1. Information on how to enter & prizes form part of these terms & conditions. Any entrynot complying with these terms and conditions is invalid.2. Entry is open to residents of Australia who are 13 years of age or older and who arenot an employee of the Promoter or the Promoter’s related companies, and anyagencies associated with this promotion and their immediate families (includingspouse, defacto spouse, parent, child or sibling (whether full, half, step or byadoption). Entrants under the age of 18 must have the permission of their parent orguardian to enter the promotion. For any winner under 18 years of age, the prize willbe awarded to their parent or guardian on their behalf.3. All references in time in this document are a reference to the local time in Sydney,NSW on the date stated. The competition commences at 12.01am on 23/10/2019and closes at 11.59pm on 20/11/2019 (‘Promotional Period’).4. To enter a participant must log onto https://studentedge.org/au/competitions/quiz/win500-to-spend-at-boohoo-october-2019-quiz and successfully complete the quizwithin the Promotional Period. All eligible entries will be automatically entered into thedraw (‘Eligible Entrant’). Maximum of one entry per person.5. No responsibility is accepted for lost entries. Any entry not complying with theseterms and conditions is invalid.6. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and reserves the rightto disqualify any entrant for tampering with the entry process, or for submitting anentry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions.7. The draw will take place at 2.00pm at Student Edge 2/454 Roberts Road, SubiacoWA 6008, on 27/11/2019. The draw order of eligible entries (drawn from all eligibleentries) and their corresponding prizes are as follows:DrawOrderPrize Description Value of EachPrize1 $500 Boohoo Voucher $500Total Maximum Prize Pool $5008. No individual prize will exceed $1000 and the total prize pool will not exceed$1000009. The winner/s will be notified by phone or in writing by email within 2 business days ofthe draw and the winner/s will be published on www.studentedge.org on 29/11/2019.10. Prize is not transferable or redeemable for cash.11. Prize value is correct at time of printing but no responsibility is accepted for anyvariation in the value of the prize. 12. If a prize (or part of the prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discretion reservesthe right to substitute the prize (or that part of the prize) with a prize to the equalvalue and/or specification, subject to written directions from state regulatory bodies.13. The Promoter is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered,including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss, or for personal injurysuffered or sustained during the course of accepting or using the prize, except forany liability which cannot be excluded by law.14. Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.15. The Promoter reserves the right to redraw in the event of an entrant being unable tocomply with these Terms & Conditions, forfeiting or not claiming a prize. For anyprize that remains unclaimed three months after the date of the original draw, asecond draw will be conducted at the same time and place as the original draw on27/02/2020 3 months after original draw date. Any winners, will be notified in writingby email within 2 business days of the draw and the winner/ s will be published onwww.studentedge.org on 29/02/2020.16. All entries become the property of the Promoter. All entries will be entered into adatabase and the Promoter may use the entrants’ names, addresses, telephonenumbers and the winners’ names and addresses, photographs and the entry itself forfuture promotional, marketing and publicity purposes in any media worldwide withoutnotice and without any fee being paid.17. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Promotion andmay, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties, including but notlimited to agents, contractors, prize suppliers and, as required, to Australianregulatory authorities. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promotermay, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the information forpromotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sendingelectronic messages or telephoning the entrant. The Promoter’s Privacy Policycontains information about how you can access and request the correction of yourpersonal information. The Promoter’s Privacy Policy also contains information abouthow you can make a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principalsand how the Promoter will deal with your complaint. You can view the Privacy Policyat: https://studentedge.org/privacy-policy. You can contact the Promoter’s PrivacyOfficer by email at support@studentedge.com.au. All entries become the property ofthe Promoter. By entering the Promotion, you agree to the Promoter using anddisclosing your personal information in accordance with these terms and conditionsand with the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.18. The Promoter may communicate or advertise this competition using Facebook. Thecompetition however, is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, orassociated with, Facebook. Entrants are providing their information to the Promoterand not to Facebook. Each entrant completely releases Facebook from any and allliability.19. Entrants acknowledge that all content posted on Facebook must be in accordancewith Facebook terms (http://www.facebook.com/terms.php).20. The Promoter shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that is sufferedby any entrant or winner (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss),or for any personal injury suffered or sustained as a result of taking any prize, exceptfor any liability that cannot be excluded by law. The Promoter shall not beresponsible for any entries that are not received or are otherwise interfered with dueto problems with the internet or telecommunications services.21. If for any reason this promotion is not capable of running as planned due to anyreason, including unauthorised intervention, fraud, or any other causes beyond thecontrol of the Promoter, which corrupt or affect the administration security, fairness,integrity or proper conduct of this promotion, the Promoter reserves the right in itssole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process,subject to written directions from state regulatory bodies.22. In the case of the intervention of any outside agent or event which naturally changesthe result or prevents or hinders its determination, including but not limited tovandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest,strikes; the Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel, terminate or modify thepromotion, subject to written directions from state regulatory bodies.23. The Promoter is Student Edge Pty Ltd (ABN 78 116 154 904) of 2/454 Roberts RoadSubiaco WA 6008.24. Authorised under NSW Permit No.LTPM/2019/04166