General Chatter

OK call me a little dumb on this one but I have an annoying problem. Sometimes I use a Samsung tab to take photos and upload photos to a comp if I need to and no problems but the other day I recorded a short video for a facebook comp. I had no end of problems trying to upload to a facebook page. I wrote a comment and hit the photo icon but the video didn't appear on the camera roll even though when I went back in it was sitting in my camera folder. Is there a special way to upload videos to a facebook page? ( video entries were accepted for the comp) This has happened twice now damn it!.

02 Dec 15 7:13 PM

As an alternative could you upload to Youtube and put the video link in the Facebook post? I haven't tried a video file . Also google how to post a video on Facebook. Might look into it later still recovering from cold all week. :(

I had a quick read not sure if you can directly post a video. I could be wrong. Looks like you can upload to your timeline. Make sure it's in a compatible format.

Why can't I post videos as a comment on a post?

How do I add videos to Facebook?

I can't upload a video.

04 Dec 15 11:12 AM

@Lemond your a gem, I look into these later tonight. Ended up posting a photo in the comments but I think the video was much better. Live and learn. : )

04 Dec 15 6:57 PM

@fourleaf lol. I don't know about that. I'm just a sucker for an IT problem. I haven't tried posting videos to facebook. Well expect for youtube video once to Optus help via a link to a unhappy customer. Roy Obinsons "Communication Breakdown". Amazing how quick they got service after that.

I agree a video can stand out and have a bigger impact!

Let us know how you go with attempting to post a video on Facebook for future reference.

I think you may not be able to post a video directly to a comment. Though from a quick read you should be able to upload to your facebook and share or post the link. The only other idea if your clip doesn't involve sound could be to convert to an animated Gif. There should be freely available tools to convert formats.

04 Dec 15 7:22 PM
General Chatter

Weird competition listed today 50 minutes ago is Expired. Thou terms and conditions of the Spotify Competition state 7th December. I'm guessing it was reposted with an incorrect ending date. (Expired on Jul 12 2015 - Added 0 days ago )

Spotify Australia Promotion Terms and Conditions ? PlayStation, October 2015

5. The promotion opens at 9am AEST, 30th October 2015. To be valid entries must be received not later than at 9am AEST, 7th December 2015 at which time the offer of this promotion will end.

01 Dec 15 10:01 PM
I've Won | Innoxa - Win 1 of 20 Innoxa 'Pollution Perfect' Foundations!

I won this a few weeks ago but it turned up in the post today. I am waiting on some other makeup too. Yay!!!

30 Nov 15 8:13 PM

A good start to all the Christmas comps!

01 Dec 15 8:34 AM

Congratulations :)

01 Dec 15 6:54 PM


02 Dec 15 1:05 PM

great prize - congrats.

03 Dec 15 11:28 PM
General Chatter

Thank you everyone, I am listening and learning every time. Few months ago, some one hacked into my PayPal account AND INTO MY BANK ACCOUNT TO GET 50,000 DOLLARS. I do not feel safe anymore. Bank told me-This happen all time. I burn all my recipes and papers.

28 Nov 15 1:31 PM

@shuching It sounds like you might be covered by PayPal's Purchase Protection. Go here: and report the theft immediately. You shouldn't be liable for such a large transaction as it would have caused a lot of red flags on your account, and chances are PayPal are already investigating it. Good luck!

28 Nov 15 11:05 PM

WOW...... i thought paypal was fairly secure, obviously not, sorry to hear that mate!!

01 Dec 15 6:55 PM

@FARMERTYSON It is secure when you don't post your full name, address, phone number and email address in a forum. Unfortunately this is what Shuching has done.

02 Dec 15 12:49 PM

I hope they didn't get it. The banks have to investigate and report. No need to burn your recipes and papers. Did you end up contacting administration?

02 Dec 15 7:02 PM

Thank you very much with amazing advices.

08 Dec 15 11:19 AM
TV Shows / Movie Reviews

What was the code word on The Living Room tonight 27/11/2015?

27 Nov 15 9:43 PM

@KS141610 Was thinking someone might need it. SANTA
Reminds me should do it now.

Welcome to KS14610

27 Nov 15 9:54 PM

Will cost you thou to enter via ALL the international competition referrals below I listed. lol Lots of comps to choose from.

I will get around and remove a couple of expired competitions later.

I forgot the magic word. PLEASE. :)

Good Luck

27 Nov 15 9:56 PM
General Chatter

Rats, I forgot to visit again yesterday. That's twice this month, so no leaderboard win for me. Interestingly, I notice that if I did enter the Guessing Game on both of those days I missed, I would be at Number 1. Cest la vie!

26 Nov 15 1:22 PM

Big hug.. Argh I bombed out with a string of low daily scores at the start of the week. Teasing me from last week. Sometimes I wonder how random the daily scores are. Last month was either 4 or 44 this month 1 seems to be the rage. lol

It looks pretty close for the monthly leaderboard this month. At the start of the week, I thought might have an outside chance. At least for the Top 20. Now be pushing it. Hopefully next week my luck will turn.

Good Luck for next month. :)

26 Nov 15 3:28 PM

Doh guess what daily points got today :( Least could of been 6 6 6 after tonight's' quick T20 match I umpired.

Should just bet on 4 for daily points this last couple of months.

I was starting to suspect if daily points are totally randomized last month and did a quick read. Any web developers suspect the implementation of the daily points system? From a brief read if it's done in the browser it may be flawed. Thou not really my expertise.

This month I tried mixing up which browser I log in with and varying the time of login. Sounds bit superstitious lol.

Seriously from a web developers view any expert opinion on the implementation of the daily points?

27 Nov 15 12:13 AM

I also get a little paranoid sometimes about my daily points, especially when some people get 100+ more then me over the month. But it does come and go. Sometimes I have a week of little ones, and then a week of big ones the following week.

As for the randomality of the computer generated points, I know from experience that you really need to use a complex randomiser to make it completely random. The one supplied in Javascript and PHP are far from random. I use the Math.random function in Javascript through a Firefox extension that I made to fill in my guessing game entries, and it's not unusual for the numbers to be close to each other, especially when I enter them around the same time each day. It's just not good enough for truly random numbers.

27 Nov 15 3:49 PM

@divergent Agree to you need a complex randomiser to be completely random. I think Gleam run competitions use one. For the daily points I think it's just done in javascript on the client side then sent to the server. Could be wrong haven't fully inspected the javascript but noticed a random function somewhere.

Yeh nice to see it under 100 points gap. Gives you the feeling of hope. Last month was 150 away at the half way mark. :(

Number 4 for me has come up way to often in the last month. Was going to mention it last month. Was at least 6 times. Usually mine goes high, low , high, low etc. Barely had any in the 20's or teens over 3 months. Until I rotated browsers for a few days this last week. To test how random. Then got a string of 50's. Then a string of 1's and lows on the next rotation. Doh! l hope they keep low for the rest of the month, then make up for it next week with a string of highs. :)

I think some of the issues could be javascript related people may be experiencing for lost points etc. I suspect if you switch pages too quickly after selecting enter a competition, it is registered as viewed but hasn't had the chance to send that to the server. My first month I noticed something like this happening a few times. Only when I toggled the save /not interested competition options it would update. Then the competition would display back to Enter from Viewed. Slow process thou.

The first thing I do is do the guessing game which is bookmarked. Usually just after midnight with a few regulars I noticed. :) Sunday usually bit later like to check out what number won. Plus cricket umpiring I'm a bit exhausted.

Good Luck for next months leaderboard.

Thou I think @toxicgherkin mentioned it's his birthday NYE. :) I don't think I've passed him at the close of a day on the leaderboard since joining. I'm going to have to wait till April to have a chance.

27 Nov 15 5:56 PM

@Lemond Once in a while I check the stats of the top players on the Leaderboard and compare competitions viewed. I've never come across any unregistered (viewed but not registered) competitions before. Usually I'm equal to what the top players are, but I'll monitor it on a more regular basis.

I have now and then go through the previous days competitions and found a competition that I haven't viewed before. I always check that I've clicked them all, but somehow one sneaks into the old list every now and then. How this happens is beyond me. :S

28 Nov 15 7:32 AM

Oooo, the first of the month and I got 1 point today. How very generous! ;)

01 Dec 15 8:33 AM

@divergent lol. Sorry, I got four 1's over the last two weeks. I know how it feels. Thou shouldn't laugh too much I'm bound to get a 4 tomorrow. Good news there's 30 more days to make it up.

01 Dec 15 8:47 AM

@divergent Assuming you didn't get a 50 yesterday. I'll place a $2 bet @ 50 to 1 for a 50 tomorrow. Seemed most times I got a 1 was followed up by a 50.

01 Dec 15 9:30 AM

@divergent That's weird how can people have like couple of viewed comps today but no daily points awarded?

01 Dec 15 9:35 AM

Close, 36 points today. Heading in the right direction though, lol.

02 Dec 15 8:19 AM

Ooo, 1 again today. I'm winning from the wrong end, lol.

05 Dec 15 9:23 AM

@divergent :(. For about 30 seconds till I enlarged the page I thought I got 1. 41 Thankgod. Sounds like you had a horror run to the start of the month. You passed me on daily points couple days back. Been a slow start. The leaders already approaching +100 daily points ahead.

I'll post some international electronic PC etc competitions up tomorrow to help cheer you up. :). Appliances online got a creative competition for a nice TV open till Monday morning.

05 Dec 15 10:23 AM

I got 3 today. At least it's heading in the right direction again, lol. No doubt I'll finish with a hiss and a roar. ;)

06 Dec 15 5:08 PM

@divergent OMG Not looking like your month. God you're about 58 daily pts below par. ( Avg 25.5 per day) No wonder I couldn't see you on the leader board. :( Hang in there you might scrap into the top 20 with a good run. So looks like around 60 regulars enter daily. Can't believe MammaPigga's run of luck and has bolted out of the starting gate.

I put up a nice MS Surface Book competition last night. I've been on a lookout since it's launch for those. :).

I must do a run of entering in competitions been a bit slack due to been a bit crook most of the week.

06 Dec 15 7:25 PM

I haven't been able to post for the last couple of days. Every time I click Post, the button changes to Please Wait and nothing else happens. I finally cleared my browser history, and it is all working again.

I'm going to stop grissling now. I've gotten 46 and 48 over the last two days so I'm happy again! ;)

08 Dec 15 7:54 AM

@divergent lol :). Got a 49 and 23 so solid daily points to tease me around the Top 20. I was way overdue for some 20's. Cool sounds like was a browser issue. You haven't missed much apart from the competition for "ideas". Looking more like a pie throwing contest!

08 Dec 15 9:12 AM

@divergent Apps Snaps. The only app you need is a called a browser app for I noticed a few keep bringing up Apps to solve world hunger. They forget a browser is an App!

08 Dec 15 9:15 AM
General Chatter

There's a new blog up on entering Christmas competitions - a good read.

26 Nov 15 10:45 AM
General Chatter

For the competitions I listed Gleam are having reported issues over the past couple of days. I'm updating links to fix any issues. Lots of international competition for phones, phones and more phones. Cash, watches, laptops, leather briefcase etc etc. I will edit the initial post so not spamming the forum too much.

God starting to realise how many internal random draw Gleam competitions I've got going at the same time.

Good Luck

25 Nov 15 5:40 PM
I've Won

I have not receiving any EMAIL from Competition. about any forms, because I am a member of Competition. I do not have other EMAIL address. I am waiting and waiting.......Please, I do need this prize .Thank you.

25 Nov 15 3:07 PM


25 Nov 15 3:19 PM


25 Nov 15 10:45 PM

Did you check the junk folder? I hate when valid emails slip through to the junk folder. Also check your not blocking emails in the Hotmail settings. I'm not sure how long it takes to receive your prize from Or how long the cutoff period is to confirm a win. Some competitions can take a while to receive your prize (6-8 weks). :( I'm still waiting on a DVD from last month. Which has been confirmed and followed up. My only win!

25 Nov 15 10:46 PM

Thank you very much.

26 Nov 15 10:57 AM
I've Won | Loacker - Win 1 of 1000 $100 Woolworths gift cards!

Today I won the Loacker comp $100 Woolworths voucher (already spent)
And I won the Belkin shine like a diamond ,didn't win the diamond,but won a minor prize,events gold class tickets !!,happy days

24 Nov 15 11:22 PM

Good wins, well done!

25 Nov 15 8:54 AM

Congratulations! :)

25 Nov 15 11:24 AM


25 Nov 15 3:20 PM

Congrats - well done

27 Nov 15 12:38 AM

I love a voucher I can use on groceries and tickets to the movies is always good.

29 Nov 15 8:12 AM
General Chatter

International Competitions Referrals
Yesterday 24/11/2015 you might of had issues with the Gleam run competitions as Gleam was reported to be having issues. Any problems let me know. Good luck!
As Gleam are having reported issues again will post two links for each. Try the 2nd link if not loading.

Win an Oppermann London Bolton Briefcase!! £345.00 (Ended)
Ends: 7/12/2015

Grand Prize Winner (Their Choice of one of the following)
(1) Nikon D810 DSLR Camera (Body Only)
(1) Canon 5Ds (Body Only)
(1) $3,000 cash
As an added bonus, we'll donate an additional $1000 to one of these awesome children's charities on the winner's behalf: St Jude's Children's Research Hospital, Toys for Tots or Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Ends: January 13th, 2016

Win a Free 4th Generation Apple TV!
Ends: 30/12/2015 11:59 PM CDT

PS4 Sports Bundle Giveaway
Ends: 16/12/2015

MonoRover R2 'Hoverboard' Giveaway'
Ends: 11:59 PM CDT on 11/12/2015

Win an Apple Watch for Xmas
Ends: December 16, 2015 12:00 pm AEDT

Recon Jet Smart Fitness Eyewear
Ends: 13/12/2015


Moto X Play Smartphone
Ends: 3/12/2015

Google Nexus 6P Android Smartphone
Ends: 22/12/2015

UMI eMAX mini 4G Unlocked Cell Phone 5.0 inch FHD IPS Screen Android 5.0 Smart Phone, MSM8939 Octa Core 1.5GHz, ROM 16GB+RAM 2GB, 8.0MP+13MP (Black)
Ends: Approx 25/12/2015

Big Android Giveaway for November:
Lots of phones etc etc etc.
Ends: 30/11/2015

Xmas Gadget Bundle
Ends: Approx 10/12/2015


ASUS Laptop Giveaway
Ends: Dec 15th 2015

13-inch Alienware 13 R2 laptop with Intel ® processor
Ends 30/11/2015 11:59 CDT

Watches and Smart trackers

Win a LifeTrak Brite R450 activity, sleep, and light tracker
Ends: December 10, 2015 9:00 pm PST

Added a few new ones.
Will get around removing expired competitions a few days after expiration :)

24 Nov 15 6:41 PM
I've Won

I am shuching Chang, I won a guess number (152) -PayPal 50 dollars about a few weeks ago. How can I calm prize? Please inform me. I would love buy something nice for my kids. Thank you.
Name-Shu-Ching Chang
Address-2 Old Bush Road, Engadine 2233 NSW Australia
Phone -0295486282

23 Nov 15 1:57 PM

@shuching Did you try contacting the administrators on the contact form? It's right down the bottom of the page for Contact Us option. Does send an email out to confirm the win? Is there a reply back to claim period?

Damn I thought for a moment I had this weeks number of 870. I put it down last week and close to it. If only had that extra daily guess. Sigh x fingers for top 20 on the leaderboard. Looking a fairly close contest this month. Good luck all.

23 Nov 15 10:44 PM

You should of received an email, did you use a different email address

24 Nov 15 1:47 PM

Thank all of members help me . I am very happy and greatful your kindness. Thank you very much .

26 Nov 15 10:56 AM

Shuching I think you should take down your personal details i.e. address as you have just made all that info public :)

27 Nov 15 4:54 PM

Agree! Perfect way to find yourself registered to a mountain of spam.

27 Nov 15 5:59 PM
General Chatter

Does anyone have any other websites they use apart from I haven't had much luck finding my own legit websites for competitions or perhaps I'm being overly cautious. Thank you and I hope everyone is having a fab Sunday :)

22 Nov 15 3:54 PM

I use for a lot of competitions, as they have far more than are available here. It's open to the public (non-paying members) to add competitions as well, and to comment on comps, etc. It has its limits, unless you're a paid member, but I get by okay without having to pay for anything. It's good for answers as well, especially for magazine comps. I basically only use that and this site.

22 Nov 15 5:53 PM

23 Nov 15 11:38 AM

I primarily use I like the friendly forum. :)

I find it's easier to keep track of what competitions you have entered. List competitions similar to with a few extra.

One major question. How do compers keep track of what competitions they have entered to avoid double entering competitions and breaking the terms and conditions?

What I do is bookmark as entered. Decided as was getting messy to do a separate bookmark folder for each month. Another folder for multiple entries and another for all those gleam random draws to tick off for each day. God checking my November bookmarks I've been busy. My bookmarks are a mess from the last couple of months. lol

I wish was a little easier to keep track of competitions entered. I find the toggles for saved of not interested a bit slow to use. Would be great to have Entered Competition, Bookmark to enter later options.

Sometimes I google for what I might like to win. After a while, you tend to find promoters the due regular weekly competitions. Like PC Case gear usually do one each week that ends 5pm Monday. And Android Authority does regular weekly comps.

I will put a few international comps etc later I've found over the last week.

23 Nov 15 11:07 PM

I now keep it simple.
I tried a few things, a spreadsheet, bookmarks and folders but with the different closing dates things did get messy and I was constantly checking and clearing out old competitions. I now use a very simple book with abbreviations, not exactly state of the art but it's easy to refer back to without having to switch screens and update information all the time. I have about six things I record-
cl 24/11 (closing date) dr 26/11 (draw date) in a margin on the left then
multiple/ once only/ 25 WOL/ daily/weekly etc
*Any Special notes -ie need to check back on site for winning announcement (or anything that stands out in the T&Cs) Once the comp is closed I cross out the closing date. It's simple, easy to look through and saves me time.
I only enter the comps I'm really interested in winning and this helps keep my answers fresh too. Nothing worse than compers headache.

24 Nov 15 7:50 PM

@fourleaf Some really good ideas. I was thinking spreadsheet and save the links and dates etc. I tried electronic Post IT notes mainly for WOL. That quickly became a mess. I also occasionally use the forum to remind me what daily gleam comps still going lol. Just posted a sample tonight.

Once you got 30 plus comps going at the same time with varying closing dates etc becomes a task. A book is a bit manual for most online competitions. Might suit WOL competitions. My WOL folder on the PC needs a spring clean.

Definitely need to organise it at least for each month. I find it handy at least bookmark as entered in case I come across the same competition again. If reposted or another forum.

Can get tricky with some Terms and conditions that are multiple entries but limit how many in a specific time period. Or run over long time periods.

Yeh same I generally enter competitions I'm only interested in. So when has a makeup giveaway day etc I sometimes trawl the internet for global competitions. Thou take a bit of time checking terms and conditions to make sure can enter.

24 Nov 15 9:27 PM

Thank you so much for your comments :) I don't and haven't kept track in any way so that sounds like a good idea because sometimes it's hard to remember what I've entered and I am from tasmania so I find myself excluded from quite a few competitions but that's ok I'll check out these sites thank you :)
Does anyone enter the sweepon take 5 and woman's day? I've entered them both a few times but wasn't sure if they were legit - only because it's such a simple entry and most of the instagram comps I've seen you have to follow 5 hundred different pages and do this and that. Lol all in fun and games I guess. Happy hump day all and good luck with whatever you want to win :D

25 Nov 15 10:49 AM

@Sellwood92 The sweepon / Womans Day comps are genuine and further down you'll find comments from people who have won. Keeping track of comps you've entered is a good idea and sometimes when you go back to the site there are extra comps listed that aren't on here especially if the company has just run a big comp. ( They run smaller comps afterwards to keep interest up) This is another reason I use a book and a highlighter pen. I just find a book is easier and I can always refer back to it when I'm not on the computer and there's no updating required. Sometimes companies run comps where you have to comment everyday to win or have some special conditions and I make a note so I don't forget because I'd hate to loose my chances. Saves time and multiple files.
Saying that though lots of people do use spreadsheets and I'm sure @Lemond is going to come up with a brilliant idea and I can't wait for him to share!!! ;)

25 Nov 15 11:20 AM

PS Some people use an app called Evernote to record 25 WOL answers or ideas ( I use memo) Very easy to use

25 Nov 15 11:30 AM

@fourleaf Is it ok to enter all the Sweepon sister sites on the same day? It's a little confusing the terms and conditions. I have a feeling you can only enter once over all sites.

FAQ states
Sweepon, by Take 5 and Woman's Day, have the same prizes – can I enter on both websites?
You can enter once per prize, per site, per day. These are sister sites.

Terms and Conditions state
5.   Entrants may only enter once (1) per day per prize. A maximum of one (1) prize will be awarded per person for the entire Promotional Period, excluding SA and ACT residents.

There's a small catch as only awarded one prize so sometimes I don't enter a prize if don't need or like it. How long is the promotional period?

I have those automated listed on the home page as enter them daily lol.

25 Nov 15 5:14 PM

@fourleaf For WOL I use Open Office and save to separate folders for each competition under my WOL comps. Thou need to split this up for monthly I generally do one once a week or so. Been a couple of weeks since doing the last one as been busy with cricket umpiring. Got a few to work on tonight.

Need a text editor that has a word count etc tools. A handy feature is the auto recovery for documents as my PC crashes way to often. Grrrr. I need to win a new PC.

Spreadsheet sounds a good idea so can sort by end date etc. Thou haven't gone to that extreme yet. Usually, I just quickly bookmark as enter and bookmark again under multiple entry for this month. I'm too busy finding the next Internation competition or recovering from a PC crash.

25 Nov 15 5:24 PM

@Lemond Yes the T&Cs are confusing but I'm think you can enter each day from three sites - sweepon, take 5 and Womans Day. In fact I just tested this again by entering a cash draw and the three entries were accepted for the same prize. If I try to enter again it basically says come back tomorrow which further proves my theory that you can enter from the three sites. It would be picked by a random selection program so I wouldn't be too worried about it - if the system let's you place an entry it's already validated that the entry is OK. I saw the frequently asked questions on Google search but it's not the whole story. Not sure on how long it runs for but the prizes are updated reasonably frequently.

25 Nov 15 6:05 PM

@fourleaf I know it's accepted on each site only once per day. :) Thou I hope it's not breaching terms and conditions. Very unusual to find a competition that can enter for the same prize on three sites once each. It's nice when a competition tells you've already entered.

25 Nov 15 6:51 PM

Ever wondered just how many steps it takes to complete a marathon? Dive into the mystery with this insightful guide. You'll discover the average step count and learn how factors like stride length and pace play a role. Ready to get inspired and lace up your running shoes? Check it out here: . Find out how your steps can make the journey unforgettable.

General Chatter

A funny/weird terms and conditions for a travel competition even thou it's open to most of the world Canadians get singled out.

In the event that the first valid entrant drawn is a Canadian resident, they will be required to correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question within ten (10) days of winner notification to be eligible to claim the prize

Found the reason why it's due to their gaming regulations:

20 Nov 15 4:52 AM
General Chatter

I thought I might get back into doing some competitions as it's coming up to Christmas and...I stumbled upon a FB page where the promoter is hacked off about finding his prizes for sale on eBay. I don't sell any prizes I win but I've never had a problem with anyone else doing it. If you win the prize it's yours to do whatever right?

19 Nov 15 9:17 AM

I think a lot of sites just want their fans to win, as a reward for being a fan, or someone who actually wants the prize, and has probably given a good reason for why they want it in the 25 WOL. Although the winner may well have been a fan, or had a good use for the prize but has since changed circumstances, someone who sells it is more likely just to be a general comper who entered just because of the value of the prize, or maybe just to get a high from winning. That's just the divide between the minds of the promoters and the compers, and neither is wrong, just different. If we all thought the same, life would be pretty undramatic. I wouldn't feel guilty if I was caught selling a prize. A prize is still a prize, whether it's the actual prize or just the money the sale provides for other things.

20 Nov 15 9:18 AM

really?, once you win it ,its your to do what ever you want with it , i re gift most of my gifts at christmas to family & friends, I find it saves me a lot of money, not to mention my F & F's get some pretty cool stuff & yes i have sold items on gumtree & ebay

21 Nov 15 10:04 AM
I've Won | She Shopped - Win a Christmas celebration pack from 'Not in Shops' valued at over $379!

Omg so excited by this win. First Christmas win, fingers crossed the luck keeps coming :)

16 Nov 15 10:53 PM

Congrats, what an awesome prize, enjoy xxx Happy comping and hope you have many more wins.

17 Nov 15 12:14 AM


17 Nov 15 7:23 AM

Well Done!

17 Nov 15 7:40 AM

Well done!

17 Nov 15 7:53 AM


17 Nov 15 8:13 AM


17 Nov 15 9:22 AM


17 Nov 15 4:46 PM

happy days:)

17 Nov 15 7:01 PM

Thank you all

17 Nov 15 10:05 PM


21 Nov 15 10:05 AM
I've Won | Mindfood - Win 1 of 5 candles from Peppermint Grove Australia!

Just got the candle and diffuser today and they smell so lovely even in the box!
At the moment I have decided that certain prizes, if won, will go toward a fundraiser to rebuild Friendship House where our scouts meet. (Probably a Trivia night/auction to be held in term one of 2016)
This was one of them so I am really happy to have won it.

16 Nov 15 6:10 PM

Congratulations :)

16 Nov 15 7:41 PM

Congrats and lovely gesture :)

16 Nov 15 10:52 PM

Congratulations, wonderful idea - may many more wins head your way xx

17 Nov 15 12:15 AM

Nice win!!

17 Nov 15 7:23 AM

Thank you all

17 Nov 15 7:54 AM

A nice win!

17 Nov 15 4:56 PM


17 Nov 15 9:47 PM


17 Nov 15 10:05 PM
Voting Requests

My husband is Group Leader for our scouts: please vote for him - it would be lovely to see him recognised.
(He agreed to the nomination but only because the prize includes $500 to a selected charity)

16 Nov 15 6:03 PM

Voted and good luck to your hubby!

17 Nov 15 6:54 AM

Thank you!

17 Nov 15 7:54 AM


17 Nov 15 2:16 PM
I've Won | Beauty Heaven - Win 1 of 5 Proactiv Original 3-Step Kits!

Finally after months of nothing (although I haven't been entering as much as I should) a small prize win! I've won a Proactive 3 piece skincare set.. Great timing to use as a Chrissy present! Motivation to get back into it properly rather than giving up..

16 Nov 15 11:56 AM


16 Nov 15 7:43 PM

Woohoo well done, nice prize - enjoy.

17 Nov 15 12:16 AM


17 Nov 15 4:55 PM


17 Nov 15 10:06 PM
General Chatter

Hello fellow compers,

The Latest Blog Post is Live on Blog here:
Radio Competitions and Mykonos
Please leave a comment on the blog about your radio competition experiences I would love to know!

13 Nov 15 1:16 PM

Cool :)

13 Nov 15 7:01 PM

That is Santorini

14 Nov 15 2:56 PM

Cheers :)

16 Nov 15 7:42 PM
General Chatter

Two days left for the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ international giveaway!
Ends 15/11/2015

13-inch Alienware 13 R2 laptop with Intel ® processor
Ends 25/11/2015 11:59 CDT

Competition referral for a watch.
Ends 30/11/2015

Will have to check if the competitions are available for Australia. I can't find anything in the terms and conditions restricting entry.

Good Luck.

13 Nov 15 3:42 AM

Cheers, @Lemond.

13 Nov 15 7:41 AM

@toxicgherkin Thought you might love that one. :).
There was another competition for a unique marble watch, thou I removed it as it required you to of joined its kick starter pledge first.

13 Nov 15 3:45 PM

Found a competition and/or guaranteed prize if get enough referrals, thou T&C prohibit sharing on sweepstakes forums etc. Doh! Your allowed to post to Twitter and Facebook thou. Hmmmm

13 Nov 15 3:56 PM

Hi Toxic, I've just seen that you have won an IXO Cordless Screwdriver and Attachments from BOSCH DIY AUST AND NZ FB.@toxicgherkin

27 Nov 15 4:27 PM

@toxicgherkin Congrats Toxic. Perfect to tighten up all those loose screws. :)

27 Nov 15 5:58 PM

@toxicgherkin Congrats Toxic. Perfect to tighten up all those loose screws. :)

27 Nov 15 5:58 PM

@JulieD, thanks! I've sent a Facebook Direct Message to the promoter. Cheers for keeping an eye out. Wishing promoters would contact prize winners directly - they glean enough information off the entrant. I've been tagged before for FB prize notification so I assume this promoter could have done similarly. Instead notification was as plain text. Just goes to show one should followup on comps of interest. Cheers!

28 Nov 15 10:05 AM


28 Nov 15 10:10 AM

No problems, the same thing has happened to me on a few occasions, if I hadn't checked back, I would never have known I'd won! Merry Christmas!@toxicgherkin

28 Nov 15 4:26 PM

@toxicgherkin lol. So the promoter didn't send a private message to you on facebook for the competition win?

Wonder if anyone here enters the OfferX comps there's $5,000 unclaimed there. Actually quite a few prizes unclaimed.

28 Nov 15 8:07 PM

I used to enter the OfferX comps but it's tedious completing all the panels for your maximum 50 entries. Such a bore!

29 Nov 15 1:29 PM

@toxicgherkin lol. Admire you tenacity to find out there's a maximum of 50 entries. The competition of utter boredom! I signed up months back a did a couple of entries and forgotten about it. I noticed a lot of unclaimed prizes.

I was curious how you got notified for your facebook win. Thought they would send a private message to notify of the win or email. Lucky you got someone watching your back. :)

29 Nov 15 9:06 PM

@Lemond, true that! Hoping to return the many favours fellow compers have done me. :)

30 Nov 15 6:50 AM
I've Won

Yay, it's been a good two weeks, $250 cocktail set from first choice liquor, Marbig stationary pack, and then three today; kambrook Bltizpro from kambrook Facebook Comp, wiggles pack from out and about with kids & a huge $1000 Yamaha audio Bluetooth system from appliances online Facebook Comp, what an amazing Thursday :)

12 Nov 15 3:29 PM

Wow that's fantastic! congratulations!

12 Nov 15 7:36 PM


12 Nov 15 7:54 PM

@fourleaf Congratulations. Your kids will love you for that. :)

12 Nov 15 9:30 PM

Wow. Great wins there, Alittle. Congratulations.

12 Nov 15 11:33 PM

Great wins!

13 Nov 15 9:40 AM

@alittlebitoffun, congratulations on all your wins

13 Nov 15 11:23 AM


13 Nov 15 12:48 PM

thats want I would call " On a Roll" congrats!!!

14 Nov 15 5:04 PM

well done

14 Nov 15 10:43 PM

congrats and some nice wins!

15 Nov 15 5:57 PM

OMG wow, well done what a haul, enjoy :)

17 Nov 15 12:16 AM

Wonderful prizes. Enjoy and congratulations.

17 Nov 15 8:13 AM


27 Nov 15 1:43 PM
General Chatter

Hmmm I either just avoided a scam or blew off a cruise for 4 people to the Bahamas. Got a call ealier. I had to travel to Florida. Sounded like wanted approximately $800 and CC details and attend some sales promotion. Sounded more like a hard sale. Was still waking up.

12 Nov 15 12:45 PM

Yes, I had this call when I first started. I think they sell holiday accommodation or timeshare or something similar for a hefty annual fee. (I think)

12 Nov 15 12:53 PM

@fourleaf Thanks. When wanted CC details before confirmation and chance to fully check it all out, rang alarm bells. They haven't called back. lol. Could post the company will have to replay the recording. Lucky installed an auto recorded software.

Damn was hoping it was for the competition from Samsung for the washing machine. lol

12 Nov 15 1:03 PM

Good luck with the washing machine.

12 Nov 15 1:57 PM

@fourleaf Not looking good for the washing machine. :( Well at least lesson for improving WOL competitions for the next one.

12 Nov 15 2:13 PM
General Chatter

For those that entered OMO's WOL competition for a Samsung washing machine. From their facebook page posted today.

Samsung has confirmed that the winners will be contacted on November 12 (as per T&Cs).

Good Luck

11 Nov 15 7:33 PM
I've Won

Aaaaarghh! Aaaaarghhh!
I had a phone call and confirming e-mail this afternoon saying that I've just won a diamond worth $12,000!!!! in a local competition!
I don't believe! I'm still walking on the ceiling and I don't know how to get down!

10 Nov 15 7:12 PM

Stay on the ceiling and lap it up. Well done!

10 Nov 15 7:54 PM

And that's the reason I keep on entering. Congratulations.

10 Nov 15 8:03 PM

bloody awesome win, happy days :)

10 Nov 15 8:21 PM

Wow congrats!! That's amazing well done

10 Nov 15 8:23 PM

happy days nice win there :-)

10 Nov 15 9:24 PM

A huge congratulations, well done

10 Nov 15 10:35 PM

Fantastic win. Congratulations.

11 Nov 15 6:03 AM

Arrrrr! What a beautify bounty. Enjoy the loot. Congratulations.

11 Nov 15 6:48 AM

Congratulations!!! AWESOME!!!

11 Nov 15 8:56 AM

Wow that awesome

11 Nov 15 11:23 AM

Ummm.....does anyone have a ladder??
Thanks everyone, much appreciated and I have a smile from ear to ear. I even went and dusted off my four leaf clover - still in good condition! Lol (For those who may not know, I'm not superstitious but I did find a four leaf clover in my backyard earlier this year, went done to my library because my computer was broken, checked my e-mail and won a couple of good prizes after winning nothing for a couple months hence the name fourleaf - just for fun) I really enjoy adding local comps to my on-line ones and it's paid off.

11 Nov 15 11:51 AM

fantastic what an awesome Christmas gift

11 Nov 15 1:06 PM

@MammaPigga84 Thank you I'm very happy.

11 Nov 15 1:12 PM

Awesome! Well done :)

11 Nov 15 3:58 PM

Thanks Trinket, wishing you the best!

11 Nov 15 4:16 PM

Thanks :)

11 Nov 15 4:26 PM

SICKKKKKK I hope I win something soon ;)

11 Nov 15 6:54 PM

@fourleaf Stratco are giving away a Bailey ladder today for Win One Wednesday. :) Must enter today.

11 Nov 15 7:08 PM

@CardboardRobot , hang in there, you will.

11 Nov 15 7:36 PM

@Lemond Haha, thanks for the tip! luckily I already had the good sense to enter that one today. Appreciated though.

11 Nov 15 7:38 PM

@CardboardRobot, welcome!

11 Nov 15 9:40 PM

Congratulations. Such a great prize.

12 Nov 15 8:51 AM

@moiz12 thanks, haven't seen you for a while, hope everything's going well!

12 Nov 15 11:05 AM

congrats, if you want to sell the ring, my uncle can help you with that , he's a diamond/jewellery dealer

14 Nov 15 5:07 PM


16 Nov 15 6:04 PM

whoa nelly!!! what a prize, congrats and well done on your dazzling win.

17 Nov 15 12:19 AM

@bellcomper @Di_D @bops18 Thanks! much appreciated!

17 Nov 15 5:24 PM

@fourleaf as well as can be I guess. Health issues and family issues just haven't had the time & inclination to enjoy this site to it's full potential lately. But always nice to check in and see other's such as yourself doing well in the prize department :) Hope all is well for all the other compers on here as well!

23 Nov 15 1:29 PM

Nice to you from you though :) I hope things pick up for you soon. Sometimes time is short I know :)

24 Nov 15 7:16 PM
I've Won

From MyVMC, a Billie Goat Skincare prize pack, great Christmas present. Thank you.

10 Nov 15 3:19 PM

Lovely win, JulieD. Congrats.

11 Nov 15 6:04 AM

Congrats JulieD!

11 Nov 15 11:57 AM

Nice prize, love their products, Congrats.

17 Nov 15 12:19 AM
General Chatter

Has @JennyE's (Jenny England) account been hacked? I notice a lot of posts from her account on the blog, that are clearly not from her (sales pitches, and even German ones!).

10 Nov 15 10:28 AM

Yes my account has been hacked. I have contacted the administrator who I hope will fix this. Take no notice of any of the rubbish...... and good luck with your comping!

10 Nov 15 11:29 AM

I thought that was a bit weird. The ironic thing is the posts are advertising ghostwriting services but their spelling and grammar are terrible. English is obviously not their first language but they are certainly not selling themselves very well. Lol!

10 Nov 15 3:00 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

How can I stop the window that pops up inviting me to like Facebook page everytime I log in? It takes ages to get it to go away.

08 Nov 15 3:23 PM

That's weird, I don't get that one. And I don't have facebook either.

08 Nov 15 6:13 PM

I haven't come across it. Sounds annoying.
Not much to go on. PC or mac? What browser and you using?

First thing I would try another browser and see if that solves it. Possible disable popups.
More ideas to come later.

09 Nov 15 3:26 PM
I've Won

Nice way to start my Sunday, just won the guessing game on this site.

08 Nov 15 10:47 AM

Positioned well, wolverine! ;)

08 Nov 15 11:48 AM

bit cryptic comment, but thanks for the congrats part.

08 Nov 15 11:49 AM

Congrats. :)

08 Nov 15 3:28 PM

Congrats - nice start to the week

08 Nov 15 5:37 PM

Well done !!

08 Nov 15 7:15 PM


08 Nov 15 9:28 PM
General Chatter

There's one 25 WOL question that gets me every time: "Why do you want to win ,,, " It implies that they want the truth of why you want to win the item on offer, but all I can ever think of is that I just want it because I don't have it and it's there to win. Very rarely do I ever find something I truly want. Sure, I want the movie tickets, in order to see the latest movies for free, and I win a few of them, but the rest of the prizes, even the travel prizes, are just opportunities to have something I don't currently have. Perhaps I'm just lacking in dreams, of what it would be like to stay at a beach resort perhaps, basking in the sun, drinking a cocktail from the in-pool bar, or maybe what it would be like using the latest kitchen appliance or reading the new series novel by a bestselling author. What are typical answers that you come up with for the question "Why do you want to win ... "?

07 Nov 15 11:35 AM

Agree. Best way is work out how to answer is look at similar competitions and winning answers. I hate those WOL type competitions as well. Like "Why do you deserve to win XYZ". Ask @toxicgherkin I think he's got the creative flare. I'm sure he's got a natural talent for those sort of competitions. :)

I feel you got to look out of the box a bit and not get too personal. I'll try find one winning example for a Facebook competition. From memory the winning example wasn't that personal thou clever reference to the competition prize.

Found the winning example for one competition.
It was for some beautiful Royal Doulton plates etc.
Question was "Tell us in 15 words or less why you deserve to win"

Banksy's got nothin' on my kitchen with these inside

Basically comes down to the judges. I think your point is how do you give yourself the best chance to be in the running.

07 Nov 15 2:29 PM

It was probably the least personal response. But clever response. I try and get a feel what kind of judges or from promotional material provided by the promoter or prize.

Like from the caption competition after seeing a few over the last month you start to get a feel what sort of caption will win or what won't. I wish you could bounce ideas off the forum or msg in private without the fear of being pinched. lol

07 Nov 15 2:57 PM

For finding what you really want. Google your shopping list. Eg "competition to win XYZ". Damn can't find another MS Surface Book competition open to Australia again. Found a nice Rolex watch thou. Not sure if open to Australia and requires pickup at store in UK. Nothing in the T&C's says must be a UK resident. Hopefully can get around it thou organising pickup through friends if I win.

07 Nov 15 3:02 PM

The travel competitions I tend to avoid if they don't include some cash to cover travel expenses. Did we have to answer your qu in 25 WOL? lol opps went over the limit

07 Nov 15 3:10 PM

We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!

07 Nov 15 7:16 PM

@toxicgherkin. lol. Very good and under 25 WOL. :)

Quick someone feed him a competition. Did you catch Tarocash I posted up?

How did the chicken dinner go?

07 Nov 15 7:26 PM

I've won a few of these "Why do you want to win" competitions. Sometimes it's been with a serious answer along the lines of - this is my problem and your product will be perfect to fix it. Sometimes it's been with goofy, unique uses for the product. Although they say "this is a game of skill and chance plays no part in determining the winner" but this is obviously not the case because you just don't know what the judges will like.

08 Nov 15 10:17 AM

Chicken dinner was awesome! One hungry horde fed. No leftovers though. Bugger! :(
Tarocash promotion? Thanks for the headsup. Reposted/entered. Done & dusted! Cheers.

08 Nov 15 11:47 AM
General Chatter

Sigh missed tonight's The Living Room code word. PC TV crashed just at the wrong time. Let me guess HEAVEN? Any prizes to try and guess the code word?

06 Nov 15 9:05 PM

Got the code word off tenplay it's KITCHEN

06 Nov 15 9:12 PM
General Chatter


06 Nov 15 5:05 PM

From a DVD and a life time supply of junk email.

06 Nov 15 9:03 PM

Hi, a Blue Illusion Prize August last year, worth $2,300. Second biggest prize, Laptop this year worth $1200. No trips yet!

07 Nov 15 8:24 AM

$600 go pro camera last year.. mostly win little prizes frequently... lots of make up and dvds!

07 Nov 15 9:21 AM

i won $25,000 kitchen makeover

07 Nov 15 9:32 AM

Wow @MammaPigga84 that's amazing!! I can only dream of a big win like that. So far my biggest has been a $650 watch. I tend to win small prizes frequently. I have only been entering for around 8 months and have managed over $5k so am pretty happy. I work full time and have 2 kids under 3 so need to find more hours in the day to enter more lol

07 Nov 15 10:35 AM

@Lemond Was that the Freedom competition they just had. Was going to say spill the beans on the win. Thought might be Thur Powerball.

07 Nov 15 11:57 AM

Its was 2 years ago that I won it, through Jiff competition. after that we sold our house, only enjoyed the kitchen for 6 months, but it was the feature to selling our house

07 Nov 15 6:52 PM

@MammaPigga84 Very nice win. :).

Atm X fingers for a Samsung washing machine. OMO had a WOL competition just ended where they were giving away 50 Top loader washing machines value $1700 . The next day they had another comp end with 20 Simpson front loading machines for about $650 which I didn't enter. I did briefly mention they were running a competition early in the week.

Was a purchase from Woolies then do a WOL. I got enough OMO now to keep me going for a few of months. lol

Chances must be good. I was happy with my entries. Thou hope not penalized as the couple of entries I put in were slightly similar.

I was surprised didn't list it. Either that or I missed it.

Did anyone else enter that competition?

07 Nov 15 7:03 PM

yeah i tried my luck for the samsung washing machine, hoping to win one for my mum
have the annonced any winners

07 Nov 15 7:49 PM

@MammaPigga84 Good luck.

For the OMO and Samsung washing machine comp.

Judging 6.11.15 and contact by 12.11.15 and you must reply within 5 working days of initial contact. Sure be something about proof of receipts somewhere. So check those emails next week and keep your Woolies receipts in a safe place. :)

07 Nov 15 8:09 PM

@Lemond thanks lets hope we both a winners

08 Nov 15 10:07 AM

Robot cleaner $1300. Most useful, though, was $500 IGA gift card. Nice not paying for groceries for a few weeks.

09 Nov 15 7:31 AM

@Di_D thats always a big help having not to pay for groceries

09 Nov 15 9:48 AM

10k holiday

14 Nov 15 5:08 PM

@bellcomper fantastic where was holiday

15 Nov 15 10:21 AM
General Chatter

For Instagram how do you repost an image from our instagram page? It's an entry requirement for a competition I wish to enter. Do you have to do this from the phone app? Or can it be done via Instagram web page?

05 Nov 15 9:21 PM

What kind of phone do you have? On iphone you just press on/off button and home button at same time to take screenshot of photo.. no other app needed.. then you just post that photo like your own, easy.

07 Nov 15 9:20 AM

@Bel7861 Samnsung Galaxy 4. Anything but an IPhone please.

07 Nov 15 11:59 AM

Ok.. it's the same thing, home and power button then just post the image through your instagram and tag.

07 Nov 15 1:07 PM

@Bel7861 ok so I have to do a screen shot to regram/tag an image. Was hoping to do it from the PC from my Instragram account on a webpage. Instead of with the phone. Thou might be able to do it on the PC using Blue Stacks an Android emulator.

Its regramming an already existing picture the promoter has on twitter or instram I think.
For you help TaroCash are running a comp to regram and tag. Plus I think put one up for a bed sheet package I think.

I'll put the link up later if you can't find it. I think it's promoted on their Instragram account.

Any good competitions to enter this weekend? I've now got the weekend free due to all turf cricket being cancelled.


07 Nov 15 1:25 PM

@Bel7861 Is the competition

Got it via their newsletter. :)

The image already exists on their instragram account do you still need to screenshot it? I kinda knew how do a screenshot thou find that method tricky from memory. There also software to do it.

07 Nov 15 1:32 PM

@Bel7861 Thats the image. I saved the webpage. Will transfer that to the phone etc and see how I tag etc

07 Nov 15 1:43 PM

@Bel7861 I think saving the webpage is better you can easily get all images. A screen grab might also capture personal things etc. Plus I guess a screen grab the images might be quite large in size and might need to fiddle to compressing it to a smaller size. Conditions state you can use any pic from Tarocash Competition.

07 Nov 15 1:46 PM

@Bel7861 Transferring now easy just got to this pic I posted and save the image. :) No need to do a screenshot. :) Now just have to work out how to tag etc

07 Nov 15 2:12 PM

It wouldn't let me save the image from the Instagram web page just thou could save the whole webpage. Seems a good idea for all regram comps on Instragram. No need for screenshots.

07 Nov 15 2:14 PM

Admission! iPhone 6 (+) user here. I know! Tell me about Samsung-o-philes. I'm slowly beginning to see the light....Now, as for regramming, I use a free app on the iPhone called R&R. Not sure of wider compatibility. There's bound to be other similar apps. All you do is search the image in the (R&R) app then regram (or post) to Instagram (or Flickr, Facebook etc). You can change background tones, do arty-farty stuff etc. The app lets you hashtag, and tag people etc. Easy peasy. No screenshots needed. Hope this helps some of you Instagrammers out there. :)

08 Nov 15 11:53 AM

@toxicgherkin Thanks. Yeh I was going to ask you. Knew must of been easy ways to do it without screenshots as regrammed pics would all be slightly different. Must have a good look into it. Will see what apps andriod has. At least you've given me a list of features that appp should have to google for.

08 Nov 15 12:38 PM

@toxicgherkin Think I did it. X fingers. I used the instagram app and added a comment with the #tarocashx007 tag. Looks like its ok. Still working out a good app for android to repost and tag.

09 Nov 15 4:25 PM

@Lemond, head to Google Play and search for a regram (Instagram) app. I did and this is the first (and original one) I'm led to believe - "InstaRepost." Worth a look anyway if you're heading down that fickle and treacherous Instagram path... ;)

09 Nov 15 6:38 PM

@toxicgherkin lol. Thanks. Yeh long as don't accidentally regram all my pics from the phone. Might of tried it. I tried tagging with the tarocashx007 and it tries searching for the user and couldn't find it.

09 Nov 15 8:23 PM
General Chatter

Genesis gym giveaway

05 Nov 15 8:36 PM

Done. :) Good luck

05 Nov 15 8:49 PM


06 Nov 15 10:10 AM

Done , good luck

06 Nov 15 6:32 PM
I've Won | Sydney Scoop - Win a Romertopf!

Winner, winner. Chicken dinner...planning that for tomorrow night's dinner actually...Surprise delivery this morning. Had no idea I'd won. No notification! Happy camper!!!

05 Nov 15 7:39 PM

Congrats @toxicgherkin

Looks great. Enjoy. So who's invited for dinner? :)

lol. Yeh was going to ask how people keep track for competitions that you enter. I joined via your referral for click energy competition last night. Good luck for that as well.

05 Nov 15 7:47 PM

The whole flocking flock!... ;)

05 Nov 15 7:51 PM

They're great, enjoy!

06 Nov 15 10:10 AM

what a beauty!

06 Nov 15 12:31 PM

Good one and I love the design!

06 Nov 15 6:26 PM
I've Won | BBM live - Win a British Gangsters: Faces of the Underworld DVD

I think I've got my first win. Just got an email to reply back to claim. :)

05 Nov 15 7:13 PM

Could do my own "gangsters" DVD in St Kilda after living in a hostel in St Kilda and what I went through. Thank god moved last XMas.

05 Nov 15 7:53 PM

Congratulations, Lemond. I already feel cheated out of a win! ;) lol

05 Nov 15 7:57 PM

@toxicgherkin lol. There were 5 copies to be won. No wonder I won. I was trying to remember if I had entered. Thought might be another spam email. Been a good day, mate won $200 at the Casino while I was running late for lunch. Typical Queenslander can't go past a pokie machine. Paid for lunch with some change. :)

05 Nov 15 8:18 PM

@toxicgherkin are running a competition you would enjoy. No cooking required. :)

To celebrate the beginning of the New Year, we are giving you the chance to

WIN a dinner package valued to $700 at The Meat & Wine Co.

You and three of your closest friends could ring in the New Year in style.


25 WOL competition. :)

I'm not sure when the promotion ends trying to find Terms and Conditions.

05 Nov 15 8:37 PM

Thanks @Lemond. Licks lips in anticipation. Entered. ;)

06 Nov 15 7:46 AM


06 Nov 15 10:11 AM

@toxicgherkin lol. Update The competition will end on the 1st December.
I had lunch there yesterday while it was pouring down. Good excuse to keep drinking. :)

06 Nov 15 11:57 AM

@JulieD Thanks Julie and @toxicgherkin.

06 Nov 15 11:59 AM

Congratulations Lemond!

06 Nov 15 6:23 PM

The best site to play in Australia for sure - because it's great to play here, I really like to spend time playing here and the reviews are fantastic - I understand why it's so popular, it's fantastic, that's why I play here and love it!

General Chatter

@Goldmember I wish to temporarily suspend my prestigious membership to the LUC klan. :)

05 Nov 15 7:11 PM

Well as long as it's only temporary

09 Nov 15 9:24 PM

@Goldmember Only a small win for a DVD last week. Still waiting for it. Think I've seen most of that series.

11 Nov 15 7:30 PM
Tips & Tricks

Hello Compers!

My latest Post is live" Odds, Luck and The Melbourne Cup. Hope you like it and don't forget to spread the word!

04 Nov 15 5:57 PM


05 Nov 15 10:11 AM

Cheers :)

05 Nov 15 4:26 PM

: )

06 Nov 15 6:33 PM
I've Won

Melbourne Cup yesterday I entered a $2 sweep and happened to get allocated the winning horse!!! $19.50 was my prize. You won't hear me complaining!!

04 Nov 15 6:15 AM

well done :)

04 Nov 15 8:20 AM

I've had great success from randomly allocated sweepstakes entries, winning a few times. I even make a point of backing the horse I've been given at the TAB regardless of the odds. It's not unusual for an outsider to win once in a while. Well done.

04 Nov 15 10:38 AM

: )

04 Nov 15 11:59 AM
General Chatter" TARGET="_blank">

win a egg chair

03 Nov 15 4:22 PM

copy the complete URL

03 Nov 15 4:24 PM

cheers mamma!!

04 Nov 15 7:17 AM


04 Nov 15 12:16 PM
I've Won | Innoxa - Win 1 of 20 Innoxa 'Pollution Perfect' Foundations!

I love winning makeup, it's so expensive. It's great to be able to try new things without the risk of loosing money.

02 Nov 15 8:00 PM

Well done Jrob71!!

03 Nov 15 8:59 AM

Congrats, Iove winning make up too.

03 Nov 15 9:48 PM

Same! and love innoxa - good win :)

07 Nov 15 9:18 AM
General Chatter

Hey Guys,
Just wondering who the lucky winner is of the $500 Visa Gift Card?

02 Nov 15 10:34 AM

I wondering if anyone here won that nice leather bag. :) What Mellyxo you spent all your pokie winnings already? lol

I must check my emails, clear out 100's of daily spam to see I've won something.
The closest I've come to winning anything was on Saturday. I got paid for turning up for umpiring and the captains called it off due to a wet pitch. Gave me Saturday arvo to enter more competitions. Plus can still walk today. Bonus!. :)

02 Nov 15 2:29 PM

Hahaha absolutely not but I do love a good gift voucher comp ;)
I didn't win the leather bag... or at least they haven't emailed me about it or called if I did win.
Oh bugger that sucks!!!

02 Nov 15 3:48 PM

not me :-(

03 Nov 15 8:23 AM

@admin wondering as well who won? :)

07 Nov 15 9:18 AM
General Chatter

Halloween done. Now for the Christmas Comping to start...

01 Nov 15 5:04 PM

Yes should be fun!

01 Nov 15 6:19 PM

I won two Halloween prizes including a campout with the kids. Was awesome. The other was a Freddy Krueger.

03 Nov 15 5:54 AM

nice 1 sharjj

03 Nov 15 8:24 AM
General Chatter

Hmm is there a problem with the daily points today? Not showing, so far not awarded?

Skip that seems ok. :).

01 Nov 15 9:23 AM

You have to click on a competition first before it will show up at the beginning of a new month.

01 Nov 15 10:00 AM

@divergent Yeh I did that thanks. It was a bit slow showing up. :). Was still waking up as well. :) What happened to you on the monthly leaderboard divergent? You started off well for the first half. Looked like you went missing for a while. Thought you might be busy with exams or something, :)

01 Nov 15 5:54 PM

Something pretty weird happened last month. Somehow I missed visiting the site one day. I couldn't understand how that happened, since I'm normally so vigilant about it. I realised that I wasn't going to be in the top ten after that, so I didn't bother with the competition points, since I rarely enter them (I don't use Facebook). A new month now, and a new chance to get into the top ten, and hopefully the top three!

02 Nov 15 9:05 AM

@divergent Agh explains what happened. Yeh, a noticed a couple of people had similar issues with missed points. It would be nice if the admin looked into the possible cause. As it seemed an intermittent problem it is most likely at the user end. Like a connection/browser issue.

I just use facebook for competition entries, god I even created an Instagram, Twitter and Discuss account last month. lol. The good thing about Facebook you can see competitions that other people enter if they shared, which is usually a requirement to complete entry. Way to find competitions you didn't know about.

Good luck for the new month.

02 Nov 15 2:18 PM
General Chatter

Did anyone get The Living Room code word tonight? Missed it as was sigh was hoping to go into PAX which was sold out. Doh

30 Oct 15 9:39 PM


31 Oct 15 2:01 PM

Thanks bj74. Makes sense with Halloween special.

31 Oct 15 2:50 PM