don't have any other answers :( Let me know if you figure it out

29 Jun 17 10:16 AM
General Chatter

"Have we finally found you _______ _______ (name)you won an iPhone 7 2/5 months ago and this is a final attempt to track you down"rrrrr so sick of these emails.Is it just me?how do they have my name?

28 Jun 17 3:30 PM

I also get them, after a while it's easy to see a scam or as I call it, Insults to our intelligence lol

28 Jun 17 3:50 PM

@JoLee lmao Also if have switched between emails for comping you get those scam ones twice. Great way to indentify the spam when you get the same emails in both. Hmm now if only could do rules comparing both email accounts if duplicate email its it's spam.

28 Jun 17 9:11 PM

Gold Lemond!

28 Jun 17 9:50 PM

Damm! So I didn't win an iPhone lol,yes they are obvious scams.Now to winning some real comps(fingers crossed)

28 Jun 17 11:00 PM

Day 3 and my daily number is 1 .. think I will take it personally .. lol

29 Jun 17 1:02 AM
General Chatter

Wow, new site, I love new things, lucky I got my letter out of the trash/deleted folder for my 30 points, sneaky but good, much luck to all out there :) :) :)

27 Jun 17 7:23 PM

Ha, same, bak at u!!

27 Jun 17 8:01 PM

Yeah I sorted out the "news letter" a few eeks ago when finally realised what the "news letter" was.

Is it my pc of everything now a bit harder to read. A lot less competitions are displayed on a page without having to scroll.

27 Jun 17 8:02 PM

The top quater to a third of the page is now "dead space". I can only see about two of the featured competitions which made it confusing when doing the filtering as couldn't see if had actually done anything.
Also where's is the total number of competitions returned for a filter etc? I found that piece of information highly relevant.

I give it a 2 out of 10 for the home renovation and there's plenty of room for improvement.
Got that new big wall at the top of the page can knock down.

27 Jun 17 8:05 PM

@Lemond doesn't tell you your daily points either

27 Jun 17 10:04 PM

@Anna2077 If referring to the daily points for a day it's displayed on the main page on the left as shown in my snapshot. The points composition is at the leaderboard link.
There definately must of changed the fonts. It's horrible to read at the usualy viewing zoom I use. If enlarge it only further reduces the number of comps can view without scrolling. Tried another browser that didn't have adware disabled and that reduce the number can view without scrolling to 0. Usually I do "most" computing from the couch of reasonable comfort a couple of meters away without previous viewing hassles. I haven't viewed what it looks like from the iPad yet.

I suspect there will be more shuffling the deck chairs to improve the layout, fonts etc etc. Looks like someone knocked off early today and didn't finish the job.

27 Jun 17 11:04 PM

@Lemond doesn't always come up .. second day in a row my daily point is enormous 1

if they are using CSS they can change the font in seconds .. don't mind the font. not sure about the layout but will get used to it

28 Jun 17 12:30 AM

@Anna2077 Yeh of course they CSS.
It's the sharpness/chrispness of the font and/or weighting, especially for the forum. Oh yeah it's hard on the eyes the more I longer I look at it.

Other items either font change, weighting or background like for the headings Add Competition, Blog etc letters seem to bleed togehter. I could see if got an old save page around to compare.
It could also be using a non web safe fonts which then defaults to a basic variation depending on the OS. So each OS may dsiplay slightly different. You an also have fallback font in those cases. So members viewed fonts may be differentl accordingly.

The biggest thing about the home page is at the usual 100% I can't see much useful information and zooming in beyond 67% it becomes unreadable and still cant see todays/filtered results.

They could rearrange to at least cut down the top 1/3 by half ,that way at least adding a couple more comps into the initial viewing area. See Ozbargin top of page. It's proabably about half in size. Thou ozbargin could condense each comps listed in comparision. by shrinking the images. Thou at least I can see the effect of filter without having to SCROLL DOWN.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Or by having to reduce the page to 33% to see the effects then need a magnifying glass)

For starters could remove that huge strip for Add a Competition Blog Forum Surveys LeaderboardGuessing Game and the logo to the top and increase the top strip size to fit the logo. Also move the filter for Newest etc to the filter bar. Just doing those changes would cut down the space for the top 1/3 of the page by half.
Then as the featured comps don't change much hmm stick them on a right panel and on the left the new comps maybe. At least can see easily what the effects of the filters are.

28 Jun 17 12:43 PM

@Anna2077 I'm feeling your pain on the daily points the last two days (1,3) Argh probably those going to cost me. :(
X fingers tomorrow hopefully get over that 180 that was wishing for at the start of the month lmao

28 Jun 17 12:45 PM

@admin will also add clicking on feature competitions takes you off the site page, instead of opening a new tab. Thats annoying and probably not desirable. I can't recall if that occured previously.

28 Jun 17 1:53 PM

The only thing I like is the new filter/search bar. Pity can't see the results easily.

28 Jun 17 2:03 PM

@JoLee Did you read the newsletter? I find it's pointless exercie to encourage members to find a needle in a haystack.
All it's doing is linking back to site and we all know where to find it. :).

Argh thought initially you had to click on one of featured comp links from one of the previous emails this month for that bonus.

28 Jun 17 2:15 PM

Yeh I did, think it's more about reading or viewing the advertisements in the newsletter, and it shows us comps we already see anyway each day, I also noticed if I wasn't actually logged into this site before trying to claim my 30 pts, it would not credit them to me, took me a while to work it out but that was the outcome,anyway , chipping away , climbing Mt Comp still lol

28 Jun 17 3:48 PM

@Lemond @JoLee well open an email click on button.. 30 extra points .. that will stop you deleting things like I usually do ...

Some days I don't feel like reading emails so next day when few too many to get through , some just get binned ... lol

28 Jun 17 7:14 PM

@JoLee Thanks for that, figured the bonus points for the email link might cause issues. It was bound to another potiential minefiled of issues. I didn't notice that as gmail which the site is linked and for logging in I use the same browser which automatically logs on.. If automatic log didn't occur ie. if reinstaloled the browser I might of come across that.

If you accidently delete the email bye bye the bonus. If you're lucky might be able to trash dive if haven't put it out for collection.

The advertisements as in featured comps? Hmm from the quick look I didn't notice anything that wasn't on the site and didn't pay much attention if there were any advertisements etc. I was wondering if anyone actually read the email beyond the bonus point link. lmao.

28 Jun 17 9:27 PM

@Lemond not a fan of the ad on the left .. it's annoying.

28 Jun 17 11:26 PM

@Anna2077 OMG I just viewed it on iPad
@admin oh please revert back to how it was. I can live with the nice new filter the new layout hmmm a disaster.

29 Jun 17 3:10 AM

@Anna2077 the forum is ok on the iPad the main page I'm lost for words. I'm reviewing my score to -10 out of ten. Just sack the workexperince kid who you let loose on the site and revert back to how t was ASAP!

Basically see no comps without scrolling. Page full of google adds. Looking forward ASAP to the next batch of updates.

29 Jun 17 3:11 AM

Layout not working with my tablet ... either lose the point summary on the side or, when I tilt to A4, the ads at the top get confused where they are supposed to be

Could admin put back the competition counter? I referred to that to workout how much time I needed to do yhe competitions in the morning

29 Jun 17 7:30 AM

@Di_D Good point +1 for the counter back. Total agree for a tablet or ipad the layout needs urgent attention.

29 Jun 17 11:46 AM

@Lemond as always I will not make it to top 10, not once in 2 years...

Would love to turn the ads off... I know they bring in revenue but they are annoying me.

29 Jun 17 3:12 PM

@Anna2077 Well I took my time to crawl to the top. X fingers for tomorrow I need touch. Might be a group of us sharing the top prize with any luck :)

For this month you need a bunch to end up on the same scores. Realistically looking like need close to 165 for the top 10. If an average score manages to end up top 10 each month you could end up top 10 every 2nd month on average. More likely need 1/2 dozen points above average so 40% chance this month scores might be a touch lower with lots of comps ending on the same day and the new email bonus.

29 Jun 17 10:58 PM

My daily score was often 1 this month @Lemond .. no chance of making it to top 10.

No hope of top 3 ever since I never made it in 2 years.

Daily scores are the decider.

30 Jun 17 10:55 AM

@Anna2077 The luck will turn. At the end of last month to the first part of week 1 was in daily score rutt went for about 9 days. Lucky that rutt it ended just in time . :)

At lot of months prayed to end on crap daily scores in hope at least x fingers start the new month on a high. Good luck roll on July.

30 Jun 17 2:10 PM

@Lemond almost 2 years! not likely...

just realised that this page uses frames ...

30 Jun 17 4:44 PM

What r frames? :)

30 Jun 17 6:01 PM

@JoLee on web sites when margins of what ever width are locked into place and only the middle moves ...

30 Jun 17 6:03 PM

Oh ok thanks, its hard when on an I pad, good luck nxt month :)

30 Jun 17 7:44 PM

@JoLee thank you, you too :-)

30 Jun 17 8:58 PM
General Chatter

Just received an email ' thank you so much for entering the competition' but regrettably this time you didn't win.. please enjoy the 20% voucher ... bah!

Every Single Time they do it to me..

22 Jun 17 2:48 PM

The big win must be just around the corner :)

22 Jun 17 4:27 PM

@Smalot11 thank you, but even a small one would be good.. dry spell is shocking. Since end of last year. :-)

Play and dinner would have been fantastic.

22 Jun 17 6:02 PM

@Anna2077 Hang in there you only a couple of points off 10th for the leader board. :)

22 Jun 17 7:18 PM

It makes me wonder if those comps are legit. No one wins, but everyone wins 20% off or gets some sort of discount. I get those all the time. Great sales pitch from companies to get more customers to purchase their product.

23 Jun 17 10:41 AM

@SunnyLife I'm out of work so winning tix to go to a show plus dinner would have been amazing... 20% of show tix when I cannot afford to go is nothing. tix are around $150, so $30 off is nothing.. then there is dinner...

23 Jun 17 1:36 PM

@Lemond waiting to win 'you've got a job' game and still nothing .... even simple data entry.. not doing it now. means not qualified ... recruiters need to live my life for a few years... then see how they like being treated like crap.

23 Jun 17 1:37 PM

@Anna2077 I think a lot of people are in your predicament when it comes to the job aspect, that's why people do the comps. I don't even bother with the % off as it still costs extra $$$.

23 Jun 17 4:49 PM

@SunnyLife I don't bother either... unless it's something I need and discount is decent. .. 20% of a show that I wouldn't usually see is nothing.

Should be working but recruiters are being a pain in the neck and always ready with an excuse... e.g. they advertise great jobs for WHV and I apply as I have the skills. Reply ' you don't have what the client needs and we are doing what the client wants..

Most clients don't want WHV... used to say nothing and let it go but cannot do so any longer so question them as the ad always states.. call and talk.

Told them in email that fighting for survival, one called me and told me that I'm not her problem. lovely people.

23 Jun 17 10:23 PM

@Anna2077 yes it's a dog eat dog world out there. I've been asked my age from one interviewer over the phone and she hung up on me and I'm not that old, yet. People like to hire the young ones so that they can pay them less and I'm sure there are other reasons as well. A lot of discrimination goes on out there in the job market. Good Luck with the job hunting. :)

24 Jun 17 8:04 AM

@SunnyLife thank you! I need miracle..

They pay 23yo same as they pay 40+ yo... it's just that some companies only staff their departments with 20 something.. some crap about culture fit.

24 Jun 17 11:37 AM

@Anna2077 Didn't you know that once you turn 30 your old...LOL...(I know its no laughing matter) it just seems to be the way of the world these days. Sad but true. They want fresh faced babies with the experience...what the?

24 Jun 17 12:00 PM

@SunnyLife they want us to work till we are 70, but will not give us work .. strangely the whole department has to be in their 20s.. it's cultural fit.. what utter crap

heard it too often

24 Jun 17 11:26 PM