About these Terms1. By entering this promotion, you accept these Terms and Conditions (Terms).Eligibility2. To enter, you must be an Australian resident aged 18 years or over.3. We do not accept entries from our employees (and their immediate families) or employees ofany company associated with this promotion. Immediate family includes current or formerspouse, child, parent or grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, or cousin. 24. We may contact you to verify your identity, age or place of residence to confirm your eligibilityto enter.5. We may disqualify you if we reasonably believe that you have breached these Terms or havecompromised the fair conduct of this promotion by acting unlawfully or improperly.Entries6. You are fully responsible for all of your entry content and materials, including all comments,responses, videos, artwork and images (Entry Content).7. If only one entry is permitted per entrant, your first entry will be deemed to be the entry (we willdisregard later entries including ones submitted via alternative email addresses/accounts).8. We may remove or refuse to publish Entry Content without notice.9. If your Entry Content breaches clause 10 or is incomplete, indecipherable or inaudible, we willdeem the entry invalid.10. You warrant and agree that:(a) your Entry Content is your original work or you have the consent of the author to submit it;(b) your Entry Content is not misleading or deceptive, fraudulent, discriminatory, defamatory,obscene, sexually inappropriate, abusive, harassing, threatening, or unsuitable for childrenaged under 15;(c) your Entry Content will not contain viruses or cause injury or harm to any person or entity;and(d) if your Entry Content depicts, quotes or refers to another individual or the brand or productof another entity, you have the consent of that individual or entity.11. You consent to any use of the Entry Content which may otherwise infringe the Entry Contentcreator’s/creators’ moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and you warrant that youhave full authority to give that consent.12. You agree to indemnify us for any of your breaches of clause 10 or11.13. You grant us and our related entities a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide,irrevocable, and sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish and display yourEntry Content for any purpose, including but not limited to future promotional, marketing orpublicity purposes, in any media.14. You agree that if you are a winner, you consent to us using your name or image to promote thispromotion and any products or services we supply.Judging15. Each entry will be individually judged based on the Judging Criteria. This is a game of skill andchance plays no part in determining the winner.16. We may select additional reserve entries which we determine to be the next best, and recordthem in order, in case of an invalid entry or ineligible entrant.17. Our decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.