As a Huggies Club member you have the opportunity to enter once every week…
In every draw one lucky parent from Australia will win a 6 month supply of Huggies products.
The 6 month supply of Huggies® Products consists of:
(1) 42 convenience size packs of Huggies® Nappies valued at $587.58;
(2) 8 pop up tubs of Huggies® Wipes valued at $50.32;
(3) 6 refill packs of Huggies® Wipes valued at $35.94;
(4) 12 packs of Huggies® Change Mats valued at $47.88; and
(5) 6 packs of Huggies® Little Swimmers Swim Pants valued at $76.32.
Each 6 month supply of Huggies® Products is valued at $798.04 each. There are four (4) 6 month supply of Huggies® Products to be won. The total prize pool is up to a maximum of $3,192.16. The value of the prize(s) is accurate and based upon the recommended retail price(s) at the date of printing. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prize(s) after that date.
Don’t forget to come back each week to increase your chances of winning. Each draw is a separate competition and only one entry per week will be accepted.
Draw dates for each quarterly draw period are:
7th December 2011 for Draw 1
7th March 2012 for Draw 2
7th June 2012 for Draw 3
7th September 2012 for Draw 4
Good Luck!