1 The Promotion is conducted by Nissan Motor Co. (Australia) Pty Ltd., ACN 004 663 156, of 260-270Frankston Dandenong Road, Dandenong South, Victoria 3175, www.nissan.com.au / 03 9797 4111(“Promoter”).FIRST THINGS FIRST – CAN YOU ENTER?2 You sure can – as long as you are:(a) A New South Wales resident;(b) 16 years or older at the moment of entry (if you’re a grown up but behave like a kid you still qualify);(c) cool about all relevant terms and conditions(“Eligible Entrant”).3 Stop reading right now if you are: an employee/director, of the Promoter or one of their immediatefamily members; a retailer, supplier, associated company, or agency of the Promoter; or a person whothe Promoter has previously notified is not eligible to enter. Sorry - you’ll have to sit this one out.HOW TO ENTER4 It’s pretty easy. Just tell us, in 25 words or less, what has been your netball ‘Game Changer’. Enter bycompleting the form available via Nissan promotional staff at select Netball NSW netball events, or onlineat nissan.com.au/netballnswcomp. If you want, you can also send in a photo or video to support yourentry.5 Don’t be late! All entries must be received by the Promoter by 12.00pm EST on 13 October 2019(“Promotion Period”). Incomplete, inaudible, indecipherable or incomprehensible entries will bebinned for recycling.6 Only one entry per person is allowed. You can only enter in your own name. We reserve the right to checkthe validity of all entries and to disqualify you if we reasonably believe that your entry does not complywith these terms and conditions or the entry process has been tampered with. We may also report youto a law enforcement body or seek damages from you.WINNER, WINNER CHICKEN DINNERWhat can I win? The eligible entrant with the most creative and original entry will win:· Nissan QASHQAI ST 2WD7 The value of the Prize is AUD $26, 990 driveaway, (including dealer delivery and statutory charges), asat 20 August 2019.8 Judging 101: This is a game of skill so luck won’t help you win, but an outstanding entry might. Werecommend putting maximum effort into your entry. All entries will be judged by the representatives ofthe Nissan Australia Marketing Team, who cannot be bribed (not even with cookies) and whose decisionis final (“Judge(s)”).9 All Prize(s) will be awarded to the winning entrants based on the subjective decision of Judge(s)’sassessment of the creativity and originality of your entry (“Winner”).10 Judging Date and Place: The judging for the Prize will take place at 260-270 Frankston-DandenongRoad, Dandenong South, Victoria, 3175 on Monday 14 October, 2019. If you’re a keen bean, you canalways ask to be present for the judging.11 We will invite our four top ‘finalists’ to be present at the NSW Constellation Cup Match on 20 October2019, and announce the Winner live at the game. If we can’t contact the Winner before the game or theyare unable to attend, we’ll hunt them down after the game to give them the good news, and tell them howthey can collect their Prize. We’ll email or call them and will also publish the Winner on our Facebookpage.12 If we can’t track down a Winner despite making all reasonable efforts to do so by Sunday 28 October, orif the Winner doesn’t claim their Prize by the time we specify, then their Prize will be forfeited. OurJudges’ may judge other “back-up” winning entrants who may become the new Winner. If the new Winnercannot be contacted by 3pm the following week, they will forfeit and the process may be repeated untila suitable Winner is successfully contacted by the Promoter.