Win a meet and greet with Katy Perry
Katy Perry has added new dates to WITNESS: The Tour which is coming to Australia this July and August!
To celebrate, we're giving away the ultimate Katy Perry prize!
Win a meet and greet with Katy Perry
Katy Perry has added new dates to WITNESS: The Tour which is coming to Australia this July and August!
To celebrate, we're giving away the ultimate Katy Perry prize!
One lucky fan and a friend will win a meet and greet with Katy at her first show of the tour in Perth, VIP tickets to the concert, return flights and accommodation (if you live outside of Perth), a limousine to the concert AND a $500 Myer gift voucher to purchase your outfit!
To be in to win, tell enter your details and tell us which song you're most excited to hear Katy perform live below!
By entering the Sunrise ‘Katy Perry’ Promo5on, you are agreeing to the following terms and condi5ons:
Informa5on on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry.
WHO CAN ENTER?Subject to clause 2.2, entry is open to all residents of Australia, over the age of 18 years, where the
Channel Seven and affiliate broadcas5ng signals are received.
Employees and their immediate families and friends of Seven Network (Opera5ons) Limited, TEG Dainty
Pty Ltd and their associated agencies and companies are not eligible to enter.
The compe55on commences on Monday 14 May 2018 at 6.00am (AEST) and concludes on Friday 18 May
2018 at 11.59pm (AEST) (“the Compe55on Period”).
In order to enter, viewers must:
log onto the Sunrise website ( and register their full name, address
(including state and postcode), email address and phone number;
answer the compe55on ques5on ‘tell us what song you are most excited to see Katy Perry
perform live on WITNESS: THE TOUR and why’ in 25 words or fewer and submit their entry.
Entries must be received by Friday 18 May 2018 at 11.59pm (AEST).
Winners must be 18 years of age or over.
3.5 Entries are limited to one entry per person per email address. Mul5ple entries will not be
3.6 The entry must be:
the original independent crea5on of the entrant; and
free from any claims, including but not restricted to copyright or trademark claims, by other par5es.
3.7 Entry details remain the property of the Promoter and will not be returned to the entrant. The
winners agree to grant the Promoter a perpetual and non-exclusive licence to use their entries in
all media worldwide and the winners will not be en5tled to any fee for such use.
4.1 There will be one (1) major prize winner of the Compe55on. The prize includes:
2 x Return economy flights from winner’s nearest capital city to Perth;
2 night’s accommoda5on in minimum 4.5-star hotel in Perth for two;
Limousine transfers to and from the hotel to the show for two people;
Meet and greet for the winner and their guest with Katy Perry prior to the show;
2 x Drop Zone VIP packages for Katy Perry’s Witness Tour on Tuesday 24 July 2018; and
1 x $500 Myer Gim Voucher to spend in store to purchase your concert ounit.
4.2 The winner and their travelling companions are responsible for all other expenses including but
not limited to hotel and airport transfers, meals, incidentals, 5ps, service charges, spending
money, visas, ac5vi5es, 5ckets or passes, room service, telephone calls, mini-bar items, laundry
services, insurance, excess payable on insurance claims, extended travel dates, passports and
visas (if applicable).
4.3 Package is based on 2 (two) people sharing a room.
4.4 All components of the prize must be taken together and the winner and their travel companions
must travel together and depart from and return to the same departure point.
4.5 The winner and their travelling companions must make their own way to their nearest capital city
airport. The prize does not include the cost the winner may incur to travel to the airport including
any ancillary costs (eg. excess luggage fees).
4.6 Winners may be required to present a credit card at 5me of accommoda5on check-in to the hotel
for all incidental charges.
4.7 The winner and their companions may not accrue frequent flyer points or other credits or points
associated with any travel loyalty programs. Prizes cannot be used in conjunc5on with travel
discounts or special offers. Any extension or varia5on of the travel dates nominated by the
Promoter or Agent will be at the cost and responsibility of the Winner. Any requests to extend or
vary travel arrangements must be made in wri5ng and must be received by the Promoter (or
Agent) prior to 5me of booking. Once booked, any changes made to the booking may incur a
cancella5on or amendment fee, at the cost and responsibility of the winner.
4.8 The winner and their companions agree to abide to any prevailing terms and condi5ons of flight
provider (Condi5ons of Carriage), accommoda5on provider, transport provider, services provider,
transfers provider, travel insurance provider, tour or 5cket providers, and in par5cular, any health,
behaviour, age and safety requirements. No compensa5on will be payable by the Agent of the
Promoter if a winner or their travel companion, are unable to use any element of the prize as
stated for whatever reason, including ejec5on, delay, refusal of entry into or departure from
Daydream Island or par5cipa5on in certain ac5vi5es for health, age, behaviour or safety reasons.
Any 5ckets, passes or vouchers issued as part of a prize are subject to the prevailing terms and
condi5ons of use, are only valid for use within the stated dura5on on the 5ckets, passes or
vouchers issued, and are not replaceable if lost, stolen or damaged. Any part of a prize that is not
taken for any reason is forfeited by the winner.
4.9 The Promoter or Agent accepts no responsibility for any tax implica5ons that may arise from
acceptance or redemp5on of the prize, or this Compe55on. Independent financial advice should
be sought by the Winner prior to accep5ng the Prize. The Promoter, Sponsor and Agent accept no
responsibility for any varia5on in prize value.
4.10 The Promoter reserves the right to require the winner and their travel companion to sign any
legal documenta5on as and in the form required by the Promoter, Agent, or suppliers of prizes, in
their absolute discre5on including without limita5on a form of waiver or release with respect to
acceptance or usage of the prize, or any liability arising out of or in rela5on to the Prize or this
Compe55on. Bookings will be made by the Sponsor. Flight schedules and accommoda5on
arrangements are subject to change without no5ce.
4.11 The prize must be taken as stated and no compensa5on will be payable if the winner and their
companion is unable to use the prize. All prize elements cannot be exchanged, transferred or
redeemed for cash. If for any reason, a prize winner cannot take any component of the prize then
that por5on of the prize will be forfeited and not redeemable for cash.
4.12 All components of the prize, including accommoda5on are subject to availability, based on a
limited alloca5on of rooms and may not be available during special events. In the event that any
component of a prize is unavailable for any reason, subject to State legisla5on, the Promoter
reserves the right to subs5tute that prize component with another prize of equal value and the
prize winner will be no5fied accordingly.
4.13 The booking of travel arrangements will be based on availability of airfares and accommoda5on
at 5me of booking. No changes are permiqed to travel arrangements once 5ckets are issued.
4.14 Individual supplier terms and condi5ons apply.
4.15 Flights are economy class and may be indirect. The airline’s Condi5ons of Carriage apply to all
flights. The Winner and travelling companions must travel at the same 5me and are responsible
for transport from their residence to their nearest Capital City Airport in Australia. These
condi5ons apply for all flights.
4.16 Airline, flight route and dates of travel are subject to the promoter’s absolute and final decision.
4.17 Any changes by the winner made to the specified prize package (including travel extensions,
addi5onal guests, etc) will be subject to an administra5on fee, which must be seqled in full prior
to booking confirma5on.
4.18 It is the responsibility of the winner to enquire about local issues and condi5ons at des5na5ons
before travel. The Promoter and sponsor make no representa5on as to the safety, condi5ons or
other issues that may exist at any des5na5on. Compliance with any health or other government
requirements is the responsibility of the prize winner. Interna5onal travel advice can be obtained
from various sources, including government, local consular offices and the website of the
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
4.19 No refund or exchange on any passes except as required by law and as otherwise specified by the
4.20 Tickets may not be resold or offered for resale at a premium (including via on-line auc5on sites)
or used for adver5sing, promo5on or other commercial purposes (including compe55ons and
trade promo5ons) or to enhance the demand for other goods or services by the bearer. If a 5cket
is sold or used in breach of this condi5on, the 5cket may be cancelled and the bearer of the 5cket
may be refused admission.
4.21 Scalping warning: The resale of 5ckets in certain circumstances is governed by 5cket sales
legisla5on and may aqract criminal penal5es
4.22 In par5cipa5ng in the prizes, the winners agree to par5cipate and co-operate as required in all
editorial ac5vi5es rela5ng to the Compe55on, including but not limited to being interviewed and
photographed. The winners grant the promoter a perpetual and non-exclusive licence to use such
footage and photographs in all media worldwide and the winners will not be en5tled to any fee
for such use.
4.23 The winners agree that they will not and will ensure that their companions do not sell or
otherwise make available their story and/or photographs to any media or other organisa5on.
4.24 If any prize (or part of any prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discre5on, reserves the right
to subs5tute the prize (or that part of the prize) with a prize of equal value and/or specifica5on,
subject to any wriqen direc5ons from a regulatory authority.
4.25 It is a condi5on of accep5ng the prize that the winners must comply with all the condi5ons of use
of the prize and the prize supplier’s requirements.
4.26 Full details of prizes can be obtained by telephoning the Seven Network in each state on Sydney
02 8777 7777; Melbourne 03 9697 7777; Adelaide 08 8342 7777; Brisbane 07 3369 7777; Perth
08 9344 0777 or at HYPERLINK ""
There will be one (1) winner of the Compe55on.
Each entrant who has entered the Compe55on over the Compe55on Period and registered all details in
accordance with clause 3 (“Qualifying Entrant”) will be entered into the Compe55on.
The winners will be the entries judged by a panel of representa5ves appointed by the Promoter to be the
most crea5ve and/or original from the na5onal pool received. All entries will be judged at the
Sunrise offices before Monday 21 May at 12:00pm AEST. The compe55on is a game of skill and
chance plays no part in determining the winner.
Winners will be no5fied by telephone within 2 days of the judging.
The judges’ decision is final and the Promoter will not enter into correspondence regarding the result.
Incomprehensible and illegible entries will be deemed invalid.
It is a condi5on of accep5ng the prize that the winners must comply with all the condi5ons of use of the
prize and prize supplier’s requirements.
It is a condi5on of accep5ng the prize that the winner may be required to sign a legal release in a form
determined by the Promoter or the Sponsor, as the case may be, in their absolute discre5on.
In the case of the interven5on of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders
the Promoter’s ability to proceed with the compe55on on the dates and in the manner described
in these terms and condi5ons, including but not limited to vandalism, power failures, tempests,
natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the Promoter may in its
absolute discre5on cancel, modify or suspend the compe55on. If, due to circumstances beyond
the Promoter’s control, the Promoter is unable to provide the stated prize, the Promoter reserves
the right to award a subs5tute prize.
6.2 The Seven Network (Opera5ons) Limited, and its franchisees and their associated agencies and
companies and Universal Music Australia Pty Limited will not take any responsibility for prizes
damaged or lost in transit, or late, lost or misdirected mail.
6.3 The Seven Network (Opera5ons) Limited & affiliates and its franchisees and their associated
agencies and companies and TEG Dainty Pty Limited will not be liable for any misadventure,
accident, injury, loss (including but not limited to consequen5al loss) or claim that may occur:
during the judging;
whilst undertaking any travel won on or connected with their entry into the compe55on; or
in the par5cipa5on in any prize;
as a consequence of late, lost or misdirected mail;
due to the broadcast of any program rela5ng to the compe55on or the publica5on of any material,
including any statements made by any compere, staff member, journalist, other entrants or any other
in rela5on to failure of an entry to be received by the Promoter on account of technical problems or traffic
arising from or related to any problem or technical malfunc5on of any computer equipment, somware,
internet connec5on, any injury or damage to entrant's or any other person's computer somware related to
or resul5ng from par5cipa5on in this promo5on
6.4 The Promoter reserves the right to reasonably amend or vary these terms and condi5ons at its
sole discre5on, orally or in wri5ng, for the purpose of Seven’s programming, scheduling or
produc5on requirements.
6.5 The Promoter reserves the right in its sole discre5on to disqualify any individual who the
Promoter has reason to believe has breached any of these condi5ons, or engaged in any unlawful
or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the
promo5on. The Promoter’s and the Sponsor’s legal rights to recover damages or other
compensa5on from such an offender are reserved.
6.6 Seven Network (Opera5ons) Limited and the Sponsor assume no responsibility for any error,
omission, interrup5on, dele5on, defect, delay in opera5on or transmission, communica5ons line
failure, them or destruc5on or unauthorized access to, or altera5on of, entries, and reserves the
right to take any ac5on that may be available.
6.7 If for any reason this compe55on is not capable of running as planned, including infec5on by
computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized interven5on, fraud, technical failures or any other
causes beyond the control of the Promoter or the Sponsor which corrupt or affect the
administra5on security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this compe55on, the Promoter
reserves the right in its sole discre5on to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry
process, take any ac5on that may be available, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the
7.1 The Promoter is Seven Network (Opera5ons) Limited (ABN 65 052 845 262) of Level 2, 38-42
Pirrama Road, Pyrmont, NSW 2009.
7.2 The Sponsor is TEG Dainty Pty Ltd (ABN 22 612 291 899) of Level 3, 4 Riverside Quay, Southbank,
VIC 3006.
7.3 Entry details remain the property of the Promoter. Seven Network (Opera5ons) Limited (ABN 65
052 845 262) and its related en55es (“Seven”), is collec5ng your personal informa5on for the
purpose of conduc5ng and promo5ng this Compe55on, including for the purpose of iden5fying
and no5fying winners and understanding our audiences. Seven will otherwise handle your
personal informa5on in accordance with Seven’s Privacy Policy which is available on our website
at hqp:// (and which contains informa5on
regarding how you can access your personal informa5on, correct it and/ or make a complaint
about our handling of your personal informa5on). By providing your personal informa5on below,
you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy. Without limi5ng the foregoing, Seven may disclose
the entrant’s personal informa5on to its related en55es, business partners and external service
providers for research and profiling purposes as well as other purposes reasonably related to the
entrant’s rela5onship with Seven. In addi5on, by entering this compe55on, you consent to Seven
using your personal informa5on for the purpose of Seven and its related en55es sending you
informa5on regarding programs, products and services available through them and/ or through
their business partners, and to Seven from 5me to 5me sharing your personal informa5on with
carefully selected business partners for the purpose of them sending you such informa5on
directly. We will always provide you with the ability to opt out of those communica5ons.
HYPERLINK "hqp://"
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