Is your Instagram feed filled with other people’s holiday snaps? Want to get away to somewhere warmer? Dreaming of cocktails by the beach? WELL… Smallzy wants to give YOU $2,500 towards your dream holiday thanks to the release of ‘Truth or Dare’ available to own on DVD, Blu-Ray and Digital now! For your chance to win simply enter below and dare to tell us where you would like to go and why AND… Smallzy could be calling YOU!
Competition Terms and Conditions (Game of Skill)
Schedule to Terms of Entry
Is your Instagram feed filled with other people’s holiday snaps? Want to get away to somewhere warmer? Dreaming of cocktails by the beach? WELL… Smallzy wants to give YOU $2,500 towards your dream holiday thanks to the release of ‘Truth or Dare’ available to own on DVD, Blu-Ray and Digital now! For your chance to win simply enter below and dare to tell us where you would like to go and why AND… Smallzy could be calling YOU!
Competition Terms and Conditions (Game of Skill)
Schedule to Terms of Entry
This Schedule together with the Terms of Entry constitute the Competition Terms of Entry for the Promotion. Please read the Terms
of Entry attached to this Schedule which applies to the Promotion.
1. Promotion Win a $2,500 Travel Voucher with Smallzy’s Travel Truths!
2. Promoter Nova Entertainment Pty Ltd (ACN 093 553 989) Level 5, 33 Saunders Street Pyrmont NSW 2009
3. Station/s and
Nova 96.9 -
Nova 100 -
Nova 106.9 -
Nova 91.9 -
Nova 93.7 -
4. Promotion Period Entry into the Promotion commences at 6:00pm AEST Friday 17 August 2018
Entry into the Promotion closes at 8:00am AEST Friday 24 August 2018
5. Eligible States and
Clause 2
6. Age Restriction
Clause 2
Entrants must be: 15 years of age or over.
If under 18 years of age, express permission of parent/guardian is required before entering this
Promotion. Parent/guardian may be required to accompany that entrant/companion when using the
Major Prize or participating in the Promotion. The Major Prize will be awarded to the parent or legal
guardian who consented to the entrant registering in the Promotion on behalf of that entrant, at the
sole discretion of the Promoter, and that parent or legal guardian may be required to accompany that
winner for the duration of the Major Prize (if applicable).
7. Maximum Number
of Entries
Clause 3
Entrants may submit as many entries as they wish however each entry must be submitted via a
separate entry and must independently comply with these Competition Terms of Entry.
8. Entry Method
Clause 3
Online Entry
During the Promotion Period entrants must complete the online entry form and register their details in
the manner required on the Website and answer in 25 words or less the question “Where would you
dare to go on your dream holiday and why?”
Each entry will be individually reviewed by representatives of the Promoter (Judges) based on the
Judging Criteria.
At various times during the Promotion Period the Judges (in their sole and absolute discretion) will:
(a) select up to ten (10) entrants judged to have submitted the ‘best’ online entries based on
the Judging Criteria (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion)
from all valid online entries submitted up until that stage during the Promotion Period
(each, a Selected Entrant);
(b) contact up to ten (10) Selected Entrants (as determined by the Promoter in its absolute
and sole discretion) by telephone. Each Selected Entrant will be asked the following
questions (or other questions as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute
discretion) by a representative of the Promoter (off air) to confirm if they are eligible to
participate in this Promotion:
? Are you 15 years of age or over?? If the entrant is under 18 years of age, the entrant must confirm that they have
obtained express permission from a parent/legal guardian before entering the
(c) if the Promoter deems (in its sole and absolute discretion) that the Selected Entrant
complies with these Terms of Entry they will be placed on the Standby List;
(d) if the Selected Entrant has not answered these questions truthfully, the Promoter reserves
the right to withdraw that Selected Entrant from the Standby List/Promotion and that
Selected Entrant will forfeit its entry into the Promotion and any Major Prize.
Appear On Air
At various times during the Promotion Period the Promoter (in their sole and absolute discretion) will:
(a) select up to one (1) Selected Entrant judged to have submitted the ‘best’ online entry
(based on the Judging Criteria, in the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion) from the
relevant Standby List;
(b) contact the Selected Entrant on their Personal Contact Number (in the sole and absolute
discretion of the Promoter); and invite them to appear on air and participate in the On Air
Challenge as a Challenger (Challenger).
On Air Challenge
At various times during the Promotion Period:
(a) the Promoter will have up to three (3) pre-determined questions (Questions);
(b) the Challenger will be asked to provide the correct answers to the Questions within a
limited amount of time (as specified by the Promoter);
(c) if the Challenger correctly answers up to three (3) Questions within the specified time
period (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion) they will be
deemed a Finalist (Finalist) and placed on the Finalist List and asked by a representative of
the Promoter over the phone (off air) to provide their contact details (including their
Personal Contact Number) for the purposes of potentially awarding them the Major Prize;
(d) should the Challenger not correctly answer any of the three (3) Questions (in the
Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion), the Promoter may invite the Selected Entrant with
the next ‘best’ online entry (who will be waiting on stand-by) to participate in the On Air
(e) the Promoter may (in its sole and absolute discretion) provide clues and hints to Selected
Entrants during a contesting spot however the Promoter is under no obligation to do so.
The first Challenger who correctly answers up to three (3) Questions in each applicable On Air
Challenge (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion) will be deemed a Finalist
and placed on the Finalist list.
Major Prize Announce
After 12:00pm AEST on Friday 24 August 2018 the Promoter (in their sole and absolute discretion) will:
(a) select one (1) Finalist deemed to have submitted the ‘best’ entry on their initial online entry
(based on the Judging Criteria, in the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion)(Selected
Finalist); and
(b) contact the Selected Finalist on their Personal Contact Number and invite them to appear
on air in a pre-recorded segment. The pre-recorded segment will air on Friday 24 August
2018 between 7:00pm and 10:00pm AEST;
(c) if the Selected Finalist successfully appears on air in a pre-recorded segment for the
purpose of the Promotion (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute
discretion) they will be deemed the Major Prize winner and awarded the Major Prize.
The Selected Finalist who is awarded the Major Prize will be asked by a representative of the Promoter
(off air) to provide their contact details (including their ordinary residential address and Relevant State)
for the purposes of awarding the Major Prize.
9. Entry Restrictions Each entrant must nominate a personal contact number, either a personal mobile number or home
phone number (and not a business number), to be eligible for the Major Prize (Personal Contact
Number) and grants the Promoter the right to call that entrant on their Personal Contact Number live
on air.
Entrants in the Promotion must be able to receive a phone call from a representative of the Promoter
(on their Personal Contact Number) between the following timeframe (or such other time specified by
the Promoter) and in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Entry Method:
6:00pm AEST Friday 17 August 2018 and 10:00pm AEST on Friday 24 August 2018.
If the entrant does not answer their phone by the time that phone goes to a message bank, the
entrant consents to the Promoter broadcasting that entrant's voicemail message including their full
name and/or business name live on air. Each entrant warrants that it has obtained all consents from
third parties to broadcast live-air any information or names (including business names) in the entrant’s
voicemail message.
Each entrant warrants that they have received all consents from third parties that may ordinarily
answer their Personal Contact Number in the entrant's absence to be broadcast live on-air if that third
party answers the relevant phone live on-air. If a third party answers an entrant's Personal Contact
Number, that entrant will not be eligible for the Major Prize as determined by the Promoter in its
absolute and sole discretion.
If for any reason an entrant is unable to be contacted, or is otherwise unable to, or declines to, appear
on air, or their phone line drops out or is inaudible, the Promoter (in its sole and absolute discretion)
may replace that entrant by contacting another entrant and inviting them to appear on air or
participate in an on-air game or challenge (where applicable). The Promoter will repeat this process
until an entrant is able to be contacted and confirms their eligibility and ability to appear on air or
participate in the relevant on-air game or challenge (where applicable).
10. Judging
Clause 4
All valid entries will be individually judged by the Judges (in the Promoter’s sole and absolute
discretion) by 12:00pm AEST Friday 24 August 2018 at the Promoter’s premises. All valid entries will be
judged based on the Judging Criteria.
11. Judging Criteria
Clause 4
All valid entries will be judged (by representatives of the Promoter) on originality, creativity and
suitability or as otherwise specified by the Promoter (in the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion).
Where entrants are required to participate in a challenge or on air game, the Promoter may specify
the relevant judging criteria prior to or at the time of the challenge or on air game.
12. Prize
Clauses 8 - 15
Major Prize
There is one (1) Major Prize comprising of:
One (1) x $2,500 (AUD) Flight Centre Travel Group Gift Card (Incl GST).
13. Prize Restrictions
Clauses 8 - 15
14. Total Prize Value Up to $2,500 AUD (incl GST)
15. Notification of
Winners will be notified by one or more of the following by 10:00pm AEST Friday 24 August 2018
Competition Terms and Conditions
Terms of Entry
1 Schedule and Terms of Entry
(a) These Terms of Entry must be read together with the Schedule
for this Promotion. The Schedule defines certain terminology
used in these Terms of Entry. By entering the Promotion,
entrants accept these Terms of Entry.
(b) To the extent of any inconsistency between the Schedule and
these Terms of Entry, the Schedule prevails. For the avoidance
of doubt, the Promoter’s General Terms of Entry (available on
the relevant Website) do not apply to this Promotion.
2 Eligible Entrants
(a) Eligible States and Territories. Entry is open only to residents of
the Eligible States and Territories specified in the Schedule
(refer to checked boxes) who comply with the Age
(b) Associated persons and entities. Directors, officers,
management, employees and other staff (and the immediate
families of directors, officers, management, employees and
other staff) of the Promoter or of its related bodies corporate,
or of the agencies or companies associated with this
Promotion or of any Australian commercial radio broadcaster
are ineligible to enter.
(c) Using different identities. Any person who is discovered to
have used or attempted to use any more than one name in
order to enter any Promotion run by the Promoter except in
the case of a legal change of name in this Promotion is
ineligible to enter this Promotion.
(d) Previous Winnings. A person is ineligible to enter this Promotion
if that person or anyone from the same family or household
has won prizes to the value of $500 or more in any
promotion(s) run by the Promoter or any radio station owned
or controlled by Nova Entertainment Pty Ltd in the thirty (30)
days prior to the commencement of the Promotion Period.
(e) Correct Information. Entrants must only register in their own
name. Any entries of an entrant who is deemed by the
Promoter to have provided incorrect, misleading or fraudulent
information may, at the sole discretion of the Promoter, be
deemed invalid.
(f) Proof. The Promoter may require entrants to promptly provide
identification including (without limitation) proof of identity,
proof of age and proof of residency (to the Promoter’s
satisfaction, at its sole discretion) in order to confirm the
entrant’s identity, age, residential address, eligibility to enter,
participate and claim a Prize. In the event that the entrant fails
to produce such proof that entrant will be ineligible for the
3 Entry Method
(a) Promotion Period. To enter the Promotion, entrants must follow
the Entry Method during the Promotion Period. Entries must be
received by the Promoter during the Promotion Period.
Entrants may submit up to the Maximum Number of Entries.
(b) SMS Entry. If this Promotion involves SMS entry, the maximum
cost of each SMS is 55 cents (inc GST) and entries must be
submitted from the entrant’s mobile phone. SMS entry is only
open to entrants with an SMS compatible mobile phone with
calling line identification connected to a service provider
which permits text and premium messaging to and from the
promotional SMS number. Entrants under the age of 18 must
obtain the bill payer’s permission prior to entering. The
Promoter’s service provider is Salmat Digital Pty Ltd (helpline:
1300 131 276).
(c) Phone Entry. If this Promotion involves entry via a promotion
phone line, the maximum cost of a call to the promotion
phone line is 55 cents (inc GST) except that higher rates may
apply from mobile or public phones. Entrants under the age
of 18 must obtain the bill payer’s permission prior to entering.
(d) Online Entry. Costs associated with accessing any Website
remain an entrant’s responsibility and may vary depending on
Internet Service Provider used.
(e) Social Media Entry. If this Promotion is conducted or involves
entry via a social media platform, the following will apply:
(i) an entrant’s entry must be submitted by the individual
(ii) entrants must ensure their security settings on their
personal account allows the Promoter to contact them
in the event that the entrant is a winner;
(iii) use of social media platforms is subject to the terms and
conditions of use of that social media platform;
(iv) entrants acknowledge that the Promotion is in no way
sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated
with, any social media platform. The winner and their
companion(s) (if any) are solely responsible and liable
for the content of their entries and/or posts and any
other information they transmit to other Internet users;
(v) to the extent permitted by law, the winner and their
companions agree to release any and all social media
platforms (and their associated agencies and
companies) used in conjunction with this Promotion,
against any and all losses, actions, claims, costs,
expenses and damages (of any nature) which may be
Clause 17 ? mail ? email ? telephone ? in person ? on air at the time of winning ? Website(s) ? social media
16. Prize Claim Date
Clause 18
Prizes must be claimed by 5:00pm AEDT Monday 31 December 2018
17. Prize Delivery
Clause 8
The Prize winner will receive the Flight Centre Travel Group Gift Card, all winner documentation and
forms via email to the email address as provided to the Promoter by the Prize Winner.
18. Additional
By accepting the Major Prize the Major Prize winner acknowledges and agrees to the Flight Centre Travel
Group Gift Cards – Terms of Use. These Terms apply to all gift cards and electronic vouchers issues by or
on behalf of Flight Centre Travel Group (“FCTG”) trading as “Flight Centre”, “Student Flights”, “Escape
Travel”, “Travel Associates” or “Cruiseabout” (each a “Gift Card”).
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