1. STANDARD TERMS1.1 Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into the promotion isdeemed acceptance of these conditions of entry.2. WHO CAN ENTER2.1 Subject to clause 2.2 entry is open to all residents of Australia and New Zealand who subscribe toany participating Lovatts Media brand newsletter including LoavttsMagazines.com.au, AudreyDaybook, Breathe, nourish, Mindful Parenting, KIT, Teen Breathe and The Guild.2.2 Directors, management, employees and their immediate families of Lovatts Media Pty Ltd(Lovatts Media) and their associated agencies and companies are not eligible to enter. Immediatefamily means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whetherby natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece,nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin.3. HOW TO ENTER3.1 The competition commences on Wednesday 23rd October, 2019 at 9:00am (AEDT) and concludeson Wednesday 6th November, 2019 at 12:00pm (AEDT) (“the Competition Period”).3.2 The competition is open to new and existing email subscribers who during the competitionperiod;a) Sign up to receive one or more Lovatts Magazines or The Guild newsletters.b) Are an existing subscriber that updates their email preferences to receive newsletters froman additional Lovatts Magazines title or from The Guild.3.3 The time of entry will, in each case, be the time that the entry is received by Lovatts Media’sassociated websites.3.4 The Promoters, their agents, affiliates or representatives will not be liable for any late, lost ormisdirected entries.3.5 Incomprehensible, explicit or incomplete entries will be deemed invalid.3.6 By entering this competition you are allowing Lovatts Media to use your answer for promotionalmaterial which may be used on social media (identity withheld).3.7 Each new newsletter you joined or added into your email preferences represents a singleautomatic entry into the prize draw. The more newsletters you join the more entries you willreceive. 4. HOW TO WIN4.1 Each entrant who has entered the competition over the Competition Period and registered alldetails in accordance with clauses 2 and 3 will be entered into the prize draw. The draw will takeplace at Lovatts Media, 100-102 Terrigal Esplanade, Terrigal Beach NSW 2260, on Thursday 7thNovember 2019 2:00PM (AEDT).4.2 The winner will be randomly selected from all valid entries received over the Competition Period.4.3 The prize winner will be notified by email within 1 week of the draw. And will have their detailspublished on www.lovattsmagazines.com.au/WIN. Prizes will be dispatched by our prize partner.4.4 The Promoters’ decision in relation to any aspects of the competition is final and the Promoterswill not enter any correspondence regarding the result.4.5 It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winners may be required to sign a legal release ora non-disclosure statement in a form determined by the Promoters in its absolute discretion.4.6 The Promoters reserve the right to request the winner to provide proof of identity, proof ofresidency at the nominated prize delivery address and/or proof of entry validity (including phonebills) in order to claim the prize. Proof of identification, residency and entry considered suitable forverification is at the discretion of the Promoters. In the event that a winner cannot provide suitableproof, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.4.7 The Promoters reserve the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify and remove anyentry which, in the opinion of the Promoters, includes objectionable content, profanity, potentiallyinsulting, inflammatory or defamatory statements, disqualify any entrant who tampers with theentry process, who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions orentry, or who has, in the opinion of the Promoters, engaged in conduct in entering the promotionwhich is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of thepromotion and/or Promoters. The Promoters reserve the right to disqualify a winner if thePromoters become aware that the winner and/or the winner’s entry is of a type described in thisclause.4.8 Subject to any written directions given, an unclaimed prize draw will take place at Lovatts Media,100-102 Terrigal Esplanade, Terrigal Beach NSW 2260 on Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at 10:00AM(AEDT). The winners will be notified via phone, mail and their details will be published onwww.lovattsmagazines.com.au on Tuesday 3rd December 2019.