I've Won

Just won Stalks on DVD from Mum To Five on facebook! Yay!

21 Dec 16 1:15 PM

@shtooff congratulations!

21 Dec 16 5:12 PM


22 Dec 16 3:50 PM

Good to see u haven't lost your touch :)

22 Dec 16 5:46 PM
I've Won

Arlo Q security system - headed my way. Can finally see what the pets get up to via smartphone app - though, instinctually, I know. I know!

20 Dec 16 11:38 PM

don't forget kids LOL

21 Dec 16 10:59 AM

@Anna2077 hehe - yep, two of those too!

21 Dec 16 11:00 AM

@toxicgherkin I'm seeing a pattern of wins a drone, safe and security system. What's worth protecting that's under your mattress?

21 Dec 16 11:13 AM

@toxicgherkin two birds with one stone :-) ... ' I promise I was doing my homework, while on the phone or puter with friends ' LOL

21 Dec 16 11:16 AM

@Lemond undies and sock drawers..? Lol

21 Dec 16 11:27 AM

@Anna2077 ...heard it ALL Exactly right, Anna.

21 Dec 16 11:28 AM

@toxicgherkin lol, nothing will change, we used to say reading even if we reading the book we wanted and not the one assigned.. they have phone and pc :-)

21 Dec 16 3:29 PM

@toxicgherkin my neighbor who is now 13 and was 7 months old when she moved in, usually answers 'may be' to everything LOL. the standard 'NO' changed to "May be'

21 Dec 16 3:32 PM

@toxicgherkin lol. Will have to find some comps for items worth all this security. Hmm Tim Tams, PS4's or what about a luxury watch? I've just stumbled on a treasure trove of comps. I'll have to start sorting through them all. :)

21 Dec 16 6:26 PM

@Lemond hehe. Perhaps the security cam with night vision mode can guard the safe, containing the soon-to-be-drunk (well, soon-to-be-received-then-drunk!) Bollinger champers I just won (Day 8 of Finder's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway - luxury hamper filled with Bollinger Special Cuvee Brut, melting moments, chocolate fudge and more!)! Yippee! Hic...

21 Dec 16 7:17 PM

@toxicgherkin wow n1 congrats. Christmas, New Year and Happy Birthday all rolled into one. Now that's what you were missing to go out in style. Cheers :)

Where do I get one of those dispensers? lol

21 Dec 16 10:01 PM


22 Dec 16 3:50 PM

@toxicgherkin congrats! I missed out so have a glass or two for me :-)

22 Dec 16 3:57 PM
General Chatter

Nice hamper from Dolmio arrived, as a festive gesture. The Dolmio PEPPER HACKERs (x4) are on their way in the New Year, as the Christmas Elves have been inordinately busy apparently!

20 Dec 16 1:38 PM

Got my hamper today, and so did my daughter, we just went down and donated them to the local Salvation Army for those that need emergency food relief.

20 Dec 16 2:26 PM

Congratulations!! nice surprise for xmas

20 Dec 16 5:15 PM

@tbone999 true festive spirit. Wonderful.

20 Dec 16 8:19 PM

@Mandi_22, nice surprise, wasn't it? I'm planning those recipes already - on a strictly needs basis - economic downturn, and all that :( Hopefully the New Year will be brighter for all.

20 Dec 16 8:49 PM

@Anna2077 cheers.

20 Dec 16 8:50 PM

That was great of Dolmios :)

Who's invited for that feast? I'll bring the wine. Argh won another wine comp yesterday.

20 Dec 16 9:57 PM

@Lemond! hic...and congratulations...

20 Dec 16 11:18 PM
General Chatter

Ended thanks for your help :)

@toxicgherkin @Trevsta @FARMERTYSON @spyglass @etta1966 @Anna2077 @Mamma @fourleaf @rianlana @DiDi and anyone I missed.

Merry Christmas

19 Dec 16 5:27 PM

Too easy mate,good luck :)

19 Dec 16 6:46 PM


19 Dec 16 7:17 PM

Thanks think will need more then luck as just found out can only get a maximum of 5 referrals and missed a day of points. The winner is who gets the most points. Was hoping to make it up with some support and referrals. Doh!

Thanks @Trevsta and @toxicgherkin

19 Dec 16 7:55 PM

@Lemond entered for you anyway, hope it helps

19 Dec 16 10:00 PM

@fourleaf Thanks it's nice to know there's a bit of support out there. In the end I didn't finish off today's task as a good friend dropped by. Realistically had to do every day of the tasks and think missed the first day. Was hoping to bridge that gap with a few referrals.

X fingers for the next PC competition there's plenty out there :)

Merry Christmas.

20 Dec 16 11:12 PM

Merry Christmas to you as well @Lemond and also to all the other compers...may you all have some luck in 2017

21 Dec 16 3:27 PM

@Lemond Merry Christmas ! best of luck

22 Dec 16 10:20 AM
General Chatter

I cant believe that there a some individuals out their that are Christmas COMP GRINCH'S,
Christmas is a time of sharing
Christmas is a time of giving
and for some Christmas is heartbreaking time of the year

Some like to Not add you on the FB Pages, out of greed ? everyone should have a fair chance

People Dont know that some Families on here are In need of help, they are struggling, or for what ever reason it may be

and christmas should be a time of fairness , not even when its not the festive season

But i guess there are always people that are NASTY

Merry Christmas to the fair compers

Hopefully the new year will bring love into some peoples heart

love of caring
love of sharing
love of fairness


19 Dec 16 2:13 PM

Is this MammaPigga and changed your profile name?

After a year of comping it's interesting the type of people and why they comp. I lot are hoping for a touch of luck to help them get by. Sadly it also the time that brings out the worse whether it be through greed or desperation. I know a couple do with a good win to get them by. I hope they hang in there.

Recently been trying to help out some neighbors and get them into comping with a small amount of luck. It all helps. :)

Merry Christmas.

19 Dec 16 5:42 PM

All the best :)

19 Dec 16 6:21 PM

Hope you win some great prizes soon @Mamma

19 Dec 16 10:09 PM

Thanks Guys. its meant to be fun , but some people are going beyond their power to make life harder for some. Im sure the greed has got to them ,and then they go setting up fb pages only to make themselves get more and more referrals, some with multiply pages ......

some are greedy
some wont let you join their page, for unknown reasons, hmmm they dont want you to win

some people use comping as a stress relief ,from what may be happening in their lives
some people are greedy
some people are getting by, week by week

I hope for those who are in need and not in- greed get lots of prizes so they can share their gifts to family members etc some cant afford to buy presents this year , so this is a treat every time they win and they are genuine



19 Dec 16 10:50 PM

Merry Christmas @Mamma :)

20 Dec 16 12:36 AM

@Mamma, don't lose faith and I hope you win big. About 18 months a friend won a prize from an FB comp. She said the lady was lovely and they exchanged emails. Her and the other businesses she is associated with are aware of some people who have multiple FB comping accounts because they've been dobbed in to them. They also know of the private comp groups and the same names pop up again and again via tagging. I don't enter any comps that ask to tag. I also don't belong to any FB private comp groups. I did once and it showed me the ugly side of comping as I'm not about carrying on like a pork chop over a packet of free sweeties. Try not to feel annoyed that 'they' won't add you, you don't need them to win competitions. Have a safe and happy Christmas. M x

20 Dec 16 12:46 PM

@picky Argh cringe don't mention tagging comps my pet hate. Just saw one tonight and so tempted to say something to them, first need to wait until my wine arrives. :)

One thing we all forget it's all about the promoter. Helping them market their products to contacts etc.

What I like to do if I win is bit of free publicity for my sponsors.
Thank you Scorptec Computers, Make Use Of , Sydney Tools, Waverely Toyota, DE Bortoli wines, Wine Tribe and and Eftpos :)

20 Dec 16 10:17 PM

@picky If tagging is compulsorily for entry they run the risk of Facebook taking action for breaching their competition and promotions policy. Seen a few promoters this year have competition and all trace of shares etc removed. Also risk having their accounts suspended or worse.

Most times they however go unnoticed by Facebook unless it's a highly active competition or is reported.

20 Dec 16 10:29 PM

@picky thanks picky , your spot on !

20 Dec 16 11:22 PM

@Lemond I agree. Im just over greedy people that take this on as a fulltime job.
its meant to be fun
but i guess some a Grinch's all year round ( probably always been bullies)
its not me winning, i have won here and there
it that some people dont allow others to have a chance because of greed, I guess it like the old saying the RICH always want more and I guess the ones that win every week are up to their necks in it, do anything to keep it up....

20 Dec 16 11:27 PM

@Mamma Thanks, thou not planning anything maybe watch the cricket and catch up with friends. Well some good news I've won the eftpos competition again. :) Twice within a week. It's definitely the competition that keeps on giving. If saw my bank balance today. Ek I need to check it's correct!

21 Dec 16 2:14 AM

@Lemond thats great! been trying to win eftpos no luck yet. lets hope big $5000

21 Dec 16 10:05 AM

@Mamma it seems to be the competition that keeps on giving.
I was bit surprised I've won twice in a few days. Was a bit slow on the uptake. I got hint from @bj74 to finally getting around to entering. It all helps and the best prize as can use it however. I could definitely do with $5000. A washing machine and new pc would be the on top of the list.

Good Luck!

21 Dec 16 11:34 AM

@Lemond mine would be clear credit card debt and pay bills . sad but that would be it. Best OF LUCK

21 Dec 16 11:39 PM
I've Won

Scoopon - umm, iPad Mini..? awaiting promoter's notification email....unless I have a doppleganger...

18 Dec 16 8:12 PM

didn't realise that they had comps as well

19 Dec 16 9:30 AM

@Anna2077 yes, Scoopon ran a 12 days of Christmas promotion. Ended now. I replied to their email that I received today, providing contact details. Nice to know at least one promoter has a system that works!

19 Dec 16 5:50 PM

@toxicgherkin True!!

between volunteering & going to job interviews I've missed out on entering some 12 days comps... cannot enter them all, right?

19 Dec 16 6:13 PM

@Anna2077 so, so true!

19 Dec 16 7:18 PM

@toxicgherkin agency told me it was a 9 months may be 12 months contract. Went to the interview today, besides that he told me that I was the only one, he sent 3 other people AND it's ONLY till 30 Dec.

Telling the truth must be difficult for him...

19 Dec 16 9:20 PM

Congratulations @toxicgherkin!
@Anna2077 Disappointing, I hope you went back and told him exactly what happened and asked for an explanation. That's just not on in my books. I can imagine how you must have felt. Chin up and stand tall.

19 Dec 16 10:29 PM

@fourleaf just heard, it gets better.. the interviewer hated all of us, had something negative to say.. works great when you need a job and the agency might never touch you again..

The agency still thinks the job is for 9 - 12 months . Now it's on hold and they are taking on someone just till the 30th.

The cow that interviewed me is the one who is lying to everyone...need money so a bit down.

I'm usually good at reading people but I though the interview went well.. boy was I wrong LOL

Waiting for the shoe to drop as my tooth broke & dentist is away for the next 2 weeks. .

What will be #3? or may be not getting the job & bad feedback are 1& 2 :-)

20 Dec 16 11:51 AM

@Anna2077 Chin up. Next year's yours!

20 Dec 16 1:28 PM

@Anna2077 don't let it get to you. Some companies and employment agencies are just hopeless from what I've heard. Have you tried calling some of the big companies about and asking what employment agencies they use and then putting you're name down? When a company pays a private employment agency to find them people I'd hope the agency would perform much better.

20 Dec 16 1:34 PM

@toxicgherkin aww thank you :-) From your mouth to g-d ears as they say... sorry to be a downer but it kind of hit me hard today.

20 Dec 16 4:36 PM

@fourleaf most use all the agencies that I use, but I'm not 20 but its the lies and the rudeness that got to me today.

Not sure who to blame, agency often fibs but I think this time it's the company. I was told it till the 30th, now the agency was told it's only till the 30th.

Since I was rejected this time I can never apply to this company again.. that gets me as well. This way they are closing the door to a lot of people. Right now 4, but she does it each and every time...

Plus she shut the door for me to use this agency again. If I am not suitable that's fine, but no need to be this nasty.

20 Dec 16 4:39 PM

@Anna2077 so sorry. The New Year will undoubtedly bring new opportunities. Carpe Diem, 'they' say, Stuff that! Carpe EVERYTHING! Wishing you and yours the happiest of times as this year wraps up. Exciting things ahead!

20 Dec 16 8:55 PM

@toxicgherkin thank you! All the best to you and your family, 2017 has to be awesome...

Sorry was Debbie downer yesterday but got hit hard & neararest and dearest told me to deal with it like I always do.... some days it's impossible.

21 Dec 16 9:10 AM
General Chatter

What's up with these new "profiles" promoting their wares?

17 Dec 16 4:41 PM

It's christmas time that's why.

17 Dec 16 5:16 PM

@pizzaman111 @admin They suspiciously don't seem like genuine profiles. If they want free promotion they could place a featured a competition. :)


17 Dec 16 6:32 PM

I was only joking

17 Dec 16 10:27 PM

And I was only suggesting they might get more effective promotion if they featured a competition. :)

It seems only a small percentage of members actually read the forum. I'm sure we could all squeeze in doing a couple more comps before Christmas or is everyone need a comping holiday?

With a few similar profiles appearing recently it's possible they might be all bots. The posts appeared to be formal and similar bit like my spam emails.

18 Dec 16 5:23 AM
I've Won | Coca-Cola - Win a retro Coca-Cola branded cooler!

Well I'm just super excited to have won an awesome retro coke cooler. I only entered once and I'd forgotten about it, so when the text message came through yesterday I was very surprised!! Happy Christmas comping everyone

13 Dec 16 3:50 PM

Congrats I also think @toxicgherkin won one as well :)

14 Dec 16 12:45 AM

@Alittlebitoffun, I received an email re same. Have to print off a letter (bearing unique Prize code) and take it down to my local store. Congratulations.

14 Dec 16 8:11 AM


14 Dec 16 7:48 PM


15 Dec 16 7:19 AM
I've Won | Ballerina - Win a Movie Prize Pack Giveaway: Ballerina

Well this makes up for missing two days of the guessing game!

What a lovely surprise in my inbox today :)

My little Bear will be super excited about this prize! She loves pretending to be a Ballerina! This will be her first movie :)

Very excited :D

13 Dec 16 1:03 PM

Yay, cool prize

13 Dec 16 2:35 PM

Beautiful prize fit for a princess congratulations!

14 Dec 16 7:48 PM

Nice win!

15 Dec 16 7:19 AM

Aww, so so cute. Congratulations, shtooff.

16 Dec 16 4:52 PM
General Chatter

DAMN!!! Forgot to log in and do guessing game over the weekend!! There goes my chance leaderboard for this month! :(

Oh well.

12 Dec 16 7:57 AM

@shtooff, it happens to all of us now and then. That's been certainly true of me. Next year has your name all over it! Festive cheers.

12 Dec 16 9:02 PM

Thanks @toxicgherkin. At least I got to see #1 once this month! :) hehe

13 Dec 16 8:37 AM

@toxicgherkin has the safe arrived in time for Christmas? You need a place where to hide things from kids hehe

Hope you've recovered and are back to your usual self

13 Dec 16 10:41 AM

Always the guessing game for this week :) I almost did the same a couple of days ago just scrapping in with a few minutes to go.

14 Dec 16 12:48 AM

@Anna2077 no prize receipt as yet. I contacted the company. They've had a recent change of management. O-oh! I won't hold my breath.. :(

14 Dec 16 8:13 AM

@toxicgherkin it's coming from Bauer media? if thats the price then you'll get it

14 Dec 16 10:01 AM

@Anna2077 yes it was a Bauer media promotion though it was confirmed in Bauer's notification email that the Supplier would be in touch to make necessary arrangements. I've placed my enquiry with the Supplier (phone and follow-up email), and will hear from them soon (hopefully). :)

14 Dec 16 10:26 AM

@toxicgherkin hopefully soon, if not then contact Bauer media. They claim that no matter what the prizes are issued.

14 Dec 16 6:44 PM

@Anna2077 Contact established. I ended up picking up the prizes on Friday. :)

18 Dec 16 5:49 PM

@toxicgherkin Fantastic!! Just in time to hide gifts from kids and chocolate stash :-)

18 Dec 16 5:51 PM

@Anna2077 What's that combination again..? umm lol

18 Dec 16 8:10 PM

@toxicgherkin did you hear about the dvds?

19 Dec 16 8:05 AM

@shtooff not as yet. I'll try to chase supplier/s directly this week, as often that's from whom the prizes are distributed. I'll let you know how I fare.

19 Dec 16 8:23 AM

@toxicgherkin just change it from all zeros default or kids will crack it in a second :-)

19 Dec 16 9:28 AM

@Anna2077 hehe...though we all know that once you set and memorise a new code/password, you forget one!

19 Dec 16 5:49 PM

@toxicgherkin I know, but try birthday dates, post codes where you've lived anything that will not be easy to forget.. having said that I forget passwords all the time.

With recruitment agencies i just don't bother remembering and reset them each time I need to use it.

19 Dec 16 6:16 PM

@Anna2077 If it was alphabetical, I'd choose 'PASS'! lol

19 Dec 16 7:19 PM

@toxicgherkin too short, you still need numbers at at times !@#$% etc

19 Dec 16 9:17 PM

@toxicgherkin 6969 RockingHam Beach WA PO boxes. You won't forget that one :)

Big you get your ham you won?

20 Dec 16 10:03 PM

@Lemond started upon it tonight - delicious. If you're quick, we'll save a hunk for you... ;) ....though my 18 yo lad has descended upon the house this eve, so, good luck with that! Midnight, muchies!..and then some. He eats me out of house and home! The 15 yo, by comparison, is a sparrow! :( lol

20 Dec 16 11:22 PM

@toxicgherkin Argh missed out the quick and the dead. Caught up with a good mate tonight had fish and chips. Something haven't done in a while.

Well... guess what I've won the eftpos again. I think it's a new email. They must of seen my bank balance. Sigh thou says may take 4-6 weeks to deliver. On Friday it said 10 days so expecting that one soon along with more wine.

21 Dec 16 2:20 AM

@Lemond yay! Congratulations.

21 Dec 16 6:45 AM
General Chatter

bah humbug my daily score has been under 5 for the last week.... so much for the merry xmas ... still winning competition remains at world low. Nothing in the last few months.

11 Dec 16 2:36 PM
General Chatter

@themuzzer Welcome :)

Well regarding whatever the your issue is with the Facebook winners group just get the best from it. It's not the complete list of competition results, just a handy group for being notified if you've had a win.

Agree with @Alittlebitoffun it's an extremely helpful group especially as a lot of promoters don't tag the winner. The group also can be a resource for sorting out competition issues. Some group members have the expertise and professionalism to investigate issues such as prizes not being sent or questionable judging of creative competitions etc.

In the past allegedly the group it's had it's dramas. It was one of reasons I joined as curious about what the fuss was all about to judge for myself. I've had great insight into the voluntary contribution the group provides. You have to understand the ones administrating the group volunteer their expertise and are balancing the Christmas rush of competitions. Their patience might be a bit thin at this time of year. Overall I would say they conduct themselves in professional manner to resolve most issues.

Why might it be closed?
I guess some conversations would be regarding questionable managed competitions. i.e. not rewarding prizes, questionable judging for WOL, fake/scam competitions etc. Probably wouldn't want to have those debates available to various promoters. I'm not sure why they initially made it private. Maybe it was to slow down the trolls?

At times passionate topics come up with various opinions. I just hope that whatever action is taken for an issue it's done in a cautious and diplomatic manner. Jumping to assumptions can end badly which may reflect adversely on all compers.

Hmm @themuzzer just joined sounds like someones trolling. Maybe an existing member that doesn't want to own their views. :)

Hopefully it's not regarding one member recently been given the flick. From what I briefly read they have the opportunity to sort to out if they wish.

Merry Christmas

11 Dec 16 1:21 AM

@Lemond well said, couldn't agree more! And a Merry Christmas to you :)

11 Dec 16 1:37 AM

@Alittlebitoffun Thanks how you coping with the Christmas tsunami of competitions? I wish I knew in advance what this was like. Might of prepared for the onslaught instead a 1/2 dozen days into it. It's like hitting the shops at Christmas time which I avoid like the plague.

Merry Christmas :)

11 Dec 16 1:44 AM

@Alittlebitoffun No surprise they deleted the thread. Why I didn't post there.

I did still wanted to ask @LuckyNicky if they had written a blog on surviving the Christmas 12 days of "Joy" period.

11 Dec 16 1:59 AM

I'm honestly getting slaughtered out there lol I have no system and am missing so many daily competitions. I can't keep up, between work and my two little ones, I barely have time to Comp on a normal day.
I've had a few small wins, but nothing to write home about. How are you going? You keeping up ok? Would love to hear any suggestions you may have on keeping up lol

11 Dec 16 3:17 PM

@Alittlebitoffun lol Yeh if only I had prepared.
The Christmas tsunami has caused me to reevaluate my organisational of competitions. You might of seen the results today in various groups. :) Been organizing things as part of relaxing of entering them.

Well for the daily 12 days of "joy" I created a page to quickly click on them all. Gee reminds me I better to todays lol.

It expanded to somewhere around 30-40 at least daily ones. lol

Won enough wine for Christmas with a couple of wins.
One very nice wines hamper with candles and poster. The La Boheme posters arrived yesterday they look amazing. :)

13 Dec 16 10:38 PM
General Chatter

@Goldmember Congratulations for this weeks guessing game. :)

04 Dec 16 7:54 AM

@Goldmember congrats!

04 Dec 16 10:30 AM

Thanks guys !

04 Dec 16 9:21 PM
General Chatter

On the first of Christmas what do I see
a mountain of gifts for free.

Hope everyone is enjoy all the Christmas competitions.

01 Dec 16 10:06 PM
General Chatter

Anyone interesting in Photography competitions.

29 Nov 16 8:54 PM
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers!

Here's the latest from Blog:


Hope you all enjoy & Don't get caught!


28 Nov 16 4:52 PM

Great read, I think that would be everybody's ideal job! :)

29 Nov 16 11:05 AM

I'm glad I'm my own boss and I give myself permission to use my own laptap to enter comps. LOL

30 Nov 16 1:01 PM

Next year can we please have a survival guide for the Christmas tsunami of competitions. :)

Lucky I've won a few wines to get me through it. :)

17 Dec 16 4:51 PM
General Chatter

Anyone else having troubles submitting for this comp?

Keeps saying, "Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again later."

I've been trying for a week! Might have to contact them.

27 Nov 16 12:51 PM

Tried it, getting the same thing when I tried to submit. I'm on wireless at the moment.
Had the same problem with a competition last week and they suggested a different device.

27 Nov 16 2:41 PM

Nope, just went straight into it

27 Nov 16 2:47 PM

Excluding website issues. Possible you need to disable adblocking or enable javascript in your browser for that page to function. Hints one of those possible issues. Occasional come across sites where have that issue. What I do is swap to a browser I don't usually use or another device.

27 Nov 16 10:28 PM

Thanks guys
I'm using Chrome - I've tried two PCs, have Java enabled, but I do have adblock on.
@bj74 was there a popup when you submitted your entry?

27 Nov 16 10:56 PM

@shtooff I didn't enter.

Just experience with entry forms for competitions.
I recall one time the submit button wouldn't even display for a competition and was frantically trying to get a last minute entry in.

Try temporarily pausing any ad blocking extensions running and refresh the page. That most likely will do the trick.

First idea try a different browser.
I have a few backup browsers which break open in case of emergency. They are fresh installs which rarely use, so shouldn't be any issues with them. X fingers.

Possible could be a system settings for the internet privacy causing issues. In that case try a different device as a quick fix.

For Java enabled I guessing your referring to Java Script verses Java Applets. On that note I rarely see Applets around anymore. I think they've died off.

Hope one of those ideas helps you.
Let us know which one worked. Bound to be someone having a similar issue.

28 Nov 16 12:48 AM

Thanks @Lemond. Will give some of these a try! Will update you - hopefully with a good result :)

28 Nov 16 10:12 AM

No, I just went into the link you put up, I'm just on my phone@shtooff

28 Nov 16 12:18 PM

Tried on the work PC. Worked instantly! Yay!

30 Nov 16 8:36 AM

@shtooff lol. :) Winner!

It's probably related to some issue you've got running the java script on that page. Could be many reasons from even needing to update your browser.


30 Nov 16 11:57 AM

Thanks @Lemond. Let's hope now that I WIN!! :)

30 Nov 16 2:58 PM
I've Won

I don't think this one is listed yet, but I won a $100 prepaid Visa card through eftpos australia fb page

26 Nov 16 5:32 PM


26 Nov 16 11:27 PM

Nothing like free money, top win!

27 Nov 16 12:08 AM

Congratulations. @bj74

Talking about free money got comp for more $$$:)

Referral Link:
Ends: November 30, 2016
Open To: Worldwide
Prizes: Total of 10 prizes grand Prize $1,000

Good Luck to all!

27 Nov 16 6:24 AM

Nice one, bj!

27 Nov 16 8:14 AM

Happy Dayz!

27 Nov 16 8:57 AM


27 Nov 16 2:31 PM


27 Nov 16 6:13 PM

Winner winner chicken dinner, just won my second $100 Visa card

28 Nov 16 5:22 PM

@bj74 Wow ok I'm getting the hint I should check out that competition :)

29 Nov 16 1:33 AM

Yip you're right there@Lemond

29 Nov 16 7:18 AM

Lovely win (AGAIN)! lol.. Congratulations, @bj74.

29 Nov 16 9:13 AM

Wow! Congratulations again!

29 Nov 16 10:57 AM

It's such an easy competition to enter, come on everyone enter now

29 Nov 16 3:28 PM

@bj74 For the trifecta , if you were shopping at Woolworth's and scanned your rewards card, can enter the Eftpos andWoolworth's comps and earn reward points all at the same time. :)

30 Nov 16 12:26 AM

That's great @Mandi_22 , I have a friend that has won twice now as well, sure will come in handy

15 Dec 16 12:36 PM

@Mandi_22 Congrats :)

16 Dec 16 3:15 AM

Thanks @bj74 we have another winner. :)

Congratulations, you're a winner of a $100 prepaid eftpos gift card in the eftpos CHQ, SAV & WIN promotion

16 Dec 16 6:38 PM

Great stuff @Lemond

16 Dec 16 8:21 PM

@Lemond congratulations. Woot. Woot!

17 Dec 16 7:44 AM

@bj74 @toxicgherkin Thanks it will be a nice Christmas breather for some bills. It's a competition that keeps on giving!

I will post up tomorrow evening around 6 pm for a special request for a competition which is points based for a laptop.
The extra points from referrals would help tremendously and be most appreciated. :)

Merry Christmas

17 Dec 16 4:38 PM

@bj74 Thanks again!
Got another nice email yesterday from Eftpos. I had to double check I wasn't looking at the same email :)

21 Dec 16 11:23 AM

That's great @Lemond , one thing I'm surprised about though , they only come in regular post

22 Dec 16 9:46 AM

@bj74 Yeh I will have to keep an eye on for it. Fridays win said 10 days for delivery and Tuesday said 4-6 weeks due to Christmas.

22 Dec 16 10:41 PM

Apparently they have started sending them registered post@Lemond

23 Dec 16 10:45 AM
General Chatter

my guessing game points 1200 alot of others 1300? whats going on

26 Nov 16 3:45 PM

Did you miss points for the guessing game this month? AGAIN! I've run out fingers for this year it's happened to you. Big hug. I noticed earlier in the month, but wasn't sure if you were one of the many to have the issues. Direct it to @admin ASAP when you noticed it. Looks like they have implemented a quick fix if it occurs.

27 Nov 16 6:28 AM

i have no idea. maybe i need to sign out of website and come in daily

27 Nov 16 6:13 PM
General Chatter

Black Friday Sales... have been looking forward to them for weeks.

Apple aren't giving a discount by an email of a gift card .. anything from $30 to $140

When I tried to add things to the cart it added the item, plus $140 less $140 and the total was the original total...

Just love a bargain when it costs same as before the sale ... hehe

25 Nov 16 12:45 AM

Loving all the international tech comps today :)

25 Nov 16 11:58 AM
General Chatter

@toxicgherkin, how are you feeling?

24 Nov 16 3:14 PM

@Anna2077, remarkably well, thanks. Next outpatients appointment tomorow. Hoping you're on the same trajectory. :)

24 Nov 16 10:39 PM

@toxicgherkin glad to hear it :-) Next Drs visit is in January.. will start to worry few days prior LOL

25 Nov 16 12:42 AM
I've Won

So this showed up today! No note, no nothing! It says Big Balloon on the box but I can't find the comp in the drop down list. I do remember vaguely entering a comp for this teletubbie toy, but cannot for the life of me remember what kind of comp it was.
Does anyone remember?
Very exciting though! Great timing for Christmas :)

24 Nov 16 11:55 AM

mystery winning
😃 well done!

24 Nov 16 12:08 PM

Congratulations :)

24 Nov 16 12:33 PM

Thanks guys!
I just googled! They're worth $40! SCORE!! :D
My little Bear and Bee will both be very excited :)

24 Nov 16 12:53 PM


24 Nov 16 1:12 PM

Cool, great win

24 Nov 16 1:32 PM

Good on ya!

24 Nov 16 3:08 PM

Great win and I don't recall it either .. just google i.. Mouth of Mums comp closed on the 17th

24 Nov 16 3:15 PM

Bit early for Santa maybe the little green men dropped by. UFO?

24 Nov 16 5:16 PM

I had something like that happen to me last week. Out of the blue an Eau Thermale Avene Xeracalm cream & spray oil turned up in a post pack with no note, only a return address.

25 Nov 16 9:35 AM

Strange I posted a comment and it vanished... @shtooff , think it was one from Mouth of Mums, unless someone else ran it as well

25 Nov 16 10:12 AM

Congratulations :)

25 Nov 16 10:35 AM

Thanks everyone! I had a memory last night actually! Can't remember who ran it, but I remember the Q&A.
Q: Why does your little one love Telletubbies (or what do they love about Telletubbies) (Something like that!)
A: Miss 3 loves the Sun! She loves that it looks like her baby sister.

Something like that anyway :)

25 Nov 16 12:04 PM

Nice win Shtooff !

25 Nov 16 3:02 PM

Found it! Family Capers!!
Not in the drop down list! Perhaps it wasn't listed on this site but I found the comp from entering the other comps they had listed!

25 Nov 16 5:03 PM

@shtooff Handy hint search your internet history. Sometimes I check it if I have forgotten to bookmark a competition entered, to avoid accidentally double entry. By bookmarking can check what I've entered to help check back who won. :)

Congratulations again. :)

25 Nov 16 11:18 PM

good idea @Lemond. Will have to check my history when I'm back at work. I think I entered this one on my lunch break! However, I have a feeling my browsing history will be gone! Good for the future though :)

27 Nov 16 12:49 PM

@shtooff When entering competitions I only use Chrome. I.e. all entered using the same browser and history is displayed for each device. Good luck. I do with a good clear out of my bookmarks after a year of comping. lol

27 Nov 16 4:40 PM

@shtooff When entering competitions I only use Chrome. I.e. all entered using the same browser and history is displayed for each device. Good luck. I do with a good clear out of my bookmarks after a year of comping. lol

27 Nov 16 4:40 PM
General Chatter

@admin Argh Stepped on a mine. That bug for losing points clicking on an expired link still works. :( -1 Point from the Mwave comp just want to check if there was winners announcement earlier today. I was wondering if that "feature" still existed.

24 Nov 16 12:24 AM
General Chatter

Happy Birthday @spyglass

Good Luck with the Leader board for this month. :)

23 Nov 16 6:11 PM

Thanks and I need a lot of luck as I've had a bad month on the daily points :(

24 Nov 16 12:02 PM

Happy birthday!!

24 Nov 16 12:42 PM

@Spyglass Happy Birthday!

24 Nov 16 1:24 PM

@spyglass Think an early congratulations for 2nd or 3rd at worse. 194 should about scrap you into the top 3.

30 Nov 16 9:12 AM

@Lemond thanks :) I'll take 2nd place anytime! Having a birthday helped though and those points were necessary as I didn't have a great run through the middle of the month. Sadly though, that's my biggest comp win so far!

01 Dec 16 12:27 PM

Just like the monopoly game, "You win second prize in a beauty contest"!

Congrats. Just the start of a big week of competition results. Wins seem to come in runs so hang in there.

In still waiting on my "welcome" gift to this site.

If it's your birthday month just needed a few points above the average, depending how many birthday members in the month. You just scrapped in above 165 + bonus. Was looking that you would be close.

For 30 days winner will be about 200 points +- about 5, and 3rd is about 192ish. 31 days about 205, 200 and 195 ish would be roughly expected. That gives me a good idea how I'm going regardless of what the leader board looks like at the time.
Knowing all that, I knew about 10 days ago that I would be short by around 10 points. Getting 1 two days in a row midway didn't help :(

For winning.
The people that win regularly especially on Facebook competitions.
Some enter anything and everything playing the numbers game.
Others do well at the creative ones WOL etc. They seem are a good option if got some flare or passionate about the prize/promoter.
Then you got the "networking" skill for the tagging competitions and referrals etc. Personally, on Facebook they should bin/ban tagging competitions for numerous reasons.

I tend to concentrate on bringing home the gold back to Australia with the international competitions. More recently working on the referrals trying to find the more obscure competitions which are appreciated and hopefully in turn pick up a few referrals.

It comes down improving the odds, so potentially less waiting between wins. Even in Monopoly there are strategies for improving your odds (ie. the set before/after free parking). I've research the odds for everything. lol

Overall had a bit of luck this year. Couple very nice wins an SDD, iPad Pro and some Power Tools which gave to a good tradie friend. Desperately need a new PC, Washing machine or cash is always king.

Good Luck :)

01 Dec 16 2:44 PM

@Lemond thanks ...I do tend to stay away from the FB comps which is a worry as they are getting more prevalent. I just don't want to clog up my feed (which is bad enough as I am in a lot of groups in case something comes up for my day job), but I may have to give in and create a comp only FB identity at some stage.

02 Dec 16 8:01 AM

@spyglass Yeh there's a mountain of facebook ones, especially at the moment all the 12 days of XMAS ones. I'm going to glad when the 12 days is over.

I should ask one of my contacts how they handle that with clogging up the feed etc. If it's important for work you should set the See First in the News Feed options for that FB page.

You might have issues with FB or the promoter if you win and it's a "FAKE" or competition only account. Hope mine isn't judged as "competition" only by a promoter. I noticed one FB competition in the post would disqualify any "competition" only accounts.

02 Dec 16 9:50 AM

Thanks, @admin & @Zedmin for the Guessing Game points correction applied today to my account, and I'm gathering, to similarly affected account holders too. I'm hopeful the system has checks and balances in it to catch the error should it arise again. Anyway, thank you. :)

23 Nov 16 11:25 AM

@Admin and @Zedmin, thank you!

23 Nov 16 2:15 PM

@Anna2077 @toxicgherkin @rianlana :) Glad your guessing game points finally got adjusted.

@toxicgherkin It has it checks, the mass of guinea pigs (members) to stumble across the minefield of bugs. It's how MS etc operate lol.

Looks like done the quick fix again. Wonder if it's an automated process or manual to check and adjust which members were affected. If they store the daily time-stamps for the guessing game for the whole month, would be able to calculate the number of days entered. Good chance only do that for each weeks guessing game.

X fingers either have made some changes to check and fix this bug or in the to do list before XMAS. :)

23 Nov 16 5:59 PM