General Chatter

Do you think it's rude, to chase up promoters and ask them results of competitions? I've been looking for the winner of the recent Gastro Stop 25WOL comp to win $10,000 Flight Centre voucher, but there's nothing, anywhere. Even the terms and conditions, didn't say when nor how winner would be notified. Small prizes, I really don't care, (although ALL winners names should be announced publically) but a big one like this, from such a big company, should all be above board and transparent, in my opinion.

In other news, I see the winner of the $10,000 from Yellow Brick Road, was won by an entrant who sent in a creative collage entry, along with the 25WOL, and they have copped flak over it, as there was no mention of creative entries being accepted. These companies could really find themselves in hot water one day, if they're not careful

14 Jul 15 1:55 PM

I don't think its rude at all!!! Its like you are the customer type thing, you have the right to know at least :)

15 Jul 15 8:01 AM

I think you have a right to know who won the competition. If they are legit then they shouldn't have anything to hide.

15 Jul 15 8:31 AM

Well I emailed them. I just thought bugger it, I want to know lol! They answered pretty much straight away, that yes it had been judged and the winner notified. They received thousands of entries (obviously), and he said mine made him laugh a lot, so if he actually remembers my entry, I hope that doesn't mean I was close, but not close enough! That would annoy more than just not winning haha always the bridesmaid .........

15 Jul 15 10:12 AM

Well at least you made an impression!

15 Jul 15 2:28 PM

Lol but not a big enough one @kaybee72 :-(

15 Jul 15 6:55 PM
General Chatter

I have just started looking at competitions again after a break of a few years. I've noticed that the majority of on line competitions now are through Cohort Digital usually involving answering questions before the entry goes through. Do people actually win anything? I'm worried that as I have provided my phone number I am going to be hounded by phone calls.

13 Jul 15 10:39 PM

You could probably add Jack Media to the list as well. They seem to do the same thing as Cohort Digital, only they don't offer a skip option or actually tell you that you've been successfully entered. Yes, I've always gotten phone calls from Cohort, even when I choose the No option, so I'm always weary of entering. On all of them, I now tend to enter the competition on the first page, and as soon as the questionnaires pop up I just close my browser. I've noticed emails sometimes come to me saying I've been entered, just by completing my details on the first page. Sometimes, the first page of the questionnaires say that I've been entered as well. Either way, I no longer fill in the questionnaires as it is asking them to give your details to the related company regardless of what answer you give. Also, I've never heard of anyone actually winning the competitions, so I'm still in the dark as to whether or not they are real competitions.

14 Jul 15 9:13 AM

I'm very careful with what I enter. If I get a 'survey' that I have to do to 'complete my entry', I also just close the window. When I first started doing this competition bizzo, and was learning my way around, I accidentally clicked 'yes' to hear from Real Insurance .... oh my GOSH they HOUNDED me, 5 or 6 calls a day until I finally just blocked them!! Never ever again will I do that. I now never fail to read terms, especially if there's not much info on the page, and I have to say I very very rarely get any telemarketing calls

14 Jul 15 10:38 AM

Hi Judynjo, There are lots and lots of comps out there which don't need you to fill out surveys :) , I enter the ones without the 12 pages of questions after making the mistake of filling one out and getting endless calls after I said no to everything. If you do, the trick is to hit the skip or next button without answering any questions. If they call I say no early on in the conversation and ask to be removed from their calling database list which they must do or they can be reported. These are really hard core marketing campaigns and in the beginning it took me a while to work out which comps these were. Most comps are ok. Good luck with your comping :)

14 Jul 15 12:58 PM
I've Won

From Where Magic Happens Facebook

A Surprise Prize they're sending out to me!

173 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
139 this year!

Good Luck ALL!


13 Jul 15 5:02 PM

Congrats, Christmas in July!

14 Jul 15 12:35 PM
I've Won

I've won a EBook set (4 books) from a Sydney Author on fb - never read an ebook before but really want to read this series, so I'll look forward to reading them.

13 Jul 15 1:45 PM

Awesome, never used E books either!

13 Jul 15 2:20 PM

I haven't either Enjoy!

13 Jul 15 3:02 PM

Me neither, but my daughter does. Enjoy!

13 Jul 15 3:13 PM


13 Jul 15 4:58 PM

I have an ereader and I don't use it as much as I should but I don't mind them.

13 Jul 15 8:36 PM
I've Won

I was so excited to be 1 of 3 winners for the $250 Elucent Skincare Hamper.

13 Jul 15 1:42 PM

Lovely win!

13 Jul 15 2:20 PM

Beautiful prize, you'll be glowing in no time congrats :)

13 Jul 15 3:01 PM

oooooh jealous. Nice win!

13 Jul 15 3:13 PM


13 Jul 15 4:59 PM


13 Jul 15 7:40 PM

Nice prize!

13 Jul 15 8:35 PM


14 Jul 15 12:25 PM
General Chatter

Just figured out my Winning Streak Win Rate for the past 3 & 1/2 months. . .

March 26, 71 Wins. Now 172, which means in 3 & 1/2 months I've Won 101 times!

AND on Mar 26th itself I had 5 Wins in one day!


Good Luck!


12 Jul 15 11:31 PM

Awesome achievement, well done!

13 Jul 15 8:29 AM

Wow, that's a rate of 0.93 wins a day (almost one a day)! Keep up the good work. You're an inspiration Inwithachance!

13 Jul 15 9:38 AM

super congratulations....

13 Jul 15 10:56 AM

Congrats! :)

13 Jul 15 12:54 PM

well done.

13 Jul 15 1:46 PM


13 Jul 15 3:14 PM

Nice stats!

13 Jul 15 8:35 PM

That is so cool! Can only hope that happens to me!

21 Jul 15 6:40 AM
General Chatter

Been noticing this a fair bit lately, and the same name keeps appearing, so beware, people. I had a dig at someone else the other day who I noticed had also copied and pasted MY answer in a comp, just changed a word here n there, but it was quite obviously my answer. reallllllly pees me off.

Amy Jones 1,000,200 Scotch� Expressions Washi Tape 4-packs. Can't get there by bus, though

Like � Reply � 10 July at 09:46

And just today .....

Sam Greenwald 1,000,200 Scotch� Expressions Washi Tape 4-packs. Can't get there by bus, though

12 Jul 15 8:08 PM

roobster, we've seen this before I think. If it's not plagiarism, it's passing off an image lifted from the net as SG's own. I suggest you block aforementioned individual on FB then this person cannot see your creative AND ORIGINAL response/s.

12 Jul 15 9:09 PM

Same has happened to me, with one of those names copying my answer. Also noticed just recently on a FB comp that someone copied an individual's answer and they "won" a runner up prize. Luckily the guy who they had copied from, brought it to the Promoters attention, and it was rectified.

13 Jul 15 8:15 AM

Hey guys! :-) yeah it's just wrong, and how stupid are they, posting it right there for the original 'answerer' to see it. Yes I'd definitely being it to promoters attention, don't worry about that lol. I don't mind not winning comps, but when it's won by a CHEAT, then I get angry. Also seems like a fake account anyway

13 Jul 15 9:20 AM

Yes, I don't think it's a real account either because I saw this happen in a comp about 2 weeks ago. Wording, spaces, everything was the same. I think somehow this person is using some sort of robot to enter comps and relying on the fact that the promoter won't read the answers and uses a random draw. Not good! Makes me angry too when an a slightly changed answer wins. Happened to me in one of the Mother's Day comps.

13 Jul 15 12:48 PM

Yep, I think this same name has popped up a few times, by cheating and copying. Oh well, I guess all we can do is keep an eye out, and make it public knowledge if one of their answers wins. Very annoying though. It was female that copied MY answer the other day. Clicked on her profile, and sure enough, competition only account

13 Jul 15 1:42 PM

That is just rude!

13 Jul 15 8:34 PM

Oh yes @kaybee72. That's one thing I have noticed a lot since I started doing this. Not every comper is 'nice', and not all of them care what toes they step on to get to that prize. Whether it be a tshirt or fridge magnet, some will fight to the death for it

14 Jul 15 7:08 AM
General Chatter

Gosh, I've had so many daily bonus points under 10 this month that there's no way I could win this months competition, even with the extra 50 birthday points. Let's hope the rest of the month sees BIG points come my way!!! ;)

12 Jul 15 9:17 AM

Yep! It's a tough game, I think I sat on 1 for about a week then ended up 7th or 9th at the end of the month. Good luck! :)

12 Jul 15 4:32 PM

Because of health issues I am ranked 127th so there is no way I am going to get anywhere this month even with my Birthday points too.

12 Jul 15 5:32 PM

Lol, 48 bonus points today. It goes from one extreme to the other. Yeah, it's exciting nonetheless. I feel for you jennye. I know how hard it is to keep up the routine when your health gets you down. I hope you get better!

13 Jul 15 9:36 AM

@jennye hope your feeling better very soon.

13 Jul 15 12:36 PM
I've Won

From Better Reading Facebook

A copy of Tim Neve's Sandcastles Book valued at $49.99

"Winners are Grinners at Better Reading

Congratulations to our 5 lucky winners of the truly scrumptious design book, Sandcastles. Please PM us your mailing address and we'll get a copy of it out to you.

Carolyn Ryder
Marion Thomas
Barbara McCauley
Scott Crumlin
Sue Baker"

172 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
138 this year
5 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


10 Jul 15 5:31 PM


10 Jul 15 6:17 PM

think you have to change your name to lucky

11 Jul 15 12:14 PM

nice win

11 Jul 15 12:15 PM

Congrats :)

11 Jul 15 6:56 PM

Since Winners are Grinners, you'd be better off changing your name to Smiley! ;)

12 Jul 15 9:19 AM
I've Won

It has been a long time between drinks but I managed to finally receive a winning email today after 4 weeks of drought. A makeup pack worth $113 from Bellabox. Now do I hide it from my daughters or share?

10 Jul 15 1:59 PM

Well done, sssh!

10 Jul 15 2:12 PM

WOOHOO for YOU! Well done! As for sharing, I have the same dilemma with my daughter lol. She said to me once 'Mum .... how come when you win cheaper stuff or something you don't want, you give it to me, but when it's cool stuff, you keep it'. Ummm, because I'm your mother and that's the rules, so deal with it KID! haha (she's 27)

10 Jul 15 4:24 PM


10 Jul 15 5:28 PM

well done, definitely hide it!

11 Jul 15 9:26 AM

Thanks guys. Hopefully the package arrives while they are at school.

11 Jul 15 6:44 PM

A little encouragement can go a long way...."do the washing up or homework for a week and you can have the eyeshadow" :)

11 Jul 15 6:55 PM

Ha ha @fourleaf I like your thinking.

12 Jul 15 8:10 AM

I think you shoul hide it for sure! Congrats!

21 Jul 15 6:43 AM
I've Won

Won another set of TERMINATORS tickets from Paramount Pictures. These will go to someone else in the family! Thanks!

10 Jul 15 11:46 AM


10 Jul 15 12:20 PM


10 Jul 15 12:56 PM

I won a family pass to Minions movie which will also be getting passed on lol I wanted the FIRST prize :-(

10 Jul 15 1:28 PM

I'm sure if you give them away, "they'll be back" in some other shape or form. ;)

11 Jul 15 8:58 AM


11 Jul 15 6:48 PM
I've Won

$350 Woolworths gift card from Phillips/Woolworths LED (purchase to win) competition. LOOOOVE gift cards!

09 Jul 15 11:11 AM


09 Jul 15 11:36 AM


09 Jul 15 11:47 AM

Spending spree time! Enjoy! :) Worth that shopping list. Did you end up eating all that other stuff?

09 Jul 15 11:59 AM

Congrats :)

09 Jul 15 12:29 PM

wow ..congrats ..wonderful prize....

09 Jul 15 12:30 PM

Wonderful prize, congrats!

09 Jul 15 2:01 PM

Fantastic win!

09 Jul 15 2:54 PM

Thanks guys! Absolutely LOVE gift cards, and for a $10 purchase, it paid off well lol. @fourleaf, hubby is slowly BUT SURELY working his way through it all haha!!

09 Jul 15 6:11 PM

When I know I have a gift card coming I plan out all the lovely things I could get with it. Then when it comes I go and buy something mundane that I need. I still love winning them though. Congratulations.

09 Jul 15 8:08 PM

Well done and nice win!

09 Jul 15 9:01 PM

I love gift card wins!

10 Jul 15 6:33 AM

Thank you! Yes @Jrob71. I do exactly the same. I've got a few gift cards at the moment, but a few weeks back, I won $2000. Was gonna buy this, and that and some of that, and go there for a holiday ....... did none of it!

10 Jul 15 9:59 AM

Well done! I still have a $500 eftpos card I won earlier this year burning a whole in my pocket. When I won a $1000 Westfield gift card a few years ago we ended up frittering it away on a bit of this and a bit of that rather than buy something decent. It was fun while it lasted!

11 Jul 15 6:46 PM

Lol @kaybee72. yes I did the same last year with a $2000 pre paid Visa. Frittered away on meals out, and clothes etc. Although we did buy an air conditioner so I guess I atleast have SOMETHING to show for it

12 Jul 15 6:46 PM
General Chatter

Just wondering how everyone does their comping? Random (like me)? A daily 30 minutes? Weekly hour? Just curious :)

09 Jul 15 9:00 AM

For me, it depends on life in general. Sometimes I'll go nuts and spend a fair while entering, other days, maybe 1 or 2, and other days, 20 minutes here n there throughout the day. But I'm super picky these days and lean mainly towards the bigger comps now, of things I really want, and usually 25WOL. 90% of Facebook comps I don't go near, as the prize is no good to me. I want prizes I'm super excited about winning :-)

09 Jul 15 10:18 AM

VickieP you read my mind, I was thinking this just yesterday, I enter comps for things I really want usually set aside at least an hour per day although this week I've needed a bit of a break. Then I spend time keeping my inbox under some sort of control. Also have made a list of daily entry comps. I'm trying to put some order into things but If I don't write the ones I really want to win down I forget to enter the next day which is really annoying! I think my best answers come when I really love the prize. Any organizational tips from anyone would be appreciated!

09 Jul 15 11:57 AM

Just about to give up as it's been so long between prizes

09 Jul 15 4:16 PM

@bunna you'll win something now that you've complained. Every time I complain and crack it and say that's it, I'm not doing it anymore, I win a few good ones in a row, so good luck!!

09 Jul 15 6:12 PM

I'm sitting in front of the TV, with laptop, dividing my attention between a movie and comps/surveys and will do this until tiredness or cold drives me to bed. Some nights I go out and sometimes I can't be bothered comping so it probably works out to be just a few nights a week.

09 Jul 15 8:15 PM

Thanks I hope so@roobycat

09 Jul 15 10:45 PM

@bunna. Watch The Secret. Attitude has a lot to do with winning competitions. Logic states that lucky draws are just random, but hope states that there's more to it (a battle that occurs between the hemispheres of our brain). I find that when I'm in a happy and hopeful mood, my 25 words or less entries are actually pretty good. They are unique, clever and very applicable to the question asked. But if my mood is a little depressed, I seem to only come up with dry, boring, by the book entries.

Inwithachance can probably attest to this, that when you're on a roll, or in the zone, prizes just come at you left, right and centre. This is not just because they enter a lot of competitions, because we all do this, but because they are hopeful and believe in their success, and that success naturally comes to them. Give it a try.

10 Jul 15 6:45 AM

@danwgreenfield I think being positive is a must. Truth is though, I STILL can't believe my Luck!

11 Jul 15 12:08 AM
I've Won

From Steel Blue Facebook

A Steel Blue Hat!

Other Winners here:¬if_t=comment_mention

171 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
137 this year
4 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


08 Jul 15 11:16 AM


08 Jul 15 12:13 PM

Good one! :)

09 Jul 15 11:45 AM
I've Won | National Geographic Channel - Win a Galapagos Island adventure for 2!

I won the camera and a bunch of other goodies came in the mail today :) HAPPY MONDAY

06 Jul 15 6:50 PM


06 Jul 15 8:27 PM


06 Jul 15 9:16 PM

Well done!

07 Jul 15 5:37 AM

Great prize congrats!

07 Jul 15 7:50 AM


09 Jul 15 11:39 AM
I've Won

From Glucojel Facebook 'The Magic Glucojel Tree'

A pack of Mint Glucojels!

170 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
136 this year
3 this week
3 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


06 Jul 15 5:40 PM

Enjoy your jellybeans. I got mine the other day, haven't tasted them yet but love their normal jellybeans. I also got my prize from Glucogel Magic Tree for winning one Tuesday (mine was a plastic jellybean dispenser/gumball machine).

08 Jul 15 12:23 AM

I got mine in the mail the other day too :)
Havent tried them yet.

08 Jul 15 8:49 AM
I've Won

From Famous Magazine

Jupiter Ascending Dvd!

169 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
135 this year
2 this week
2 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


06 Jul 15 5:05 PM

Good wins to both prizes!

06 Jul 15 8:36 PM


06 Jul 15 9:16 PM

Well done, congrats

08 Jul 15 12:24 AM
I've Won

Scholastic Australia Facebook comp. I won a signed copy of children's book King Pig. Looking forward to reading this to my kids

06 Jul 15 12:51 PM


06 Jul 15 1:07 PM

Good win!

06 Jul 15 1:31 PM


06 Jul 15 3:23 PM

well done, congrats

08 Jul 15 12:24 AM


09 Jul 15 12:19 PM
I've Won

From Foxtel Movies, FB, won a Terminator prize, 2 x tickets to see movie plus a water bottle. Thanks! Surprise win!

06 Jul 15 12:26 PM


06 Jul 15 1:08 PM

awesome, that movie looks like it will be worth seeing on the big screen

06 Jul 15 1:38 PM


06 Jul 15 3:24 PM

surprise wins are always great, well done

08 Jul 15 12:24 AM


09 Jul 15 12:19 PM
I've Won

From Mizz Mummy & That Facebook.

"You recently entered the Mizz Mummy & That! Awesome Lunchbox Comp on our Facebook. We had heaps of fantastic entries, however, your entry was one of our favourites! You won 1 of 3 prize packs filled with 18 pouches of That!"

168 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
134 this year!

Good Luck ALL! : )


06 Jul 15 11:13 AM

congrats - my kids love that dairy snack...

06 Jul 15 12:08 PM


06 Jul 15 1:31 PM


08 Jul 15 12:24 AM
General Chatter

how does it work when you win a prize on istagram? i dont know much about it, can you private message the person when you win? how does it work

06 Jul 15 10:58 AM

Generally they'll send you a message and you email them back

06 Jul 15 6:30 PM

@bj74 ok thanks

07 Jul 15 10:27 AM
I've Won

I was 1 of the 5 winners through Livetribe surveys for playing their monthly game - I won points the equivalent of a $50 eftpos card, very helpful.

06 Jul 15 10:30 AM


06 Jul 15 10:59 AM

Good win!

06 Jul 15 1:31 PM

Nice one!!
Love Livetribe
I just cashed in my points for $60 of vouchers :-)

08 Jul 15 10:56 AM

@Tiesha Love Libetribe now won 2 x points = giftcards from them in 6 months. $50 and $100 - Good Luck.

10 Jul 15 12:14 AM

Same.. 160 all up since feb .!! Good luck to you 2 :-) @bops18

13 Jul 15 11:37 AM
I've Won

From Urban Cinefile

A copy of A Most Violent Year on Dvd

Other Winners here:

167 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
133 this year
9 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


05 Jul 15 7:08 PM


06 Jul 15 10:25 AM
I've Won

Eureka Skydeck - here I come. Thanks to Mum To Five I won a family pass to the Skydeck here in Melbourne. I�ve never been. Now I just have to pick a nice clear day. Hmmm.

05 Jul 15 9:09 AM

Nice. The view is awesome I hope you are not scared of heights!

05 Jul 15 12:06 PM

Nice Toxic...enjoy mate!

05 Jul 15 12:42 PM

Fab! Good win!

05 Jul 15 5:49 PM

Enjoy!, fantastic win.

05 Jul 15 7:35 PM

Fun win! congrats :)

06 Jul 15 8:29 AM

Awesome prize, well done, enjoy.

06 Jul 15 10:25 AM


07 Jul 15 7:41 PM

Great win and enjoy!

08 Jul 15 8:01 AM
I've Won

From Social Soup FB page, the Friday giveaway of a Bonsai plant, delivered, value $50.00. Thanks.

03 Jul 15 6:15 PM


03 Jul 15 7:36 PM

Congrats again!

04 Jul 15 6:45 PM

Well done JulieD :)
I did see that comp on facebook.

06 Jul 15 7:36 AM

Thank you everyone. Happy comping!

06 Jul 15 8:10 AM

Well done, I saw that, great prize.

06 Jul 15 10:25 AM
I've Won

From Great Walks Magazine Facebook

A Guide Book!

Other Winners here:

166 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
132 this year
8 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


03 Jul 15 5:07 PM

Congrats! :)

04 Jul 15 6:44 PM

Congrats, am sure it will come in very handy on your big treks.

06 Jul 15 10:26 AM
I've Won

From Bookworld FB comp, a signed copy of Amy Poehler's book, "Yes Please". Thanks!

03 Jul 15 4:02 PM


03 Jul 15 5:08 PM

Nice one!

04 Jul 15 6:44 PM

Well done, nice prize.

06 Jul 15 10:26 AM
I've Won

Happy to win from Sunbeam FB page, a GoLunch Food Warmer, value $50.

03 Jul 15 12:25 PM

congrats they look cool

03 Jul 15 1:51 PM

Congrats, looks good

03 Jul 15 2:32 PM


03 Jul 15 2:57 PM

Nom nom nom! Grats!

03 Jul 15 5:09 PM

I won one of these a while back, and they are great. Hubby takes it to work (construction sites) plugs it in, in their mess room, and when it's time for 'smoko' his meal is ready to go. No lining up with a hundred other blokes, to use the microwave. He loves it!

04 Jul 15 6:45 AM

Brilliant prize. I didn't even know they existed.

04 Jul 15 8:37 AM

Very handy, congrats!

04 Jul 15 6:43 PM

Great prize, well done, enjoy using it.

06 Jul 15 10:27 AM
General Chatter

Hi, just wondering if any one has seen a comp that is supposed to be 25wol but the winners were well over. Have you ever complained or just accepted you didn't win so move on?

02 Jul 15 6:38 PM

Yep I've seen quite a few. And yes I mention it to them, publically. They shouldn't make rules if they aren't going to stick by them. I'm never rude about it, but find if you do it publically, they tend to back-pedal, because it's not a good look. But recently I saw this happen, and complaints rolled in, and the company basically said 'well that's the answer we liked the most, so that's the winner'. So why say 25 WOL then? I also saw quite a BIG prize be given to someone who hadn't even answered the question that was asked. Stupid

02 Jul 15 7:12 PM

Isn't there something about the rules of running comps that mean WOL comps are easier to run than random draws (maybe random is gambling so needs a license?). But WOL take more work to come up with a winner so maybe they run under WOL rules but don't use any effort in 'choosing' a winner.

02 Jul 15 8:13 PM

Yeah, I saw a very dismal entry win a major prize with 27 words about 8 mths ago.
(And I mean dismal).
Considering I'd spent about three days racking my brains to come up with a reasonable answer within 25 words, I was floored. I had a hard time working out how it was judged. At least with PROPERLY run FB comps you can see the answers which I hope keep judges honest and on their toes. Nothing wrong with asking a few questions.

02 Jul 15 8:40 PM

Funny you should ask. Tonight an $899 Swarovski Figurine Comp ended. 25WOL as per the rules? Have a look, I count FORTY NINE WORDS! Jema was the Winner.
The Winner's entry.

The Comp itself. Link to T's & C's included in the post.
"To enter the Competition, you must:
(a) Like 1 of the 2 Cinderella competition post over the 7 day Competition Period.
(b) Answer, in 25 words or less, the question, in the comment section on Facebook, which is asked in the post"¬if_t=photo_reply

02 Jul 15 9:09 PM

@Inwithachance this is the one I was referring too. I sent a pm to Swarovski immediately after the winner was announced, so will see if they reply. I reckon I deleted my answer 10 or so times trying to get in with the 25wol. Don't mind if I don't win, but would be happier if the winner had to follow the same rules I did. I think a majority of the winners had over the 25 :(

02 Jul 15 9:41 PM

I sent Swarovski a PM explaining about the 25wol, they either didn't care or didn't read my email as this was their response, oh well, I knew it wouldn't do anything but at least I tried lol

02 Jul 15 11:20 PM

@Shannon06 I think that's called not answering your enquiry.

03 Jul 15 12:08 AM

Hi guys, they've redrawn this comp!

03 Jul 15 9:10 AM

@JulieD Good.

03 Jul 15 10:03 AM

Wow! Lol that's unreal! I've seen about 30 words 'win' but that winners entry was like a novel! Haha

03 Jul 15 11:10 AM

S T O O P I D - choooooo straight over their heads!! just like the answer derrrrrrrrr

07 Jul 15 7:44 PM
I've Won

From Madman Films Facebook

A copy of Season 17 of Midsomer Murders and a Midsomer Umbrella

Other Winners here:¬if_t=photo_reply

165 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
131 this year
7 this week
2 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


02 Jul 15 5:35 PM

congrats - you are an inspiration..

02 Jul 15 7:05 PM

@bubble936 Thanks! That's the whole idea of posting the Wins. To let people, (especially new members), here see that you can Win; Win A LOT, in the hope that they might get into it instead of thinking 'no-one Wins'. If I can be THIS Lucky maybe others can be too. Even a few Wins are better than not bothering. Still a lot of skeptical people out there who think no-one Wins Comps really, the Prizes just 'evaporate or whatever'. Good Luck to you!

02 Jul 15 7:52 PM

Congrats! Hope you win a popcorn machine (or new microwave) - Pronto!
By the way how's that cute calf going?

02 Jul 15 7:55 PM

@fourleaf Needs more votes. THANKS! Yes lots of Movies to munch Popcorn to. I've Won 8 Dvds this week!

02 Jul 15 7:58 PM

I don't reply to your wins too often - takes away from precious comping time, but yes, your posts are inspirational and help me through the droughts.

02 Jul 15 8:14 PM

Are you retried ? You win so many comps . Hope one day I can be successful like you :) good one ya

02 Jul 15 8:35 PM

@Jrob71 Nice to know. Good Luck to you!

02 Jul 15 9:17 PM

@MammaPigga84 Just well organised. Good Luck!

02 Jul 15 9:18 PM
I've Won

A Surprise Prize!

No letter with it, no clue where this is from. Thanks to the Universe then! : )

164 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
130 this year
6 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


02 Jul 15 5:15 PM


02 Jul 15 7:05 PM

I love surprise prizes, but don't like when they don't say who it's from. I like to thank promoters

02 Jul 15 7:17 PM

@roobycat As do I. The whole point is to promote themselves so no idea why they wouldn't at least put a business card in with it.

02 Jul 15 7:53 PM

Yeah exactly! lol kind of defeats the purpose of giving it away in the first place. Even their name and address on a sticker on the envelope would suffice!

04 Jul 15 6:47 AM
General Chatter

Anyone win from House Rules ?

02 Jul 15 10:15 AM

Nope. And I entered a bazillion times lol

02 Jul 15 1:30 PM

No phone calls yet

02 Jul 15 1:37 PM

the holiday home should of been drawn yesterday, so some lucky person out there won the holiday home

02 Jul 15 3:20 PM

They announce it on grand final show. To be in the draw for the house, you had to have been a weekly winner, to go into the draw for the house. So if you haven't had notification that you're a weekly winner from the show, or any supermarket, then you aren't in the draw :-( which I am not. It's pretty hard to win, so whoever now owns it, is SUPER lucky

02 Jul 15 4:09 PM

i saw that, think it's pretty stink really, people probably enter heaps and don't realise unless you're a weekly winner (which I think should be just a bonus) you not entered into the main prize draw, I think everyone who enters should be in the draw for the main prize, but unfortunately it's like this for all the house rules comps

02 Jul 15 6:01 PM

Yep agree. Same with the supermarkets taking part. For all IGA receipts, you could enter, and if your name was drawn as a weekly prize, it was just 'good on you', but Woolies receipts weekly winners won $10,000 cash (granted, Masters, owned by Woolies are the major sponsors of the show) but yes, the rules weren't made very clear. A lot wouldn't bother looking into them before entering. Imagine how much they made on the texts at 55c each!!!! Sneaky

02 Jul 15 7:16 PM

Yeah I didn't realise and was entering nightly code word , the people from Woolworths had more chance winning as 8 were from house rules nightly code and Woolworths had 2 winners and iga had 1 winner . 11 people in total . Even to get $10,000 would been a bonus . Just imagine how many people entered , it's like trying to win the lottery and panadol being sponsor .

02 Jul 15 8:40 PM

@roobycat I was thinking the same thing about the cost of the text but infact you are paying for their auto reply as well that's why it costs 55c each text.

03 Jul 15 7:26 AM

Yeah I know! And imagine a few thousand people all sending (let's say) 10 entries per night (some a lot more) for a couple of months. Cost of house = covered

03 Jul 15 11:47 AM

the companies make so much money from all of us compers, like you said more people buy the products hoping to win , which pays for the prize they give and more

03 Jul 15 8:47 PM

Oh god yeah. Those SMS comps, they'd make a fortune!

04 Jul 15 6:48 AM
General Chatter

Hi@admin, i was wondering how i complete my profile to collect my 50 points, i have filled out everything i can but it says i have not completed my profile...can u enlighten me please, thankyou in advance..JoLee :)

02 Jul 15 9:09 AM

Hi. You need to complete your profile here:

02 Jul 15 11:51 AM


03 Jul 15 3:06 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Site is conducting weirdness again, main page says I'm ranked 21 with 2969 points and leaderboard says I'm 10 with 3093 points. Weird.

30 Jun 15 9:21 PM

This has been fixed. The leaderboard page had the correct calculation. Thanks.

30 Jun 15 11:44 PM
I've Won

From Kidstuff Facebook

A Classic Toys Prize Pack including the Original Slinky & Jester in the Box.

Other Winners here:¬if_t=photo_reply

163 Wins in my now TEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
129 this year
5 this week
3 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


30 Jun 15 9:10 PM

Good win!

01 Jul 15 8:04 AM

Nice win- well done

01 Jul 15 10:31 AM


01 Jul 15 2:25 PM

Geez! You have some luck! May I ask, do you use other websites or mainly this awesome one?

01 Jul 15 2:54 PM

@Melliijh Wherever there's a Comp I'm there!

01 Jul 15 4:41 PM

Good one, congrats!

01 Jul 15 5:59 PM
I've Won

Woo Hoo, I'm having a good run lately - A very suitable family pass to a Hi-5 concert and a $100.00 shopping centre voucher.

30 Jun 15 7:44 PM


30 Jun 15 9:06 PM

Happy school holidays!

01 Jul 15 8:04 AM

Congrats, great prize.

01 Jul 15 10:31 AM

Nice win there, congrats!

01 Jul 15 5:56 PM
I've Won

From Nude Food Movers Facebook

A copy of 'That Sugar Film'

"Congratulations to our lucky winners Frankie George, Scott Crumlin and Christine Speight! Please PM us with your postage details. Thanks." : )

162 Wins in my now TEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
128 this year
4 this week
2 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


30 Jun 15 5:10 PM

Very interesting movie!

01 Jul 15 8:05 AM
I've Won | Target - Win 1 of 6 NutriBullets 12-piece sets!

Very excited to win one of these NutriBullets from Target.

30 Jun 15 3:42 PM


30 Jun 15 5:06 PM

That's awesome!

30 Jun 15 5:10 PM

I have a Nutri-Bullet and they are awesome :)

01 Jul 15 7:47 AM

OMG woohooooo - I entered this and had everything crossed, awesome prize, well done.

01 Jul 15 10:31 AM

Thanks everyone, happy comping!

01 Jul 15 12:52 PM

Congrats, lovely prize

01 Jul 15 5:55 PM

Well done. That's a good prize!

02 Jul 15 6:26 AM
I've Won

From Harlequin Books Facebook

Thanks for subscribing to the Harlequin Books mailing list! You're the winner of our Freebie Friday, congratulations! You have won 3 Gena Showalter books, as pictured on our Facebook".

161 Wins in my now TEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
127 this year
3 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


I've Won

A Surprise Prize!

ONE minute after I saw my 1st Win for the day on Facebook, the doorbell rang & I received a package from Icon Films.

5 Dvds!

2 Wins in around one minute!

160 Wins in my now TEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
126 this year
2 this week
2 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


29 Jun 15 4:43 PM


29 Jun 15 6:22 PM


29 Jun 15 7:07 PM


29 Jun 15 8:37 PM

Some great movies there!

29 Jun 15 8:51 PM

Great prize, congrats.

29 Jun 15 9:11 PM

great prizes! congrats :)

30 Jun 15 11:42 AM

Perfect for those movie nights in. Congrats.

30 Jun 15 12:27 PM
I've Won

I have won a prize in the Eveready Hottest Toy Comp - loved when I received the email mid last week but they didn't tell me what I won and the parcel man turned up with this worth $229 woohooooooooo, putting it away for Grandson's B'day - so excited, I want to open it and play with it.

29 Jun 15 4:00 PM


29 Jun 15 4:38 PM


29 Jun 15 6:23 PM

Great win, makes me want to have a play too!

29 Jun 15 7:06 PM

Congrats awesome prize

29 Jun 15 8:37 PM

That is a wonderful prize!

30 Jun 15 12:18 PM

Thank you all and Happy Comping.

01 Jul 15 10:34 AM
I've Won

From BestBrands Facebook

Double Pass to Madame Bovary

Other Winners here:

159 Wins in my now TEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
125 this year!

Good Luck ALL! : )


29 Jun 15 1:11 PM

Congrats! :)

29 Jun 15 7:04 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Hi all. Just after some ideas for those of you who have a creative bone. My son has to have his parents submit an entry on IG as to why he is so passionate about soccer. It is a club competition with a good prize and some parents have posted photos of their kids playing (a bit boring), others have had their kid sing or do a mock interview (as though they were the captain). It's a good prize and the judging criteria is the most creative and original. 15 seconds tops for an IG video, but any creative suggestions please? :)

29 Jun 15 12:53 PM

Have you tried contacting a premier league team or his favourite team to ask them if they can post a pic/or video with some caption that includes your sons names..maybe a recruiting trial/spoof video. Sorry not really my area of expertise.

29 Jun 15 2:47 PM

I'm not really good at this but how about a video dressed up as a soccer star (or wearing stars) somehow showing him shooting goals with him saying comments such as soccer is great because dribbling is now OK, helps me get to my goals, and even a group shot of family/friends cheering madly on the sidelines but he's running in the wrong direction and they turn him around, him saying soccer is going to set me in the right direction and him head hitting a ball saying how soccer is going to get him ahead. Maybe paint on a mustache and get him to wear a funny wig. Sorry, I'm sure some of the others will have some fantastic ideas.

29 Jun 15 7:03 PM

Thank you both :)

30 Jun 15 6:20 AM
General Chatter

Hi. Does anyone know the codeword for the Beach Boys movie and California trip comp pleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeee. Thank you. :)
Link here :

28 Jun 15 10:55 AM

Wish i did sorry :)

28 Jun 15 6:58 PM

thanks Trevsta :)

29 Jun 15 7:32 AM
I've Won

Guessing game winner this week thank you so very much.... It's been a fabulous week and I am grateful
Family pass to Inside Out
Kaleidoscope necklace
Bottle of wine
A book
An album
Coco joy moth of coconut water and gift card

28 Jun 15 6:42 AM

Awesome week...congratulations :)

28 Jun 15 7:57 AM

MEGA Week. Congrats!

28 Jun 15 10:46 AM

had that number last week lol. congrats

28 Jun 15 10:56 AM

oh, and wow, that's alot of... well... everything!

28 Jun 15 10:59 AM

wow, what a great week. Congrats!

28 Jun 15 1:23 PM

Lovely wins, and congratulations winning the Guessing Game. :)

28 Jun 15 2:32 PM

Very lucky!

28 Jun 15 2:46 PM

Congrats! :)

28 Jun 15 8:40 PM

Congrats a great little scoop of prizes there.

29 Jun 15 9:47 AM
General Chatter

has anyone experience unsafe website surveys or competitons? to keep an eye on

27 Jun 15 7:42 PM

Just the Cohort Digital surveys. I've made the mistake a few times of entering a competition (usually the big ones) and then going through the survey that follows. I always made a point of saying No to everything, but inevitably I still get phone calls as a result. Now, I've realised that you don't need to do the survey. Usually just entering the competition is enough (it normally says 'You've successfully entered' on the first page of the survey), so I just close the browser window from there.

28 Jun 15 10:49 AM

Exactly - ditto above! If it comes up Cohort Tracking I exit quickly and don't look back! These are usually the Big Voucher ones like Bunnings etc, and often "featured"...
so, "if it looks too good to be true" POQ.

28 Jun 15 10:58 AM

thanks guys. Its annoying getting phone calls when you have said NO

29 Jun 15 10:20 PM

Sometimes their is a 'skip it'button too..use that...note the Wording says if you respond.. So yes or no is a response.. Sneaky

Bottom right you'll see it .. But they don't make it obvious

30 Jun 15 12:47 AM
I've Won

From National Geographic Win a Trip to the Galapagos Islands OR Camera Comp!

"Congratulations you've won a Canon IXUS160BK Digital Camera!"

(The link has a Winning PIN on it so can't post it here).

Took 5 Weeks BUT I got one! : )

158 Wins in my now TEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
124 this year
5 this week!

Good Luck ALL! : )


27 Jun 15 4:03 PM

Congrats, saw quite a few people won this but I couldn't enter as I don't have foxtel :( Nice win, persistance paid off

28 Jun 15 12:20 AM

I think a lot entered that don't have Foxtel @bops18 Lol! thankfully I do, so I'm all good. I'd hate to win and then lose and have to hand it back :-(

28 Jun 15 10:16 AM

Good on you!

28 Jun 15 2:45 PM
General Chatter

Anyone ever been informed that they are a winner and told the company that will be distributing the prize will contact you in the near future.
Then that company never contacts you. So you inform the company that you entered the competition with and let them know that the distribution company has not followed through. Then their reply is repeatedly, that they are following the matter up and to please be patient.

27 Jun 15 1:29 PM

@toxicgherkin has...dramas!!

27 Jun 15 2:03 PM

Oh.....the patience of the long-running marathon comper!

27 Jun 15 3:08 PM

Thankfully *touch wood* I've not had any MAJOR dramas. I have had stuff not turn up or the date I was promised it would arrive has been and gone, but again, thankfully, I've chased up the promoter, and said prizes have turned up pretty quickly after that. Usually the bigger the company, the more they DON'T want bad publicity. I have heard some horror stories though, which I hope never happen to me. I would hound them until the cows (or prizes) come home

27 Jun 15 3:21 PM

@Trevsta, true 'dat!

27 Jun 15 5:39 PM

Recently I won something through a FB comp and as requested I PM'd my details. They replied that the prize would be sent in a few days. About 2 weeks later I messaged to see if there had been a delay because I hadn't received it yet but they have not replied. That was a week ago and still nothing. I think I'll let this one go because I'm not that fussed on the prize but I won't bother with them again.

27 Jun 15 8:12 PM

ss to hear that ... nothing worse than getting excited that you've won a prize and then have something like this happen, I hope you eventually get your prize, sooner rather than later.

28 Jun 15 12:22 AM

I would keep at them Jrob. That's not good enough, and technically, ILLEGAL. If they don't want to give things away, they shouldn't offer. I'm sure they got many many new 'likes' due to the competition, so it's the least they can do to pay up

28 Jun 15 10:18 AM

I got asked for my details for a Jason Statham competition, which I assumed meant I'd won, since details weren't required as part of the entry, but heard nothing back. Emailing them produced no response either. I rarely chase wins up, and just put missing wins down to karma, expecting an even bigger win next time!

28 Jun 15 10:55 AM