To enter the promotion, you must during the Promotional Period:
a) Purchase any Bio Oil®Product from a participating store displaying the Bio Oil “Million Dollar Promotion”advertising material during the Promotional Period, ensuring that you retain acopy of your proof of purchase;
b) Go online to the Bio Oil Australia Page onthe Facebook Platform ( access the Bio Oil® MillionDollar Promotion entry box contained on the “Win” tab; and
To enter the promotion, you must during the Promotional Period:
a) Purchase any Bio Oil®Product from a participating store displaying the Bio Oil “Million Dollar Promotion”advertising material during the Promotional Period, ensuring that you retain acopy of your proof of purchase;
b) Go online to the Bio Oil Australia Page onthe Facebook Platform ( access the Bio Oil® MillionDollar Promotion entry box contained on the “Win” tab; and
c) Fully complete all requested details on the online entryform and click enter during the Promotional Period. You must “Like” the Bio Oil Australia Page in order to be granted access to the entry box.
You mustkeep a copy of your proof of purchase receipt in order to be eligible toparticipate in the Game (as defined below). Any entrant that is drawn toparticipate in the Game, but who fails to provide a copy of their proof ofpurchase receipt within five (5) days of being contacted by the Promoter, willbe deemed as an invalid entrant and will forfeit their participation in the Game.Drawn entrants will be required to submit their proof of purchase receipt viafacsimile, scanned email, post or in person at the promoters nominated address.
Thefirst valid entry drawn from all entries received (“Participant”), will win theopportunity to play a game for ]the chance to win up to $1,000,000, with aminimum value of $10,000 (“Game”). The Game will take place at Aspen PharmacareAustralia Pty Limited, 34-36 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065, on Monday 16/12/2013at 2pm AEDST. If the Participant is a resident in a state other than NSW, the Participantwill receive one (1) return economy airfare from their nearest capital city toSydney, plus taxi transfer to and from Sydney Airport to the Game location.Value of Airfare & transfer component is up to $1200 depending on point ofdeparture. Additional spending money, meals, taxes, insurance, transport to andfrom departure point and all other ancillary costs are the responsibility ofthe Participant. Travel is based on departure & return to port of origin onMonday 16/12/2013. Travel is valid on these dates only and travel arrangementsare at the Promoter’s discretion. The travel component is not redeemable forcash. If the Participant is a resident of NSW, they will be responsible fortheir own travel to and from the Game and the travel component will not beawarded. In the event that a Participant cannot or does not want to attend the Game,the Participant may appoint a proxy over 18 years of age to take the applicabletravel component (if applicable) and to attend and participate in the Game onthe Participant’s behalf, provided that the Participant gives the Promoterwritten notice to that effect before the start of the Game (“Proxy”). Before anypart of the travel component is awarded, the Participant (or Proxy) may berequired to sign a form to release the Promoter from, and indemnify thePromoter against, any and all liability arising from the use or participationin the travel component. The Participant may also choose to nominate that arepresentative of the Promoter participate in the Game on the Participant’s behalf.In the event that the Promoter has not been able to contact the Participant beforethe commencement of the Game to confirm their attendance, a representative ofthe Promoter will participate in the Game on the Participant’s behalf.
At thebeginning of the Game there will be five hundred (500) envelopes in a barrel (“PromotionalEnvelopes”). The quantity of & respective prize value in each type ofPromotional Envelope is as follows:
Prize 1 - 1x Promotional Envelope = $1,000,000;
Prize 2 - 1x Promotional Envelope = $500,000;
Prize 3 - 1x Promotional Envelope= $250,000;
Prize 4 - 1x Promotional Envelope = $100,000;
Prize 5 - 1xPromotional Envelope = $50,000;
Prize 6 - 495x Promotional Envelopes = $10,000.
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