General Chatter

I started documenting my wins this year and I'm amazed how much i have actually won! before it was kinda random and i had no idea.
WoW some incredible prizes and cash. i'm wondering if anyone else documents their wins and how? I write win # 1 2 3 etc then value and which company and total for the year in my diary, is there a more efficient way I'm not into apps or spreadsheets???

31 Jul 16 8:01 AM

Not really. I just keep all the winning congratulations letters. I have draws full over the years. I have culled the minor prize letters though and kept the bigger prize letters. Or e-mails in a folder to keep. :)

31 Jul 16 8:59 AM

I run a spread sheet that covers all my entries, if it's a win then I move the prize to a different column ... sadly I've hit the dry spell. Prior to that I've won a few movie tix, entries to festivals and managed one DVD lol

31 Jul 16 11:15 AM

@Anna2077 That's impressive - I haven't started documenting each entry i put in yet - perhaps i should so i can look out for the results, and i suppose the response too (so i remember what i say and perhaps reword it for other entries could save lots of time)

31 Jul 16 1:09 PM

@gemini69 wow a draw full of winning letters - be a good pick me up when hit a dry spell!!!To reread them :)

31 Jul 16 1:10 PM

I have a spreadsheet for comp entries which has a page for wins (plus WOL entry if applicable). I save win emails in a label/folder in my email and posted letters in a draw. Only 10 wins in 2 years so it is not too taxing to keep track of them :)

31 Jul 16 2:54 PM

@Andieharrie I log each entry after I enter... it's a simple spread sheet, should work on it to make it a bit more comprehensive.... will leave it for xmas time :-)

31 Jul 16 4:21 PM

I added up mine earlier this year. I agree it is surprising when you look at the list and helps me to stay motivated when I haven't won anything for a few weeks.

31 Jul 16 6:06 PM

@Andiharrie that has been over a 10 year if not more period of comping . So not that many wins really.

31 Jul 16 8:53 PM

@gaseja few weeks?? I've not won a thing in 3 months!

31 Jul 16 10:14 PM

@Anna2077 Pain & Persistence lessens Resistance is my motto. Hang in there. Your day will come soon. You're probably just building yourself up for a HUGE win.

01 Aug 16 9:14 AM

I've got a book in which I write down the prize and sometimes where it came from, if i know. I don't keep track of entered comps tho. I'm lazy so I try and keep it simple.

01 Aug 16 1:14 PM

@gaseja Nice to win something from time to time. A book, movie ticket, CD, DVD, dinner ... it's a gift even if you put some work into getting it :-) A win is a win... hoping to win Nutribullet for birthday, iPad or a mixer for Easter...

Nice to win a few luxurious items that buying is not a priority but you eventually buy if you need it.... right now Nurtirbullet would have come in handy as I have both writs inflamed and using a blender is out of the question ...

01 Aug 16 1:34 PM

I have a word document where I keep all my WOL answers, and a couple of excel spreadsheets showing comps I've entered and their end dates, and which comps I won.

02 Aug 16 2:18 PM

thank you I think I'll have to do a spread sheet

03 Aug 16 5:09 PM
General Chatter

anyone win competition from COHOLT DIGITAL

30 Jul 16 5:05 PM

No I haven't and I wonder how legit they are. I try to steer clear of their comps.

31 Jul 16 6:07 PM

i have enter them but seem to be alot of marketing calls and annoying sales calls to follow even if you tick no

31 Jul 16 10:01 PM
I've Won


Hi All!

I used to be the sort of person that thought, "Why bother entering, you NEVER Win".

I decided to try though, and now 2 years and 500 Wins later I'm CELEBRATING with
my 500th Win today being;


Which only goes to show how Lucky you can be, and no, I didn't sell my Soul to do it.
There is no picture of me hanging hidden in some locked attic somewhere that ages
that bit more every time I Win. I won't deny though, I DO like Black Cats, you could
say that I'm 'familiar' with them . . .

So go to it, this site's FULL of entry forms and Comps.

Try your Luck!

I'm living proof, you never know your Luck!

Sending ULTRA Lucky Vibes to all! : )


29 Jul 16 7:26 PM

Congratulations @Inwithachance, good to see you back. Was it a WOL?

30 Jul 16 6:32 AM

Congrats. @inwithachance. @Slouise I think I remember doing that one and yes it was a WOL one.

30 Jul 16 9:39 AM

@Slouise @Slouise Thanks, yes WOL.

30 Jul 16 12:41 PM

@gemini69 Thanks.

30 Jul 16 12:42 PM

@Inwithachance congratulations! and enjoy the holiday.

30 Jul 16 6:18 PM

hahah awesome, thinking where you been ? then i jumped on here . Have fun in Greece ! how did you win it ?25 words or less?

30 Jul 16 8:06 PM

Congrats, fantastic fin!!

31 Jul 16 11:13 AM

@fourleaf Thanks : )

31 Jul 16 12:51 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. Yes 25 WOL.

31 Jul 16 12:51 PM

@Anna2077 Thanks.

31 Jul 16 12:52 PM

Wow massive congrats @Inwithachance! Your success is really encouraging to show it can be done!

How do you do it? What is your secret?

I've been comping for 2 years also. But in a huge contrast to your mind-blowing 500 wins, i've only won 10 prizes in 2 years! Mostly DVDs/books and nothing over $100 value. I enter an average of 250 comps per month. I enter both WOL and simple entry but not the 'get the highest votes' type comps. Do you have any tips you'd be willing to share?

Congratulations again!

31 Jul 16 2:30 PM

lol i knew it , your like the king of 25 words or less. Good on ya

31 Jul 16 5:46 PM

@bbjsr Thanks. Luck is Luck. I'm still pinching myself over all my Wins. Random draws I Win. WOL I Win. No matter how good your entry is, another judge/s on another day may have picked someone else OR if that one more person had entered they might have chosen them instead. Good to hear you find it encouraging. The whole point of my mentioning it IS just that, to encourage. I am the first to admit, ULTIMATELY it is ALL Luck. I mean it's not as if I'm a Warlock or anything. . . Good Luck to YOU! : )

01 Aug 16 12:03 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. The King? Meh, just a Lucky Duck!

01 Aug 16 12:03 PM

@Inwithachance nah , your king ! ive read your 25 words of less before , your pretty awesome at it. Enjoy your trip ! have you won any other holidays before?

01 Aug 16 3:08 PM

@Inwithachance Winning a comp almost every day makes you the king of comping.
Have fun in Greece!

01 Aug 16 6:27 PM

good work inwithachance

01 Aug 16 10:52 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thanks. I Won a Cruise last December. Good Luck.

02 Aug 16 12:16 AM

@Anna2077 Thanks. Best of Luck.

02 Aug 16 12:16 AM

@Goldmember @Goldmember Thanks!

02 Aug 16 12:17 AM
General Chatter

I just realized the most annoying thing about winter is that every time I see the word I do a double take because I notice is the 'win' part.

27 Jul 16 8:56 PM

haha, yes! This fools me as well.

02 Aug 16 2:19 PM
Voting Requests

Hi guys
I don't normally enter these voting comps, but this is something we would love - if you could spare a moment to vote that would be awesome

27 Jul 16 3:19 PM

That's weird, I hit the link and the following came up: Sorry, you have reached the daily vote limit (3 per 24h). Please come back later!
Do you know what that is all about?

27 Jul 16 3:32 PM

Would you be able to try this link - my pic is titles 'the cold DOES bother her anyway' with a pic of my daughter watching frozen
Thank you

27 Jul 16 3:41 PM


28 Jul 16 7:46 AM

Thank you :)

28 Jul 16 5:13 PM

@Alittlebitoffun Done!

31 Jul 16 6:09 PM

Thanks all - really appreciate it :)

01 Aug 16 4:02 PM
General Chatter

I am receiving double emails from Is this normal? I receive up to 8 emails each day from here and they are usually in identitical pairs. For example, yesterday I received 2 about an iPod Nano, 2 about a Samsung home theatre package etc. Is this happening to anyone else? Is it a minor glitch that can be fixed somehow? Apologies if this is a known issue which has been discussed before in the forum. I looked but couldn't find anything. Any help would be much appreciated :) Thank you!

27 Jul 16 11:57 AM

We're nearing the end of the month for the first month of the changes. Out of interest, I just had a quick look at the leaderboard (yes, I know I'm not going to win!). All of the top 5 people (as at this point) have received the birthday-bonus this month. To the regular leaderboard watchers in particular, is this normal? What are everyone's thoughts? What do you all think should happen going forward?

25 Jul 16 9:41 AM

I'd prefer if they got rid of it altogether, but I can understand that they want to give everyone a chance of winning something at least once during the year and share the prizes around a bit.

Also, as they are now giving extra guesses in the guessing comp down to 50th position it is unlikely that anyone using the site on a daily basis will miss out on that opportunity.

25 Jul 16 10:42 AM

What I would love to see happen, is for people to stop using catch phrases "going forward," at the end of the day, laugh out loud, in saying that, you want fries with that, have a nice day, bro!

25 Jul 16 11:59 AM

@spyglass Thanks for your comment! Yes I think the extra guesses in the guessing comp is a good change and hope that continues.

25 Jul 16 12:47 PM

@spyglass I've only received 2 second guesses this month.

25 Jul 16 2:07 PM

Hi @Annaar, with the guessing game the extra guesses are applied the following month. So if you placed in the top 20 in June you should be getting extra guesses this month. And if you place in the top 50 in July you will get an extra guess every day in August.

26 Jul 16 8:50 AM

Yes, everyone with birthdays during the month will have a much bigger chance of winning now. I don't see anything wrong with that as the leaderboard should be friendly place for all and there are plenty of competitions out there. I'd like to see the leaderboard extended to show the first 50 and hope that people will still stay active or even more active in the forum. :)
Anyone else have any thoughts?

26 Jul 16 8:26 PM

@fourleaf Hmmmmm .... trying to channel nice thoughts.

Given 5 birthdays in a month with a bonus 50 points and 50 members, what do you think the rough chance for the ALL members without a birthday, anyone of them winning a prize? I.e for first, second or third.

Without any bithday bonus each member would roughly have a 6% chance of winning a prize each month.

Any guesses? Will post the simulated results tonight.

29 Jul 16 3:11 AM

@fourleaf With the current system of 50 bonus points for a birthday be very tempting that duplicate accounts appear.

29 Jul 16 3:19 AM

@Lemond, Yes the chances of a place are low....and let's hope any duplicate accounts or amended birthdays get picked up by admin -I'd hope they would have a system to pick this up.

29 Jul 16 8:42 AM

@fourleaf How low can you go?

If it isn't your birthday month you need to be a wafer thin mint to get under the limbo stick to win!

Generally I like the changes for reducing the random daily points to 10 as it puts emphasis on viewing the competitions posted. The current birthday bonus of 50 points however, "may" need to be adjusted or scrapped.

If it's your birthday month what would you think would be reasonable odds to win a prize given the following example of 50 members and 5 with a birthday?

I've updated a spreadsheet to reflect the changes to the leader board competition to simulate the approximate chances of winning a prize for birthdays and non birthdays. Will post up the statistics for the chances later today. Thou from this month results it's typical what to expect.

Spoiler! The approximate chances for the example above between ALL of the 45 members getting a third prize when it isn't their birthday month is about once a year!

30 Jul 16 2:29 AM

I've got a friend whose birthday is this month and she's not even in the top 3 cos she has had low points every day. I think Birthday points need to be scrapped as it is definitely unfair to all other ppl for that month...I personally liked the other system, of 1-50 points random, much more fun (or frustrating lol) maybe they could scrap the birthday points and do random points of 1-30 per day. Either way it's just for fun and an additional bonus to a site already finding comps for us and saving us heaps of time, just hope they amend it so it is fairer for everyone as it is one of my favourite things to try to climb the leaderboard.

30 Jul 16 11:53 AM

Yes, 50 points for a birthday is a big chunk of the total now. Maybe 20 or 30 points might make everyone feel they might still be in the running...@Lemond looking forward to seeing your results!

30 Jul 16 6:27 PM

@fourleaf Just making some minor changes to the spreadsheet to allow for multiple types of analysis at once. I was looking into what birthday bonus might be reasonable to compare a bonus of 0, 50 and random (1-20) bonus.

Possibly a random birthday bonus in a range (10-25) might be a reasonable solution. I think anything over around 20 is too high looking at the spread of values. Once you start getting over 4 birthdays in a month and giving a too high of a bonus it basically locks out everyone else having any chance. I'm thinking a random birthday bonus might even it out a touch as 50% of them (2-3) would have a bonus from (17-25). It's a fine balance with the birthday bonus for what is a reasonable. Overall thinking for the birthday group a 50% chance is more then "fair".

I have also done a spreadsheet of the the expected scores for each rank for a month excluding birthdays this might give a better indication what could be an appropriate birthday bonus. Each rank position would be roughly equate to 2%.

The snapshot of the simulated average scores for each rank generated from 100 trails.
given: 31 days, 50 members, 10 daily random points,

Rank   Median Min Max
1    206       190    241
2    200       185    218
3    197       184    209
4    194       183    204
5    192       182    200
6    190       181    198
7    189       181    196
8    187       180    196
9    186       178    193
10    185       177    193
11    184       176    193
12    183       175   193
13    182       173    190
14    181       172    189
49    141    126   150
50    134       116   149

The average monthly score is 170 to 171 i.e. (10+1)/2*31 = 170.5 .
Now as an average score is 171 if got 5 of more birthdays good chance are 2 will be above the average of 171 which clearly top the ladder. For the one case in the simulation that came equal first the score was 217. So in that case all 5 birthday scores were below the average and the winning total was well average it's average. Odds of that (0.5^5) = 3.1%. or once every 32 months. Note however the average winning score is 206.

Notes maximum for rank 1 possible is 300 and rank 50 would be 31. Scores/chances taper dramatically at at 220 and 120.

I have done a simulation of 200 trails for the top results.
50 members
5 Birthdays in a month
10 daily random points
31 days

Number of Prizes
Birthday Non Birthday Total
1st: 209 1 210
2nd: 196 3 199
3rd : 180 20 200
Total 585 24 609

Birthday Breakdown for the 5 members
1st 2nd 3rd Total
P1 36    32    40    108
P2 40    53    27    120
P3 47    36    37    120
P4 44    27    40    111
P5 42    48    36    126

Overall Chance for a month Birthday V Non Birthdays
Birthday Non Birthday
1st: 99.5% 0.5%
2nd: 98.5% 1.5%
3rd : 90% 10%
Avg 96% 4%

For an individual Birthday V Non Birthdays
Birthday Non Birthday
1st: 19.9% 0.01%
2nd: 19.7% 0.03%
3rd : 18% 0.22%
Avg 19.2% 0.09%

Birthday Rank Top 5
Rank Total 2 equal win 3 equal win Total
1    192 7 1          200
2    180  8 0          188
3    166    7 0          173
4    157    8    0          165
5    103    3    0          106

Non Birthday
Rank Total 2 win 3 win
1    1# 0 0
2    3 0 0
3    20 0 0
4    35 0 0
5    85 0 0

Rank Total 2 win 3 win Total
1    191    8    1       200
2    183    8    0       191
3    182    9    0       191
4    174    17    0       191
5    171    11    1      183

Maximum of three* prizes per month awarded i.e if three first places then no other prizes; two first places then next prize was 3rd awarded. This is why the number of prizes for 2nd and 3rd are less then 200. Modifying it to award all 3 prizes has a minor overall impact on non birthdays. *One case of 4 prizes for month with 2 third place for birthday month.

#For the one winner for non birthdays there was a shared winner with a birthday winner.

30 Jul 16 11:50 PM

@fourleaf @admin Regarding duplicate accounts there was one suspicious new account last month. A bit of a coincidence joined on the first of the month, it was their birthday month, had no issue with the nuances of the first day, had the most viewed competitions for the month and since end of last month gone quiet. The naming of the profile also seems 'familiar'.
Now could be a logical explanation for all those coincidences.

For a new member they seemed very adept with the site and any nuances.

Nothing wrong with joining on your birthday month and going quiet until their next birthday. The new system of 10 random daily points for the leader board and having 50 birthday bonus points could encourage new members to join up on their birthday month, then possible go AWOL for 12 months. Also existing members more likely to drift off as their is virtually no chance in non birthday months. I would imagine it would be very tempting for members to create "birthday" accounts.

Some things to note which could just be statistically variability, there were a high proportion of birthdays on the leader board then usual last month. On average would expect 1/12 members. The new system probably had the effect of discouraging existing non birthday members. Just a rough observation for members that got all the daily points for the month.

04 Aug 16 1:06 AM

@lemond, @admin :) Yes I noticed, let's hope it was a coincidence. My concern is that people can also change their birthday on existing accounts as well. I'm sure it will be picked up and the first three on the leaderboard checked.

04 Aug 16 1:06 PM

Last month was dropping that hint regarding that profile. Not surprised it's gone quiet since the end of the month after being so active. The current system promotes that. One of negative consequence of having such a biased system.

I didn't realize you could update your birthday details. Hopefully that would be easily picked up if a log of updates to the profile are recorded. It would be interesting what type of checks are done. If determined enough could get around most of the common methods. Using statistics might highlight any abnormalities or connections between suspected accounts. It would depend on what sort of logs are kept and how long. Like I stated could be coincidence or a link to an existing profile. Note doesn't mean it's a duplicate account could be a logical explanation.

Do they ask for proof of ID when you win? That should deter most forms of circumventing checks.

05 Aug 16 2:43 AM
I've Won

i won a $2000 ikea gift voucher through tenplay masterchef ikea comp. was a 25 WOL comp! yay!!!!

20 Jul 16 11:12 PM

Well done, great prize

21 Jul 16 6:17 AM

People are getting really great prizes at the moment!

21 Jul 16 7:47 AM

Great win, happy spending!

21 Jul 16 9:00 AM

Congrats! what was the 25 word answer that won you your amazing prize?

21 Jul 16 9:01 AM

@gemini69 I'd like to know too because I racked my brain & I couldn't come up with anything

21 Jul 16 9:03 AM

Oh wow that's an amazing prize congrats

21 Jul 16 10:19 AM

Great win! Congrats

21 Jul 16 12:13 PM

@Di_D I've noticed!! I'm still hanging out for something small LOL.

How are you holding up?

21 Jul 16 12:14 PM

@Annaar Still waiting on insurance to settle so we can properly plan our next step.

22 Jul 16 7:49 AM

@Di_D hope they come through for you soon

22 Jul 16 10:16 AM

Congratulations, hazwah! Great to hear.

22 Jul 16 9:17 PM
I've Won | Chempro - Win a Weber 'baby Q' Q1000!

I just won one of these great Weber Q 1000 BBQ 's from my local Chempro Chemist and I am Stoked.........

19 Jul 16 3:29 PM

BBQ at your place?

20 Jul 16 7:33 AM

Congratulations! I'll bring the steaks lol :)

20 Jul 16 8:19 AM

Nice win, TNT69. That's dynamite! ;)

20 Jul 16 8:40 AM

Nice win! Winning a BBQ is on my wish list

20 Jul 16 10:05 AM

Congrats - awesome win !!

20 Jul 16 10:13 AM
I've Won

OMG the comping Gods must be very happy with me at the moment. Have won a $200 Eco Toys voucher, which will be amazing for the kids for Christmas presents & a $185 Hair care products pack. So grateful for the wins!!! Hope you all are having some luck too :)

18 Jul 16 1:24 PM

Congrats!! Still nada at my place...

18 Jul 16 1:48 PM

Congratulations 😎

18 Jul 16 2:41 PM


18 Jul 16 2:42 PM


19 Jul 16 7:40 AM


19 Jul 16 10:21 AM
General Chatter

where does all the spam come from

17 Jul 16 9:34 PM

they get paid for spamming ...

18 Jul 16 10:46 AM

Sooo annoying! One reason that turns me off entering online competitions.

19 Jul 16 9:28 AM


22 Jul 16 7:50 AM
Introductions / Social Meetups

Hi Everyone, I am needing some Instagram tag buddies. My handle is: growingsnowballs
I promise to follow you back. There seems to be a LOT of Instagram competitions around at the moment.

17 Jul 16 6:17 PM

Thats a very nice username

18 Jul 16 10:11 PM

I'm snaphappystace on there ;-)

19 Jul 16 9:33 AM
General Chatter

As Im new to comping, Im wondering what the likelihood of winning is. I have started entering on a daily basis ( about 200 comps so far). Could i be hoping for a win in the coming weeks, months or ever. Im spending about an hour a day and am wondering if its worth it.

17 Jul 16 8:46 AM

It's a numbers game @brendai As the saying goes "The harder I try, the luckier I get". As long as you enter at least one comp per day, everyday consistently, you will win something.

17 Jul 16 9:14 AM

Thanks gaseja. Will keep at it

17 Jul 16 12:51 PM

Like everything in life...its competitive as most things are.
In the end its a matter of choice and if its worth it for you.

17 Jul 16 2:44 PM

I'm out of work and mostly only enter comps for the things that I need and some little luxuries that I want.

Sometimes if I need a gift, but since I mostly don't win, I end up buying the gift lol

17 Jul 16 6:47 PM

keep going this is the first year I have documented my wins and i'm blown away by the amount of prizes and the value

31 Jul 16 7:35 AM
General Chatter

Sold a big chunk of my prize collection over the past week. I'm a tad strapped for cash so it was good, and selling brand new items such as dvds still wrapped for $5 etc, it's good to see people getting a bargain and the items going to good use :) I know many people have many unique opinions on selling items that have been won.. but I do it and will continue to do so :) hope everyone's having a lucky July!

14 Jul 16 10:04 PM

I haven't sold anything yet but intend to if I happen to win a duplicate or something I can't use.

15 Jul 16 7:43 AM

I've not won anything in around 10 weeks. Prior to that I've won movie tix and a few entries to events. All of which have been put to good use.

A bucket load of Nutribullets will hit online very soon. As some people won 7/13/19, and who needs that many?

15 Jul 16 7:52 AM

I never sell anything. I either give it away for presents or keep it for myself. I enter to win things that I like to use or give to my children. I haven't won anything for awhile either @Annaar. Someone must be winning tho!

15 Jul 16 10:49 AM

My opion on selling is I don't enter purely to sell, I hate people who make up families etc to win to sell. I have however sold unwanted/unneeded items and duplicated items - it's great when you need the cash & sometimes you need the money more than you need a new toaster or a DVD - good luck to you - :)

15 Jul 16 10:49 AM

The past year or so I've used my wins for birthday gifts, christmas presents, mothers day, it's really nice to be able to treat my family with stuff I wouldn't normally be able to afford. If only there were more competitions to win money, id be set. Yes that's it, things I've won and won't use or gift go towards my bills and to make life a little less stressful. And I like selling cheap on the local buy and sell sites, so someone else who perhaps couldn't afford the item brand new is able to get it at a cheaper price so win win situation :)

15 Jul 16 11:00 AM

@gemini69 people are winning & winning daily!!

I enter comps for things I need & want & cannot afford to get.

Very few things are for gifts.

Don't want a ton of stuff, just an occasional win now & again :-)

15 Jul 16 1:11 PM

@SMary92 if you can make like less stressful for yourself why wouldn't you. You've obviously had some luck, but sometimes a paid electricity bill or an unforeseen bill paid is of much better use to you. I recently won something of a high value That I desperately needed, but it was the opposite to what I needed (they didn't specify the exact specifications you would win) anyway the person who rang me to organise delivery suggested if she wasn't able to change it for me that I look to sell it and buy something I would be able to use. It was great I have never heard of a company suggesting that, they understood I was grateful but it didn't suit my needs. Turned out they swapped it for one I would use, but still was shocked that she suggested it and happy they understood - sometimes money in your hands is far more useful

15 Jul 16 1:23 PM luck must be changing. I just received an e-mail stating I just won a Go Pro Hero 4. It was a provisional winning prize and sigh...I all ready have one. I'm still grateful though. I might decide to keep it as back up or give it to one of my adult children for Christmas. I know my son really would love one as they are not cheap to buy. Looking up! :)

15 Jul 16 3:14 PM

@gemini69 Happy for you!! Nothing in my email box... there is always next week :-)

15 Jul 16 3:15 PM

@Annaar Thankyou and good luck to you too! :)

15 Jul 16 3:35 PM

@gemini69 thank you :-)

15 Jul 16 3:50 PM

@Alittlebitoffun I am very selective about what I enter but what is advertised and what you receive are not always up to my expectation so I will be selling some items when I get around to it. I do agree entering for the sake of winning something is just crazy.

16 Jul 16 12:21 PM

Thanks for the input everyone. Must say we have quite a lovely group here :)

16 Jul 16 2:51 PM

@gaseja For some it might be a thrill of winning or they just love everything.

Personally I don't like scented candles, on face book hundreds enter the competition.

16 Jul 16 4:30 PM

I've never won a scented candle on I've given up on that one and I'm quite fussy when it comes to 'like and share' posts on F.B.

17 Jul 16 2:46 PM

@gemini69 I never try to win candles etc, as I don't like them personally.

If I started sharing too many posts I'll lose all of my fb friends lol

17 Jul 16 5:17 PM
General Chatter

Due to my dry spell (just over 2 months) I've been reading online advice. One site suggested that July should be busy for compers as it comes on the back of EOFY.

I've not noticed an increase in comps posted. Has anyone?

14 Jul 16 11:03 AM

I agree, I have noticed a lot more comps this month. Last July I felt everything was drying up until new fin year budgets were set.

14 Jul 16 1:50 PM

@gaseja Haven't noticed, or may be it's because I still enter very selectively ...

14 Jul 16 4:56 PM
I've Won

I just won $1k in the Nicorette competition -
First time I have ever won cash and the biggest prize in a long while. Am honestly so excited!! Yay

12 Jul 16 12:06 PM

Congratulations, Alittlebitoffun.

12 Jul 16 6:43 PM


13 Jul 16 7:46 AM

Very exciting! Huge congratulations!

13 Jul 16 9:16 AM

Great win!!

13 Jul 16 11:02 AM

Thanks guys - I hope you are doing well with the wins also :)

13 Jul 16 2:56 PM

well done :)

13 Jul 16 9:46 PM

Awesome win!!!

14 Jul 16 7:46 AM

Great win !!

14 Jul 16 8:15 AM

Thats awesome! Congrats:D

14 Jul 16 12:09 PM

Congrats, glad to see someone winning something. :)

14 Jul 16 4:13 PM
General Chatter

Anyone confused by the channel ten disneyland competition terms and conditions

11 Jul 16 11:51 AM

typos LOL

Who ever was typing up the legal doc was confused or in lala land ... I take lala land

11 Jul 16 12:38 PM

Good pick up @bj74! So competition commences 17 July and ends 22 July. BUT entries must be received by 15 July. Yep makes perfect sense! Major proofreading fail there :) Technically speaking, there would be no eligible entries... so what happens in cases like this?

11 Jul 16 12:46 PM

Network 10 will fix the error prior to the commencement of the competition

11 Jul 16 1:26 PM

@bbjr, well there shouldn't be any as they need a codeword, as well as a 25 wol answer.

11 Jul 16 2:14 PM

Updated now

12 Jul 16 7:37 AM

@bj74 I called them yesterday

12 Jul 16 9:23 AM

Thanks @Annaar

12 Jul 16 2:31 PM

@bj74 Welcome :-)

12 Jul 16 2:44 PM
General Chatter

If you read the T&Cs of the Travel Talk competition with the Rocky Mountaineer rail journey it says "Entry is open to Australian travel agents only". So unless you are, it's not worth entering.

10 Jul 16 10:29 AM

Do they ask for evidence of your employment - that you are employed by a travel agent?

10 Jul 16 12:02 PM

@wolverine quick question... are those promoted comps safe to enter eg. Apple Watch?

10 Jul 16 5:13 PM

I don't know

10 Jul 16 10:41 PM

@wolverine thankx... thought of entering but don't know myself. Still looking for answers.

11 Jul 16 10:10 AM
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers,

Here are 7 Quotes Every Comper Should Live By:



06 Jul 16 12:26 PM

I love reading your blog Nicole but every time I bring it up, the first 12 lines or so are covered with the Social Media icons. Is anyone else having this problem?

My favourite saying is "The harder I try, the luckier I get".

06 Jul 16 4:48 PM

No probs here :)

08 Jul 16 8:13 AM
Introductions / Social Meetups

Hi, how are you?

05 Jul 16 7:44 PM
General Chatter

Did anyone enter Aquim comp? I've entered 2 times and didn't win.

05 Jul 16 5:32 PM

Had a look on their site and some people won 14 times, others 18. Fascinating. That makes it 1:12 & 1:16 .

Guessing Gumtree and Ebay will now be flooded with Nutribullets.. I just wanted one ...

09 Jul 16 1:34 PM

Sigh 16 daily points from 4 days. How the hell still in top 20. Lol. Hmmm ok what's up with the random daily points. Been crook so haven't been keeping a rough eye on it has it changed to max 10 daily points.?

04 Jul 16 11:57 PM

And 20 from 5 days. Ok haven't had a good look what's happening yet thou having a birthday is hitting the jackpot!

05 Jul 16 12:03 AM

Hope you are feeling better!! I'm crook today... must be going around LOL

Daily Max is now 10 not 50

05 Jul 16 9:01 AM

@Annaar ok just noticed the change in the terms etc. hmmm and 50 points for your birthday. God should of converted by mate to comping and join it's their birthday today. Well that's going to kill the leaderboard competition. I will have to wait till next April :( Least it's still got a friendly forum.

05 Jul 16 2:13 PM

@Lemond Leader board will definitely get interesting. I've noticed that a lot of people don't play the guessing game..... wonder why

05 Jul 16 5:25 PM

For the first time (possibly the last time) worked at the Federal Election. Absolutely bug#3red! Started at 6 am Saturday morning, hobbling into bed at 4:30 am Sunday morning. 2IC at my local polling station. Needless to say, I've been off my comping game. On an LOL front, that doco I was in for the St Kilda film festival ended up showing at the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival, and was (apparently) crowd favourite. Umm...Have doubled the security detail, and worked out alternate routes to evade the paparazzi! ;)

05 Jul 16 8:47 PM

@toxicgherkin Do we have a clear 'winner' yet?

05 Jul 16 8:55 PM

@toxicgherkin Big hug. @Annaar Sounds like @toxicgherkin doesn't give a damn who won that voting competition. Just hand him a bottle of whiskey.

Looks like the only suggestion made to this site was your quip regarding not winning in your birthday month. See you back in December to claim it. :).

Hmmm were the terms updated in the last day to max of 10 for the daily random points? I suspect it could of been unintentional and was only noticed after a few days so have stuck with it. I.e. The first of Feb it was temporarily had set limits until fixed late that night. The could of made an announcement of the change leading up to the start of the month and got feedback etc. For approx 92% of members each month the leaderboard comp has become irrelevant if it's 50 bonus points for a birthday. Maybe a "fairer" bonus give an extra daily guess for the month for the guessing game.

05 Jul 16 10:36 PM

@toxicgherkin congrats on the short doco is there a YouTube video we can have a look?

05 Jul 16 10:38 PM

@toxicgherkin is there any clips?

05 Jul 16 10:46 PM

@Lemond, no clips. That's one saving grace. Everyone will have to save their rotten tomatoes for another day...oh, they're rotten...ummm.

06 Jul 16 10:17 PM

They also have changed the double guesses for winners 4-50th instead of 4-20th place.

07 Jul 16 11:30 AM

@bops18 I'm only getting one guess and I finished somewhere in the mid 20's last month

07 Jul 16 12:02 PM

@Mandi_22 the rules have changed... the highest score now is 10 not 50

07 Jul 16 3:38 PM

@Mandi_22 First of the month... Don't thank me. Thank @spyglass, he brought it to my attention.

10 Jul 16 12:41 PM
General Chatter

Why is the apple watch sport competition still on the site, hasn't it finished and been drawn as the terms and conditions state.

03 Jul 16 1:35 PM

Didn't they start another one? The new one ends in Dec

05 Jul 16 8:54 PM

Yes a new one has been started, but when I wrote the original message that was not the case. They still had the "old" one, which was supposedly drawn on the 1/7/16 but they still had it up on the 3/7/16 when I first posted my note. So my message is a bit null and void now.

06 Jul 16 9:34 AM

@wolverine it was a fair question.

I've not entered the comp as I wasn't sure how legit it was.

Same goes for all the comps that are promoted

06 Jul 16 9:54 AM
General Chatter

Hmmmm... Im not getting any daily entry points today. Whats going on?

01 Jul 16 11:05 AM

view one comp and the points will show

01 Jul 16 12:40 PM

Cheers for that... I was avoiding looking at competitions all day as I thought the points wouldn't be attributed. After all that waiting got rewarded with 1 bonus random point, haha, devastating.

02 Jul 16 12:53 PM

The new system of 10 daily points being the maximum is ok as it rewards those more who view all the competitions and participate daily in the guessing game, but it now disproportionately rewards those who have a birthday during the month as they still get 50 points.

02 Jul 16 3:30 PM

I got 3 points on day one ... of t a brilliant start ;-)

02 Jul 16 4:35 PM

Oh no way... I didn't notice the maximum had changed! Guess I'd better hold out until my birthday in November.

02 Jul 16 6:42 PM

oh wow... I didn't notice the daily points system had changed, now they just need to get rid of birthday points to make it fair. I didn't mind the other way, it was random and I'm wondering how it will work now, if a lot of ppl will share the winning money.

04 Jul 16 7:26 PM

Argh turn my back for a few days. Will have to check the spreadsheet and what effect birthdays would have etc. Rough guess massive! Think the effect could be classified as "unfair", if the birthday bonus points remained at 50 points. Will double check later on exact effect, intuition is saying don't bother. Lol

05 Jul 16 12:14 AM

@bops18 It would be great/professional if the @admin notified and updated the terms and conditions for the daily random points to reflect this. Either a reoccurring abnormality in the daily random point system or it's a failure to notify and update the terms and conditions. Hmmm now for a "competitions" forum site they may of crossed the event horizon some time back towards the black hole of 'unprofessionalism'. As no light can escape a black hole this can not be confirmed! @Admin will need to break all known laws of science to escape intact if they have indeed slipped past the point of no return.

05 Jul 16 12:52 AM

@spyglass agreed ! From the top of my head would guess at the end of the month the spread of random points be around +_ 30 points from the average total daily points. Statistically 'guaranteeing' all those with birthdays to end up in the top positions. Assuming don't miss too many viewed competitions and bithday bonus remains at 50 points etc.
Now if indeed the daily random points has been permanently altered to (1-10) for every missed competition, for everyone else this probably results in a drop of one spot on the leaderboard at the end of the month. Miss around 25 competitions would expect unlikely to make the top 20. Will check later on my spreadsheet what the expected results would be statiscally.

05 Jul 16 1:07 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

Like other Competition members I am being scammed by IG8 Pty Ltd via Telstra for service charges not used.

Please, can you please stop this dishonest activity or members shall simply withdraw.

Kindest Regards


30 Jun 16 3:10 PM

Please relay your story. What happened?

01 Jul 16 10:01 AM
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers!




27 Jun 16 9:59 PM


28 Jun 16 1:10 PM

Thanks for the great advice @LuckyNicky :)

29 Jun 16 9:35 AM
Voting Requests

Plz vote for me, each person can Vote up to 5 times for my entry

Entry No. 14 'How Big Do Your Feelers Get!?'

Thx peeps!


27 Jun 16 7:40 PM

I hope you are Entry 14 because I just voted. Good luck!

28 Jun 16 9:26 AM

@gaseja Thx so much :)

28 Jun 16 10:11 AM

Think I voted. Tablet sometimes acts weird but I said OK to 14

28 Jun 16 1:35 PM

@Di_D Thx very much :)

28 Jun 16 4:54 PM
Tips & Tricks

Dear Brookmaree93, I tried but I can't see it. I sing in " shop a dock " and I click Living Room Picture . I can't find it. What should I do , so I can find the enter form . Thank you.

25 Jun 16 9:20 PM

Another way that you'll find the entry form is go into net rewards , codewords and you'll find the living room comp on there

26 Jun 16 7:57 AM

I tried but I only seen Ten Play competition page , I used Living Room page -shop a Doc but I can't see it. I went to Net Rewards but I still seen Living Room page . I don't know what I did wrong. Thank you very much .

26 Jun 16 9:17 PM

@Shuching, have you signed up/ signed in to the Tenplay website? Then go to the win tab at the top. Should be able to enter from there...

26 Jun 16 9:40 PM
Voting Requests

Hello, please could you take a minute to vote for my sons soccer teams photo. It's to win a well needed Grant for his club. We have to make it to the top 10 votes by midnight tonight. Thank you :)

25 Jun 16 7:52 PM
I've Won

Scored this week! Grateful too.

- TMNT movie double pass
- saucy novel by Argentinian polo player playboy-turned romance novelist, Nacho Figueras (sounds like gourmet corn chips, an exotically sounding sherry or a drinking salute!), and
- DVD of 'The Sound of Music Live!'

How was everyone's week?

25 Jun 16 5:06 PM

Congratulations! Sounds like a term used to decribe loosing your figure because of eating too many nachos....... (Some paint and a paint brush for me this week) :)

25 Jun 16 5:37 PM


25 Jun 16 6:37 PM

Congrats - awesome. Sunbeam kettle and toaster, some makeup wipes from swisspers and an awesome kids thermometer here.

25 Jun 16 7:04 PM


25 Jun 16 9:21 PM

Congratulations :)

26 Jun 16 5:35 PM

Congratulations Mr Gherkin!!!

27 Jun 16 7:15 AM
Tips & Tricks

I can not find enter form for Living Room competition ( Shop A Doc). I sing in Shop A Doc and nothing happened. Please kindly to help me . Ten Play Competition form does not have enter form for Living Room too. Thank you very much.

24 Jun 16 10:36 PM

It's up there now :)

25 Jun 16 8:02 AM

I am not very good with technology. I still cannot find it.

25 Jun 16 9:22 PM


26 Jun 16 8:11 AM
Voting Requests


can you please vote for my comments and like the page -

Ends monday 27

Those with the most votes get money donated to charity - I suggested Animal Rescue because we always need someone to help them

Thanks Nass

24 Jun 16 4:40 PM


25 Jun 16 9:39 AM
General Chatter

Lindt suitcase competition already has almost 2k entries on fb and only 3 suitcases to be given away...

The comp started on the 20th and will close on 26th. Almost 1,000 entered a day. Not sure if to be impressed or shocked.

22 Jun 16 1:54 PM

Everyone I know loves chocolate so I have put one entry only. However I did notice in the T&Cs "Only one entry permitted per person, per day". So I reckon there will be lots of people putting in multiple entries.

23 Jun 16 4:53 PM

I noticed that as well. Then again Lindt is the better of all the chocolates that are sold en mass...

You have to be creative each time as saying same thing wil not work :-)

23 Jun 16 5:26 PM
General Chatter

Its great to see everyone winning.. can I ask do I need to sacrifice to the comp gods to win :)

21 Jun 16 2:59 PM

@Nass @Goldmember accepts all gold coin tributes :)

22 Jun 16 5:31 AM

I think I need comp god too.

22 Jun 16 10:55 AM

@terese3 me too!! :-)

22 Jun 16 11:58 AM

yesh but sometimes I prefer to shave the tashty bits @Lemond

22 Jun 16 9:50 PM

It's not so much the sacrificing but the worship dancing that you need to get right.

23 Jun 16 8:49 PM

Whats the dance do I have to do?

24 Jun 16 4:40 PM
General Chatter

Can I please have some thoughts on this.

Where 25 words or less comps have thousands of entries (e.g. travel prizes) do you think that they actually read and judge all the entries and choose the best entry (in their opinion) or do they save time and just draw an entry at random and if the answer is half reasonable give that the prize? Or even another method?

If they actually go through and read thousands or even tens of thousands of entries, that is an awful lot of unproductive time for a worker who I'm sure has better things to do.

17 Jun 16 3:07 PM

My understanding is that most people avoid WOL comps, so they don't get tens of thousands of entries... if I'm wrong then @lemond and @toxicgherkin will correct me.

I won one comp where they called me and told me they liked my answer...

On fb I've noticed that random entries win. guessing they have a search engine look for a particular word.

Some comps only select people with names like Smith, Charles, Brown. Citizen etc.

Perfume, candles, accessories get a LOT of entries on fb.

17 Jun 16 4:50 PM

I've entered a few FB competitions where they have very basic information regarding the entry terms, just a simple "tell us in 25 words or less..." and then when they choose a winner they come out with "congrats John Smith you were randomly selected out of all entries..." which is super frustrating.

I have won a few 25 WOL that I put 0% thought or effort into, and I've also lost heaps of 25 WOL despite being 100% confident.

And then I avoid the ones with 1,000s of entries for a small candle because it is a waste of time in my opinion.

Hot tip: get started on the LG Red Balloon giveaway on FB. Hundreds of entries, but they do go through them and choose creative winners (they like every one, assuming they do that to keep track of entries). Plus you may enter once a day with a unique entry, improves chances of being seen.

Good luck

17 Jun 16 6:04 PM

On Facebook it can be confusing when there isn't clear terms and conditions, if it's a skills or random draw.

JBHI had one recently with 500ish responses for a WOL on FB. It took them a few extra days to sort through before announcing the winners. Looked like they went for the sob stories on that one. KISS principle for WOL and something that stands out. Depends on who the judges are etc.

Occasional have seen some badly run WOL competitions with plagiarism and going over the word limit. Well they won initially before they promoter got set upon by comping forums.

I think WOL are popular as they don't require a permit in the majority of the cases. I wouldn't expect to see thousands of entries. Generally wouldn't see more then about 500 if it's a popular retailer.

18 Jun 16 2:02 AM

If you read through The terms and conditions generally it will say judged on creativity etc or random draw, saying that though, I'm sure some as random, and usually the answer doesn't even answer the question asked

18 Jun 16 8:53 AM

I won a trip to Canada a few years ago with 25 WOL, entered on the last day and have no idea how they picked my entry, but there was nearly 1000 entries I found out later.
The Uluru trip recently won was also WOL, but still at a loss for a winning formula, maybe original (I never use anything from the net, or formula), I always go for humour and think of something a bit out there. It all depends on what tickles the judges.

18 Jun 16 9:13 AM

@bj74 I entered an fb comp recently. They wanted to know favorite scene from the movie and why... the guy who won only mentioned the movie and how much he loves it and how often he watches it..

Wasn't a bad win for him... hotel accommodation and tix to something or rather...

Have noticed as well that some sob stories win, even though all the advice I've read that no one likes sob stories.

18 Jun 16 1:17 PM

@Annaar Being a SMITH, if this was true (and I don't believe it is) I'd be winning them all and I'm not.
It is just luck for some competitions and for others, the judges do take their competitions seriously and do the right thing and go on originality.
Sure I get a bit antsy when I see a "winning" answer and say to myself WTF but that is just luck of the draw. You can't win them all. It is just a numbers game. The more you enter, the more chances in life you have.

18 Jun 16 5:02 PM

@gaseja You cannot win them all!!!

I know it's a numbers game, but I'm still selective as there is no point in me entering a comp and may be winning something I don't want nor have use for.
Most people I know don't deserve expensive presents LOL

Have a look at the winners names from time to time....

I've thought same when I looked at some of the winners answers, then again may be the judge would have answered same.

As soon as I'm back at work and put some money away, I'll get the mixer I want and stop entering the comps... been trying to win it for a few years and still no luck... time to buy it me thinks.

18 Jun 16 5:20 PM

Do most WOL competitions (and I'm not talking FB ones but larger ones for holidays) publish the winners answers? I've hardly ever seen what the winners have written, but then again I haven't looked too hard.

18 Jun 16 5:30 PM

@gaseja On that note. I've got 50 international gleam comps I've found and planning to do today. lol. They are mainly for electronics and cash. On Facebook I get swamped with competitions for woman products. That constantly passing them on.

You've been helpful bringing up how compers keep organized. It has got me to tweak how I manage my competitions. :) Mainly I do with with bookmarks and end date.

The issue I'm having doing international competitions is managing different time zones. Got a lot of deadlines for the daily bonus entries. Tonight I've decided to add the time zone to prioritize which competitions to do first each day. I might start putting each one in separate folders. Got india, UK, USA are the main ones and yeh Australia.

Another idea for managing your Facebook ones is to do a pvt share and put date as reminders. Exploring using unique tags to help manage them also for sharing. I haven't got around to posting up competitions in the forum for a couple of months. I usually just share them to my FB list of compers. Looking at using tags for sharing.

19 Jun 16 3:58 AM

Generally no you don't see the winning answers, sometimes fb ones and I did see a virgin australia one which the winner didn't even answer the question ( said judged, I say random lol)

21 Jun 16 7:33 AM

I think it depends on the company - i have won 2 x big 25 or less comps this year one with hatchette Australia and the other was banana boat - i'm not sure there was 1000's of entries but the prizes were fabulous and worth me taking the time to do it well. other times i see over 25 words and entries not well thought out winning (those ones i think are random) though I've also seen some pretty nasty fallout from the serious compers.

31 Jul 16 7:53 AM
I've Won

My biggest win (value wise) to date. Stoked as I love martial arts!

14 Jun 16 7:54 PM

Congratulations Sarah. I hope you win heaps more.

14 Jun 16 8:03 PM

Awesome win!! Congratulations.

15 Jun 16 7:19 AM

Thanks so much guys:) a great feeling to win. Been having some money issues (who isn't, right?) So extremely grateful.

15 Jun 16 9:04 AM

Congratulations! Great win!

15 Jun 16 9:05 AM

Congratulations to you your very lucky, I wish you all the luck with your future.

15 Jun 16 1:02 PM

Very happy for you! Congrats, enjoy it!

15 Jun 16 5:55 PM

Congrats - :)

19 Jun 16 11:11 AM
I've Won

Won a wonderful 3 day weekend to Ayres Rock with a dinner at the light show and a sunset sightseeing trip, think it was a mothers day comp and I nominated my well deserving friend - thankfully she is taking me as her plus one, cannot wait!
Thanks to Voyages for this wonderful prize which we will take later in the year.

13 Jun 16 8:46 AM


13 Jun 16 12:32 PM


13 Jun 16 1:00 PM

Have you been out there before? It's terrific. That's my kinda prize.

13 Jun 16 7:31 PM

Never been before but was always on the to do list and the cost did put us off as it is very expensive to stay at the hotel Sails, so very excited, thanks everyone!

14 Jun 16 1:34 PM

There's also camping and youth hostel accommodation out there. I can't afford to stay at Sails.

19 Jun 16 1:59 PM