1. Information on how to enter and prize details form part of these terms and conditions; however, to the extent that there is any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any other published material, these terms and conditions will prevail. By participating in the “Citi Dine to Win” competition each participant fully and unconditionally agrees and acknowledges that these terms and conditions are binding
2. The Promoter is Citigroup Pty Limited ABN 88 004 325 080 AFSL No. 238098 Australian Credit Licence No. 238098 of 2 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (“Citibank” or “the Promoter”), tel: 13 24 84. The Promoter and its related bodies corporate (as that term is de ned in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) will be known as “Citigroup”.
1. Information on how to enter and prize details form part of these terms and conditions; however, to the extent that there is any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any other published material, these terms and conditions will prevail. By participating in the “Citi Dine to Win” competition each participant fully and unconditionally agrees and acknowledges that these terms and conditions are binding
2. The Promoter is Citigroup Pty Limited ABN 88 004 325 080 AFSL No. 238098 Australian Credit Licence No. 238098 of 2 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (“Citibank” or “the Promoter”), tel: 13 24 84. The Promoter and its related bodies corporate (as that term is de ned in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) will be known as “Citigroup”.
4. Entry is open to residents of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, Australia only (“Eligible Entrant”) who are at least 18 years of age, have a valid email address and who are currently an account holder of a Citibank issued credit card, lending, home loan or deposit account. The directors, management and employees (and their immediate families) of the Promoter, its related entities, printers, suppliers, providers and agencies who are directly associated with the conduct of this Promotion are ineligible to enter the Promotion.
5. To be eligible to enter this Promotion, an Eligible Entrant must, between10:00AM 10 September 2016 and 11.59PM 31 October 2016 (“the Promotional Period”), submit an original and creative static photograph or video that features their Citibank Dining Program experience at a participating Citibank Dining Program restaurant (“Content”).
6. The Content can be submitted either through the Eligible Entrant’s Instagram or Facebook account and the account must be made public (not private) during the Promotion period to be eligible to participate.
7. To enter via Instagram, an Eligible Entrant must during the Promotional Period, follow @citiaustralia on Instagram (if they have not done so already). Upload their Content to their Instagram account and include #citibankdine and tag @citiaustralia in the post caption.
8. To enter via Facebook, an Eligible Entrant must during the Promotional Period, upload their Content to the Citi Australia Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/citiaustralia/) and include #citibankdine in the post caption.
9. The public pro le of the Facebook and Instagram account used to enter must contain suf cient personally identi able information to adequately identify the entrant to enable the Promoter to contact (i.e. email address or phone number). Each entrant warrants to the Promoter that the Content and any other materials submitted in their entry is an original creative work of the entrant that does not infringe the rights of any third party and is subject to the provisions contained in clause 24.
10. Onlyone(1)entryperpersonpermittedperrestaurantvisit.Entriesreceivedwillbeconsidered nalbythePromoter.Incomplete, inaccurate, erroneous, ineligible or incomprehensible entries will be deemed invalid. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected entries.
11. There is only one (1) prize to be won in the competition valued at $AUD10,000, which is the total prize pool (based on the recommended retail value and the exchange rate at the time of the Promotion, as of 10 September 2016). The prize consists of return economy airfares for two (2) to either Nashville or Memphis departing from the winner’s nearest Australian capital city airport (winner to choose combination of Nashville or Memphis arrival and departure points), six (6) day car hire with pick up and drop off
at Nashville or Memphis airport, three (3) nights minimum 4-star accommodation in Nashville and three (3) nights minimum 4-star accommodation in Memphis, two (2) tickets to Memphis in May ‘World Championship Barbeque Cooking Contest’ (held between 17 May – 20 May 2017) and two (2) tickets on the Walk Eat Nashville tour, dinner for two (2) at ‘Flight Restaurant & Wine Bar’ to the value of $200USD, a wine tasting & food preparation experience at Belle Meade Winery for two (2) and $1,000AUD spending money in for the form of a Citi pre-paid Visa card (“Prize”).
12. Thecarhireincludesa4doorautomaticsedan(orsimilar)andincludesthestandardcostsofhiringthevehicleandunlimited kilometres. It does not include the cost of insurance. Any costs associated with additional features such as any level of insurance, fuel, premium emergency roadside service, additional drivers, GPS and child seats will be borne by the winner. The winner will be subject to the terms and conditions of the car hire company and liability for use of the vehicle will be borne by the winner. If the winner
is aged between 20 – 24 years at time of travel, an age surcharge will be payable by the winner with a credit card required upon collection of the vehicle.
13. ThePrizemustbetakenbetween1stMay–31stMay2017anditisuptothewinnertoarrangetobeinMemphisduringtheMemphis in May Festival in order to utilize the tickets to the ‘World Championship Barbeque Cooking Contest’. All travel must commence on or before the 31st May 2017 or the prize will be forfeited.
Time (AEST)
Promotion opens
10th September 2016
Promotion closes
31st October 2016
All prizes drawn on
15th November 2016
Prizes announced
17th November 2016
14. ThewinnermustcontactBrandUSAtobooktheprizenolaterthanTuesday28February2017ortheprizewillbeforfeited.Tobook, the winner must contact :
15. Theprize/sisnottransferable,exchangeableorredeemableforcash.Theprizemustbetakenasofferedandcannotbevaried.The prize value is the recommended retail price including GST (based on the recommended retail value and the exchange rate at the time of the Promotion, as of 10 September 2016).
16. TheprizedrawwillbeconductedatthePromoter’spremisesat2ParkStreet,SydneyNSW2000on15November2016at12.00PM
17. The winner will be determined by way of a random selection containing all entries from Eligible Entrants. The rst Entrant that is randomly selected from the valid entries will receive the prize (“Winner”). The Promoter’s decision is nal and no correspondence will be entered into.
18. Thewinnerwillbenoti ed2daysafterthedrawthroughemailon17thNovember2016alongwiththeirnamesbeingpublishedon the Citi Australia Facebook Page and the Citi Australia Instagram Account. The Promoter will send an email within 28 days which will enable the winner to book the prizes.
19. ThePromoterwilltakereasonablestepstocontactthewinner.Ifcontactisunsuccessfulorthewinnerisunabletotaketheprize,the winner will forfeit the prize and Citigroup will award the prize to the next eligible entrant drawn. If the Promoter is unable to contact the winner and con rm the winner’s acceptance for the Prize within 3 months from the date the winner’s entry was drawn, the winner will be deemed to have forfeited their Prize and it will be considered unclaimed. If a prize is unclaimed, another draw will take place on Wednesday 1 February 2017 at 12:00pm (AEST) at the address particularised in Clause 16 and subject to the same conditions as Clauses 17 and 18 (“Unclaimed Prize Draw”). The winner of the Unclaimed Prize Draw, will be contacted by email within two (2) business days of the Unclaimed Prize Draw along with their names being published on the Citi Australia Facebook Page and the Citi Australia Instagram Account. The Promoter will send an email within 28 days which will enable the winner to book the prizes.
20. If the prize or element of a prize becomes unavailable for any reason beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control, then a similar prize or prize element of equal or greater value will be awarded to the winner in lieu, subject to any written directions made under applicable State and Territory legislation.
21. Theprizeislimitedtotheitemsoutlinedinitem11.Allcomponentsofaprizemustbetakentogetherwhenofferedorareforfeited. All additional costs not expressly stated, but which may be incurred in acceptance and use of a prize, such as any costs associated with meals, petrol, travel insurance, fares to and from the airport within Australia and other incidentals are the responsibility of the Winner. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for the Citi pre-paid Visa card replacement or credit should it be lost or stolen once in the Winners possession.
22. Eligible Entrants can only enter via their own Instagram and Facebook accounts. Eligible Entrants who provide incorrect, misleading or fraudulent information are ineligible to participate in the Promotion and all entries of an Eligible Entrant who is deemed by the Promoter to have provided incorrect, misleading or fraudulent information may, at the discretion of the Promoter, be deemed invalid. The Promoter reserves the right to request the Eligible Entrant produce (within the requested time) appropriate photo identi cation or other documentation (to the Promoter’s satisfaction, at its sole discretion) in order to con rm the Eligible Entrant’s identity,
age, residential address, eligibility to enter and claim a prize, and any information submitted by the Eligible Entrant in entering the Promotion, before issuing a prize (if the documentation required by the Promoter is not received by the Promoter (or its nominated agent) or an Eligible Entrant or entry has not been veri ed or validated to the Promoter’s satisfaction then all the entries of that Eligible Entrant will be ineligible and deemed invalid. A prize will only be awarded following any winner validation and veri cation that the Promoter requires in its sole discretion.
23. It is a condition of accepting a prize that the winner may be required to sign a legal release/s in a form determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion.
24. Entrants agree that they are fully responsible for any materials they submit via the promotion including but not limited to Photographs and comments (“Content”). The Promoter shall not be liable in any way for such Content to the full extent permitted by law. The Promoter may remove or decline to publish any Content without notice for any reason whatsoever. Entrants warrant and agree that:
(a) they will not submit any Content that is unlawful or fraudulent, or that the Promoter may deem in breach of any intellectual property, privacy, publicity or other rights, defamatory, obscene, derogatory, pornographic, sexually inappropriate, violent, abusive, harassing, threatening, objectionable with respect to race, religion, origin or gender, not suitable for children aged under 15, or otherwise unsuitable for publication;
(b) their Content shall not contain viruses or cause injury or harm to any person or entity;
(c) they will obtain prior consent from any person or from the owner(s) of any property that appears in their Content;
(d) the Content is the original artistic work of the entrant that does not infringe the rights of any third party;
(e) they consent to any use of the Content which may otherwise infringe the Content creator’s/creators’ moral rights pursuant to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and warrant that they have the full authority to grant these rights; and
(f) theywillcomplywithallapplicablelawsandregulations,includingwithoutlimitation,thosegoverningcopyright,content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems.
25. Without limiting any other terms herein, the entrant agrees to indemnify the Promoter for any breach of the above terms.
26. As a condition of entering this promotion, each entrant licenses and grants the Promoter, its af liates and sub-licensees a non- exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, and sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish and display
Tahnee Dobson
Brand USA – Australia Level 1, 97 Rose Street Chippendale, NSW 2008
Phone: +61 2 9356 2947
Email: tdobson@thebrandusa.com.au
their entry (which shall include Content) for any purpose, including but not limited to future promotional, marketing or publicity purposes, in any media, without compensation, restriction on use, attribution or liability.
27. Exceptforwarrantiesandconditionsimpliedbylawwhichcannotbeexcluded,neitherthePromoternoranyothermemberof Citigroup make any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the quality or suitability of any prizes awarded
under these terms and conditions. Certain legislation may imply conditions or warranties, which cannot be excluded, restricted or modi ed except to a limited extent. In this event, to the extent permitted by law, the liability of the Promoter and all members of Citigroup are limited to, at its option: (i) the replacement of the prize or the supply of an equivalent prize; or (ii) the payment, if it does not contravene any law, of the cost of the replacement or supply. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Promoter and
all other members of Citigroup expressly disclaim liability for any loss or damage whatsoever (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for any personal injury, which is suffered or sustained in connection with any participant’s participation in this Promotion or the acceptance of the Prize. The winner indemni es the Promoter and all members of Citigroup against any liability, injury, loss or damage which may be suffered, incurred or sustained by the Promoter or any member of Citigroup arising out of, relating to, or in any way connected with, any act or omission (including negligence) by the winner, or its use of the prize, or its breach of these terms and conditions.
28. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to exclude, restrict or modify any right or remedy, or any guarantee, warranty or other term or condition, implied or imposed by any legislation which cannot lawfully be excluded or limited. This may include the Corporations Act 2001, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, Australian Consumer Law or any equivalent State or Territory legislation. If any guarantee, warranty, term or conditions implied or imposed under the Australian Consumer Law or any other applicable legislation in relation to any prizes awarded under these terms and conditions cannot be excluded (a “Non-Excludable Provision”) and the Promoter is able to limit the remedy for a breach of the Non-Excludable Provision, then the liability of the Promoter and all members of Citigroup for breach of the Non-Excludable Provision is limited to one or more of the following at the Promoter’s option:
a. thereplacementoftheprizeorthesupplyofanequivalentprize, b. thesupplyingoftheprizeagain,
c. the payment of the cost of replacing the prize or of acquiring an equivalent prize, d. thepaymentofthecostsofhavingtheprizesuppliedagain.
29. Information used to identify Eligible Entrants in this Promotion is subject to Citigroup’s privacy policies, which can be found at http:// citigroup.com.au/privacy and will be handled in accordance with all applicable laws in Australia. You can request access to personal information that Citibank holds about you by calling 13 24 84 or writing to the Citi Privacy Of cer at PO Box 204, Sydney, NSW 2001.
30. Neither the Promoter nor any other member of Citigroup will be responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or entry to be received by the Promoter on account of technical problems or traf c congestion on the Internet.
31. IfthisPromotionisnotcapableofrunningasplannedforanyreason(includingbutnotlimitedtofailureormalfunctionofany computer equipment by reason of infection by computer virus, power failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud,
or technical failures or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct
of this Promotion), the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who undermines the integrity
or fair running of the Promotion for other Eligible Entrants, including by tampering with the entry process, and, after consulting with the relevant legislative authorities, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and/or, if necessary, to provide an alternative prize or prizes to the same value as an original prize or prizes. At the end of the lottery all existing claims for the prize and entitlements to claims will be met notwithstanding the advertised prize pool has been exceeded. Printing errors or other quality assurance matters outside the control of the Promoter will not be used as the sole basis for refusing to award a prize.
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